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Iranian Chill Thread

We arent a gulf Arab country with Oil/gas money to throw at something so ridicilous. The comparison is stupid, not as stupid as UAE thinking they have an actual space program lol. On this we can agree atleast.

The comparison is much more accurate than you are willing to realise. Both of your nations rely on paying outsiders to launch your systems. Whether your satellites are being build by you more than theirs is something else. You're more or less on the same level.

It really isnt that much of an achievement. I am not putting you down but what you essentialy did was create small low res sattelites and strapped them unto a ballistic missile.

How do you know it is low resolution? Do you have access to the photos taken by it?

The payload has no monetery value and therefore expendable, so is the missile its used.

What is the payload of the SLV in question?

This is not an actual space program, and something only isolated countries do out of desperation. Desperation is not an achievement, its just desperation and coming to terms with reality of your situation.

You do not even know what you're talking about. Being able to manufacture ones own satellites and put them into orbit is a precisely what is a space program. You definition of an actual space program must be paying France to launch your satellites?

Had Turkey been in Iran's place we probably would have done the same, but we dont so its useless to compare.

Exactly, in other words you rely on paying foreigner and importing their technologies whereas Iran has to develop such a thing by itself.

Are you suffering from an inferiority complex that much? Not our problem your country is isolated and considered a rogue state.

So this was your reply to that comment which was about your country not having the technological base to produce SLV's? When you have nothing to reply with, it's best not to say anything instead of these rantings.

You think this is the first time you Iranians talked all this shit? I have been on this forum for nearly a decade, people like you come and go and each time we have to repeat ourselves and shut you people up. Its tradition at this point.

You're not doing a very good job so far, all I am seeing from you is desperate damage control.
The comparison is much more accurate than you are willing to realise. Both of your nations rely on paying outsiders to launch your systems. Whether your satellites are being build by you more than theirs is something else. You're more or less on the same level.
There is absolutely no comparison. UAE paid for everything and developed nothing. They never had any monetary incentive to build it themselves because they were never after technology or capability, just the achievement of having launched a mission. Turkey is inherently different in the sense it wants the technology and capabilties first, and wants to develop it itself.

You on the other, took a ballistic missile that isnt capable of launching any big payload and just strapped a lightweight easy to make low res sattelite on it and called it a space program. Nobody in their right might would call this an actuall space program, except for dipshits like you who desperatly want validation.

How do you know it is low resolution? Do you have access to the photos taken by it?

What is the payload of the SLV in question?
Common sense. The payload is extremely small, therefore the sattelites are small, lightweight and devoid of high tech. In other words its a low-res sattelite by its very nature. You dont have an SLV, thats the point.

You do not even know what you're talking about. Being able to manufacture ones own satellites and put them into orbit is a precisely what is a space program. You definition of an actual space program must be paying France to launch your satellites?
The definition of a space program is to actually but proper functioning sattelites into space that are atleast med to large in category. You neither have the capabilties to develop such sattelites nor the capabilties to properly launch them into space. It isnt difficult to convert pre-existing ballistic missiles into small payload carrying "SLV's". By that definition any countries with ballistic missiles has an space program.

Exactly, in other words you rely on paying foreigner and importing their technologies whereas Iran has to develop such a thing by itself.
Thats not the point though. The point is that Iran has this makeshift "space program" not because it wants to but HAS to. Turkey is in a position where it doesnt need to build crappy converted ballistic missiles, so why should we. We could take a BORA/KHAAN Ballistic missile, strap a small sattelite on it and launch it into space anyday we want. But why would we? We arent in Iran's position. Not our problem you fucked up internationally and regionally that you were isolated from the rest of the world.

So this was your reply to that comment which was about your country not having the technological base to produce SLV's? When you have nothing to reply with, it's best not to say anything instead of these rantings.

Turkey already has an existing SLV program. It seemed self-explanitory but there you go.

You're not doing a very good job so far, all I am seeing from you is desperate damage control.

Yeah those people arent around anymore for a reason newbie hehe.
The comparison is much more accurate than you are willing to realise. Both of your nations rely on paying outsiders to launch your systems. Whether your satellites are being build by you more than theirs is something else. You're more or less on the same level.

How do you know it is low resolution? Do you have access to the photos taken by it?

What is the payload of the SLV in question?

You do not even know what you're talking about. Being able to manufacture ones own satellites and put them into orbit is a precisely what is a space program. You definition of an actual space program must be paying France to launch your satellites?

Exactly, in other words you rely on paying foreigner and importing their technologies whereas Iran has to develop such a thing by itself.

So this was your reply to that comment which was about your country not having the technological base to produce SLV's? When you have nothing to reply with, it's best not to say anything instead of these rantings.

You're not doing a very good job so far, all I am seeing from you is desperate damage control.
I think you might just`ve hit a nerve with our turkish friend here......several of them in fact.:sarcastic:
You think this is the first time you Iranians talked all this shit? I have been on this forum for nearly a decade, people like you come and go and each time we have to repeat ourselves and shut you people up. Its tradition at this point.

Jan 5, 2020

There is absolutely no comparison.

Both of your nations rely on outsider to launch your systems, I suppose in the mind of your out of touch type there is "absolutely no comparison" because all your satellites are in reality launched by Turkish SLVs?

UAE paid for everything and developed nothing.

Very similar to Turkey.

They never had any monetary incentive to build it themselves because they were never after technology or capability, just the achievement of having launched a mission. Turkey is inherently different in the sense it wants the technology and capabilties first, and wants to develop it itself.

Not really, the difference between them and you is that they do not pretend to have the technology. Your type usually just import the technology and pretend it is developed inside.

You on the other, took a ballistic missile that isnt capable of launching any big payload

I am still waiting for you to tell me what the payload of that SLV is. You're refraining from answering the question.

and just strapped a lightweight easy to make low res sattelite on it and called it a space program.

Even if the satellite weight 1 gram, that is still 1 gram more than Turkey ever put into orbit.

Nobody in their right might would call this an actuall space program, except for dipshits like you who desperatly want validation.

Apparently the actual experts disagree with you:

Common sense. The payload is extremely small, therefore the sattelites are small, lightweight and devoid of high tech. In other words its a low-res sattelite by its very nature.

The 6U satellite put into orbit is more than enough to deliver tactical data. You are just using words like "low resolution" without any attempts of substantiating them. These 6u satellite types will play a large role in the future, hence why Iran has started working on them.

You dont have an SLV, thats the point.

You do not even know what an SLV is apparently. SLV is anything that can put a satellite into orbit, something what Iran has demonstrated multiple times.

The definition of a space program is to actually but proper functioning sattelites into space that are atleast med to large in category.

You are inventing your own definition it seems. All that matters is being able to put satellites into orbit. Iran's satellites are in orbit and do function. Looking at Turkey, you may be able to make a satellite (I doubt fully by yourself), but you have zero ability to put them into orbit. Thus by your own definition you have no space program. Try harder.

You neither have the capabilties to develop such sattelites

If Turkey and the UAE can make them, you bet a nation like Iran can. And Iran will do it by itself instead of importing the technology.

nor the capabilties to properly launch them into space.

Hopefully this time you will tell me what the payload of Iranian SLVs are. I posted a video for you above, watch and and learn a little from the actual experts.

It isnt difficult to convert pre-existing ballistic missiles into small payload carrying "SLV's".

Really? So lets see your kind try to do it and show us how simple it is.

By that definition any countries with ballistic missiles has an space program.

Only if that nations has truly mastered the missile technology. A country like Turkey for example that has only imported them, has little hope of doing so in the next decade or two.

Thats not the point though. The point is that Iran has this makeshift "space program" not because it wants to but HAS to.

This is what developments looks like. I know your kind are just used to importing everything, but not everyone is in the same boat.

Turkey is in a position where it doesnt need to build crappy converted ballistic missiles, so why should we

It's not that you do not need, it is that you cannot. You are nowhere near that level of technology.

We could take a BORA/KHAAN Ballistic missile, strap a small sattelite on it and launch it into space anyday we want.

Your Bora is yet another missile based on a Chinese system:

Originally, the Bora tactical ballistic missile is a product of Turkish–Chinese defense cooperation, centered on China’s B-611 baseline


More-over, I'd love to see you try and put a satellite into orbit using a single staged missile. You're just highlighing how little you understand about such technologies.

But why would we? We arent in Iran's position. Not our problem you fucked up internationally and regionally that you were isolated from the rest of the world.

You can't for the reason(s) I mentioned already.

Turkey already has an existing SLV program. It seemed self-explanitory but there you go.

I have no interest in some future if projects. You can comment when you have actually made a launch vehicle and used it to launch something.

Yeah those people arent around anymore for a reason newbie hehe.

What people? the ones in your imagination?
Since when do you have internet in Iran? That you grow out of the ground like weeds... or did you mix among the Syrian refugees like Kurds and flood the west ?! hahaha

I recall you were moaning not long ago that Iranian we tagging you in their section, yet here you are by your own volition.
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I recall you were moaning not long ago that Iranian we tagging you in their section, yet here you are by your own volition. Seems our Azari friend is slowly coming back to motherland Iran.
LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
ok I am heading out :rofl:
UAE only has 1.2 million nationals, it is hard to do alone. Turket has what? 70 something million Turks? You can't expect a small country to be able to do everything itself. Turkey on the other hand, should have sent something to Mars 20 years ago.
UAE only has 1.2 million nationals, it is hard to do alone. Turket has what? 70 something million Turks? You can't expect a small country to be able to do everything itself. Turkey on the other hand, should have sent something to Mars 20 years ago.
82 million people actually.
Then it would be more like 60 million.
Damn there are a lot of Kurds in Turkey. But to clear up, 150 Emirati engineers were involved in the program but there was handholding I agree because UAE has never done something like this before.
For 10 years Turkish members have been bluffing about their missile program and Yildrim III.
Kindly show me a video of Yildrim III or forever stay quiet.

The whole propaganda machine of Turkish military can be summarized in Yildrim III.

You have been in this website long enough and I honestly did not expect you to come and say Turkish SLV is better than Iranian SLV. Waiting for your answer.
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