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Iranian Chill Thread

We now know that Iran never should have negotiated with the US since Trump ended up winning the elections and destroying the nuclear deal. However there was no way of knowing that when the deal was being negotiated. The people of Iran were clamoring for a deal and a deal is what they got. Didn't you see how people were celebrating after the deal was signed ? But now they've learned their lesson.

The deal with Venezuela is only worth $40 million. The fact of the matter is that when most countries / companies have to choose between trading with the US or Iran, they automatically choose the United States. Other than regional countries or Iran's immediate neighbors, it's very difficult. Iran has to offer steep discounts for anyone to buy their oil or products. Ironically Iran's falling currency has helped in that regard.

Anyways take a look at this. I don't think there's going to be any deal with Trump. He doesn't want a reasonable compromise. Rather he wants to impose terms on Iran

Well Iran's leader did say that it's better not to make any deals with the US, but no one listened. And it looks like everyone had forgot what happened to Libya after the deal with the US. But it's over now and at least iran is starting its nuclear activity again.
Also regarding starting a proper trade route, iran has to start with a small trade route and slowly expand it. The sanctions wont allow iran to trade with everyone right now, but iran can take advantage of those willing to trade with it, and grow a reputation for itself. Then it can slowly try exporting its products to the others. It will take time, but it's better than nothing or trying to depend on others.
And about trump, I should say that he will end up destroying the US, and we all know about the situation in the US right now. The future will change alot after these protests end in the US.
Various videos showing Israeli jets flying low over Lebanese airspace and several missile interceptions by Syrian air defenses

With these jets flying so low, Iranian MANPADS along with a few spotters on the ground, could surely be a cheap and effective deterrent against them.

An operation on the southern Idlib pocket / countryside seems to be inevitable. Turkey has established several new bases on the M4 while they conduct patrols with the Russians on a frequent basis. Turkey has also setup a HAWK SAM system near Saraqib

The Turkish backed GNA has also made some new gains in Libya with Tarhuna, a Haftar stronghold in Tripoli, falling. The LNA (Haftars forces) seem to be tactically withdrawing rather than putting up fierce resistance.

At the same time Russia, Egypt, UAE, etc keep sending large shipments of weapons and even reinforcements to eastern Libya. Some say that if the GNA take Sirte and threaten Benghazi, that Egypt, along with the UAE, Saudi airforce will intervene.

Egypt has 2 dozen Rafales, the UAE and Saudi have Eurofighter Typhoons and F-15 interceptors. Egypt also has a large army with a land route into Libya. In this case, Turkey will be at a disadvantage, having to send supplies and potentially jets over the Mediterranean .


Well Iran's leader did say that it's better not to make any deals with the US, but no one listened. And it looks like everyone had forgot what happened to Libya after the deal with the US. But it's over now and at least iran is starting its nuclear activity again.
Also regarding starting a proper trade route, iran has to start with a small trade route and slowly expand it. The sanctions wont allow iran to trade with everyone right now, but iran can take advantage of those willing to trade with it, and grow a reputation for itself. Then it can slowly try exporting its products to the others. It will take time, but it's better than nothing or trying to depend on others.
And about trump, I should say that he will end up destroying the US, and we all know about the situation in the US right now. The future will change alot after these protests end in the US.
Another day of Covid-19 infections all over the world.

Iran's infections are slightly lower today and again the death numbers are still below 100 a day but overall not great.

The USA is now at 30,000 infections today. This is to be expected, especially because of their constant protests.

Brazil, a nation with 200 million people, about 30,000 infections today. Brazil is being devastated. This goes to show what happens when there is no lockdown and barely any measures by the government.

Russias numbers are steady. Putin claims that they've gone past the peak but who knows.

Spain is doing great

Turkey is doing much better although they just came out of a long lockdown and some provinces are still locked down. Time will tell how they will do as their economy opens up again.

Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Peru, Chile, Mexico, are all having a hard time. Atleast China is doing well



Not really, because it has bounced back. today its $39+, that was a short oil collapse.
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May she rest in peace but she was a supporter of the Mujahedin-e Khalgh Organization. :| :(

If they don’t support them in someway, they will sabotage their shows with protesting in their concerts and calling them Mullah supporters.
If they don’t support them in someway, they will sabotage their shows with protesting in their concerts and calling them Mullah supporters.
Many Iranian singers living abroad, if not most, do not support and have never supported the MKO. She made a huge mistake by declaring support for a terrorist, cult-ish organization. But on the other hand, she was never involved in their atrocities because she was in prison in Tehran. Anyway, she passed away today. May she rest in peace.
Many Iranian singers living abroad, if not most, do not support and have never supported the MKO. She made a huge mistake by declaring support for a terrorist, cult-ish organization. But on the other hand, she was never involved in their atrocities because she was in prison in Tehran. Anyway, she passed away today. May she rest in peace.

True but many others supported other sorts of opposition like Ebi.
Those who missed Iran in 80s, are at loss about the nature of MKO.
True but many others supported other sorts of opposition like Ebi.
Those who missed Iran in 80s, are at loss about the nature of MKO.
But you can't compare the MKO to other opposition groups in Los Angeles.
The MKO are terrorists. They have the blood of many Iranian civilians and soldiers on their hands. They attacked Iran during the Iraq-Iran war. They helped Saddam kill Kurdish civilians during the Anfal Camp. They were like Saddam's lapdogs during 1980s. Even today, they have a strong alliance with Israel and Saudi Arabia. They are a cult that institutionally brainwash their members and force them to stay in the system.

No other Iranian opposition group has ever done any of those things.
But you can't compare the MKO to other opposition groups in Los Angeles.
The MKO are terrorists. They have the blood of many Iranian civilians and soldiers on their hands. They attacked Iran during the Iraq-Iran war. They helped Saddam kill Kurdish civilians during the Anfal Camp. They were like Saddam's lapdogs during 1980s. Even today, they have a strong alliance with Israel and Saudi Arabia. They are a cult that institutionally brainwash their members and force them to stay in the system.

No other Iranian opposition group has ever done any of those things.

They are traitors to the country. More than just once. That is why you see MKO acting under other names as well to recruit people. Most people hate them.
Interesting video on Youtube entitled "Could Iran save Syria from Turkish military"

A mini documentary on Iran on France 24. It came out yesterday.

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It’s coming up even the bar....d feeling it.
the windows of hit run way is long gone, we have good few fool Israeli, Turkish and Pakistani members who think the lack of response it is because of the lack of capabilities.

As U.S election starting and the U.S facing Conavirus pandemic, and resent police and U.S army brutalities, and recents negotiations and prisoner swaps, I think the ground is getting ready To blast out a few targets in Israel

It’s coming up even the bar....d feeling it.
the windows of hit run way is long gone, we have good few fool Israeli, Turkish and Pakistani members who think the lack of response it is because of the lack of capabilities.

As U.S election starting and the U.S facing Conavirus pandemic, and resent police and U.S army brutalities, and recents negotiations and prisoner swaps, I think the ground is getting ready To blast out a few targets in Israel

I dont think iran really needs to do something. Israel is doing it by itself. I read that the Israeli military had violated the Lebanese border and the troops are entering Lebanese territory. If they do any wrong move, they will be hit back. So we just need to wait and see. And I think Iran's focus should be on the saudis as well. Both Palestine and yemen should be freed as soon as possible.
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