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Iranian Chill Thread

So instead the us chose the risk of a totally ill considered military option which went horrifically wrong resulting in even more humiliation for it internationally.Great job us!!,slow clap for you.....clap!...........clap!..........clap!

Looking at the big picture, let's ask ourselves a simple question. Did Iran benefit or lose from taking and then keeping those hostages ?

1) Okay so in the end, as any seasoned diplomat could have predicted, the USA did not give up the Shah.
2) Iran gave up the diplomats as soon as Ronald Regan, with his tougher stance, was elected.
3) In the eyes of the west and much of world, Iran became an arch rival and adversary overnight. This has cost Iran trillions in lost tourism, business deals, GDP etc. Today every Iranian is significantly poorer because of the decision to keep those hostages and then yell "death to America" for the next few decades.
4) The US didn't even have to lift a finger to relatiate. They just encouraged Saddam and look what happened. 8 years of bloodshed and hundreds of thousands of Iranians dead, Iran's economy crippled, so many innocents perished. In the end the US also pummeled Iran's navy in a few hours and shot down an airliner.

in exchange for the return of his people and the chance of salvaging relations with the new regime in tehran or he could continue to support an ex despot who was no longer of any value in the grand scheme of things

Would Iran give up Assad if he had been forced to flee Syria in exchange for a good relationship with the new Syrian administration/government ? What about Nasrallah ? Absolutely not. So why would America, a global SUPER POWER yield to Iran, (at the time) an underdeveloped country with a literacy rate of 60% ? It's pretty ridiculous if you think about it, especially considering the fact that back then many analysts believed that the Islamic Republic would not last the test of time.

We shouldnt also forget either that iran and the us have engaged in previous prisoner swaps of each others citizens.

You're talking about diplomats. Regardless of what they were up to, the international norm for civilized nations is to kick them out if you don't want them, not take them prisoner. Many Islamic scholars and civilizations throughout history, including the Romans even believe(d) that diplomats should never be taken hostage/injured/mistreated, etc

this still would not have solved the fundamental problem that exists to this very day between the us and iran and that was irans rejection both of us vassalage and what it saw as its god given right to meddle in the affairs of the >nations and peoples of the region.

True but taking those diplomats hostage was not correct. Iran did not benefit from it and at the end of the day it's not just the Iran hostage crisis. It's Iran's entire foreign policy and this whole "death to America" BS which makes millions of people around the world believe that Iran is a boogeyman terrorist nation filled with hateful people.

It's really simple. Treat others as you want to be treated. Would Iran want any nation to take their diplomats hostage ? Would Iran like it if Americans or anyone else constantly burned their flags ? Yes I know Americans have done much worse then burning flags in the middle east, but image is everything in this day and age. If Iran had not acquired this boogeyman image then there's a good chance that Iran wouldn't have had as much trouble with its nuclear program and sanctions probably wouldn't have been as harsh if not arguably nonexistent with the right diplomatic approach.

You might want to refresh your memory as to the price that the west is demanding from iran just for the privilege of doing business with it. The US secretary of state has set out 12 tough demands for inclusion in a new nuclear treaty with Iran.

I'm not saying that Iran should go along with any of those outlandish demands. Infact I'm firmly against Iran doing so. However the fact of the matter is that Iran's foreign policy after the revolution led to Iran being perceived as a pariah state / boogeyman and now Iran's people are suffering because of it.

Now like North Korea, Iran has no choice but to simply hold on and hope that a US president comes along who will be willing to negotiate on reasonable terms. The next few years will be interesting, watching how the various dynamics play out.

If Trump is re-elected, which is a real possibility, then there's a good chance that the status quo will remain in place. On the other hand, according to the world bank, Iran's economy is going to grow in the next 2 years and many are criticizing Trump now since Iran and China have signed this recent economic pact, so perhaps Trump will try to be more reasonable towards North Korea and Iran in the future, though I doubt it.

On the other hand, if Biden is elected, then there is a good chance that the nuclear deal will be reactivated. If the opportunity presents itself, I believe that Iran should take it. However this time Iran demand certain guarantees from the US side, otherwise it's simply pointless.

For example, I believe that Iran should absolutely NOT reduce any of its nuclear activity until Iranian banks are completely reinstated into the global banking system. The sale of the passenger planes and other essential goods should also be guaranteed. Any western company that wants to do business with Iran should also be required to put down a deposit, which they would forfeit if they withdraw again. Also companies who left despite their promises like Renault and Peugeot should pay penalties in order to do business with Iran again.

This whole situation is just frustrating. A part of me believes that, for all the losses Iran has incured, that Iran should have simply built nuclear weapons, like North Korea. On the other hand, that could have led to a war at a time when Iran's missile / air defense capabilities weren't nearly as potent. Also doing so would have most likely isolated Iran from China and Russia and perhaps Iran's economy would have ended up worse off than it is today.

Who knows but one thing is for sure, looking at North Korea, self isolation in todays world is a hopeless policy. I recently saw a video of a Russian journalist who visits North Korea. Believe it or not, in Pyong Yang, the capital, there are people using scissors to cut the grass on public streets. Like I've said before, no country can have a prosperous economy in this day and age without cooperating with either the eastern sphere (China/Russia) or the western sphere (USA/EU).

So instead the us chose the risk of a totally ill considered military option which went horrifically wrong resulting in even more humiliation for it internationally.Great job us!!,slow clap for you.....clap!...........clap!..........clap!
The us has never had qualms about ditching vassal dictators that are no longer of any value to it or are seen as unreliable,so why should pahlavi be any different?,that is simply one of the risks of vassalage.
Ultimately carter had a simple choice he could send pahlavi back to face the music in exchange for the return of his people and the chance of salvaging relations with the new regime in tehran or he could continue to support an ex despot who was no longer of any value in the grand scheme of things,sadly he chose neither which was probably the worst decision possible,he would not hand him back but neither would he allow him refuge in the us.Ironically this failure of leadership probably contributed more to ronald reagans victory at the ballot box than anything else.
Now as for hypothetically handing over assad in the event of a hypothetical revolution in syria,well I guess that it would depend entirely as to what was on offer and what the other options were versus the fate of one now ex-dictator.
We shouldnt also forget either that iran and the us have engaged in previous prisoner swaps of each others citizens.
In the end like virtually everything in this world it all comes down to simple political will.If the will exists virtually anything can be accomplished,if there is no will then nothing can be achieved no matter what other support for it there may be.
Ultimately tho even if a swap had been done,hell even if the embassy personnel had not been taken prisoner in the first place,this still would not have solved the fundamental problem that exists to this very day between the us and iran and that was irans rejection both of us vassalage and what it saw as its god given right to meddle in the affairs of the nations and peoples of the region.

The jcpoa was rouhanis baby,that and his failure to have any back up plan/plans in case of its likely failure rests pretty squarely on his shoulders imho.Khamenei did of course sign off on it but he also made it pretty clear that he had little faith in the wests ability to live up to it.As for his reasons who can say,perhaps this was a good opportunity to prove to the nation the folly of the reformists belief that iran and the west could find common ground and deal in mutual good faith and respect,or perhaps he secretly hoped that he would be proven wrong in this regard.....who knows?

It was not iran that turned its back on economic dealings with the west,it was the west who despite the not inconsiderable costs to itself chose to turn its back economically on iran,and that was entirely the wests decision.
This was stupidly done in the utterly erroneous belief that even more economic blackmail might succeed were it had previously failed.
You might want to refresh your memory as to the price that the west is demanding from iran just for the privilege of doing business with it.
The US secretary of state has set out 12 tough demands for inclusion in a new nuclear treaty with Iran.

The conditions, listed by Mike Pomepo during a speech at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, DC, on Monday, will require Iran, in his words, to:

  • Declare to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) a full account of the prior military dimensions of its nuclear programme and permanently and verifiably abandon such work in perpetuity.

  • Stop enrichment and never pursue plutonium reprocessing, including closing its heavy water reactor.

  • Provide the IAEA with unqualified access to all sites throughout the entire country.

  • End its proliferation of ballistic missiles and halt further launching or development of nuclear-capable missile systems.

  • Release all US citizens as well as citizens of US partners and allies.

  • End support to Middle East "terrorist" groups, including Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

  • Respect the sovereignty of the Iraqi government and permit the disarming, demobilisation and reintegration of Shia militias.

  • End its military support for the Houthi rebels and work towards a peaceful, political settlement in Yemen.

  • Withdraw all forces under Iran's command throughout the entirety of Syria.

  • End support for the Taliban and other "terrorists" in Afghanistan and the region and cease harbouring senior al-Qaeda leaders.

  • End the Islamic Revolutionary Guard corps-linked Quds Force's support for "terrorists" and "militant" partners around the world.

  • End its threatening behaviour against its neighbours, many of whom are US allies, including its threats to destroy Israel and its firing of missiles at Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, and threats to international shipping and destructive cyberattacks.

  • Theres also some bullsh!t about human rights as well,thats demand number 13.

In the end as the old cliche goes "freedom aint free",but then again neither is vassalage,both come with costs so ultimately you pays your money and you takes your chances.
This issue is extremely complicated and controversial and like any other topic, there are two sides to every story. In this world there is black and white, but in between there is alot of grey area. I've conducted my own research on this topic, analyzing both narratives to try to come to some kind of logical conclusion.

The western media, for the most part, dismiss China's narrative as "propaganda" but we all know that the western mainstream media absolutely does not have a squeaky clean track records when it comes to providing accurate information. Just as one prominent example, we all remember the Iraqi WMD's that were never found. Realistically I could fill pages with examples of western media spreading propaganda, exaggerations, biased stories based on speculation, essentially fake news. However looking at the big picture here are some things to keep in mind regarding Xinjiang, China.

1) China claims to have lifted 3 million people out of poverty in XinJiang in the last few years

2) China claims that there were hundreds of terrorist attacks in Xinjiang in the last few decades including the 2014 Kunming railway station attack where radicalized individuals used knives and cleavers to slash and chop victims indiscriminately. That attack is just one example. There have been riots, looting, killing, maiming and countless bombings mostly targeting civilians.

3) Many of the Uighur separatist, extremist groups who are responsible for terrorist attacks in XinJiang have ties to groups like Al Qaeda. It is a known fact that a large number of radicalized Chinese Uighurs are currently residing in the Idlib region in northern Syria, specifically Jisr Al Shugr. According to various sources, these groups have been responsible for many atrocities and terrorist acts in Syria.

4) China claims that in the last 3 years, because of the measures they have implemented, that there have been no terrorist attacks in XinJiang

5) China claims that their notorious facilities, sometimes referred to as concentration camps by western media, are used to re-educate mostly unemployed Uighur youth, who are at risk of being radicalized. Journalists have been invited to these facilities and there seems to be a heavy emphasis on reforming prisoners by teaching them language skills, job training, etc Students are taught a variety of skills ranging from cooking, hospitality, sales, mechanics, etc.

6) Compare China's facilities to Guantanamo for example or the US prison system in general. The USA has the largest prison population in the entire world. The vast majority of prisoners are Black, Latino and other minorities. Unlike in China, the US prison system puts an emphasis on punishment rather than reform. In many cases, prisoners are pressured to do hard labor for pennies on the dollar. Many analysts have referred to America's prison system as "modern day slavery". The fact that many US prisons are privatized and that investors have lobbying power to encourage lawmakers to enact longer, harsher punishments is also quite alarming.

7) On the US-Mexican border, immigrant families are currently ripped apart and in many cases people are transferred to primitive facilities where they are put into cages. In contrast, many of China's vocational facilities, especially for minor offenses, have students/prisoners in class rooms. From everything I've seen they seem to be well fed and well clothed.

8) Over 50 countries, including many Muslim countries, have congratulated China on its reformist approach towards fighting extremist, radicalism and separatism.

For anyone interested, this is a video, released by Chinese state media, regarding the situation in XinJiang. I realize that many people on this forum have negative feelings about China and its treatment of Uighurs, but again, there are always two sides to every story.

I'm not saying that China is perfect or that their methods are perfect but you have to consider what they were up against and honestly, look at how the US reacted to 9-11, invading several Muslim countries, bombing, killing countless civilians, millions of lives lost and ruined. Compare that to China and it's methods. Realistically China is much more humane when dealing with potential radicals who want to harm civilians and themselves.

NOTE: Chinese news media recently put out a new documentary on the situation in XinJiang. Apparently it has since been deleted from youtube for unknown reasons. These videos however are luckily still up and running.

Regarding Uigyur, Indonesian foreign ministers have summon Chinese ambassador and Indonesian foreign minister has also asked directly Chinese foreign minister about Uigyur and lecture him about the importance of freedom of religion.

Talking about Rohingya, we are very active on the issue and has pressure Myanmar government to bring back Rohingya refugee in Bangladesh to their home land in Myanmar.

Indonesia is also pressuring Myanmar using ASEAN.

China responds to Indonesia’s question about alleged abuse of Xinjiang’s Muslims
  • Dian Septiari
    The Jakarta Post
Bandung / Thu, December 20, 2018 / 11:35 am

Men dance in front of the Id Kah Mosque after morning prayers on June 26, 2017 during Idul Fitri in the old town of Kashgar in China's Xinjiang Uighur autonomous region. (Agence France -Presse/Johannes Esielle)

China has responded to Indonesia’s question about alleged human rights abuse against Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang, saying that Beijing guaranteed the religious freedom of all of its citizens, including the Uighurs.

A Chinese Embassy spokesman in Jakarta said in a statement on Thursday that “China is a country with multiple ethnic groups and religions".

“As prescribed in the Constitution, all Chinese citizens enjoy the freedom of religious belief,” the statement said.

The statement said that the Chinese government was facing the threat of religious extremism in Xinjiang, which is home to about 14 million Muslims. Some Xinjiang residents, it said, had struggled to find jobs because of their poor command of the nation’s official language and lack of skills.

“This has made them vulnerable to the instigation and coercion of terrorism and extremism,” it said.

“In light of the situation, Xinjiang has established professional vocational training institutions as the platform, providing courses on China’s common language, legal knowledge, vocational skills, along with de-radicalization education for citizens influenced by extremist ideas.”

Previously, the Foreign Ministry said it had summoned Chinese Ambassador to Indonesia Xiao Qian on Monday to convey the concerns of Indonesian Muslims about the plight of Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang.

“The Foreign Ministry stressed that in accordance with the universal declaration of human rights, religious freedom and belief are human rights and it is the responsibility of all countries to respect it,” ministry spokesperson Arrmanatha Nasir told reporters on the sidelines of the Diplofest event on Wednesday evening.

He said Xiao Qian conveyed China’s commitment to the protection of human rights. In addition, the ambassador said it was very important for the Indonesian public to know the condition of the Uighurs in Xinjiang, an autonomous region.

“Even though it is a domestic issue, the Foreign Ministry noted the embassy’s intention to expand communication with various civil society groups in order to convey information about the condition of the Uighur community.”

The summons of the Chinese ambassador came shortly after Indonesian Islamic groups demanded an explanation on the situation in Xinjiang.

Western countries have accused China of persecuting Uighurs through its “re-education centers”, which Beijing insisted were actually vocational and training centers that combat religious extremism.

The situation in Xinjiang was highlighted during China’s third United Nations Human Rights Council’s universal periodic review last month.

Human Rights Watch says Uighur people in particular are subject to intense surveillance and are made to give DNA and biometric samples.

Muhammadiyah chairman Haedar Nashir said if the reports were true, then China had violated universal human rights and his organization was ready to mobilize humanitarian and material support for peace in Xinjiang, especially for the Uighur community.

”The Chinese government’s inaction is feared to hurt diplomatic relations between Indonesia and China, and the good relations our people have had for centuries,” Haedar said as quoted by Antara on Wednesday.

Social media messages calling on Indonesians to take to the streets to defend Uighurs have been circulating online in the last few days.

On Monday, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) advisory council leader and former chairman of Muhammadiyah, Din Syamsuddin, said the alleged crackdown was an outright violation of basic human rights and demanded that the Indonesian government take firm action to advocate for the Uighur people.

Responding to the MUI’s call, Vice President Jusuf Kalla said Indonesia would not interfere in China’s handling of Uighur Muslims.

“Of course we reject or [want to] prevent any human rights violations. However, we don’t want to intervene in the domestic affairs of another country,” Kalla told journalists on Monday.

The Chinese Embassy’s spokesman said that, “China and Indonesia have always supported each other on issues concerning respective major interests.

“I believe after knowing the real situation in Xinjiang, our Indonesian friends would better understand and support the Chinese government's efforts to combat terrorism and extremism and to safeguard stability and security in Xinjiang,” he said.



Indonesia seeks clarification on latest situation in Xinjiang
20th December 2019

"So from time to time, we conduct communication. This shows how serious we are to see development in the field"

Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Indonesian Foreign Ministry continues to seek clarification from the Chinese government about the latest developments in Xinjiang region related to the alleged discrimination and persecution of the Uighur Muslim ethnic group. "Indonesia has made and will always make approaches with the Chinese government through bilateral communication to discuss the Xinjiang issue," spokesman for the Foreign Ministry Teuku Faizasyah said in Jakarta Friday,

"So from time to time, we conduct communication. This shows how serious we are to see development in the field," he said.

Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi also touched on the Xinjiang issue during a meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on the sidelines of the 14th Asia-Europe Ministerial Meeting held in Madrid, Spain, on Monday, December 18.

At the meeting, Retno asked Wang Yi to clarify the latest situation in Xinjiang. Wang Yi said China guarantees freedom of religion for Muslims in Xinjiang.

Earlier in the day, Indonesian Ulemas Council (MUI) Secretary General Anwar Abbas urged the ongoing Kuala Lumpur (KL) Summit to take a firm, stern stance against China to optimally fight the repression of the Uighur ethnic group in Xinjiang.

"The MUI calls on participants of the summit of Islamic countries in Kuala Lumpur or the KL Summit to take a firm and firm stance against the Chinese government," Abbas noted in a written statement released Friday.

Muslims across the world vehemently oppose China's mistreatment of Uighur Muslims, he stated.

The Chinese government has blatantly violated the human rights of Uighur Muslims, including preventing them from offering religious services under their religion and belief, he remarked.

"We realize that as a state, China has the right to govern them. However, they must not suppress the human rights of their people, especially the fundamental rights of Muslims there," he said.

He urged the Chinese government to end the violence against Uighur Muslims with immediate effect. The ethnic minority in China should be allowed to exercise their religious rights and follow their religious teachings properly.

In the absence of this, the world will be dragged into new local and global tensions, he cautioned.

"People in each country, especially Muslim nations, including Indonesia, will appeal to their government to take a firm stand against the Chinese government. Thus, it will have a detrimental impact on the development they are conducting," he added.

Reporter: Yashinta Difa/Suharto
Editor: Gusti Nur Cahya Aryani

WTF??? Is this really Iran??

Video is real...

منظورت حالا از این پست چیه
توی تابستون چن تا تانکر که متعلق به کردهاست و غیر نظامیه مثل هر ساله دیگه ای سوخته

حین پست گذاشتن کاملا روی ذکاوت و خلاقیت خودت حساب کن و روی خریت بقیه اصلا حساب نکن
@mohammad45 @PeeD

سلام دوستان

چند تا پرسش در مورد تصاویر ماهواره نور داشتم

با توجه به اینکه زمان گردش نور به دور زمین حدود 90 دقیقه هست، تغییرات در تصاویر باید در بازه زمانی حدود 90 دقیقه ثبت شده باشه طبیعتاً. آیا این بازه زمانی ارزش نظامی داره؟

اگر اشتباه می کنم بهم درستش رو بگین اما برای تحصیح مسیر موشک نیاز به دونستن موقعیت اون در فضا و محاسبه مجدد هست. برای سه بعدی سازی حداقل 2 تصویر نیاز هست. پس با یک ماهواره به تنهایی نباید بشه موشک رو هدایت کرد (البته می دونم رادارهای زمینی و غیره هم هستند، اما بحث من فقط ماهواره هست). درسته؟

می شه یک مقدار بیشتر در مورد توانایی هایی که ماهواره نور به ایران می ده بگین؟​
@mohammad45 @PeeD

سلام دوستان

چند تا پرسش در مورد تصاویر ماهواره نور داشتم

با توجه به اینکه زمان گردش نور به دور زمین حدود 90 دقیقه هست، تغییرات در تصاویر باید در بازه زمانی حدود 90 دقیقه ثبت شده باشه طبیعتاً. آیا این بازه زمانی ارزش نظامی داره؟

اگر اشتباه می کنم بهم درستش رو بگین اما برای تحصیح مسیر موشک نیاز به دونستن موقعیت اون در فضا و محاسبه مجدد هست. برای سه بعدی سازی حداقل 2 تصویر نیاز هست. پس با یک ماهواره به تنهایی نباید بشه موشک رو هدایت کرد (البته می دونم رادارهای زمینی و غیره هم هستند، اما بحث من فقط ماهواره هست). درسته؟

می شه یک مقدار بیشتر در مورد توانایی هایی که ماهواره نور به ایران می ده بگین؟​

Translation lol, sorry I just wanna know what's going on xD
Translation lol, sorry I just wanna know what's going on xD
xD Nothing, I'm just asking them questions about the Noor-1 satellite. Here's the translation:

1- Noor-1 has an orbital period of 90 minutes. So, it should scan the same area again after 90 minutes and we can see the changes after a 90 minute interval. I'm asking if that's enough for military applications.

2- 3D reconstruction is possible by intersecting two rays emitted/received by a device to determine the 3D coordinates of the target in a frame of reference. So, it seems that we should not be able to determine the position of our missiles in space with just one satellite alone. I'm asking if it's still possible to use Noor-1 for missile guidance.

And then I'm asking them for more information about the capabilities that Noor-1 gives Iran.
@mohammad45 @PeeD

سلام دوستان

چند تا پرسش در مورد تصاویر ماهواره نور داشتم

با توجه به اینکه زمان گردش نور به دور زمین حدود 90 دقیقه هست، تغییرات در تصاویر باید در بازه زمانی حدود 90 دقیقه ثبت شده باشه طبیعتاً. آیا این بازه زمانی ارزش نظامی داره؟

اگر اشتباه می کنم بهم درستش رو بگین اما برای تحصیح مسیر موشک نیاز به دونستن موقعیت اون در فضا و محاسبه مجدد هست. برای سه بعدی سازی حداقل 2 تصویر نیاز هست. پس با یک ماهواره به تنهایی نباید بشه موشک رو هدایت کرد (البته می دونم رادارهای زمینی و غیره هم هستند، اما بحث من فقط ماهواره هست). درسته؟

می شه یک مقدار بیشتر در مورد توانایی هایی که ماهواره نور به ایران می ده بگین؟​
والله اطلاعات زیادی از ویژگی‌های نور در دسترس نیست. ولی با توجه به اطلاعات داغون خودم نتیجه میگیرم که باس خورشید آهنگ باشه. از قرار سپاه عزیز همه تلاششو کرده تا این ماهواره مدار دایروی داشته باشه تا حداکثر عمردهی در فضا رو داشته باشه. یعنی هم از جاذبه کمتر تاثیر بگیره همینکه جو تاثیرش به حداقل برسه. با توجه به اینکه این نوع مدارها زاویه ثابتی نسبت به تابش خورشید روی مکانی که براشون تعریف شده، بهترین گزینه برای این ماموریت بوده. پس خورشید آهنگه. حدود 90 دقیقه هم رزولوشن زمانی داره. و ماموریت اصلیش زوم کردن روی خلیج فارسه.

رزولوشن مکانی رو نمیشه تشخیص داد اما با عکسهایی که تو اینترنت منتشر شده دقت خوبی دارند.

با توجه به اینکه رزولوشن طیفی باید متوسط باشه چون اندازه ماهواره زیاد بزرگ نیست مگر اینکه نانو تکنولوژی به کمک سپاه آمده باشه. الله اعلم

نمیدونم گری لول این ماهواره چقدره اما باید طبق عرف بقیه ماهواره ها باشه.

تصاویری که سپاه منتشر کرده رزولوشن زمانی بالایی دارند. تقریبا میشه گفت بیشتر از 1 ماهواره تو مدار دارند. این ماهواره ها چون کوچک اند شاید تشخیصشان توسط رادار سخت باشه و این اجازه رو به سپاه بده که با پنهان‌کاری کارهاش جلو ببره.
xD Nothing, I'm just asking them questions about the Noor-1 satellite. Here's the translation:

1- Noor-1 has an orbital period of 90 minutes. So, it should scan the same area again after 90 minutes and we can see the changes after a 90 minute interval. I'm asking if that's enough for military applications.

2- 3D reconstruction is possible by intersecting two rays emitted/received by a device to determine the 3D coordinates of the target in a frame of reference. So, it seems that we should not be able to determine the position of our missiles in space with just one satellite alone. I'm asking if it's still possible to use Noor-1 for missile guidance.

And then I'm asking them for more information about the capabilities that Noor-1 gives Iran.

No, it only passes about once every 4-5 days over the "same" spot. This is because the earth rotates too.
No, it only passes about once every 4-5 days over the "same" spot. This is because the earth rotates too.
I have my own questions too. :D

Could we have a transcontinental station for receiving its online data? South America for examole

Also, i believe there are more than 1 Noor in the Orbit, is it possible? I mean, IRGC doesn't need to publicize every Launch and this sat is too small for Ground radars. Low RCS allows it remain hidden
@PeeD i think i have to disappoint Myself. Its impossible to remain unnoticed. Given the fact that the Satellite scatters wavelengths. Anyway, good acievements from IRGC were publicized.

Congratulations to each and everyone
new unveiling, upcoming teaser...
They need to unveil new equipment before arms embargo expires in October---and at August 22 there is a Defence industry Day and on September 22 there is Sacred Defence week-----

I think major unveilings will happen at that two dates and before arms embargo expires in October
They need to unveil new equipment before arms embargo expires in October---and at August 22 there is a Defence industry Day and on September 22 there is Sacred Defence week-----

I think major unveilings will happen at that two dates and before arms embargo expires in October
Yesss... totally a month of eid...
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