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Iranian Chill Thread

Question for the Iranians:

What do you prefer?
- Attack an American base and kill two Americans
- Attack the Israel Mediterranean pipelines to Greece with 10 drones. Erdogan may thank you for that :)
- Attack KSA infrastructures with 100 drones.
- Take 5 supertankers with Panama flag

A question to Americans:
What do you like more:
- Send enforcement to the Persian gulf and risk a war
- Have an extra $1000 COVID-19 stimulus at the end of the month.

@Arian @SalarHaqq
@aryobarzan @WudangMaster @Raghfarm007 @Cthulhu

As far as I'm concerned, either the second or the fourth option.

Eliminating merely two low ranking US occupation troops will not do justice to the stature of the greats cowardly assassinated by the enemy.

As for Saudi infrastructures, not only would it feel redundant after Ansarullah's master stroke at Abqaiq (probably aided by Iran), but the regime in Riyadh is simply the subordinate client here. Hitting the masters, more than any of their valets, is the way to go here. The brazenness of recent US and zionist crimes demands it, albeit the impact of these crimes was mostly psychological and symbolic more than geostrategic.

When Abqaiq was struck, Iran still had some bilateral scores to settle with the Sauds following Bin Salman's foolish threat of "bringing the war onto Iranian soil" and the terrorist attack on the military parade in Ahvaz, in which Saudi intelligence is said to have had a hand. Also, there was an inherent logic in the choice of Abqaiq, because the US regime had sanctioned Iranian oil exports and was threatening to seize Iranian tankers. So the Yemeni operation was at the same time a warning shot from Iran to make the enemy understand what would happen in case they went ahead with an actual shipping blockade.

Now between options two and four, number two presents the advantage of novelty (given that tankers have already been confiscated by Iran), it takes direct aim at the interests of the zionist regime (US implication in shahid Fakhrizadeh's martyrdom was probably secondary if at all), it will be interpreted as a tit-for-tat not just for shahid Fakhrizadeh but also for the minor explosion at Natanz and any other rightly or wrongly reported sabotage act against Iran (while surpassing these in magnitude), will represent a more formidable and impressive display of Iranian military prowess, guaranteed to impress friend and foe alike.

However it should be noted that in case Iran went ahead with this particular option (or a similar one), the enemy will feel more pressed to retaliate, and thus some attempt at military counter-action would have to be expected. Depending on the scale of the latter, Iran would then have to consider carrying out a follow-on hit, and so on and so forth until the enemy calms down.

So if this aspect is cleared, my ultimate preference would go to option two.

At any rate, these proposed actions, while very interesting and desirable, by themselves wouldn't make for sufficient compensation for the terrorist attacks against sardar Soleimani and Iranian scientists.

Therefore Iran will need to keep up the pressure on the enemy, by doubling down on its present regional and international strategy - accelerate the build up of networks in Syria, particularly in proximity of the border to the occupied Golan Heights, keep improving Hezbollah's, Hamas' and Islamic Jihad's armament and training, multiply underground storage bases (including for ballistic missiles) in Syria and Lebanon, increase efforts to encourage and empower the Iraqi public, politicians and Resistance groups in their demands for complete withdrawal of US occupation forces from their country, help Venezuela attain greater agricultural and industrial self-sufficiency, particularly in the defence sector and provide Caracas with ballistic missiles, etc.

Renewed intransigence on the nuclear dossier in the face of attempts to renegotiate the JCPOA or expand it to other domains than the nuclear one, would be welcome as well.

But the biggest setback Iran could inflict on her enemies, would be to politically sideline the liberal and western-apologetic factions within the IRI establishment. With the fifth column neutralized, the enemy would think much harder before engagin in any act of hostility because it would realize that domestic impediments to stronger Iranian reaction would largely be gone and the IRGC and Leadership would have greater maneuvering space to act in more decisive ways.
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An armed group in Iraq close to Iran has announced that they will fight against US troops across Iraq. US warplanes also fly in the South of Iraq. There is a great tension in the area

Asaib Ahl al-Haq militia threatens Iraqi PM Mustafa al-Kadhimi of God's punishment befalling on him by the "Islamic Resistance," waiting for the signal from Qais al-Khazali

Iraqi Shiite insurgent source "Sabereen News": Fighters from insurgent faction Quwaat al-Zulfiqar have been deployed in Baghdad and Asaib Ahl al-Haq special forces personnel have taken positions in the Al-Rusafa area of eastern Baghdad

Tasnim- Deputy commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Quds Force said (on Friday) a "harsh revenge" for the assassination of Lt. General Qassem Soleimani will be definitely taken

Israeli army spokesperson to Saudi paper Elaph: "Israeli army submarines are ready to prevent an Iranian attack from Iraq or Yemen. We have intelligence that they are developing drones and missiles (in those countries) that could reach Israel"

Few days ago, Iraqi Intelligence arrested a senior member of Asaib Ahl al-Haq, Husam al-Azirjawi, in Sadr city, Baghdad for his 'alleged' involvement in bombing the Green Zone. Reports say he will be handed over to Hashd al-Shaabi after talks between Gov't and AAH tonight

I am usually good at putting Jigsaw puzzles together ...this one is proving difficult...! something is cooking...but what..who is cooking it! ..Iran or US
Iran side:
  • Anniversary of Gen Sulimani/Muhandis assassination;
  • Visit of IRGc commander to Syria and Iraq;
  • recent attacks on Saudi ships in the red sea;
  • Inspections of IRGC commanders to Persian Gulf Islands;
  • Iraqi PMU mobilization in Baghdad
US side:
  • Last days of Trump in office;
  • Nashville explosion (false flag on Iran or marshal law in US);
  • US nuclear sub in the Persian gulf;
  • Rumored Israeli sub around Persian gulf;
  • US embassy evacuation from Baghdad;
  • Troop movements in Erbil;
  • Israel attack on Syria
Winter has arrived in Iran on time.. and we had a rain and +8 degrees on Christmas day here in Ontario....add to that formation of a big lake in the middle of Lut desert in Iran...Climate change or just a fluke of nature..!

یک سری از قسمت های فشار ماکسیموم به ایران هنوز اجرا نشده ولی مطمین باشین تحت بررسیه. مخالفان نگران عواقبش هستن

بمب گذاری های کور در مراکز پرجمعیت برای ترساندن مردم
هدف اینکه امنیت ندارید

حمله با بمبهای تاکتیکال چند صد تنی و نسبت دادن اون به خرابکاری در مراکز مخفی هسته ای ایران

نگران عواقبشن
وگرنه رحمی در کار نخواهد بود

بازدارندگی باعث میشه شهرهای ایران مثل المان و ژاپن نشن
ترس ما ببینن جری تر میشن
جرات ببینن میترسن​
یک سری از قسمت های فشار ماکسیموم به ایران هنوز اجرا نشده ولی مطمین باشین تحت بررسیه. مخالفان نگران عواقبش هستن

بمب گذاری های کور در مراکز پرجمعیت برای ترساندن مردم
هدف اینکه امنیت ندارید

حمله با بمبهای تاکتیکال چند صد تنی و نسبت دادن اون به خرابکاری در مراکز مخفی هسته ای ایران

نگران عواقبشن
وگرنه رحمی در کار نخواهد بود

بازدارندگی باعث میشه شهرهای ایران مثل المان و ژاپن نشن
ترس ما ببینن جری تر میشن
جرات ببینن میترسن​
من هم دقیقاً نگرانی ام از همین هست که اگر هزینه ندن تا جایی پیش برن که دیگه بی بازگشت باشه
جنگ با آمریکا حتی اگه در نهایت در دفاع پیروز هم بشیم، چون زمین بازی ایران هست، منجر به صدماتی می شه که تا چندین دهه ما رو از همه معادلات منطقه حذف می کنه​
i would like to know what you guys think about, how hard is it for Iran to deploay air defence in lebanon?
i am asking, since most israeli attacks are coming from lebanon air space. i know that we need also the goverment of lebanon to give us the ok for it (Hezbollah is not enoug). but since the Hezbollah have the most seats in the parlament it should be easy for Iran to do it offcialy like they did in syria.

what do you guys think?
من هم دقیقاً نگرانی ام از همین هست که اگر هزینه ندن تا جایی پیش برن که دیگه بی بازگشت باشه
جنگ با آمریکا حتی اگه در نهایت در دفاع پیروز هم بشیم، چون زمین بازی ایران هست، منجر به صدماتی می شه که تا چندین دهه ما رو از همه معادلات منطقه حذف می کنه

اینجا نقطه مشترک من و شماست که این وضعیت پایدار نیست و با سه حالت پایدار میشه
جنگ تمام عیار
هسته ای شدن وسیع ایران
مدلی از برجام

زیر دریایی اسراییل با سه تا موشک یک معنی داره​
i would like to know what you guys think about, how hard is it for Iran to deploay air defence in lebanon?
i am asking, since most israeli attacks are coming from lebanon air space. i know that we need also the goverment of lebanon to give us the ok for it (Hezbollah is not enoug). but since the Hezbollah have the most seats in the parlament it should be easy for Iran to do it offcialy like they did in syria.

what do you guys think?
Some sort of area wide integrated air defense grid would need to be set up throughout parts of Lebanon n order to deal with israli aircraft. Some passive radars with low foot print that can serve as some sort of early warning would be a good start.

اینجا نقطه مشترک من و شماست که این وضعیت پایدار نیست و با سه حالت پایدار میشه
جنگ تمام عیار
هسته ای شدن وسیع ایران
مدلی از برجام

زیر دریایی اسراییل با سه تا موشک یک معنی داره​
به نظرم این امکان وجود داره که زیر دریایی اسرائیل و آمریکا برای گرداوری اطلاعات و حمله به متحدین ایران در عراق و یمن اومده باشن. به خصوص یمن

امیدوارم جنگ نشه چون به خاک سیاه می شینیم. آمریکا ممکن هست بعد از جنگ دیگه برترین قدرت نباشه، اما باز هم سطح روسیه و چین باقی می مونه. اما ایران کلاً همه چیزش رو جلوی رقیب های منطقه ایش از دست می ده

و از دید من تنها راه جلوگیری از چنین چیزی هسته ای شدن هست. حتی مدل جدیدی از برجام هم جلوی این مسیری که ایران توش افتاده رو نمی گیره​
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