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Iranian Chill Thread

@-SINAN- is a butthurt Turk.

He lives in his own fantasy world, he thinks that its a proud to say that we have sats in the Orbit thanks to American and French technologies.

About IRGC sat, they have released these images only to demonstrate their amazing capabilities. No space power would be willing to share its actual data with maximum quality on the Web.

These retarded Israeli Turkish butthurt trolls have nothing to say but just embarrassing themself.

I will post here to avoid taking that thread off topic. What my comment meant is that given your country cannot even put an needle into space, then do not try making mocking statements. All this does is highlight your frustrations.

Are you on crack? You put token sattelites into space that are ridicilously cheap to make and have very low resolution. Your "space program" boils down to converting existing ballistic missiles to hold a minimal extremely small payload. Turkey can do this shit in a heartbeat and so can MANY other countries. Its not something special or worthy of achievement. Turkey has an actual VLS concept in development.

Its seems i have left the Iranian section alone for a little to long, and now newbies are getting a bit to cocky and arrogant again.
Bacheha, behtare ke az in goh khoone berim. Hamash too threadha ma troll mikonan va moderator ha ham kaari nemikonand.

nazaretoon chiye ?

@mohammad45 @QWECXZ @Mithridates @Philosopher
Age berim inja ta deleshoon mikhad be Iran cherto pert migan
Vagarne bala avordane ye website ba vbulletin kari nadare. Behtarin kar ine enghadr shooloogh konim ta dahaneshoon service she. Kari ke man kardam va ye moddat inja saket shod ba'desh.
@-SINAN- you are not a bandit country but im afraid a Western whore. You have amazing sats and Channel such as TurkSat that shows your dancing whores 24/7. That must make you feel proud, sorry i forgot you make money in that way.

What a shithole in our neighborhood, Turkey is a nightclub at its best. Lmao

If capitalism and secularism makes us a western whore then il be proud to call myself one. You keep hanging people in public now meanwhile!
Are you on crack?

Insulting is not going to really help you out here.

Your "space program" boils down to converting existing ballistic missiles to hold a minimal extremely small payload.

Which is an achievement decades ahead of anything your kind can achieve.

Turkey can do this shit in a heartbeat. Turkey has an actual VLS concept in development.

You only missiles is essentially some Chinese systems. Missile program are not child's play that you can just develop an SLV. Even nations like Pakistan that have had a missile program for years prior to yours have yet to do so.

Like I said, many of you people are out of touch with reality. You confuse importing and buying technology with actual development. When you actually manage to develop an SLV then we can continue, but for now, I suggest you stick to your own league.
You have what in space? Paying foreigners to launch satellites into space for you? Even assuming you fully built those satellites (which I doubt), there is nothing impressive about having France etc launch them for you. What is there for me to be jealous about? Being reliant on the outside world?

You people appear to have a tendency to be out of touch with reality. You try to compare your "space program" (if we can even call it that) to a nations who build their own satellites and launches them into space. You would be better of comparing yourself to the likes of UAE.

The difference being that the sattelites are actual capable with relatively high resolution, and therefore worth something in contrast to whatever shit you put in those converted ballistic missiles. Everything is linked to net gain, and as long as there is no urgent need for a domestic alternative, we will keep up the current pace to make our own actual VLS.

Every since your little IMF site closed you people have been getting a little to cocky. About time you be put in your place nice and neatly. You dont have any crowning achievement in the field worth bragging about so i have no fucking idea where you get this audacity from lmao.
The difference being that the sattelites are actual capable with relatively high resolution

Even UAE can pay foreigners to build satellite and launch them, this is not a space program. Hopefully you'll realise this.

and therefore worth something in contrast to whatever shit you put in those converted ballistic missiles.

Launching a satellite into space is a technological achievement regardless of how it is done. When your kind can put even an apple into orbit, then we will take you a little more seriously.

Everything is linked to net gain, and as long as there is no urgent need for a domestic alternative, we will keep up the current pace to make our own actual VLS.

You do not have the technological base to develop such a thing anytime soon. You have barely any experience with these technologies, it will be decades before you get anywhere meaningful. If you manage to do anything sooner, then it will once again be based on imported technology like so many of your other "achievements".

Every since your little IMF site closed you people have been getting a little to cocky. About time you be put in your place nice and neatly. You dont have any crowning achievement in the field worth bragging about so i have no fucking idea where you get this audacity from lmao.

I have no idea what this has to do with anything. Try sticking to the main discussion instead of these strange rants.
Insulting is not going to really help you out here.
But calling someone "subhuman" does apparently.

Which is an achievement decades ahead of anything your kind can achieve.
No not really. Its just something that we dont bother with, because its such a token and propaganda esque thing to do. We already developed high-res sattelites, the rest will come in due time.

You only missiles is essentially some Chinese systems. Missile program are not child's play that you can just develop an SLV. Even nations like Pakistan that have had a missile program for years prior to yours have yet to do so.

Like I said, many of you people are out of touch with reality. You confuse importing and buying technology with actual development. When you actually manage to develop an SLV then we can continue, but for now, I suggest you stick to your own league.

I can understand your misunderstanding in this regard, no doubt your ignorance will lead to this conclusion. This isnt the early 2000's anymore buddy. We have sophisticated ballistic/cruise/guidance missile technology.

You confuse having a converted ballistic missiles with token payloads with an actual space program lmao. How dare you talk to me about being out of touch with reality :lol:
do it then come here and be proud of yourself, until then you are a country that can not send satellites into space.

The sattelites we developed and produce have far greater capabilities, technology and systems on board. Therefore creating an VLS that can take these types of payload to space isnt easy to make. Iran merely converts pre-existing ballistic missiles to hold very small sattelites, which are cheap, lightweight, much less capable and easy to make. Iran can get away with this because thats all they can build, Turkey needs something more powerfull, which therefore requires more time and care to handle.
No not really. Its just something that we dont bother with, because its such a token and propaganda esque thing to do. We already developed high-res sattelites, the rest will come in due time.

So you basically have a satellite program, not a proper space program. You can develop all the satellites you want, but you have zero ability to launch them. Like I said, you're just another UAE in this regard.

I can understand your misunderstanding in this regard, no doubt your ignorance will lead to this conclusion. This isnt the early 2000's anymore buddy. We have sophisticated ballistic/cruise/guidance missile technology.

What sophisticated ballistic missile technology? The Chinese systems?

You confuse having a converted ballistic missiles with token payloads with an actual space program lmao. How dare you talk to me about being out of touch with reality

Even Iran's current SLV's can put circa 700kg into orbit. The point you are missing is this, Iran has actually put satellites into orbit multiple times, weight is not relevant. It is the technology of being able to put something into orbit that is important.

The fact that your kind, that has to pay foreigners to launch (and maybe even build their satellites) their systems is talking about a space program is frankly satirical.
@Philosopher @mohammad45 @Mithridates @Dariush the Great

Even UAE can pay foreigners to build satellite and launch them, this is not a space program. Hopefully you'll realise this.

We arent a gulf Arab country with Oil/gas money to throw at something so ridicilous. The comparison is stupid, not as stupid as UAE thinking they have an actual space program lol. On this we can agree atleast.

Launching a satellite into space is a technological achievement regardless of how it is done. When your kind can put even an apple into orbit, then we will take you a little more seriously.

It really isnt that much of an achievement. I am not putting you down but what you essentialy did was create small low res sattelites and strapped them unto a ballistic missile. The payload has no monetery value and therefore expendable, so is the missile its used. This is not an actual space program, and something only isolated countries do out of desperation. Desperation is not an achievement, its just desperation and coming to terms with reality of your situation. Had Turkey been in Iran's place we probably would have done the same, but we dont so its useless to compare.

You do not have the technological base to develop such a thing anytime soon. You have barely any experience with these technologies, it will be decades before you get anywhere meaningful. If you manage to do anything sooner, then it will once again be based on imported technology like so many of your other "achievements".
Are you suffering from an inferiority complex that much? Not our problem your country is isolated and considered a rogue state.

I have no idea what this has to do with anything. Try sticking to the main discussion instead of these strange rants.

You think this is the first time you Iranians talked all this shit? I have been on this forum for nearly a decade, people like you come and go and each time we have to repeat ourselves and shut you people up. Its tradition at this point.
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