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Iranian Chill Thread

no ones gonna leave , they want us to do this !!

who breaked the rules and why?

we just politely asked for your action on trolls . instead u called my brothers troll

our request was polite !! i called u brother ....

You have not read the rules have you? You are a new member, you don't know how things work around here. Even those users who have posted quite a bit don't know the rules, so i suggest you read them and follow them.

Calling member X or Y, a troll is against the forum rules. If you have a problem with certain member and after few weeks you know that report handling is not doing the job. You create a thread in the GHQ section. You don't derail a certain Chill thread to complain and moan about it. What it only does is gets the Chill thread close, which it did.
rmi5 is an idiot, the only reason the thread was locked so users don't criticize members or forum policies. He was trying to troll me. :lol: I have no problem if you guys report, me and @Serpentine will look into the reports and solve the threads.

If you whine here in this thread, it makes us for a difficult job.

Nobody has time to handle drama.
what he did... he was polite. if you blelive in your own rules mention what he said.
what he did... he was polite. if you blelive in your own rules mention what he said.

Saying your forum allows certain people to abuse Shia is trolling, while banning the Iranian members is not true.

The problem is many Iranian members become victim of banning because others have created a bad reputation by creating multiple accounts and trolling. 

Ok, may be he is not an idiot. But he did troll and if not troll, was trying to be smart and sarcastic.
Saying your forum allows certain people to abuse Shia is trolling, while banning the Iranian members is not true.

The problem is many Iranian members become victim of banning because others have created a bad reputation by creating multiple accounts and trolling.
i was there ... i saw what he said ... and i saw your reaction .
as we respect u , we expect u respect us too

u said if someone calls another one troll , its against forum rules

what abt this:

Thanks for starting a trolling feast and given your Farsi friends a field day despite them having nothing to brag about themselves let alone having any entitelment to talk about rights. Nor is KSA or the Arab world really their business. I even recall you saying that Iran was a oppressing state that oppressed your own people (Baluch) whose land they ironically also occupy.

Also this single element (female lawyers) does not meassure anything crucial about your society.

KSA is a modern welfare state with a thriwing economy (one of the biggest in the world and advancing) and a G-20 major economies members.


The GDP per capita in KSA is higher than that of any other big Muslim country in the world and higher than the average found in the EU.


Saudi Arabians are also one of the happiest people in every survey if you use google.
The crime rate is very low, among the world biggest investment projects, building projects etc. are happening in KSA, reforms are slowly arriving, the population are one of the most educated ones in the ME and Muslim world, 100.000's of Saudi Arabians have studied abroad since the late 1950's and thousands are doing this right now etc.

Saudi Arabia is not a perfect society but for an practicing Muslim or person wanting to make a good, safe and comfortable living then KSA is really good. Hence why KSA is the preferred destination for Muslim immigrants.

And believe me women are part of the society on every level and play a big role. Increasing by each day.

Most of your fellow countrymen who have actually lived in the country and socialized, mingled, travelled across the huge and diverse country that KSA is etc. have mostly only positive things to say no matter their sect, ethnicity, personal beliefs etc. I am talking about your very own countrymen on this forum!

Quite frankly it is annoying to see all the trolling from people who really don't have a clue about what they are talking about, who have not even have visited KSA, who are very ignorant about it etc. What you call trolls.
Anyway I wanted that this thread discussed the actual topic but your comment unfortunately made me comment on your comment and you are likely to reply and the outcome is that the thread is destroyed.

Anyway the moderators will clean this thread up and also do something to the two Farsi trolls that are "thanking" my posts.

How cute that all the Farsi trolls have rooted themselves together after talking in their little pathetic section trying to get me banned. I wonder when they get banned for insulting Arabs again and again in their shitty little teenage chat-section. Let us see what the moderators will say about that or their trolling in threads about Arab matters.

We can also clearly see in this thread who started the trolling and writing posts of no value.

Just trolling but whatever. Not different from most of your fellow Shias here I guess.

Yes, just like any other country in the world and past civilization that got rich due to natural resources or resources they conquered from others. Same with the West. Big deal. Gonna bitch about that? Sure we have been blessed with a very rich country, a diverse and big one. It is up to us to make it like we want it and to advance which we are doing at a fast rate. As reality shows. And it's not the only reason.

u see dear , we just reported him , and we saw an unbelievable reaction from u .

iranian members please end this discussion now ! its enough for today .
Saying your forum allows certain people to abuse Shia is trolling, while banning the Iranian members is not true.

The problem is many Iranian members become victim of banning because others have created a bad reputation by creating multiple accounts and trolling. 

Ok, may be he is not an idiot. But he did troll and if not troll, was trying to be smart and sarcastic.

Ive seen saudis cursing people.. heck one of the turds even used abusive words against me.. another had a stupid avatar saying kill the shias.. etc ... kalu mian is yet another secterian @#@!.
Guys, look. Just report.

We are professionals who work, study and then have sometime to spare for PDF where would like to engage in discussions rather than moderate. Don't give us hard time. Just report the post and we will do our best to handle your issues.

Since the upgrade we have an efficient method to handle all reports rather than skip some and deal some. Let bygones by bygones.

My only request is to not violate the forum rules by engaging in name calling of certain member who is violating the forums by criticizing X and Y openly and derailing certain Chill threads, etc.

Guys, look. Just report.

We are professionals who work, study and then have sometime to spare for PDF where would like to engage in discussions rather than moderate. Don't give us hard time. Just report the post and we will do our best to handle your issues.

Since the upgrade we have an efficient method to handle all reports rather than skip some and deal some. Let bygones by bygones.

My only request is to not violate the forum rules by engaging in name calling of certain member who is violating the forums by criticizing X and Y openly and derailing certain Chill threads, etc.


How abt introducing more mods?
Guys, look. Just report.

We are professionals who work, study and then have sometime to spare for PDF where would like to engage in discussions rather than moderate. Don't give us hard time. Just report the post and we will do our best to handle your issues.

Since the upgrade we have an efficient method to handle all reports rather than skip some and deal some. Let bygones by bygones.

My only request is to not violate the forum rules by engaging in name calling of certain member who is violating the forums by criticizing X and Y openly and derailing certain Chill threads, etc.


look man we always report them , in the posts i mentioned above , i reported them all .

he always gets away with it .

but its enough for today . tnx
look man we always report them , in the posts i mentioned above , i reported them all .

he always gets away with it .

but its enough for today . tnx

Warning are given in the background and once properly accumulated the member gets banned. Complaining openly doesn't.
@rmi5 don't leave brother, we need patriots to stay on forum

Guys, I wanted not to post anymore, but since you guys, @Falon , @haman10 , @Ostad , @S00R3NA , have mentioned me multiple times, in these few minutes and asked me not to leave, I felt responsible to reply your kind comments.

I appreciate that all of you guys, with all different political opinions and views were united in supporting me when admin offended me by calling me a troll.

Guys, we need to have some specific set of rules, and we need not to let others to violate our rules. If they did, we need to react, by the appropriate means. That was my decision to respond them by a very civilized mean, and as a result, Adimin backed off and opened the thread again.

Anyways, @WebMaster , these objections are the results of your act when you curse one of the moderate members of forum, by calling him a troll. I don't have any personal hostility toward anyone, but I won't tolerate any discriminations as I previously told you.

aziz, man be shoma be onvaan e doustet tosiye mikonam ke ye kam gheyrat e Irani be kharj bedi va be inha neshoun bedi ke baayad be ma ehteraam bezaarand. va gar na, in forum chizi joz etlaaf e vaght baraaye to ham nist. in forum hich arzeshi nadaare, joz tohin shodan be mellat e ma. in ra be gheyrat e khodet vaagozaar mikonam, age mikhaay inja bemouni, bemoun.

BTW, Sorry guys for this long comment. ;)

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