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Iranian Chill Thread

I was surprised that UAE helped deliver 4 C-17s worth of Coronavirus aid to Iran. Let us hope that we can stop being enemies.
People of UAE cannot be called our enemies. Americans in UAE have caused this Endless hatred.

Its Brits that are bombing Yemenis to stone age, its Americans that want oil fields of Yemen, Syria and Iraq.

Americans are trouble makers in the region. They terrorized our general in the house of Arabs!. And our general was a guest to Arabs delivering peace massage to regional Arab countries. Is there a bigger shame to our Arab Brothers that someone else terrorizes their guest in their house?
People of UAE cannot be called our enemies. Americans in UAE have caused this Endless hatred.

Its Brits that are bombing Yemenis to stone age, its Americans that want oil fields of Yemen, Syria and Iraq.

Americans are trouble makers in the region. They terrorized our general in the house of Arabs!. And our general was a guest to Arabs delivering peace massage to regional Arab countries. Is there a bigger shame to our Arab Brothers that someone else terrorizes their guest in their house?
USA will leave the region soon, it is destined that American hegemony will decrease slowly but nonetheless surely. Maybe, once they leave there can be a renewed relationship between the countries of the region.
I was surprised that UAE helped deliver 4 C-17s worth of Coronavirus aid to Iran. Let us hope that we can stop being enemies.
After all, nothing is purely black and white.

I expect that Arabs will soon approach Iran to reduce tensions once they feel threatened by Turkey's growing power. The Americans have proven to be untrustworthy when it comes to defending another country's interests, no matter how much you pay them to win their support. So, it seems rational for Arabs to stop being too much focused on Iran only and divide their attention to other growing powers in the region as well.

Outside of politics in the real world, Emiratis and Iranians have never been enemies. I have been to Dubai several times and people there, particularly the real Emiratis who have been living there for generations, were nothing but friendly to me. Many of them can trace their roots back to Iran and feel close to us. Many of them can speak Persian as well. The same is true about Bahrainis and Kuwaitis. I suppose that the majority of animosity you see between Iran and Arabs is online or at sports stadiums by hooligan-like people.
I expect that Arabs will soon approach Iran to reduce tensions once they feel threatened by Turkey's growing power. The Americans have proven to be untrustworthy when it comes to defending another country's interests, no matter how much you pay them to win their support. So, it seems rational for Arabs to stop being too much focused on Iran only and divide their attention to other growing powers in the region as well.
I thought Turkey is still buddy buddy with Iran, Rouhani at least, don't think the leadership will want to have bad relations with Turkey in the future. UAE is already mostly focused on Turkey in Libya.
Outside of politics in the real world, Emiratis and Iranians have never been enemies. I have been to Dubai several times and people there, particularly the real Emiratis who have been living there for generations, were nothing but friendly to me. Many of them can trace their roots back to Iran and feel close to us. Many of them can speak Persian as well. The same is true about Bahrainis and Kuwaitis. I suppose that the majority of animosity you see between Iran and Arabs is online or at sports stadiums by hooligan-like people.
I think mostly Shia is closer to Iran culturally, the Sunni are a little bit more different. I could care less about the sects or anything like that though.
I thought Turkey is still buddy buddy with Iran, Rouhani at least, don't think the leadership will want to have bad relations with Turkey in the future. UAE is already mostly focused on Turkey in Libya.
We have good relations with Turkey and our volume of trade is increasing but it doesn't mean that we are not willing to reduce tensions with Arabs if they decide to seek friendship with us. Apparently Arabs now have more than one country to focus on. So, it only makes sense that they divide their attention to more than just us and try to maintain some sort of balance in their foreign affairs.
I think mostly Shia is closer to Iran culturally, the Sunni are a little bit more different. I could care less about the sects or anything like that though.
That's true as well. But I think history matters too. Countries like Kuwait, Bahrain and Emirates used to be a part of Iran not very long ago. Many of them are familiar with Iranians and their parents have possibly told them the truth that we are not enemies.

Iranians don't care much for religion either as you may have noticed.
We have good relations with Turkey and our volume of trade is increasing but it doesn't mean that we are not willing to reduce tensions with Arabs if they decide to seek friendship with us. Apparently Arabs now have more than one country to focus on. So, it only makes sense that they divide their attention to more than just us and try to maintain some sort of balance in their foreign affairs.
Turkey is doing too much at once, it can't handle itself well and is making short sighted decisions. UAE is destroying its important assets in Libya quite frequently such as the upgraded Hawk XXI. And they have even convinced the American Congress to vote on a bill sanctioning Turkey. And with supporting Assad monetarily it is also trying to stretch out Turkey.

UAE is trying to make a friendship with Iran quickly as well, here is an article I found. It doesn't mention Turkey but it definitely has something to do with them.


Also, Turkish sources are saying Egypt sent 150 soldiers to Idlib to help Iranian groups. Not sure if it is true but being spread by official news sources.

Turkey is doing too much at once, it can't handle itself well and is making short sighted decisions. UAE is destroying its important assets in Libya quite frequently such as the upgraded Hawk XXI. And they have even convinced the American Congress to vote on a bill sanctioning Turkey. And with supporting Assad monetarily it is also trying to stretch out Turkey.

UAE is trying to make a friendship with Iran quickly as well, here is an article I found. It doesn't mention Turkey but it definitely has something to do with them.


Also, Turkish sources are saying Egypt sent 150 soldiers to Idlib to help Iranian groups. Not sure if it is true but being spread by official news sources.

I believe that our interests in the region are converging. Iran and the US have been at odds since the 1979 revolution, but there have been times that we have cooperated together like the US invasion of Afghanistan in 2001. Cooperating with Arabs is even more likely as it can benefit us more than helping the US in Afghanistan.

The only obstacle that I can see for us is the growing Israeli-Saudi ties. Other than that, it seems very likely that Iran and Arabs will soon mend ties.

I will post here to avoid taking that thread off topic. What my comment meant is that given your country cannot even put an needle into space, then do not try making mocking statements. All this does is highlight your frustrations.
Oh, i get. For a guy who know nothing about what Turkey has in space right now, it's normal of you to think like that.

This bringing "jealousy" argument in every subject by Iranians shows your what's in your head. :)

Like i said, this attacking Turkey trend without any knowledge....shows what, can you guess?
You have what in space? Paying foreigners to launch satellites into space for you? Even assuming you fully built those satellites (which I doubt), there is nothing impressive about having France etc launch them for you. What is there for me to be jealous about? Being reliant on the outside world?

You people appear to have a tendency to by out of touch with reality. You try to compare your "space program" (if we can even call it that) to a nations who build their own satellites and launches them into space. You would be better of comparing yourself to the likes of UAE.
Even comparing them to the UAE is not right as of now. The UAE sent a Mars probe just a few days ago.

Even African countries have satellites in space, launched by other nations for them.
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