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Iranian Chill Thread

Yes, but these other countries doesn't officially declare death to US, officially call them for the great satan etc.

Norway is actually world leading in sub sea drilling, ands generally ranks pretty high up in marine industry. I obviously didn't think of Poland and Latvia when I said Europe, Except for ABB (Swiss) and Kone (Finland) + some Swedish companies, UK, France and Germany is pretty much it. But I am not aware of any Chinese innovative companies.

Saudis are honestly too incompetent and Arab countries are too scared of us. I wouldn't worry about them at all.

I am not worried about Turkey, the Sunni world don't get along, they are too divided to pose a threat against Iran.

Yeah. Because these countries didn't lose 100,000 civilians and soldiers to chemical weapons while the US veoted UNSC resolutions that condemned their enemy for their use. And they didn't lose 280 passengers because the US shot down their passenger plane. US has earned the "Great Satan" fair and square.

Huawei? Xiaomi? Tic Toc? Europe is leading in nothing really. A considerable number of European companies that are leading in their fields are multi-national corporations that rely on imported technologies and foreign patents to survive.

Yet these incompetents have been the US most important ally since early 1970s.

Well, have you looked at how Pakistanis flirt with Turks on PDF? That should give you an idea. At the end of the day, divided Sunnis will still prefer Sunnis to Shia Iran.
Yeah. Because these countries didn't lose 100,000 civilians and soldiers to chemical weapons while the US veoted UNSC resolutions that condemned their enemy for their use. And they didn't lose 280 passengers because the US shot down their passenger plane. US has earned the "Great Satan" fair and square.
I never said they didn't earn it, We are just disagreeing over who really severed ties, I say Iran, you say US.
Huawei? Xiaomi? Tic Toc?
TicToc LMAO :D Xiaomi and Huawei are just copying other brands they are not innovative.

Yet these incompetents have been the US most important ally since early 1970s.
You mean cash cow

Well, have you looked at how Pakistanis flirt with Turks on PDF? That should give you an idea. At the end of the day, divided Sunnis will still prefer Sunnis to Shia Iran.
PDF means nothing. We saw how much they got along in Syria lol
I never said they didn't earn it, We are just disagreeing over who really severed ties, I say Iran, you say US.

TicToc LMAO :D Xiaomi and Huawei are just copying other brands they are not innovative.

You mean cash cow

PDF means nothing. We saw how much they got along in Syria lol
Well, historically speaking, it was the US that severed her diplomatic ties with Iran and seized our assets. That's history. You can't change it.

Tiktok xD Do you think it's easy to serve millions of visitors per day and host petabytes of data? Huawei is not innovative? It is one of the world's leading companies in 5G technology. It has been continuously ranked in top 100 and even in top 10 in the lists of innovative companies by different newspapers.

Call them cash cow, it doesn't change the fact that the US has had half a century of strategic ties with them. And you think if Iran wants the US to reestablish their ties with us, they will see us as their equal?

Yeah. Keep telling yourself that, but the truth is that foreigners view the Middle East based on that type of logic. The whole idea that the US needs Iran for stability in the region is not compatible with the realities of the Middle East in recent years.
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Well, historically speaking, it was the US that severed her diplomatic ties with Iran and seized our assets. That's history. You can't change it.
Thats because we declared them as our enemy and started acting tough, demanding things, saying they are weak and dying, the great satan etc. Bro we can keep this up forever :D Lets just hope we learned from our mistakes and we wont repeat them with the Chinese and Russians.

Tiktok xD Do you think it's easy to serve millions of visitors per day and host petabytes of data? Huawei is not innovative? It is one of the world's leading companies in 5G technology. It has been continuously ranked below 100 and even below 10 in the lists of innovative companies by different newspapers.

I don't know man, in my eyes, China will always be inferior copycats. They just copy other companies work. I don't think they can come up with anything significant on their own.

Call them cash cow, it doesn't change the fact that the US has had half a century of strategic ties with them. And you think if Iran wants the US to reestablish their ties with us, they will see us as their equal?
I think we can slowly re establish ties to some lesser degree, I don't see a bright future for us if we continue down on this road. We are really underperforming our potential. Just to think that we have the same GDP as UAE....
Thats because we declared them as our enemy and started acting tough, demanding things, saying they are weak and dying, the great satan etc. Bro we can keep this up forever :D Lets just hope we learned from our mistakes and we wont repeat them with the Chinese and Russians.

I don't know man, in my eyes, China will always be inferior copycats. They just copy other companies work. I don't think they can come up with anything significant on their own.

I think we can slowly re establish ties to some lesser degree, I don't see a bright future for us if we continue down on this road. We are really underperforming our potential. Just to think that we have the same GDP as UAE....
But then again, we hadn't declared them enemy before the embassy crisis. xD It seems like we're running in circles here. It's turning into a philosophical discussion like the chicken or the egg dilemma xD

You need to update your perspective of the world. xD It seems that you have deliberately closed your eyes to the changes of the world since 2000s. xD

Yeah. I agree with you that we are terribly underperforming. We need to find a way out. We need to make a bold move. I have said this times and times again.
Yeah. Keep telling yourself that, but the truth is that foreigners view the Middle East based on that type of logic. The whole idea that the US needs Iran for stability in the region is not compatible with the realities of the Middle East in recent years.
Well, based on what I have seen, I don't think they can get a long and will basically start kill each other before they can do any harm to us.
درگیری های مرز لبنان داره فروکش میکنه احتمالا با حداقل تلفات
نتانیاهو پس از جلسه گفته این حادثه ای نیست که بشه راحت ازش گذشت

حق هم داره
لبنان اقتصادی نداره که با اینها بلرزه
اما بورس و سرمایه گذاری های اسراییل امروز بوی خطر رو حس کرد
نتانیاهو گرگ بیابون دیده است و میدونه چن ماهی بیشتر از ترامپ نمونده و اقتصاد کرونا زدش تحمل جنگ
بزرگ رو هم نداره
مگه جنگی سریع و کم ریسک
در ترم دوم ترامپ اگه بخت یارش باشه و رخ بده شاید بیشتر بتونه ریسک کنه
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But then again, we hadn't declared them enemy before the embassy crisis. xD It seems like we're running in circles here. It's turning into a philosophical discussion like the chicken or the egg dilemma xD
Haha yes, we can say its the chicken and the egg dilemma, but remember the Indian guy who said NIGYSOB?, NIGYSOB pretty much sums up our relations with the west.
I am simply debating that we are natural allies. Even as enemies, we benefit from each other, we are basically the boogeymen in the region that US uses to milk Arabs for oil and sell junk to them for protection money.
NAH BRO. you talking wild now. DOnt you understand that if Iran played bogeyman for any country Iran wont be the same Iran today? 90% of Iran's issues are related to the fact that Iran wont "BEND" the way they desire Iran to. You might be describing an unintentional by-effect of the Iran-US rivalry, but i dont believe Iran and US are natural allies. main reason is like you said, motivation and ideology. Iran doesnt believe in material vanity, US LIVES off it, Iran believes in human dignity as a national policy, US Govt doesnt give a FUK about love or population harmony....Iran things Israel is a thief, US thinks Israel is an "ally"...so i dont think coincidence proves intent..

I don't know man, in my eyes, China will always be inferior copycats. They just copy other companies work. I don't think they can come up with anything significant on their own.
Why such a simplistic view?? your comments are fine, but they are interesting considering how analytical you can be, but i'll just say this - It doesnt matter how you get your power, in this capitalist world order we are in(it will get modified soon in my strong belief), MONEY and resources is the name of the game. CHina might be paper tiger, copycat captain, Uighur killers, Land thieves(India), they might act unprofessional but to be soberly frank, this is ALL DISTRACTIONS, at the end of the day, the new China empire is already here, now, with TONS Of resources, the will to fight and the path to achieve dominance, that is the reality of the world today, so you discussing why they arent worth your attention doesnt change the reality of China today. No 1 country can take on China today and leave in one piece, do you understand we didnt have this 10 years ago? Please dont be simplistic...there are many ways to achieve many things in this world today.
i think this debate is wasting of our precious time. you can not change the history you can only move forward. and now i can just see a hostile US which does not satisfies with compromises on JCPOA level and wants more...
Well said sir,very well said.:enjoy:
Regardless taking and then keeping those hostages has cost Iran trillions of dollars. The average Iranian is poorer today because of that decision. For Iran, an underdeveloped country at that time, with a literacy rate of 60%, to demand that the US hand over the Shah was ridiculous.

If the USA would have done that, it would have made the US look impotent and untrustworthy to all of their allies. Why would the leader of any nation want to ally with the US knowing that they would be handed over to a mob as soon as the tide turned ? The US was never going to do that. Imagine if Assad was overthrown in Syria tomorrow, which almost happened, would Iran hand over Assad to the mob of the new regime ? NO! That's ridiculous and outlandish.

It's easy to blame Rohani for everything now but really nothing in Iran happens without the approval of the Supreme Leader, this latest China deal included. People that want Iran to not have extensive economic relations with either China or the USA are either delusional or over zealous.

The USA and China are the two largest economies in the entire world. No country can prosper economically in this day and age without having solid relations with atleast one of these economic spheres. It would be in Iran's best interests to have economic ties with both but some people would rather Iran stay impoverished and keep chanting death to America instead.

Do you genuinely believe that the west would`ve been simply just willing to "start over" with iran after its vassal despot had been overthrown and that irans new government was now going to pursue a policy of non alignment?
You seem to be forgetting that iran was the western appointed "policeman of the gulf", tasked with ensuring the continued flow of oil to the west and as a vital regional bulwark against any possible soviet expansionism in the persian gulf,so the idea that the west would just simply accept a now non aligned iran with its own independent foreign policy is quite literally absurd.Its very clear what would`ve happened,there would`ve been another western backed attempted coup almost certainly from disaffected elements from within the [us trained] pahlaviite military,in fact it would`ve probably been little different to the actual nojeh coup plot,except of course that this particular attempt had no us backing which was probably one of the reasons why it [luckily] failed.
Frankly tho at this point it seems rather foolish in the extreme to play games of "if only..." or "what if..." or "wouldnt it have been nice...",what should be of most concern now is the present reality,and the most painfully obvious part of that reality is that the attempted reengagement with the west that categorized the rouhani era has conclusively utterly failed,and the question naturally enough is what comes after this?,does iran put all of its hopes in a new post chumpist american regime ie strategic patience,or does iran perhaps consider whether it is still in its interests to continue to pursue its 40 year long policy of non-alignment in a unipolar world.
I agree with you on most of the topics but when it comes to Uighurs, they are Turkic Sunni Muslims, so why can't Turkey stand up for their honor ? Why Iran again ? Iran has sacrificed enough and frankly there are so many oppressed Muslims that Iran could realistically spend every penny on defending them and helping them but then where would that leave Iran ? Never ending wars ? economic ruin ? annihilation ?

It's the same thing with the Rohinga, why not Malaysia or Indonesia ? Pakistan ? The Palestinians ? Why not Egypt ? Saudi Arabia ? UAE with all of its wealth ? Again why Iran ? In Lebanon, they are Shia Muslims with alot in common so I can understand how Iranians feel obligated to help them but then wouldn't Iran be able to do so much more for them if Iran had excellent economic and diplomatic ties with the two largest economic spheres on planet earth, China and the west, instead of being sanctioned to death ? Look at how the Saudi's or Turkey support various questionable groups, but because of diplomacy, they can get away with so much

I'm not implying that Iran should not support anyone militarily. I'm just saying that Iran needs a balanced and pragmatic approach when it comes to this issue.

Here is a video regarding the Uighur issue, made by a Chinese government sponsored news agency. It features an Iranian academic I recognize from presstv. He seems to be 100% pro Chinese. I thought people here might find it interesting.

That is what I am saying.

That is also what I am saying, the west and US wont stand up to China because they are greedy and want cheap Chinese products. They can produce everything in their own countries, they don't need China for that, but then they will lose profit and lose their luxury. They can even move production to other Asian countries (which they have already done in a small scale), but they wont move any significant portion anytime soon, because they are greedy and would kill us all to not lose even 1 dollar in profit. But to call China superpower is a joke really. US and West in general are fueled by greed and thirst for power, China however runs on a dangerous ideology. Believe me, if China had any military power, they would make US and the west look like angels.

They would shit on us all, they would rape and steal from us, half of them would call us Ali worshippers, the other half would call us sunworshippers or Ajam. I am only saying, if we had to severe our ties to show support for Palestinians, and as a result Iranians have to suffer, why are we siding with China? Uighurs are culturally far more closer to us than Palestinians who we have nothing in common with. The Lebansese are our brothers and we should support them, but Palestinians? Even the Lebansese cant stand the Palestinians.

Its not just the deal itself, its how we have built up our foreign policy and the deal is just on top of that, you said it yourself, who else is going to do business with us? It means these godless Chinese can basically rape us all and we cant say no to them because we simply cant afford it. Like when we couldn't afford to criticize China for keeping Corona a secret from us and infecting our citizens. Or like when Mahan couldn't afford to stop flying into China when all the other airliners in the entire world had stopped flight to China.

All in all, I think except for some very minor differences, you and I share the same view
I agree with you on most of the topics but when it comes to Uighurs, they are Turkic Sunni Muslims, so why can't Turkey stand up for their honor ? Why Iran again ? Iran has sacrificed enough and frankly there are so many oppressed Muslims that Iran could realistically spend every penny on defending them and helping them but then where would that leave Iran ? Never ending wars ? economic ruin ? annihilation ?

It's the same thing with the Rohinga, why not Malaysia or Indonesia ? Pakistan ? The Palestinians ? Why not Egypt ? Saudi Arabia ? UAE with all of its wealth ? Again why Iran ? In Lebanon, they are Shia Muslims with alot in common so I can understand how Iranians feel obligated to help them but then wouldn't Iran be able to do so much more for them if Iran had excellent economic and diplomatic ties with the two largest economic spheres on planet earth, China and the west, instead of being sanctioned to death ? Look at how the Saudi's or Turkey support various questionable groups, but because of diplomacy, they can get away with so much

I'm not implying that Iran should not support anyone militarily. I'm just saying that Iran needs a balanced and pragmatic approach when it comes to this issue.

Here is a video regarding the Uighur issue, made by a Chinese government sponsored news agency. It features an Iranian academic I recognize from presstv. He seems to be 100% pro Chinese. I thought people here might find it interesting.

I am not saying Iran should stand up for the Uighurs, it would be great to have them at least acknowledge the situation and at least give some lip service instead of showing hypocrisy. My thread about Uighurs has nothing to do with Iran, it has nothing to do with our relations with China, and it has nothing to do with our deal with China. It was jut some Iranian members who said I am a zionist and enemy of Iran for speaking against China. LOL. I am not even against the Iran-China deal, I am against the policy we played that made us so isolated we have to do whatever it takes to not lose Chinas support. When I say the Chinese basically owns us, it doesn't mean this deal is worded in a way that is unfavorable to us. I mean they own us because we cant do anything that would risk us lose their support because this deal is all we have.
If the USA would have done that, it would have made the US look impotent and untrustworthy to all of their allies. Why would the leader of any nation want to ally with the US knowing that they would be handed over to a mob as soon as the tide turned ? The US was never going to do that. Imagine if Assad was overthrown in Syria tomorrow, which almost happened, would Iran hand over Assad to the mob of the new regime ? NO! That's ridiculous and outlandish.
So instead the us chose the risk of a totally ill considered military option which went horrifically wrong resulting in even more humiliation for it internationally.Great job us!!,slow clap for you.....clap!...........clap!..........clap!
The us has never had qualms about ditching vassal dictators that are no longer of any value to it or are seen as unreliable,so why should pahlavi be any different?,that is simply one of the risks of vassalage.
Ultimately carter had a simple choice he could send pahlavi back to face the music in exchange for the return of his people and the chance of salvaging relations with the new regime in tehran or he could continue to support an ex despot who was no longer of any value in the grand scheme of things,sadly he chose neither which was probably the worst decision possible,he would not hand him back but neither would he allow him refuge in the us.Ironically this failure of leadership probably contributed more to ronald reagans victory at the ballot box than anything else.
Now as for hypothetically handing over assad in the event of a hypothetical revolution in syria,well I guess that it would depend entirely as to what was on offer and what the other options were versus the fate of one now ex-dictator.
We shouldnt also forget either that iran and the us have engaged in previous prisoner swaps of each others citizens.
In the end like virtually everything in this world it all comes down to simple political will.If the will exists virtually anything can be accomplished,if there is no will then nothing can be achieved no matter what other support for it there may be.
Ultimately tho even if a swap had been done,hell even if the embassy personnel had not been taken prisoner in the first place,this still would not have solved the fundamental problem that exists to this very day between the us and iran and that was irans rejection both of us vassalage and what it saw as its god given right to meddle in the affairs of the nations and peoples of the region.

It's easy to blame Rohani for everything now but really nothing in Iran happens without the approval of the Supreme Leader, this latest China deal included.
The jcpoa was rouhanis baby,that and his failure to have any back up plan/plans in case of its likely failure rests pretty squarely on his shoulders imho.Khamenei did of course sign off on it but he also made it pretty clear that he had little faith in the wests ability to live up to it.As for his reasons who can say,perhaps this was a good opportunity to prove to the nation the folly of the reformists belief that iran and the west could find common ground and deal in mutual good faith and respect,or perhaps he secretly hoped that he would be proven wrong in this regard.....who knows?

The USA and China are the two largest economies in the entire world. No country can prosper economically in this day and age without having solid relations with atleast one of these economic spheres. It would be in Iran's best interests to have economic ties with both but some people would rather Iran stay impoverished and keep chanting death to America instead.
It was not iran that turned its back on economic dealings with the west,it was the west who despite the not inconsiderable costs to itself chose to turn its back economically on iran,and that was entirely the wests decision.
This was stupidly done in the utterly erroneous belief that even more economic blackmail might succeed were it had previously failed.
You might want to refresh your memory as to the price that the west is demanding from iran just for the privilege of doing business with it.
The US secretary of state has set out 12 tough demands for inclusion in a new nuclear treaty with Iran.

The conditions, listed by Mike Pomepo during a speech at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, DC, on Monday, will require Iran, in his words, to:

  • Declare to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) a full account of the prior military dimensions of its nuclear programme and permanently and verifiably abandon such work in perpetuity.

  • Stop enrichment and never pursue plutonium reprocessing, including closing its heavy water reactor.

  • Provide the IAEA with unqualified access to all sites throughout the entire country.

  • End its proliferation of ballistic missiles and halt further launching or development of nuclear-capable missile systems.

  • Release all US citizens as well as citizens of US partners and allies.

  • End support to Middle East "terrorist" groups, including Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

  • Respect the sovereignty of the Iraqi government and permit the disarming, demobilisation and reintegration of Shia militias.

  • End its military support for the Houthi rebels and work towards a peaceful, political settlement in Yemen.

  • Withdraw all forces under Iran's command throughout the entirety of Syria.

  • End support for the Taliban and other "terrorists" in Afghanistan and the region and cease harbouring senior al-Qaeda leaders.

  • End the Islamic Revolutionary Guard corps-linked Quds Force's support for "terrorists" and "militant" partners around the world.

  • End its threatening behaviour against its neighbours, many of whom are US allies, including its threats to destroy Israel and its firing of missiles at Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, and threats to international shipping and destructive cyberattacks.

  • Theres also some bullsh!t about human rights as well,thats demand number 13.

In the end as the old cliche goes "freedom aint free",but then again neither is vassalage,both come with costs so ultimately you pays your money and you takes your chances.
I agree with you on most of the topics but when it comes to Uighurs, they are Turkic Sunni Muslims, so why can't Turkey stand up for their honor ? Why Iran again ? Iran has sacrificed enough and frankly there are so many oppressed Muslims that Iran could realistically spend every penny on defending them and helping them but then where would that leave Iran ? Never ending wars ? economic ruin ? annihilation ?

It's the same thing with the Rohinga, why not Malaysia or Indonesia ? Pakistan ? The Palestinians ? Why not Egypt ? Saudi Arabia ? UAE with all of its wealth ? Again why Iran ? In Lebanon, they are Shia Muslims with alot in common so I can understand how Iranians feel obligated to help them but then wouldn't Iran be able to do so much more for them if Iran had excellent economic and diplomatic ties with the two largest economic spheres on planet earth, China and the west, instead of being sanctioned to death ? Look at how the Saudi's or Turkey support various questionable groups, but because of diplomacy, they can get away with so much

I'm not implying that Iran should not support anyone militarily. I'm just saying that Iran needs a balanced and pragmatic approach when it comes to this issue.

Here is a video regarding the Uighur issue, made by a Chinese government sponsored news agency. It features an Iranian academic I recognize from presstv. He seems to be 100% pro Chinese. I thought people here might find it interesting.

Regarding Uigyur, Indonesian foreign ministers have summon Chinese ambassador and Indonesian foreign minister has also asked directly Chinese foreign minister about Uigyur and lecture him about the importance of freedom of religion.

Talking about Rohingya, we are very active on the issue and has pressure Myanmar government to bring back Rohingya refugee in Bangladesh to their home land in Myanmar.

Indonesia is also pressuring Myanmar using ASEAN.

China responds to Indonesia’s question about alleged abuse of Xinjiang’s Muslims
  • Dian Septiari
    The Jakarta Post
Bandung / Thu, December 20, 2018 / 11:35 am

Men dance in front of the Id Kah Mosque after morning prayers on June 26, 2017 during Idul Fitri in the old town of Kashgar in China's Xinjiang Uighur autonomous region. (Agence France -Presse/Johannes Esielle)

China has responded to Indonesia’s question about alleged human rights abuse against Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang, saying that Beijing guaranteed the religious freedom of all of its citizens, including the Uighurs.

A Chinese Embassy spokesman in Jakarta said in a statement on Thursday that “China is a country with multiple ethnic groups and religions".

“As prescribed in the Constitution, all Chinese citizens enjoy the freedom of religious belief,” the statement said.

The statement said that the Chinese government was facing the threat of religious extremism in Xinjiang, which is home to about 14 million Muslims. Some Xinjiang residents, it said, had struggled to find jobs because of their poor command of the nation’s official language and lack of skills.

“This has made them vulnerable to the instigation and coercion of terrorism and extremism,” it said.

“In light of the situation, Xinjiang has established professional vocational training institutions as the platform, providing courses on China’s common language, legal knowledge, vocational skills, along with de-radicalization education for citizens influenced by extremist ideas.”

Previously, the Foreign Ministry said it had summoned Chinese Ambassador to Indonesia Xiao Qian on Monday to convey the concerns of Indonesian Muslims about the plight of Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang.

“The Foreign Ministry stressed that in accordance with the universal declaration of human rights, religious freedom and belief are human rights and it is the responsibility of all countries to respect it,” ministry spokesperson Arrmanatha Nasir told reporters on the sidelines of the Diplofest event on Wednesday evening.

He said Xiao Qian conveyed China’s commitment to the protection of human rights. In addition, the ambassador said it was very important for the Indonesian public to know the condition of the Uighurs in Xinjiang, an autonomous region.

“Even though it is a domestic issue, the Foreign Ministry noted the embassy’s intention to expand communication with various civil society groups in order to convey information about the condition of the Uighur community.”

The summons of the Chinese ambassador came shortly after Indonesian Islamic groups demanded an explanation on the situation in Xinjiang.

Western countries have accused China of persecuting Uighurs through its “re-education centers”, which Beijing insisted were actually vocational and training centers that combat religious extremism.

The situation in Xinjiang was highlighted during China’s third United Nations Human Rights Council’s universal periodic review last month.

Human Rights Watch says Uighur people in particular are subject to intense surveillance and are made to give DNA and biometric samples.

Muhammadiyah chairman Haedar Nashir said if the reports were true, then China had violated universal human rights and his organization was ready to mobilize humanitarian and material support for peace in Xinjiang, especially for the Uighur community.

”The Chinese government’s inaction is feared to hurt diplomatic relations between Indonesia and China, and the good relations our people have had for centuries,” Haedar said as quoted by Antara on Wednesday.

Social media messages calling on Indonesians to take to the streets to defend Uighurs have been circulating online in the last few days.

On Monday, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) advisory council leader and former chairman of Muhammadiyah, Din Syamsuddin, said the alleged crackdown was an outright violation of basic human rights and demanded that the Indonesian government take firm action to advocate for the Uighur people.

Responding to the MUI’s call, Vice President Jusuf Kalla said Indonesia would not interfere in China’s handling of Uighur Muslims.

“Of course we reject or [want to] prevent any human rights violations. However, we don’t want to intervene in the domestic affairs of another country,” Kalla told journalists on Monday.

The Chinese Embassy’s spokesman said that, “China and Indonesia have always supported each other on issues concerning respective major interests.

“I believe after knowing the real situation in Xinjiang, our Indonesian friends would better understand and support the Chinese government's efforts to combat terrorism and extremism and to safeguard stability and security in Xinjiang,” he said.



Indonesia seeks clarification on latest situation in Xinjiang
20th December 2019

"So from time to time, we conduct communication. This shows how serious we are to see development in the field"

Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Indonesian Foreign Ministry continues to seek clarification from the Chinese government about the latest developments in Xinjiang region related to the alleged discrimination and persecution of the Uighur Muslim ethnic group. "Indonesia has made and will always make approaches with the Chinese government through bilateral communication to discuss the Xinjiang issue," spokesman for the Foreign Ministry Teuku Faizasyah said in Jakarta Friday,

"So from time to time, we conduct communication. This shows how serious we are to see development in the field," he said.

Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi also touched on the Xinjiang issue during a meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on the sidelines of the 14th Asia-Europe Ministerial Meeting held in Madrid, Spain, on Monday, December 18.

At the meeting, Retno asked Wang Yi to clarify the latest situation in Xinjiang. Wang Yi said China guarantees freedom of religion for Muslims in Xinjiang.

Earlier in the day, Indonesian Ulemas Council (MUI) Secretary General Anwar Abbas urged the ongoing Kuala Lumpur (KL) Summit to take a firm, stern stance against China to optimally fight the repression of the Uighur ethnic group in Xinjiang.

"The MUI calls on participants of the summit of Islamic countries in Kuala Lumpur or the KL Summit to take a firm and firm stance against the Chinese government," Abbas noted in a written statement released Friday.

Muslims across the world vehemently oppose China's mistreatment of Uighur Muslims, he stated.

The Chinese government has blatantly violated the human rights of Uighur Muslims, including preventing them from offering religious services under their religion and belief, he remarked.

"We realize that as a state, China has the right to govern them. However, they must not suppress the human rights of their people, especially the fundamental rights of Muslims there," he said.

He urged the Chinese government to end the violence against Uighur Muslims with immediate effect. The ethnic minority in China should be allowed to exercise their religious rights and follow their religious teachings properly.

In the absence of this, the world will be dragged into new local and global tensions, he cautioned.

"People in each country, especially Muslim nations, including Indonesia, will appeal to their government to take a firm stand against the Chinese government. Thus, it will have a detrimental impact on the development they are conducting," he added.

Reporter: Yashinta Difa/Suharto
Editor: Gusti Nur Cahya Aryani

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