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Iran's Supreme Leader Limiting Ballistic Missile Program, Revolutionary Guard Says
Guard chief says Khamenei has imposed limits on the range of the country's ballistic missiles to 2,000 kilometers. But this would still encompass much of the Middle East including Israel

The Associated Press Oct 31, 2017 1:28 PM
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In this May 20, 2015 file picture released by the official website of the office of the Iranian supreme leader, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei listens to Revolutionary Guard commander Mohammad Uncredited/AP
Explained What actually happens now that Trump decertified the Iran nuclear deal
Trump decertifies Iran nuclear deal, announces sanctions on Revolutionary Guard
Iran is complying with nuclear deal, nuclear watchdog says
Iran's Rohani vows to continue missile production after U.S. passes new sanctions
The head of Iran's paramilitary Revolutionary Guard says the country's supreme leader has limited the range of ballistic missiles it makes to 2,000 kilometers, or 1,240 miles.
The comments by Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari to reporters on Tuesday mark the first acknowledgement that Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has imposed limits on the country's ballistic missile program.
The remarks come as Iran's nuclear deal with world powers is threatened by President Donald Trump's refusal to re-certify the accord. The Trump administration has also sanctioned Iran for test-firing of ballistic missile.

The range of 2,000 kilometers would encompass much of the Middle East, including Israel and American bases in the region. Iran often says that its ballistic missile program is only for defensive purposes against regional adversaries.
read more: https://www.haaretz.com/middle-east-news/iran/1.820128
Iran's Supreme Leader Limiting Ballistic Missile Program, Revolutionary Guard Says
Guard chief says Khamenei has imposed limits on the range of the country's ballistic missiles to 2,000 kilometers. But this would still encompass much of the Middle East including Israel

The Associated Press Oct 31, 2017 1:28 PM
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In this May 20, 2015 file picture released by the official website of the office of the Iranian supreme leader, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei listens to Revolutionary Guard commander Mohammad Uncredited/AP
Explained What actually happens now that Trump decertified the Iran nuclear deal
Trump decertifies Iran nuclear deal, announces sanctions on Revolutionary Guard
Iran is complying with nuclear deal, nuclear watchdog says
Iran's Rohani vows to continue missile production after U.S. passes new sanctions
The head of Iran's paramilitary Revolutionary Guard says the country's supreme leader has limited the range of ballistic missiles it makes to 2,000 kilometers, or 1,240 miles.
The comments by Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari to reporters on Tuesday mark the first acknowledgement that Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has imposed limits on the country's ballistic missile program.
The remarks come as Iran's nuclear deal with world powers is threatened by President Donald Trump's refusal to re-certify the accord. The Trump administration has also sanctioned Iran for test-firing of ballistic missile.

The range of 2,000 kilometers would encompass much of the Middle East, including Israel and American bases in the region. Iran often says that its ballistic missile program is only for defensive purposes against regional adversaries.
read more: https://www.haaretz.com/middle-east-news/iran/1.820128

We've always followed to 2000km rule with missiles, so their was always a "limit" on the missile program. Though our missiles are said to be 2000km, I'm quite sure we can take a 650kg unitary warhead on khormshahr and take alot lot more than 2000km.

Maybe one day we can have a missile in the future that could carry 8 or 12 650kg warheads to 2000km, but we know in reality this can also become an ICBM, its really if the west actually buys into the 2000km wording.
We've always followed to 2000km rule with missiles, so their was always a "limit" on the missile program. Though our missiles are said to be 2000km, I'm quite sure we can take a 650kg unitary warhead on khormshahr and take alot lot more than 2000km.

Maybe one day we can have a missile in the future that could carry 8 or 12 650kg warheads to 2000km, but we know in reality this can also become an ICBM, its really if the west actually buys into the 2000km wording.

Khamenei himself said they are afraid of Iranian missiles with a 2000-km range and 3000 kilometers. And they ask why are your have missiles with 2000 kilometers or 3000 kilometers range?
♦️سرلشکر جعفری: آمریکا مطمئن باشد با اجرای قانون کاتسا و افزایش فشارهای اقتصادی موجب عزم ایران در تقویت بنیه دفاعی می‌شود و حجم، ‌برد و دقت موشک‌های ایران را بیشتر خواهد کرد.
Iran Ayatollah Khamenei to Putin: ditching of Dollar دیدار آیت‌الله خامنه‌ای با ولادیمیر پوتین روسیه

Iran Ayatollah Khamenei receives Russia’s Putin: need for ditching of Dollar from economic transactions

Ayatollah Khamenei said Iran and Russia could neutralize US sanctions by ditching dollar in bilateral and multilateral trade and using their national currencies instead. The Leader said Iran and Russia should further develop cooperation particularly in economy, saying the economic capacities of the two countries are well beyond the current level.
'Iran a strategic partner'
The Russian president, for his part, described Iran as "a strategic partner" and a "great neighbor," stressing that he would welcome any potential to fully bolster and expand bilateral relations.
Putin said Iran and Russia could boost their ties in the sectors of energy, modern technology, agriculture as well as joint oil and gas projects.
Broaching the war in Syria, Putin hailed the achievements of the Iran-Russia cooperation in the war against terrorism, calling for "a suitable political process to be considered in the Arab country."
Lauding the Leader's stance on achieving shared objectives in Syria as wise and very effective, the Russian president said, "We proved to the world that we are able to resolve our region's highly important issues without [any help from] extra-regional countries."
@Hack-Hook ,


این دفعه میخوام به نصیحت شما عمل کنم.

لطفاً چند دقیقه وقت بذارید و این لینک رو بخونید:


اگر جوابی داشتید، لطفاً بنویسید که من منتقل کنم.

I don't got why you want answer to these alternate reality theorist.
If I was you I didn't bothered with them but you can answer them by putting another alternate reality theory .this one after defeating Iraq in khorramshahr Iranian force go forward and capture Basra and effectively cut do it of Iraq from Kuwait. Saddam go mad and start blaming its general and kill several of them the rest plot and accidentally kill him and then the rest make a peace with Iran . in this alternate reality Iran become free in the west and manage to support northern alliance enough so they destroy Taliban and al-Qaeda in Afghanistan as a result nobody attack Kuwait and then nobody attack Afghanistan and Iraq there won't be any 11 September attack and no Islamic terrorism as the result of Bush family crusade and Reigan proxy war against USSR in middle east and central Asia.
دبیرکل سازمان بدر عراق هادی العامری: لبیک به مرجعیت و حمایت ایران، پایان بخش تروریسم در عراق بود

دبیر کل سازمان بدر عراق هادی العامری در سخنانی در همایش گفتگوی جهانی مقابله با تروریسم در بغداد گفت: در شرایط سختی که تروریسم وارد کشور شده بود، فتوای مراجع دینی صادر شد و صدها هزار تن از جوانان عراقی به صورتی قابل توجه اسلحه به دوش گرفتند و مشغول دفاع از عراق شدند.
وی گفت: بنابراین همواره تاکید می کنیم که پس از فروپاشی ساختار نظامی کشور، اگر فتوای مرجعیت دینی و لبیک ملت عراق به این فتوای بزرگ و همچنین حمایت ایران از همان ابتدای امر نبود، همه چیز در عراق تمام می شد و تروریسم غلبه می کرد.

الحشد الشعبی بعد از شکست داعش نیز منحل نخواهد شد

Secretary-General of the Iraqi Badr Organization Hadi al-Ameri: it was people of Iraq and Iran's support ended the terrorism in Iraq
Fox News

Published November 03, 2017
Iran's border guard kills 8 militants near Turkish border
Associated Press

TEHRAN, Iran – Iran's state TV's website says eight border guard members have been killed during clashes with militants near the border with Turkey.

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Iribnews.ir, reported Friday that the clashes took place near Chaldoran, some 865 kilometers (or 530 miles) northwest of the capital Tehran, in the country's West Azerbaijan province.

The report said that the Iranian border guards inflicted heavy casualties on the militants.

It did not elaborate on the affiliation of the militants. The area near Turkey and Iraq's borders with Iran has previously been the scene of occasional skirmishes with Kurdish separatist groups as well as extremist Islamic rebels.

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