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Iranian Chill Thread

این همه اینگللیسی کس شر می نویسید، یکیتون جواب این کوسکش مادر جنده رو بده ببینم:


dog of women . with the girl you sad(may I know why)
why I go to country the women for free

if you search about women for free just in Iran but called motaa maryy .
if u search about country with no religion it's Iran but called the new religion shiaa .
khomany the big donkey in Iran.
sistany the black Iranian dog .
Hassan nas Allah is pray to his donkey

این همه ادعا ایران تون می شه، ببینم چی دارید جواب بدید؟


الان که پاک کردن ...

ولی بمونه تا این یه سند باشه که سنگ عربای خار کسده مادرجنده حروم زاده رو به سینه نزنید.

کیرم تو اول و اخر عربا.

به خصوص این مادر جنده.
این همه اینگللیسی کس شر می نویسید، یکیتون جواب این کوسکش مادر جنده رو بده ببینم:


این همه ادعا ایران تون می شه، ببینم چی دارید جواب بدید؟


الان که پاک کردن ...

ولی بمونه تا این یه سند باشه که سنگ عربای خار کسده مادرجنده حروم زاده رو به سینه نزنید.

کیرم تو اول و اخر عربا.

به خصوص این مادر جنده.
اونجا که چیزی برای جواب دادن نبود ولی حقیقتش
**** of
هم جواب درست و حسابی که نیست تازه الان هرکی ببینه میگه طرف چیزی نگفته و تو الکی پرخاشگری کردی
اونجا که چیزی برای جواب دادن نبود ولی حقیقتش
**** of
هم جواب درست و حسابی که نیست تازه الان هرکی ببینه میگه طرف چیزی نگفته و تو الکی پرخاشگری کردی
چیزی نگفته؟

انقدر پرروشون کردید که به رهبر مملکت دارن فحش می دن.

من اگه فحش میدم، تو این مملکت به دنیا اومدم، بزرگ شدم و ...

اون کس کش حرومزاده چه حقی داره بیاد بگه "خامنه ای" خره؟

هر چه قدم از اسلام و آخوندا بدم بیاد، هیچ موقع خیانت ننمی کنم.

هیچ حقی نداره این شر و ورا رو بگه.

به همون قرانی که من قبولش ندارم قسم می خورم که اگر همین ادم، رودررو این حرفو زده بود،

همین الان تو بهشت زهرا بود.

اونجا که چیزی برای جواب دادن نبود ولی حقیقتش
**** of
هم جواب درست و حسابی که نیست تازه الان هرکی ببینه میگه طرف چیزی نگفته و تو الکی پرخاشگری کردی
چیز دیگه ای برای "خفه بابا" به ذهنم نیومد.

راستش اینجا اصلاً انگلیسی استفاده نمیشه.
چیزی نگفته؟

انقدر پرروشون کردید که به رهبر مملکت دارن فحش می دن.

من اگه فحش میدم، تو این مملکت به دنیا اومدم، بزرگ شدم و ...

اون کس کش حرومزاده چه حقی داره بیاد بگه "خامنه ای" خره؟

هر چه قدم از اسلام و آخوندا بدم بیاد، هیچ موقع خیانت ننمی کنم.

هیچ حقی نداره این شر و ورا رو بگه.

به همون قرانی که من قبولش ندارم قسم می خورم که اگر همین ادم، رودررو این حرفو زده بود،

همین الان تو بهشت زهرا بود.

چیز دیگه ای برای "خفه بابا" به ذهنم نیومد.

راستش اینجا اصلاً انگلیسی استفاده نمیشه.
نگاه کن من نمیگم چیزی نگفته میگم چیزی نیست .راحت میشه چیزهایی را که توی اینترنت مینویسی ویرایش کنی یا پاک کنی بعدش هر چیز هم گفته بشه جوابش را باید داد اینترنت یک خوبی داره که هیچ عجله ای هم برای جواب دادن نیست و شما میتونی قبل از جواب دادن خوب فکر بکنی..
نگاه کن من نمیگم چیزی نگفته میگم چیزی نیست .راحت میشه چیزهایی را که توی اینترنت مینویسی ویرایش کنی یا پاک کنی بعدش هر چیز هم گفته بشه جوابش را باید داد اینترنت یک خوبی داره که هیچ عجله ای هم برای جواب دادن نیست و شما میتونی قبل از جواب دادن خوب فکر بکنی..
ممنون از نصیحت.

ولی بازم هیچ دلیلی برای زدن اون حرفا نمی بینم.

خامنه ای، چه بخوام، چه نخوام،

رهبر فعلی ایران هست ...

خوب یا بد، باشه،

فقط ما، ایرانی ها،

حق داریم فحشش بدیم، یا قدیسش کنیم.

توهین به خامنه ای، توهین به ایران هست،

توهین به ایران، برای من خط قرمزه،

من نه مسلمونم، نه از اسلام خوشم و نه ...

ولی ایرانیم.

کسی هم که توهین کنه،

سزاوار مرگه.

سر همین قضیه، توایران کلی دیه دادم.

اصلاً مهم نیست چی میشه،

ولی سر کشورم و مردمم، با هیچ کسی، شوخی ندارم.

می خواد اروپایی باشه (اون یارو ایتالیایی که می گفت ایرانیا، عربن)

یا عرب باشه یا هر جای دیگه ای.

بازم ممنون که وقت گذاشتی و اینارو خوندی.

همچنین ممنون بابت نصیحت.
The stage is set . If the first part of the plan did not work( Irag+Syria), thanks to Iran and then Russia, now the truth is being leaked by their masters for their slaughter. Now that most American states are passing mandates of 100% battery operated cars, and their own oil production charging full steam ahead, Salafi Arabia will be partitioned into Sub-human Salafis desert and the Shite on the other side.

The stage is being set for the next puppet show. I always knew it would not be long before they went back to their mud huts and their favorite staple ( fried Lizards).

I can not post the Twitter video. Can some one else do that

In Shocking, Viral Interview, Qatar Confesses Secrets Behind Syrian War


A television interview of a top Qatari official confessing the truth behind the origins of the war in Syria is going viral across Arabic social media during the same week a leaked top secret NSA document was published which confirms that the armed opposition in Syria was under the direct command of foreign governments from the early years of the conflict.

And according to a well-known Syria analyst and economic adviser with close contacts in the Syrian government, the explosive interview constitutes a high level "public admission to collusion and coordination between four countries to destabilize an independent state, [including] possible support for Nusra/al-Qaeda." Importantly, "this admission will help build case for what Damascus sees as an attack on its security & sovereignty. It will form basis for compensation claims."


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A 2013 London press conference: Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabr Al Thani with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry. A 2014 Hillary Clinton email confirmed Qatar as a state-sponsor of ISIS during that same time period.

As the war in Syria continues slowly winding down, it seems new source material comes out on an almost a weekly basis in the form of testimonials of top officials involved in destabilizing Syria, and even occasional leaked emails and documents which further detail covert regime change operations against the Assad government. Though much of this content serves to confirm what has already long been known by those who have never accepted the simplistic propaganda which has dominated mainstream media, details continue to fall in place, providing future historians with a clearer picture of the true nature of the war.

This process of clarity has been aided - as predicted - by the continued infighting among Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) former allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar, with each side accusing the other of funding Islamic State and al-Qaeda terrorists (ironically, both true). Increasingly, the world watches as more dirty laundry is aired and the GCC implodes after years of nearly all the gulf monarchies funding jihadist movements in places like Syria, Iraq, and Libya.

The top Qatari official is no less than former Prime Minister Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber al-Thani, who oversaw Syria operations on behalf of Qatar until 2013 (also as foreign minister), and is seen below with then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in this Jan. 2010 photo (as a reminder, Qatar's 2022 World Cup Committee donated $500,000 to the Clinton Foundation in 2014).


Postcard From A Brave New World Order

Dear Mustafa, I arrived in Karachi at 5.30am this morning on the direct PIA flight from Heathrow. The city of 26…

In an interview with Qatari TV Wednesday, bin Jaber al-Thani revealed that his country, alongside Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and the United States, began shipping weapons to jihadists from the very moment events "first started" (in 2011).

Al-Thani even likened the covert operation to "hunting prey" - the prey being President Assad and his supporters - "prey" which he admits got away (as Assad is still in power; he used a Gulf Arabic dialect word, "al-sayda", which implies hunting animals or prey for sport). Though Thani denied credible allegations of support for ISIS, the former prime minister's words implied direct Gulf and US support for al-Qaeda in Syria (al-Nusra Front) from the earliest years of the war, and even said Qatar has "full documents" and records proving that the war was planned to effect regime change.

According to Zero Hedge's translation, al-Thani said while acknowledging Gulf nations were arming jihadists in Syria with the approval and support of US and Turkey: "I don't want to go into details but we have full documents about us taking charge [in Syria]." He claimed that both Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah (who reigned until his death in 2015) and the United States placed Qatar in a lead role concerning covert operations to execute the proxy war.

The former prime minister's comments, while very revealing, were intended as a defense and excuse of Qatar's support for terrorism, and as a critique of the US and Saudi Arabia for essentially leaving Qatar "holding the bag" in terms of the war against Assad. Al-Thani explained that Qatar continued its financing of armed insurgents in Syria while other countries eventually wound down large-scale support, which is why he lashed out at the US and the Saudis, who initially "were with us in the same trench."

In a previous US television interview which was vastly underreported, al-Thani told Charlie Rosewhen asked about allegations of Qatar's support for terrorism that, "in Syria, everybody did mistakes, including your country." And said that when the war began in Syria, "all of use worked through two operation rooms: one in Jordan and one in Turkey."

Below is the key section of Wednesday's interview, translated and subtitled by @Walid970721. Zero Hedge has reviewed and confirmed the translation, however, as the original rush translator has acknowledged, al-Thani doesn't say "lady" but "prey" ["al-sayda"]- as in both Assad and Syrians were being hunted by the outside countries.

The partial English transcript is as follows:

"When the events first started in Syria I went to Saudi Arabia and met with King Abdullah. I did that on the instructions of his highness the prince, my father. He [Abdullah] said we are behind you. You go ahead with this plan and we will coordinate but you should be in charge. I won’t get into details but we have full documents and anything that was sent [to Syria] would go to Turkey and was in coordination with the US forces and everything was distributed via the Turks and the US forces. And us and everyone else was involved, the military people. There may have been mistakes and support was given to the wrong faction... Maybe there was a relationship with Nusra, its possible but I myself don’t know about this… we were fighting over the prey ["al-sayda"] and now the prey is gone and we are still fighting... and now Bashar is still there. You [US and Saudi Arabia] were with us in the same trench... I have no objection to one changing if he finds that he was wrong, but at least inform your partner… for example leave Bashar [al-Assad] or do this or that, but the situation that has been created now will never allow any progress in the GCC [Gulf Cooperation Council], or any progress on anything if we continue to openly fight."

As is now well-known, the CIA was directly involved in leading regime change efforts in Syria with allied gulf partners, as leaked and declassified US intelligence memos confirm. The US government understood in real time that Gulf and West-supplied advanced weaponry was going to al-Qaeda and ISIS, despite official claims of arming so-called "moderate" rebels. For example, a leaked 2014 intelligence memo sent to Hillary Clinton acknowledged Qatari and Saudi support for ISIS.

The email stated in direct and unambiguous language that:

"the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region."

Furthermore, one day before Prime Minister Thani's interview, The Intercept released a new top-secret NSA document unearthed from leaked intelligence files provided by Edward Snowden which show in stunning clarity that the armed opposition in Syria was under the direct command of foreign governments from the early years of the war which has now claimed half a million lives.

The newly released NSA document confirms that a 2013 insurgent attack with advanced surface-to-surface rockets upon civilian areas of Damascus, including Damascus International Airport, was directly supplied and commanded by Saudi Arabia with full prior awareness of US intelligence. As the former Qatari prime minister now also confirms, both the Saudis and US government staffed "operations rooms" overseeing such heinous attacks during the time period of the 2013 Damascus airport attack.

No doubt there remains a massive trove of damning documentary evidence which will continue to trickle out in the coming months and years. At the very least, the continuing Qatari-Saudi diplomatic war will bear more fruit as each side builds a case against the other with charges of supporting terrorism. And as we can see from this latest Qatari TV interview, the United States itself will not be spared in this new open season of airing dirty laundry as old allies turn on each other.



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The stage is set . If the first part of the plan did not work( Irag+Syria), thanks to Iran and then Russia, now the truth is being leaked by their masters for their slaughter. Now that most American states are passing mandates of 100% battery operated cars, and their own oil production charging full steam ahead, Salafi Arabia will be partitioned into Sub-human Salafis desert and the Shite on the other side.
don't forget somebody must convert another source of energy to electricity for those cars to work .
And by the way Shia area in KSA only have oil but those subhuman salafi area at least have some tourism industry thanks to mecca and madina .so the only hope for those Shia area is to make some resort and attract tourism by becoming Baly of middle east.

Iran Says Its President Turned Down a Meeting With Trump
Zaid Sabah
October 29, 2017, 5:54 PM EDT
  • Hoped-for meeting would have come day after fiery Trump speech
  • President has since disavowed 2015 nuclear accord with Iran

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani rebuffed a request from U.S. President Donald Trump to meet at the United Nations in New York in September, a day after the Trump made a speech highly critical of the Islamic republic, the state-run Fars News Agency said.


Hassan Rouhani

Photographer: Caitlin Ochs/Bloomberg
“A request indeed was made by the U.S. side but it wasn’t accepted by President Rouhani,” Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Bahram Ghassemi said at a press conference on Sunday, according to Fars. The White House didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

Ghassemi, though, denied earlier reports that French president Emmanuel Macron had been prepared to mediate a meeting between the two leaders, Fars reported.

Trump lashed out at Iran in remarks to the United Nations on Sept. 19, saying the trappings of democracy there masked a “corrupt dictatorship.”

Iran must be forced to “end its pursuit of death and destruction,” Trump said in his first speech to the UN General Assembly. “Above all, Iran’s government must stop supporting terrorists, begin serving its own people and respect the sovereign rights of its neighbors.”

Since then, Trump has disavowed the 2015 nuclear agreement, which he said Iran had violated multiple times, and asked Congress to consider tough new sanctions on Tehran. But he stopped short of totally unraveling the multinational accord designed to curb Iran’s nuclear program.

Rouhani, during a meeting Sunday with Yukiya Amano, director general of the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency, said Tehran will continue to comply with the nuclear deal and won’t be the first to leave it, Fars reported.

Before it's here, it's on the Bloomberg Terminal.


Iran Says Its President Turned Down a Meeting With Trump
Zaid Sabah
October 29, 2017, 5:54 PM EDT
  • Hoped-for meeting would have come day after fiery Trump speech
  • President has since disavowed 2015 nuclear accord with Iran

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani rebuffed a request from U.S. President Donald Trump to meet at the United Nations in New York in September, a day after the Trump made a speech highly critical of the Islamic republic, the state-run Fars News Agency said.


Hassan Rouhani

Photographer: Caitlin Ochs/Bloomberg
“A request indeed was made by the U.S. side but it wasn’t accepted by President Rouhani,” Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Bahram Ghassemi said at a press conference on Sunday, according to Fars. The White House didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

Ghassemi, though, denied earlier reports that French president Emmanuel Macron had been prepared to mediate a meeting between the two leaders, Fars reported.

Trump lashed out at Iran in remarks to the United Nations on Sept. 19, saying the trappings of democracy there masked a “corrupt dictatorship.”

Iran must be forced to “end its pursuit of death and destruction,” Trump said in his first speech to the UN General Assembly. “Above all, Iran’s government must stop supporting terrorists, begin serving its own people and respect the sovereign rights of its neighbors.”

Since then, Trump has disavowed the 2015 nuclear agreement, which he said Iran had violated multiple times, and asked Congress to consider tough new sanctions on Tehran. But he stopped short of totally unraveling the multinational accord designed to curb Iran’s nuclear program.

Rouhani, during a meeting Sunday with Yukiya Amano, director general of the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency, said Tehran will continue to comply with the nuclear deal and won’t be the first to leave it, Fars reported.

Before it's here, it's on the Bloomberg Terminal.


I think he should have accepted but not showed up :lol:
ایران سپاه کرمانشاه انهدام باند قاچاق سلاح و مهمات در مرز با اقلیم کردستان عراق
Iran IRGC Kermanshah dismantling arms, ammunition trafficking terrorists from Iraq Kurdistan border
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