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Iranian Chill Thread

ٰٰWhen Reza the bully wanted to unify Iran, he meet resistance of Lurs too, does it means that they were traitors or something??? Should we settle them in Loot desert for that???

Look at Turkey, a secular country in way worse position in manner of ethnic divide than us. Right now Turks in Turkey thread think "we need to re-Turkify our population", look at the sh*t they are going through right now because of this exact policy that the were imposing since Ataturk. Because they wanted so much to Turkify their population, they lunched some genocides against their minorities, they were even hostile to Kurdish language. Apparently its not working for them, does it? And as long as they think Turkey is a country for Turks, they will never ever be able to solve this problem. And yet, they choose to blame everyone else for their problem, and they are too blind to see the problem is their own policy.

I guess Saddam never understood what did he miscalculate, did he?

You think the U.S, Israel, and those GCC monarchies in their fight with mullahs never played the separatism card??? You think it didn't occur to them??? They did, they themselves admit it. But it didn't worked for them (and never will), cause those groups that they were supporting were not able to recruit, cause fortunately these ayatollahs are not hostile toward any minorities, because of their race, language or culture.
Ayatollahs are smart enough to not go by your idiotic policies, i have no problem with secular government, but i'd choose those Ayatollahs over a secular government with your policies in any seconds, cause i'm sure that will disintegrate my country and i have a little evidence to support my claim.
Fortunately so far we weren't hostile to our minorities, their language and their culture. That why we are in far better position today than any other country in the middle east. The only problem we have is racist pieces of sh*t ppl like you who hate other ppl because of their race, the ppl who hate Arabs just because they are Arabs.

Reza the bully did great when he united Iran, something communists/islamists thugs like you hated.
Hé should have killed anyone that didnt accept the proposal of uniting Iran and one central government, be it lurs, persian or anyone.
If arabs of Iran were 25% we would have same problems now as Turkey.
Further about Iraq and chemical weapons... Iraq is an artifical country and Saddam was an animal, those things will simply not happen to Iran. If you had read my post better and not out of context you would see that I wrote to give sunni kurds more rights so that enemy doesnt use them. I'm also pro intensive investments in regions like baluchistan and Kurdistan because there is more poverty. These investments will reduce the chance of people becoming sepatarist.
There is nothing racist about making persian language stronger. It's our national language, its position will become stronger. If some dont like that they're free to move.

Not that I think Nationalism of any flavour is a positive thing, but you aren't even an Iranian nationalist, when you want to deport Iranians.
You're an backward islamist, like isis and muslim brotherhood and you dont like us. We know your failed ideology and its clash with nationalism. You like primitive laws and corruption.
You like primitive laws and corruption.

You like making baseless allegations.

You don't have to be an Islamist or a communist (of which I am neither) to know that nationalism of any type is dangerous, primarily because it breeds racists such as yourself who want to deport people based on their ethnicity or religion.
You like making baseless allegations.

You don't have to be an Islamist or a communist (of which I am neither) to know that nationalism of any type is dangerous, primarily because it breeds racists such as yourself who want to deport people based on their ethnicity or religion.
You stone people to death, kill journalists and bloggers and marry underage girls. You dont have to be nationalist or communist to know what kind of people you are.
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You stone people to death, kill journalists and bloggers and marry underage girls

I have not done any of those things.

You dont have to be nationalist of communist to know what kind of people you are.

I'm a normal Muslim Iranian. I am also a Patriot - hence the username. Now if you nationalists have any problem with that, its your fault.
I have not done any of those things.

I'm a normal Muslim Iranian. I am also a Patriot - hence the username. Now if you nationalists have any problem with that, its your fault.
He is one of those Aryan nationalist monarchy lovers, They have binary mind set, in the mind of these guys when you don't agree with their racist nationalistic polices, you're either a communist or an Islamist. It doesn't matter how mush you explain to these guys why their policies are dangerous, they don't even think about what you've wrote, cause in the mind of these guys by default you are Islamist or communist, so every thing you say is false. It doesn't matter what you write, their response will always be "You are an Islamist, go blow yourself up like isis" or "go lick Stalin's a**hole you communist traitor".

Reza the bully did great when he united Iran, something communists/islamists thugs like you hated.
Hé should have killed anyone that didnt accept the proposal of uniting Iran and one central government, be it lurs, persian or anyone.
If arabs of Iran were 25% we would have same problems now as Turkey.
Further about Iraq and chemical weapons... Iraq is an artifical country and Saddam was an animal, those things will simply not happen to Iran. If you had read my post better and not out of context you would see that I wrote to give sunni kurds more rights so that enemy doesnt use them. I'm also pro intensive investments in regions like baluchistan and Kurdistan because there is more poverty. These investments will reduce the chance of people becoming sepatarist.
There is nothing racist about making persian language stronger. It's our national language, its position will become stronger. If some dont like that they're free to move.

You're an backward islamist, like isis and muslim brotherhood and you dont like us. We know your failed ideology and its clash with nationalism. You like primitive laws and corruption.
You don't want to understand, do you? Your ideology is Persian/Aryan nationalism, it's different than Patriotism and it's even way more dangerous than Islamism or Communism. Persian nationalism means you want to make Iran a country of Persians, so naturally Arabs, Kurds, Azeri Turks, Turkmens, Balochs and etc have no place in this country, and i guess in the back of your mind you know that, that's why you want to settle Persians in Turkmen and Arab areas. Your ultimate goal is a homogeneous Persian country, Do you know who else wanted to create a homogeneous country? Hitler and Natzis back in days in Germany, and it only brought the holocaust to this world. Saddam Hussein went by Arab nationalism in Iraq, it failed. Ataturk went by Turk nationalism in Turkey, it's failing, why do you think Persian nationalism won't fail in Iran??? Cause "those things will simply not happen to Iran"? As simple as that? Do you think it will be an exception to a failed ideology? Do you think if we start promoting Persian nationalism in Iran, not only it won't disintegrate the country, but the countries that you call "Indo-Iranian" will come together and join us to create the greater Iran again? So answer me this, if Turkmens doesn't want you to systematically settle Persians in their areas and see this as a demographic war on them, what are you going to do next? Lunch a genocide against them with chemical weapons? Throw them out of their areas by force?
He is one of those Aryan nationalist monarchy lovers, They have binary mind set, in the mind of these guys when you don't agree with their racist nationalistic polices, you're either a communist or an Islamist. It doesn't matter how mush you explain to these guys why their policies are dangerous, they don't even think about what you've wrote, cause in the mind of these guys by default you are Islamist or communist, so every thing you say is false. It doesn't matter what you write, their response will always be "You are an Islamist, go blow yourself up like isis" or "go lick Stalin's a**hole you communist traitor".

You don't want to understand, do you? Your ideology is Persian/Aryan nationalism, it's different than Patriotism and it's even way more dangerous than Islamism or Communism. Persian nationalism means you want to make Iran a country of Persians, so naturally Arabs, Kurds, Azeri Turks, Turkmens, Balochs and etc have no place in this country, and i guess in the back of your mind you know that, that's why you want to settle Persians in Turkmen and Arab areas. Your ultimate goal is a homogeneous Persian country, Do you know who else wanted to create a homogeneous country? Hitler and Natzis back in days in Germany, and it only brought the holocaust to this world. Saddam Hussein went by Arab nationalism in Iraq, it failed. Ataturk went by Turk nationalism in Turkey, it's failing, why do you think Persian nationalism won't fail in Iran??? Cause "those things will simply not happen to Iran"? As simple as that? Do you think it will be an exception to a failed ideology? Do you think if we start promoting Persian nationalism in Iran, not only it won't disintegrate the country, but the countries that you call "Indo-Iranian" will come together and join us to create the greater Iran again? So answer me this, if Turkmens doesn't want you to systematically settle Persians in their areas and see this as a demographic war on them, what are you going to do next? Lunch a genocide against them with chemical weapons? Throw them out of their areas by force?
Mate do not even answer to that lunatic. Your time is worth. He's either badly high on hasheesh in netherlands or you're taking to a loony.
Mate do not even answer to that lunatic. Your time is worth. He's either badly high on hasheesh in netherlands or you're taking to a loony.
If i don't answer to this guy, some may think he represents the Persian point of view.
He is one of those Aryan nationalist monarchy lovers,
I think I was not clear enough when I said shah sleeps under my boots? Your mindset is more like one of a handicapped person, because it seems you don't understand or don't want to understand.
wtf is aryan nationlism lol, I'm Iranian nationalist and want persian language to have a strong position in Iran. I know it's very difficult for your small brain to receive so much information at once.
Those areas were always full of persians, so yes, persians have the right to move there and to live there, especially khuzestan, there are already many persians, same for khorasan. Exception would be Kurdistan which is fine as it is.

Arabs and turkmens are relatively newcomers in Iran and they settled in persian lands. We have freedom of movement in Iran, so no one has the right to complain about people moving to live in other places in Iran. No one has the right to complain about groups of Iranians moving to other places within Iran. Know that when some complain that they are enemies.
And about genocide, holocaust, chemical weapons blabla, irrelevant for this discussion.

Mate do not even answer to that lunatic. Your time is worth. He's either badly high on hasheesh in netherlands or you're taking to a loony.
Watch your words jooje.
I have not done any of those things.

I'm a normal Muslim Iranian. I am also a Patriot - hence the username. Now if you nationalists have any problem with that, its your fault.
You didnt do it personally but your silence supports it.
Na sharghi, na gharbi, jomhuriye eslami... explain that to the mother of Sattar Beheshti, explain that to others in jail, to family of other victims.
You wash your hands with blood of innocent people, like that old fool sitting on kings chair. That's the opposite of heroism and patriotism.
Being silent/neutral towards these cases means agreeing with the murders and torturing of innocents.
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KCTV DPRK North Korea Ground Test High-Thrust Rocket Engine کره شمالی آزمایش نسل جدیدی موتور موشک

کره شمالی نسل جدیدی از موتور موشک را با موفقیت آزمایش کرد
کره جنوبی روز یکشنبه از آزمایش موفقیت‌آمیز نسل جدیدی از موتورهای باتوان بالا را که در موشک و ماهواره‌بر استفاده می‌شوند، خبر داد.
بنا بر اعلام خبرگزاری مرکزی کره شمالی، این آزمایش در حضور «کیم جونگ اون» رهبر این کشور انجام شده است.
کیم جونگ اون آزمایش موفق این موتور را «تولدی تازه» برای صنعت موشکی کره شمالی توصیف کرده است.
خبرگزاری کره شمالی نوشته است که این موتور کمک می‌کند تا پیونگ‌یانگ بتواند ماهواره‌برهایی در سطح جهانی تولید کند.
این آزمایش در حالی صورت گرفته که «رکس تیلرسون» وزیر خارجه آمریکا به شرق آسیا سفر کرده است. وی روز جمعه در سئول، پایتخت کره جنوبی، گفت «همه گزینه‌ها» برای مقابله با برنامه موشکی و اتمی کره شمالی روی میز است.
Kim Jong Un Watches Ground Jet Test of Newly Developed High-Thrust Engine
Pyongyang, March 19 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea, chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army, watched the ground jet test of Korean-style high-thrust engine newly developed by the Academy of the National Defence Science. After being told about the production of the new-type high-thrust engine, he personally visited the Sohae Satellite Launching Ground at dawn to learn in detail about the technical specifications of the engine and preparations for the test and guided it. The test was conducted to confirm the overall technical indices of the engine such as features of thrust power in the combustion chamber, accurate movement of turbine pump, control system and various valves and their structural safety and reliability.He mounted an observation post and gave an order to start the test.
و بعله ، تحریم های موشکی و لیبیاسیون ایران از راه می رسند

توی همون لینکی که دادم می توانید پیش بینی هام رو بخونید ..


حالا اون محمد رجبعلی بره چارت نشون بده

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