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Iranian Chill Thread

Guys please answer me If you had a girlfriend like this chick would you marry her or not?

Despite their nigh irresistibly alluring power, in reality outwardly appearances are highly superficial and limited in worth. It depends on her internal qualities my good friend. Always remember this: Physical beauty may entice one to start a relationship, but by itself it will never make the relationship last. For marriage, you have to connect with this person strongly and there has to be trust. Without those two, any relationship will be limited.

Do you know anything about this person?
Despite their nigh irresistibly alluring power, in reality outwardly appearances are highly superficial and limited in worth. It depends on her internal qualities my good friend. Always remember this: Physical beauty may entice one to start a relationship, but by itself it will never make the relationship last. For marriage, you have to connect with this person strongly and there has to be trust. Without those two, any relationship will be limited.

Do you know anything about this person?
Yes she is my best friend for 2 years :P

She has very good appearance but not good temper
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That's good. Then if you have trust and you get along well then why not dadash.
I don't know what she does, but she is getting more beautiful everyday.

The problem is her temper is not that good and she herself has requested me marriage for many times.
I don't know what she does, but she is getting more beautiful everyday.

The problem is her temper is not that good and she herself has requested me marriage for many times.

Well dadash, how do you feel? could you see yourself together?
Well dadash, how do you feel? could you see yourself together?
Well no dadsh because of her temper I haven't decided to marry but I really loves her.

She gave me pure love for 1.5 year... something that I hadn't gained from anyone before.

We are from two different cities. I'm from Tehran and she's from one of Southern provinces of Iran. Both of us are Persian lors from fathers
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Well no dadsh because of her temper I haven't decided to marry but I really loves her.

She gave me pure love for 1.5 year... something that I hadn't gained from anyone before.

We are from two different cities. I'm from Tehran and she's from one of Southern provinces of Iran.

When you say temper, how does it effect your relationship? I can tell you everyone has temper or some other quality that we'll deem challenging. Question is could you live with it?
I don't know what she does, but she is getting more beautiful everyday.

The problem is her temper is not that good and she herself has requested me marriage for many times.
Have you seen her without makeup?
You will need some pickaxe and some heavy duty spatula to remove those layers...

Two years with out seeing her? Have you video chatted with her?

Watch catfish series.
Video chat for many times. but I'm a person who always keep some red lines in his life. If I haven't decided to marry someone +90% I don't intimate her more than a certain measure. Because if I do this and then we separate it would be heart-breaking feeling for both of male and female.

As a person who is from rich class of Tehran I know many maidens who want to be my partner eternally but because of the reason that I mentioned I don't intimate with them more than a certain measure.
Guys please answer me If you had a girlfriend like this chick would you marry her or not?

View attachment 648920
If i were you then i wouldve never married to "The requested attachment could not be found." :D

You are a sensitive guy. Just Take care of yourself. And if you decided to Take her for friend of life then you should get along with her weaknesses/wishes/etc. My best wishes bro
If i were you then i wouldve never married to "The requested attachment could not be found." :D

You are a sensitive guy. Just Take care of yourself. And if you decided to Take her for friend of life then you should get along with her weaknesses/wishes/etc. My best wishes bro
Despite she is almost a famous person she has put for me more than 200 story and love posts on insta and likee but I usually ignore her posts because I don't consider her as زن زندگی (a suitable person for marriage) ...
Despite she is almost a famous person she has put for me more than 200 story and love posts on insta and likee but I usually ignore her posts because I don't consider her as زن زندگی (a suitable person for marriage) ...
You dont have to answer this One bro, but im curious. Have you been in Physical contact with her?
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