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Namoosan mavad mizani ?

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Lol, mavad nemizanam.. chera hame irad migire, mage sepaho komak kardan gadeghane
Lol, mavad nemizanam.. chera hame irad migire, mage sepaho komak kardan gadeghane
اینا رو ولش کن !!!

داستان طولانی هست، حس خلاصه کردن نمی دارم.

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Iran's President Hassan Rouhani, center, reviews a military parade during the 37th anniversary of Iraq's 1980 invasion of Iran, in front of the shrine of the late revolutionary founder, Ayatollah Khom Ebrahim Noroozi/AP
Israel Will Take Military Action to Stop Iran Nuclear Program if Trump's Efforts Fail, Intel Minister Warns
'If international efforts led by Trump don't help stop Iran attaining nuclear capabilities, Israel will act militarily by itself,' says Israeli intel minister

Israel is willing to resort to military action to ensure Iran never acquires nuclear weapons, the intelligence minister said on Thursday in Japan where he is seeking backing for U.S. President Donald Trump's tougher line on Tehran.

Trump said on October 13 he would not certify Iran is complying with an agreement on curtailing its nuclear program, signed by his predecessor, Barack Obama, opening a 60-day window for Congress to act to reimpose sanctions.

The Crucial Statement Hidden in PM's Latest Rant
>> In Netanyahu's latest rant, Iran's meddling in Syria overcame the nuclear threat | Analysis <<


Minister of Transportation and Intelligence Israel Katz at a weekly government meeting on May 17, 2017. Marc Israel Sellem
"If international efforts led these days by U.S. President Trump don't help stop Iran attaining nuclear capabilities, Israel will act militarily by itself," Intelligence Minister Israel Katz said in an interview in Tokyo. "There are changes that can be made (to the agreement) to ensure that they will never have the ability to have a nuclear weapon."

Israel has taken unilateral action in the past without the consent of its major ally, the United States, including air strikes on a suspected nuclear reactor in Syria in 2007 and in Iraq in 1981. A strike against Iran, however, would be a risky venture with the potential to provoke a counter strike and roil financial markets.

An Israeli threat of military strikes could, nonetheless, galvanize support in the United States for toughening up the nuclear agreement but it could also backfire by encouraging hardliners in Iran and widening a rift between Washington and European allies.

So far, none of the other signatories to the deal - Britain, France, Germany, Russia, China, Iran and the European Union - has cited serious concerns, leaving the United States isolated.

Japan relies on the U.S. military to help defend it against threats from North Korea and elsewhere. Tokyo's diplomatic strategy in the Middle East, where it buys almost all its oil, is to maintain friendly relations with all countries, including Iran.

"I asked the Japanese government to support steps led by President Trump to change the nuclear agreement," said Katz, who is a member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's right-wing Likud party. "The question of whether Japanese companies will begin to work in Iran or not is a very important question."

Katz's visit to Tokyo comes ahead of a planned trip by Trump from November 5 for a summit with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Officials at Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs were not immediately available to comment.

Israel, Katz said, wants the nuclear agreement to be revised to remove an expiration date, and to impose tighter conditions to stop Tehran from developing new centrifuges used to make weapons-grade nuclear material.

He also urged sanctions to stop Iran from establishing Syria as a military base to launch attacks on Israel and action to put a halt to Tehran's development of ballistic missiles.

"We will not allow Iran to transform Syria into forward base sea harbours, air bases and Shia militias," he said. "We will act together with the United States and other countries in the world until they stop the ballistic missiles that threaten Israel."

The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday backed new sanctions on Lebanon's Iran-backed Hezbollah militia.

این اسرائیلی ها هم واقعا یه چیزی میزنن هر چی هست جنسش خیلی خوبه هههه.با یکی در بیفتین که هم وزن و هم قدتونه شما لبنان رو هم نتونستید شکست بدید.

Iran says forces kill 4 ‘terrorists’ near Turkey border
By Associated Press

October 26, 2017 at 5:50 AM

TEHRAN, Iran — Iranian's Revolutionary Guard says it has killed four "terrorists" in a shootout near the Turkish border.

The Guard's website says the clashes took place late Wednesday in the town of Chaldoran, in the northwest Azerbaijan province. It says the troops confiscate arms and communications equipment.

The website says the four militants killed two local residents after infiltrating the border. It did not provide the affiliation of the group. Security forces operating in the mountainous region along the borders of Iraq, Turkey and Iran have clashed with Kurdish separatists and Islamic militants in the past.

Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed
این اسرائیلی ها هم واقعا یه چیزی میزنن هر چی هست جنسش خیلی خوبه هههه.با یکی در بیفتین که هم وزن و هم قدتونه شما لبنان رو هم نتونستید شکست بدید.

مطمئن باش به پای جنس ایرانی ها نمی رسه.

گنده گوزی هم حدی داره.

با چی میخواید جلو اسرائیل رو بگیرید ؟

یه کم واقع بین باشید ...

نه ما به اونا حمله می کنم.

نه اونا به ما.
مطمئن باش به پای جنس ایرانی ها نمی رسه.

گنده گوزی هم حدی داره.

با چی میخواید جلو اسرائیل رو بگیرید ؟

یه کم واقع بین باشید ...

نه ما به اونا حمله می کنم.

نه اونا به ما.

درست میگی برادر ما هم چیزی نداریم که باهاش به کشور های بزرگ حمله کنیم من طرفدار دکترین دفاعی خودمون هستم ولی اسراییلم خیلی چرت و پرت میگه تنها حمله ای که میتونه بکنه حمله هسته ای هست وگرنه همه میدونن که ایران و حزب الله و حماس راحت بهش خسارت هایی وارد میکنن که خیلی سخت بشه ازشون سالم بیرون بیاد واقع بینانه گفتم موشک زیاد داریم و اینو اسراییلی ها خوب میدونن پس خنده داره وقتی یه جوری حرف از حمله میزنن که انگار ایران نه حتی یک هواپیماشونو میتونه بزنه و نه با موشک جوابشونو میتونه بده . یه جوری میگه حمله نظامی میکنه که انگار میخواهد به سوریه یا عراق الان حمله کنه نیروگاه های ما دفن شدن صدها متر زیر زمین ایران قوی تر هست به همین راحتی که اینا میگن نیست .بازم میگم من طرفدار دکترین دفاعی هستم

HomeBusiness News
US and Iran go nuts over pistachio trade
Published time: 26 Oct, 2017 14:50

© Caren FirouzReuters
The world’s two largest producers of pistachios, Iran and the United States are engaged in a decades-long dispute over the nut trade.
The two countries have collectively controlled between 70 percent and 80 percent of annual production for the last decade.

Over the last 40 years, Iranian farmers have faced pressures from sanctions, tariffs, and restrictions on their ability to access international financial tools.

Pistachios were not on the list of sanctioned products, but restrictions on global banking made trade difficult for the farmers.

The US imposed a total veto on Iranian pistachios in 1979, and Tehran's products have to pay a 241 percent tariff to enter the US. The tax has been in place since the 1980s, aims to protect American producers from the subsidies given by the Iranian government to its farmers.

Following Iran’s nuclear deal and the removal of all restrictions, Iranian pistachios flowed back onto the international market.

However, US President Donald Trump called the 2016 agreement made by his predecessor Barrack Obama the "worst" deal the US has ever made. This month he decertified the agreement.

According to Hojat Hassani Sadi, Deputy Director of the Iran Pistachio Association, for the Iranian pistachio industry, the threat of losing the deal and reinstating sanctions could mean the return of "unfair and unequal competition.”

The pistachio industry is a multi-billion dollar a year sector, which is continuing to grow in value.

The price of pistachios has been rising over the last 15 years.

Richard Matoian, executive director of the American Pistachio Growers (APG) trade association, attributes this to increased awareness of their health properties and global demand for healthy snacks.

"The industry has been pushing the products with advertising," he said as cited by the BBC, adding that middle-class demand in developing markets has also boosted exports.
U.S Tillerson Iranian militias PMF need to go home! FM ZariF response تیلرسون ایران, الحشد پاسخ ظریف
اظهارات ضد-ایران و الحشد الشعبی عراق و تیلرسون و پاسخ ظریف : نها در خانه شان هستند و منتظر دستور کسی نبودند و نخواهند بود چرا که اکر تاکنون منتظر دستور تیلرسون و دولت آمریکا بودند امروز ما داعش را در بغداد و اربیل داشتیم».

وزیر خارجه ایران در واکنش به اظهارات تیلرسون گفت: آنهایی که در برابر داعش مقاومت کردند در خانه‌شان هستند و منتظر دستور تیلرسون و دولت آمریکا نبودند و نخواهند بود.
«محمدجواد ظریف» وزیر خارجه کشورمان در نشست خبری مشترک با وزیر خارجه آفریقای جنوبی در واکنش به اظهارات «رکس تیلرسون» وزیر امور خارجه آمریکا که گفته کسانی که در برابر داعش مقاومت کردند به خانه هایشان برگردند، تصریح کرد: «آنها در خانه شان هستند و منتظر دستور کسی نبودند و نخواهند بود چرا که اکر تاکنون منتظر دستور تیلرسون و دولت آمریکا بودند امروز ما داعش را در بغداد و اربیل داشتیم».
وی افزود: «خوشحالیم که آنها هیچگاه به جز دستور مرجعیت به دستور هیچ‌کس دیگری گوش نکردند و از خانه و کاشانه خودشان دفاع کردند».
وزیر امور خارجه ایران همچنین در پاسخ به سوالی درباره تشکیل شورای هماهنگی روابط عراق و عربستان در پی سفر نخست وزیر عراق به این کشور عنوان کرد: «روابط عراق با همسایگانش امری است که به دولت عراق مربوط می‌شود. جمهوری اسلامی بر خلاف ایالات متحده که منافع خود را در اختلاف و تفرقه در منطقه می‌بیند، منافع خود را در همکاری و همراهی کشورهای منطقه می بیند ولذا همراهی و همکاری عراق با همسایگان عرب این کشور به هیچ وجه برای منافع ایران مضر نیست بلکه ما آن را در جهت منافع خودمان ارزیابی می کنیم».

U.S Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in Saudi Arabia on 23, Oct 2017 call on Iraq: "Iranian militias in Iraq need to go home!" dismantling The Popular Mobilization Forces ( PMF ) and Iran Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif response: PMF are in their home and they are not waiting for someone orders

Anti-Daesh fighters awaiting nobody's order: Iran
Anti-Daesh fighters waiting for nobody’s order: Zarif
Speaking to reporters at the end of the 13th meeting of Iran-South Africa Joint Commission in Pretoria on Monday, Zarif made the remarks in reaction to earlier comments by US Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson in Saudi capital Riyadh.
Tillerson was speaking at a joint news conference with Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir on Sunday. He said "Iranian militias" in Iraq should leave the country now that the fight against Daesh was coming to a close.
“Iranian militias that are in Iraq, now that the fight against Daesh and ISIS is coming to a close, those militias need to go home. The foreign fighters in Iraq need to go home and allow the Iraqi people to regain control," the US state secretary said.
In response to Tillerson, Zarif noted that the anti-Daesh fighters “are already in their homes and have not been waiting and will not wait for anybody’s order,” adding, “If they had waited for orders from Tillerson and US government, today, we would have had Daesh in Baghdad and Erbil.”
He emphasized that the anti-Daesh fighters have only acted in line with orders from religious authorities and defended their own homeland.
“Unlike the US that sees its interests in division and discord, the Islamic Republic of Iran sees its interests in cooperation and collaboration with regional countries,” Zarif said.
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