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Iranian Chill Thread

دقیقا همینه. پیشرفت تکنولوژیک انسان سرعتش بیشتر از سرعت انطباق خود انسان ها با تکنولوژی هست. از طرفی به نظر تو الان یک جنگ بین همین پاکستان و هند باعث نابودی بشریت نمیشه ؟ هر دو کشور از نظر تکنولوژی نظامی به حدی رسیدن که توان نابودی بشریت رو دارن.حالا تو همین زمینه نظامی حساب کن تخیلی ترین کشور مرکز افریقا هم جنگ افزار های مخربی داره. از طرفی علوم دیگه مثل علم رباتیک به شکل وحشتناکی داره جلو میره. شاید خیلی ها ندونن اما این ژاپنی های چشم بادومی ربات هایی ساختن که از حد تصور ما خارجه. به نظر شما اگه این ربات ها تا 100 سال دیگه پیشرفت کنن و هوش مصنوعی قدرتمند پیدا کنن و در جهان پخش بشن نمیتونن زندگی رو هم از خودشون هم از ما بگیرن ؟ متاسفانه دانشمندان در تمام دنیا علت پیشرفتشون این بوده که محدودیتی برای خودشون قائل نیستن. همانطور که استیون هاوکینگ عقیده داره داریم انقدر پیشرفت میکنیم که بلاخره به خاطرش نابود میشیم.
به نظر من عوض کردن نظم ذاتی که طبیعت از اول داشته انسان رو به نابودی میکشونه.
:sleep:عزیزان من هم رفتم بخوابم
فردا امتحان میان ترم دارم نشستم دارم تز پایان دنیا میدم
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hi mate:D

first of all there was no persian ethnicity under ottoman control :tsk: :tongue:

secondly , he refers to safavids as turks who control-ed iran (as an insult [at least he thinks its an insult !] ) . i'm just reminding him that all a-rab countries (thank to allah :D ) were conquered by ottoman empire .

no insult to turks here :cray:

Safavids were Turks ?... :eek:

Not Turks as Oghuz Turks right ? They must be from some different branch.


به تاریخ ترکیه نگاه بیاندازید! آن گاه که از آن سوی خراسان در ماورالنهر از ترس یورش مغولان فرار کردند و به آن سوی سرزمین ما گریختند؛ اجداد ما 3 قرن تمام مقاومت کردند.
و اکنون پان ترک ها خواهان قسمتی از خاک مقدس کشور ما هستند.
man faghat naghl kardam doostan turk beheshoon bar nakhore iek vaght

I don't know what you said, but i liked the pic. :)
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Safavids were Turks ?... :eek:

Not Turks as Oghuz Turks right ? They must be from some different branch.

I suggest you read the whole article or most of it, you will know a lot of things about them.

Safavid dynasty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Safavid dynasty (Persian: سلسلهٔ صفويان‎; Azerbaijani: Səfəvilər imperiyası, صفویلر) was one of the most significant ruling dynasties of Persia (modern Iran), and is often considered the beginning of modern Persian history.[18] They ruled one of the greatest Persian empires after the Muslim conquest of Persia and established the Twelver school of Shi'a Islam as the official religion of their empire, marking one of the most important turning points in Muslim history. The Safavids ruled from 1501 to 1722 (experiencing a brief restoration from 1729 to 1736) and at their height, they controlled all of modern Iran, Azerbaijan and Armenia, most of Iraq, Georgia, Afghanistan, and the Caucasus, as well as parts of Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Turkey. Safavid Iran was one of the Islamic "gunpowder empires", along with its neighbours, the Ottoman and Mughal empires.

The Safavid dynasty had its origin in the Safaviyya Sufi order, which was established in the city of Ardabil in the Azerbaijan region. It was of mixed ancestry (Azerbaijani, Kurdish, Persian and Turkmen, which included intermarriages with Georgian and Pontic Greek dignitaries). From their base in Ardabil, the Safavids established control over all of Greater Iran and reasserted the Iranian identity of the region, thus becoming the first native dynasty since the Sassanid Empire to establish a unified Iranian state.

Despite their demise in 1736, the legacy that they left behind was the revival of Persia as an economic stronghold between East and West, the establishment of an efficient state and bureaucracy based upon "checks and balances", their architectural innovations and their patronage for fine arts. The Safavids have also left their mark down to the present era by spreading Shi'a Islam in Iran, as well as major parts of the Caucasus, South Asia, Central Asia, and Anatolia.
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Azerbaijanis speak in oghuz turkic which is the same branch as turkish.
It is also very close to turkish, they are maybe 85-90% the same.

Mate Oghuz Turks forms 24 Brachs, we are from Kayı Tribe. Osman Gazi, founder of the Ottomans was a Warlord of Kayı Tribe.

Are you also with the same branch or some other which posted above ?
Some girls give each other the emptiest compliments,
"Aww babe you're just like omg like I can't"
What the fcuk did you just say?

Mate Oghuz Turks forms 24 Brachs, we are from Kayı Tribe. Osman Gazi, founder of the Ottomans was a Warlord of Kayı Tribe.

Are you also with the same branch or some other which posted above ?

Actually I just meant that azeri is also Oghuz, but I don't have any more information about it. :undecided::undecided::undecided:
Anyway, we don't have such tribal system in Azerbaijan, there are just some minor tribes like shahsavan , ... which they consist only a limited part of azeris.

na man ham northern California to yeh San Francisco bay area zendegi mikonam, door hastam az los Angeles.

pas shoma ehyaanan stanford ya berkley dars nemikhouni?:smart:
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Some girls give each other the emptiest compliments,
"Aww babe you're just like omg like I can't"
What the fcuk did you just say?


na man ham northern California to yeh San Francisco bay area zendegi mikonam, door hastam az los Angeles.

kolan mesle inke bayad esme california ro taghir bedan be "little persia" !!! :partay: age eshtebah nakonam 700,000 irani hast oonja !! :D
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