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Iranian Chill Thread

@Serpentine @The SiLent crY @SOHEIL @haman10 & other Iranian members
I am participating as Iran in the local MUN so i would really appreciate if you would answer some of my questions
1) How is Iran's relations with all it's neighbors (Each & every one of them)
2) what solution does Iran has in mind to solve the IS crisis in Iraq & Syria
3) Iranian stand on WMDs(Of all kinds)
4)How Iran will bring peace & Stability in the region & world
5)How to corner a Aggressive Saudi Arabia on Yemen,Human Rights & Saudi Arabia
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We are from a city near Lar, which is almost the midpoint of Shiraz and Bandar Abbas. We call the people from those cities in that area as "khodmonis". We are different from the people north of us (shirazis) or South (bandaris) because due our land being shitty for farming or fishing, we all became merchants. A lot of rich people in the gulf countries (Emirates, Kuwait, Oman mainly) are " khodmoonis". We don't have many doctors or scientists or poets, just everyone's childhood dream is to become a bazari :azn:

Your people, the busheris and the abadanis are probably more chilled out than ours. Any Iranian that lived near the Persian gulf is so chilled out.

The American Persiaaaaaans from Tehrangelese you met sound different than the Iranians living in Iran.

(But to be honest, even us southern Iranians make fun of Tehranis claiming they sound soft...so, I'll agree a bit with you if the Tehranis don't see this sentence)

This is for you then...


If you wanna make sure nobody gets close to your home, get a khorus laari....
This is for you then...


If you wanna make sure nobody gets close to your home, get a khorus laari....

Hi dude, I am wondering, you have been here for a long time but left only few posts (and never quit permanently). I mean 2008, that was when I made the first buck form a job of my own.
As if it matters if you die as a real man or puzzy...
Reminds me of the ''Bismillah'' or ''May God protect'' stickers on cars in Turkey but not wearing seat belt.
what this "we die like men" has to do with writing bismillah behind Turkish cars and not wearing the seat belt?

Basiji kid :haha:.
you're mentioning Basiji kid like it is something bad or to be ashamed of... It is like you call a man "my hero" and expect others to laugh with u!!!
you who are stuck in 1000 BC with your ethnic ( tribal to be exact!) mind are a grown man and @haman10 who is living in a civilized modern society structure with all living under one united nation called Iran needs to grew up!!

Instead of talking non-sense tribal shiiit with Iranians who don't just get you, go spend sometime teaching your fellow Saudi ans Arabs to grow up and leave this stone age tribal thing behind.... oh, I forgot... Arabs means nothing without their tribes and tribal names.. it is all about tribe name.. like if u were from Saudi tribe then u could have been another scum consuming millions of dollars of oil money of those poor Arabian people of Arabia...

adventures Saudi guy who just came back from Iran (despite all the tension), and he told me that the Basijis are spread in the major streets in Tehran carrying their machine guns
either he never been to Iran and bluffed in front of u or he was somewhere in Iraq and due to known reasons he thought he was in Tehran....coz this shitt that your friend said about basijis in streets with guns in their hands is something I never seen or heard personally unless it was the army or basij day parades...

btw, a question... do u hold parades at 4th of July in Saudi land too?
what this "we die like men" has to do with writing bismillah behind Turkish cars and not wearing the seat belt?

you're mentioning Basiji kid like it is something bad or to be ashamed of... It is like you call a man "my hero" and expect others to laugh with u!!!
you who are stuck in 1000 BC with your ethnic ( tribal to be exact!) mind are a grown man and @haman10 who is living in a civilized modern society structure with all living under one united nation called Iran needs to grew up!!

Instead of talking non-sense tribal shiiit with Iranians who don't just get you, go spend sometime teaching your fellow Saudi ans Arabs to grow up and leave this stone age tribal thing behind.... oh, I forgot... Arabs means nothing without their tribes and tribal names.. it is all about tribe name.. like if u were from Saudi tribe then u could have been another scum consuming millions of dollars of oil money of those poor Arabian people of Arabia...

either he never been to Iran and bluffed in front of u or he was somewhere in Iraq and due to known reasons he thought he was in Tehran....coz this shitt that your friend said about basijis in streets with guns in their hands is something I never seen or heard personally unless it was the army or basij day parades...

btw, a question... do u hold parades at 4th of July in Saudi land too?

You need to behave senior (no offence). Talking about ethnicity is somthing Persians do more than others. They keep talking about their Persian Aryan pride for most of their lives (literally). Tribalism and ethnicity are too different things. And tribalisim is somthing symbolic these days in KSA and it doesn't have the same weight you fantasize it has. People live in cities and towns. Have jobs, homes, and assets (all with their oil money that is making you very comfortable). They don't really care about tribalism the way you wish they do. You are also overrating the Basiji membership. Not a small number of Iranians equate Basiji membership with treason. And they would hate these Basijis more than they would hate all the tazis combined. And you are right about the Saudi guy not seeing the Basij. @Madali has corrected me saying that they are some military forces which have nothing to do with the Basij. See the rest of the posts.
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1) How is Iran's relations with all it's neighbors (Each & every one of them)
i'll some it up for you :

1- Iraq : Iraq is one of Iran's closest allies

2- Afgh : Traditionally an Iranian close friend , cultural and lingual factors never let the two countries to have any "bad" relations . our only dark times were when taliban killed Iranian diplomats back in when they were in power . thats it . i don't recall any specific problem afterwards .

3- Pak : too many ups and downs . Iran and Pakistan had cordial relations till some 10 years ago . that all changed when Iran's internal security was challenged by the situation in Pakistan and no actual and effective step was taken by pakistan to address the issue

4- turkemnistan and azerbaijan : "Friendly" . i think thats the best word for them . our relations with turkemnistan is better but cultural closeness to Azerbaijan makes them a natural ally of Iran no matter how political relations are cold .

5- armenia : friendly : our ties are mainly based on economical cooperation .

6- Turkey : friendly till some 4 years ago . Iran and Turkey were not much of an ally after the situation in Syria broke out .

7- kuwait : literally one of the few PGCC countries who has cordial relations with Iran .

2) what solution does Iran has in mind to solve the IS crisis in Iraq & Syria
Iran as the political rulers of Iran ?

well , supporting local fighters with advanced weapons . cutting out foreign aid [if you know what i mean] to ISIS terrorists .

organizing the local troops .

3) Iranian stand on WMDs(Of all kinds)
according to a fatwa (religious decree) from Iran's leader , any sort of WMD is haram and thus strongly forbidden

4)How Iran will bring peace & Stability in the region & world
increasing tolerance and promoting free high education and economical stability

5)How to corner a Aggressive Saudi Arabia on Yemen,Human Rights & Saudi Arabia
that has a long answer , i'll answer this one tomorrow :D
Hi dude, I am wondering, you have been here for a long time but left only few posts (and never quit permanently). I mean 2008, that was when I made the first buck form a job of my own.

Hey man, yeah I've been here for quite a while it seems.... There wasn't even an Iranian forum back then.. we had to lobby the admins to make one. Regarding the number of my posts, I don't know... I guess I don't have very much to say... I come around sometimes to catch up on the news and the latest developments...

Do you live is SA or are you out now?
@Serpentine , this post deserves a negative point :angry:
oh chill out tehrooni :lol: @Serpentine i think he is just joking :D

who is living in a civilized modern society structure with all living under one united nation called Iran needs to grew up!!
bro , i don't think quoting a terrorist can help this thread . this is a thread where people chill , not where terrorist wahhabiz spew crap .

I , as a future Iranian doctor who makes more money in a year than his whole tribe combined and a proud member of basij like 20 other million people , don't need to prove anything to a wahhabi terrorist . believe me , i don't .

to further explain why , take a look at this pic :

this is from 2 hours ago .

see the guy in pink saying his prayers ? thats my best friend who is also another a doctor .

he never misses a single prayer , NEVER EVER . he is just 24 years old .

now tell me this :

who is more of human ? who deserves his life more ?

my best friend ? or this terrorist ? @bozorgmehr @Serpentine @Daneshmand @Madali

let's all ignore his terrorist butt . i am tired of getting notifications from him , Tnx
Hey man, yeah I've been here for quite a while it seems.... There wasn't even an Iranian forum back then.. we had to lobby the admins to make one. Regarding the number of my posts, I don't know... I guess I don't have very much to say... I come around sometimes to catch up on the news and the latest developments...

Do you live is SA or are you out now?

Yeap in SA. Born and raised. I do frquently travel to North America mainly for vacations (the U.S and Canada), and been to Southern California many times...
7- kuwait : literally one of the few PGCC countries who has cordial relations with Iran .

I disagree. Kuwait has one of the worst relationship with us (they don't even give visas to family members of Iranians who have been living in Kuwait for more than 10 years). The best relationship is with Oman, followed by Dubai (not UAE, just Dubai), then maybe Qatar, then Bahrain, Kuwait, Abu Dhabi, Saudi. As people, I think the bahrainis are closest to us, a lot of bahrainis speak broken farsi.
I disagree. Kuwait has one of the worst relationship with us (they don't even give visas to family members of Iranians who have been living in Kuwait for more than 10 years). The best relationship is with Oman, followed by Dubai (not UAE, just Dubai), then maybe Qatar, then Bahrain, Kuwait, Abu Dhabi, Saudi. As people, I think the bahrainis are closest to us, a lot of bahrainis speak broken farsi.
lets agree to disagree bro . the best relations is with Oman that i agree with .

but after oman and dubai , kuwait is for sure the next . Qatar and bahrain ? i think you're confusing public sentiments with diplomatic relations .

just today Iran's ambassador to bahrain was announced persona non grata

if we're talking about public sentiments though , i think the list would be like this :

Bahrain , dubai , Oman , .......
lets agree to disagree bro . the best relations is with Oman that i agree with .

but after oman and dubai , kuwait is for sure the next . Qatar and bahrain ? i think you're confusing public sentiments with diplomatic relations .

just today Iran's ambassador to bahrain was announced persona non grata

if we're talking about public sentiments though , i think the list would be like this :

Bahrain , dubai , Oman , .......

I agree with you on Bahrain. To be honest, Bahrain would just do what Saudi says. Kuwait's bad relationship with Iran is them being paranoid about their shia Kuwaitis. I'm not sure how I would rank qatar.
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