Guys, I wanted not to post anymore, but since you guys, @
Falon , @
haman10 , @
Ostad , @
S00R3NA , have mentioned me multiple times, in these few minutes and asked me not to leave, I felt responsible to reply your kind comments.
I appreciate that all of you guys, with all different political opinions and views were united in supporting me when admin offended me by calling me a troll.
Guys, we need to have some specific set of rules, and we need not to let others to violate our rules. If they did, we need to react, by the appropriate means. That was my decision to respond them by a very civilized mean, and as a result, Adimin backed off and opened the thread again.
Anyways, @
WebMaster , these objections are the results of your act when you curse one of the moderate members of forum, by calling him a troll. I don't have any personal hostility toward anyone, but I won't tolerate any discriminations as I previously told you.
aziz, man be shoma be onvaan e doustet tosiye mikonam ke ye kam gheyrat e Irani be kharj bedi va be inha neshoun bedi ke baayad be ma ehteraam bezaarand. va gar na, in forum chizi joz etlaaf e vaght baraaye to ham nist. in forum hich arzeshi nadaare, joz tohin shodan be mellat e ma. in ra be gheyrat e khodet vaagozaar mikonam, age mikhaay inja bemouni, bemoun.
BTW, Sorry guys for this long comment.