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Iranian Chill Thread

A question:
How on earth did the terrorists get inside two of the most guarded places in Iran with AKs, hand guns, hand grenades and explosive vests?
It all sounds very strange to me! :what:
they were dressed up !
Roohani is not reformist candidate he is moderate.

Those two place are far from the must guarded place in Iran.

Moderate is a general word ....
He is belong to useless reformists .... Don't try to Separate him from reformists ...

Whenever you guys have power , our security is breakable ....

Reformists actively are weaking our army and IRGC and security forces and even their supporters ( for example : JEskandari ) can't deny it ...

KSA aimed ar our Parliament , we should kill both Mohammad bin Salman and Adel all jobair ...

حسن روحانی از صبح تا حالا کجاست که هیچ پیامی نمی ده ؟!
آقایون وقت کل کل کردن نیست هنوز خون روی زمین ریخته هموطنت خشک نشده .وجدانتو قاضی کن یکی دو روز رو به احترام کشته ها به فکر همدردی و وحدت باش با مردمت . بعد بیا تحلیل کن و قلی و نقی رو بزن .
هر کسی هم رای داده در انتخابات مطمئن باش از داعش متنفره .
حالا به هرکی که رای داده ، حسن یا ابراهیم .


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I chose some pic from Tasnim news agency
to see all pic go to below link











Iranian martyr from IRGC:


For ISIL and Saudis:


When reformers defend MKOs this is what happens, from Professor Raefipur:


President Rouhani decreased billions $$$ of defence budget to live in lala land:


First leaked information, Saudi regime behind today attack: Saudis be waiting !


@haman10 @yavar @OldTwilight @Arminkh @SubWater and others

Iran should missile some of Saudi infrastructures if blood of our martyrs is important for army IRGC and security forces
@haman10 @yavar @OldTwilight @Arminkh @SubWater and others

Iran should missile some of Saudi infrastructures if blood of our martyrs is important for army and IRGC
calm down dude calm down
I am agree with you but we should not play in their dirty game
starting war with this thugs is exact thing that they want.
we should control ourselves first and don't play in their games.

don't rush to act.
calm down dude calm down
I am agree with you but we should not play in their dirty game
starting war with this thugs is exact thing that they want.
we should control ourselves first and don't play in their games.

don't rush to act.
Just like Mena ....
Iranian martyr from IRGC:

View attachment 402174

For ISIL and Saudis:

View attachment 402173

When reformers defend MKOs this is what happens, from Professor Raefipur:

View attachment 402171

President Rouhani decreased billions $$$ of defence budget to live in lala land:

View attachment 402178

First leaked information, Saudi regime behind today attack: Saudis be waiting !

View attachment 402179

@haman10 @yavar @OldTwilight @Arminkh @SubWater and others

Iran should missile some of Saudi infrastructures if blood of our martyrs is important for army IRGC and security forces

Don't act emotionally. These lizard munching subhumans will obviously get their response.
calm down dude calm down
I am agree with you but we should not play in their dirty game
starting war with this thugs is exact thing that they want.
we should control ourselves first and don't play in their games.

don't rush to act.
Don't act emotionally. These lizard munching subhumans will obviously get their response.
Mates I am completely calm. Anyway I think we should be fully ready to slap Saudis in suitable time.

Iranian leader and IRGC heads don't ever say anything that they won't perform.

Iran's Revolutionary Guards blame Saudis for Tehran attacks, Riyadh rejects accusation
Published time: 7 Jun, 2017 14:58Edited time: 7 Jun, 2017 16:53
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Iran’s Revolutionary Guards have accused Saudi Arabia of masterminding the deadly attacks in Tehran on Wednesday, a claim which Riyadh has denied. Islamic State previously claimed responsibility for the attacks which killed at least 12 people.
"This terrorist attack happened only a week after the meeting between the U.S. president (Donald Trump) and the (Saudi) backward leaders who support terrorists. The fact that Islamic State has claimed responsibility proves that they were involved in the brutal attack," said the statement, as quoted by Reuters.

Saudi Arabia's foreign minister, Adel Al-Jubeir, has denied that Riyadh was involved in the attacks.

"We condemn terrorist attacks anywhere they occur and we condemn the killing of the innocent anywhere it occurs," Jubeir said, as quoted by Reuters.

He went on to state that there is no evidence to implicate Saudi Arabia in the attacks, and that Riyadh has no knowledge of who was responsible.

"We don’t know this. We haven’t seen the evidence," he said, reiterating Riyadh's position that Iran is the primary sponsor of terrorism around the world.

Earlier, Brigadier General Hossein Salami, IRGC deputy commander, said that Iran will "take revenge" for the attacks.

Let there be no doubt that we will take revenge for today's attacks in Tehran, on terrorists, their affiliates and their supporters,” he said, as cited by the news agency Mehr.


Smoke is seen during a gunmen attack at the parliament's building in central Tehran, Iran, June 7, 2017 © Reuters
12 killed, dozens injured in shootings & bombings at Iranian parliament & Khomeini shrine
Meanwhile, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said the attacks will make the country more united.

"Today's terrorist attacks in Tehran will make the Islamic Republic of Iran more determined in the fight against regional terrorism, extremism and violence," he said in a statement published by ISNA news agency.

"We will prove once again that we will crush the enemies' plots with more unity and more strength."

Twelve people were reported killed and 43 injured in gun and bomb attacks in the Iranian capital. The perpetrators targeted the Iranian parliament and Ayatollah Khomeini’s shrine.

Both attacks were claimed by Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), the jihadist organization based in Iraq and Syria. Iran supports both countries in their fight against IS.

IS also threatened Iran's majority Shiite population with more attacks, saying "the caliphate will not miss a chance to spill their blood" until Sharia law is implemented, Reuters reported.

The attacks in Tehran were the first that IS had claimed responsibility for in the Shiite Islamic republic.

The timing of the attacks, shortly after a presidential election in Iran, may indicate that the perpetrators want to cast doubt on the decision of the Iranian people to give President Hassan Rouhani a second term, Middle East expert Catherine Shakdam told RT.

Iran has just conducted quite successfully its presidential election. Everything went according to plan, it was peaceful, it was progressive,” she said.

There is a clear desire to drive a narrative of fear and to make people have a sense of insecurity and doubt their officials and how they can protect their own borders.”
I expect dozens and dozens of these lizard eaters to bite the dust in the near future. If you ask me, Iran has been going very easy on these shashe shutor drinkers so far. Once they start getting slaughtered left and right (more so than already are) maybe they'll start to get the message.

I don't think these camel jockeys realise just how easy it is for Iran to harm them!
I don't want to play devils advocate but this needs a proportional response. This can't go unanswered.

I would assume an increase in lethality in operations against Saudi backed militants all over the middle east and the possibility of putting the armed forces on a higher state of alert in case a shooting war breaks out and this conflict spirals downward.

Iran should really start to commit more resources into Iraq and Syria (I know Iran has done more than enough) to get the job done faster. This Wahhabi Saudi Sunni terrorist shenanigans have gone on long enough.

O brother, where art thou......

I expect dozens and dozens of these lizard eaters to bite the dust in the near future. If you ask me, Iran has been going very easy on these shashe shutor drinkers so far. Once they start getting slaughtered left and right (more so than already are) maybe they'll start to get the message.

I don't think these camel jockeys realise just how easy it is for Iran to harm them!

Maybe an increase in drone strikes?
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