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Iranian Chill Thread

Actually she said:
We know that deception is part of DNA.
and she explained that she meant every person(politicians in negotiations) have the ability to deceive other negotiators. but some idiot uneducated translators who have not basic knowledge of english language, mistranslated it. even by this mistranslation, it has nothing to do with islam as someone in the thread claimed.

7/24 we call them liars so not a big deal.
heres another cunt...

Former Pentagon chief and CIA director Leon Panetta has threatened Iran with “military force,” saying threats of using military force against Iran are necessary to “back up” US policy.

Addressing the annual meeting of the pro-Israeli Anti-Defamation League (ADL) on Thursday night in New York City, Panetta said although Washington “has implemented unprecedented sanctions and pressure on Iran, we may very well have to use military force to back up our policy.”

He also said that the US has “no friend, no better ally in the world than Israel.”

Panetta’s remarks were made as National Director of the ADL Abraham Foxman said during Thursday’s meeting that the Tel Aviv regime cannot count on the US over Iran any more.

Foxman said Washington “cannot be counted on” as it “seems desperate to avoid confrontation with Iran and the Iranians.”

While some anti-Iran US senators push for more illegal sanctions against Iran, in a closed-door briefing on Thursday, senior White House officials, including Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State John Kerry, urged a number of senators to hold off on a new package of sanctions on Iran.

Obama administration officials did not sway every senator who participated in the meeting, but the Senate Banking Committee would reportedly delay plans for drafting a new sanctions bill next week.

Iran held talks with the United States, Russia, China, France, Britain, and Germany in Geneva over its nuclear energy program earlier this month. The two sides are set to meet again in Geneva on November 7-8.

The US, Israel, and some of their allies have repeatedly accused Iran of pursuing non-civilian objectives in its nuclear energy program.

Iran categorically rejects the allegation, arguing that as a signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), its people’s rights to nuclear technology for peaceful purposes, including enrichment, must be respected.

This high ranked Arab wannabe mullah says that Iran is a country with just 1400 years civilization. Actually, he wants to emphasis that Iran's history starts with Arab invasion of Iran.

bishtare hezbolahi ha tarikhe Iran ro az eslam be bad midunan va ghablesh ro aslan hesab nemikonan ke in agha ham yeki az unast .

man ba ye bakhshi az harfaye khatami movafegham .
Although Iran's regime try to show that they have a lot of supporters, but in fact these claims are only propaganda.
maybe after Israel, Iran is the most westernized country in ME, and people mostly like western countries and culture.
their supporters do not exceed 10% of total population, in which many of them are already hired by the regime, as Sepah and Basij members. rest of their supporters come from poor and uneducated and less-developed parts of the society.

Hi dude .

please enlighten me what " westernized " means in your post .

What I see in the so called westernized country right now is just following negative parts of western culture .

If our country followed Western culture we wouldn't have been in such deep sh!t in our society , culture , industry , education etc .

Most people in Iran think west has reached where it is because of night clubs , gay marriage , wiping religion and such fake freedoms while the bitter fact is something else .

people mostly like western countries and culture

their supporters do not exceed 10% of total population

rest of their supporters come from poor and uneducated and less-developed parts of the society.

based on what ?

BTW, This guy is Imam of Tehran, which means he is kinda the official mullah of Tehran and responsible for praying in each Friday in Tehran.

This guy is an extremist who needs to close his big fat mouth and stop Interfering in politicians job .
i've also seen hundreds and maybe thousands of iranians living abroad or even inside iran which dont respect any part of our history .....

at least they are respecting the post-islam part (which is also not an smal portion)
i saw this today.
[By share of population, the largest empire was the Achaemenid Empire, better known as the Persian Empire, which accounted for approximately 49.4 million of the world’s 112.4 million people in around 480 BC – an astonishing 44%. Originating in modern-day Iran, the empire was first established by Cyrus the Great and included parts of Central Asia, the Mediterranean, North Africa, and even European territories such as ancient Thrace and Macedonia./QUOTE]
44% of worlds population in one country..:eek:

this might be useful.:-)
رتبه هاي اول ايران در دنيا :

1- بيشترين توليد پسته

...2- بيشترين توليد خاويار

3- بيشترين توليد خانواده توت

4- بيشترين توليد زعفران (80% کل توليد جهاني)

5- بيشترين توليد زرشک

6- بيشترين توليدميوه آلويي (از قبيل شفت وگيلاس وغيره )

7- بالاترين دماي ثبت شده روي سطح زمين (70.7 درجه سانتيگرد در کوير لوت)

8- بيشترين تلفات انساني در سرما و کولاک برفي (4000 نفر در کولاک سال 1350 کشته شدند، ميزان بارش برف 8 متر در 5 روز)

9- بزرگترين واردکننده گندم

10- بيشترين فرار مغز ها

11- بيشترين نسبت زن به مرد در مدارس و دانشگاه ها (1.23 زن در مقابل هر مرد)

12- بالاترين ميزان تشعشات زميني، با شدت سالانه 260 ميلي سيورت در رامسر (مقايسه= يک عکس راديوگرام سينه 0.05 ميلي سيورت، ميدانهاي اطراف چرنوبيل 25 ميلي سيورت)

13- بيشترين تعداد زمينلرزه هاي بزرگ (بالاي 5.5 ريشتر)

14- دقيقترين تقويم دنيا (تقويم جلالي)

15- بيشترين مصرف ترياک و هرويين (امريکا بيشترين مصرف كوكايين را دارد)

16- بيشترين تعداد تغيير پايتخت در طول تاريخ (تهران سي و دومين پايتخت ايرانست)

17- کهنترين کشور دنيا (تاسيس شده در 3200 سال قبل از ميلاد مسيح)

18- ميزبان بزرگترين جميعت مهاجر جهان (اکثرا عراقي و افغاني)

19- بزرگترين توليد کننده فيروزه

20- بزرگترين منابع روي در جهان

21- بزرگترين توليد کننده و صادر کننده فرش هاي دست بافت (75% کل توليد جهاني)

22- بيشترين شتاب پيشرفت توليد علم و تکنولوژي در جهان (340000% رشد در طول 37 سال 1349-1387، شتاب رشدي يازده برابر متوسط جهان در سال 1388, رشد سالانه کنوني 25.7%)

23- بزرگترين سيستم بانکي اسلامي (کل سرمايه 236 ميليارد دلار)

24- بالاترين ميزان وابستگي به انرژي (بيشترين اتلاف انرژي در جهان)

25- بزرگترين منابع انرژي هيدروکربن (گاز و نفت با هم، با ارزش 14000 ميليارد دلار بر حسب قيمت جهاني 75 دلار هر بشکه نفت)

26- بالاترين تناسب ذخاير به توليد براي نفت در جهان(با ميزان توليد کنوني ايران معادل 89 سال ذخاير نفتي دارد)

27- ارزانترين پايتخت جهان (طبق تحقيق شبکه خبري سي ان ان تهران ارزانترين پايتخت جهانست)

28- بزرگترين فوران چاه نفت در تاريخ (نشت چاه نفتي قم در سال 1335 سه ماه ادمه داشت با فوران روزي 125000 بشکه نفت، ارتفاع فوران 52 متر، مقايسه با نشت نفتي خليج مکسيکو با خروج سه ماه 53000 بشکه در روز)

29- بالاترين آلودگي ديوکسيد گوگرد در هواي شهري

30- قديميترين منبع مصنوعي يا ساختگي آبي جهان با قدمت 2700 سال (قنات گناد آباد هنوز هم آب 40000 نفر را فراهم ميکند)

31- بزرگترين مجموعه جواهرات در جهان (جوهرات شاهي ايران در موزه بانک مرکزي ايران بزرگترين گنجينه جوهرات جهانست)

32- کهنترين امپراتوري جهان (هخامنشيان اولين ابرقدرت تاريخ بودند و در اوج قدرت بر 44% کل جميعت جهان حکومت ميکردند که اين بالاترين درصد جميعت تحت يک دولت در تاريخ هم هست)

33- بيشترين تعداد تلفات در جنگ شيميايي (100000 کشته و 100000 زخمي در جنگ با صدام، ايران همچنين دومين رتبه تلفات تاريخ را بر اثر سلاح هاي کشتار دست جمعي بعد از ژاپن دارد)

34- بيشترين تعداد و تناسب شيعه گان در جهان (89% جميعت ايران
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i saw this today.

44% of worlds population in one country..:eek:

this might be useful.:-)

22- بيشترين شتاب پيشرفت توليد علم و تکنولوژي در جهان (340000% رشد در طول 37 سال 1349-1387، شتاب رشدي يازده برابر متوسط جهان در سال 1388, رشد سالانه کنوني 25.7%)

hamin yeki baes mishe ke chiz haye digeham be oon list ezafe beshe

iran too 30 sal az hich resid be ghodrat fazaee

edame ham dare !! alan iran 2% elme jahano tolid mikone een yani 2 barabar va andi bishtar az kole etehadiyeye arab

pishbini kardan age hamin soraat edame dashte bashe ta 40 sale dige be usa beresim !!! (az nazare output elmi)
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i am going to join taliban..:suicide2:

dude!! wait!! i'm packing up !! :D 
agha een ratinga che tokhmi shode!!

hale adam beham mikhore . een bache bazi ha chie? mage inja jaye bache hast?

@Ostad : agha man khial mikardam nuke yani kheili poste khafanie!! 2 bar nuke zadam barat!! :DD

dorostesh kardam albate :D
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dude!! wait!! i'm packing up !! :D 
agha een ratinga che tokhmi shode!!

hale adam beham mikhore . een bache bazi ha chie? mage inja jaye bache hast?

@Ostad : agha man khial mikardam nuke yani kheili poste khafanie!! 2 bar nuke zadam barat!! :DD

dorostesh kardam albate :D
dude ma dige radio active shodim raft ... :-)

raje be like system kamelan moafegam inja beheshon goftam...
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