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Iranian Chill Thread

lol , looks like someone knows farsi :lol:

dude , look . i'm a kurd and you insult me and my people on a daily basis , i understand your anger completely thats why i've never responded to your comments about kurds .

bro , you see kurds as the ones who are trying to separate from Iraq and who are constantly trying to further destablize Iraq .

i understand your concerns and i think you're right . but mate , kurds were among the first people who put foot on this grounds . kurds are medes people dating back to thousands of years ago .

you've gotta view it from their perspective : saddam killed hundreds of thousands of them and ISIS is doing the same now . they have been killed and murdered literally by everyone . now this doesn't give them the right to pull the shyte they are pulling right now and i agree with you .

but calling them/us mountain goats is very insulting

of course .

tehran , shiraz , esfehan , mashhad , tabriz .

these are cities who have agha balasar . we poor people in the western Iran who have fought 8 years of war , we get 300 kb/s .

all of you are bache sosools :D

22 mb/s ? ? are you kidding me ?

another war breaks out and guess whose there to defend the country ? of course not you bache soosools . but us people of kermanshah who watch youtube videos at 480P quality .

:A :B :C :D :E :F

If you had good internet speed, you'd be too busy playing online games & watching movies to be fighting! I'm sending a letter to the government, to reduce your internet speeds to 56 kb dial up modem, and sell hourly based internet cards in the supermarkets for your city, so you will always be amade bash. haha.
@haman10, @SALMAN AL-FARSI, @Malik Alashter

Speaking of Kurds this week, I must say that one of the most overlooked aspects of Iran - Iraq war was the Shah's support of the Kurdish separatist movement. In my opinion, this was the root cause of the war. Given the Shah's superb relationships with the U.S, and his firm stand against the Soviet Union, he encountered no resistance when he decided to arm the Kurds. Iraq was an ally for the Soviet Union (or at least not an enemy of it).

Using all the state-of-the-art weapons it got from Iran, the Kurds rebels fought the Iraqi army very brutally. The Shah's ultimate goal was to get Iraq to reconsider its boarders with Iran (which Iraq inherited from the Ottomans). The whole point was sharing the water of Shat Al Arab شط العرب (Arvand Rud) by dividing it between Iraq and Iran. The Shah's support of the Kurds led Saddam (as a Vice President back then) to accept Algeria agreement of 1975 - which achieved what the Shah wanted. Big number of Iraqi politicians confirms that Saddam's regret over accepting this arm twist was a serious factor in his decision to invade Iran.

My two cents.
@haman10, @SALMAN AL-FARSI, @Malik Alashter

Speaking of Kurds this week, I must say that one of the most overlooked aspects of Iran - Iraq war was the Shah's support of the Kurdish separatist movement. In my opinion, this was the root cause of the war. Given the Shah's superb relationships with the U.S, and his firm stand against the Soviet Union, he encountered no resistance when he decided to arm the Kurds. Iraq was an ally for the Soviet Union (or at least not an enemy of it).

Using all the state-of-the-art weapons it got from Iran, the Kurds rebels fought the Iraqi army very brutally. The Shah's ultimate goal was to get Iraq to reconsider its boarders with Iran (which Iraq inherited from the Ottomans). The whole point was sharing the water of Shat Al Arab شط العرب (Arvand Rud) by dividing it between Iraq and Iran. The Shah's support of the Kurds led Saddam (as a Vice President back then) to accept Algeria agreement of 1975 - which achieved what the Shah wanted. Big number of Iraqi politicians confirms that Saddam's regret over accepting this arm twist was a serious factor in his decision to invade Iran.

My two cents.
Lets be honest here

Firstly , you don't give a shyte abt kurds and you hate them very much .stop this childish games of yours

Secondly , both saddam and shah were genocidal maniacs . There time has passed just as your time will pass in iran's e closest allies

That is syria iraq and yemen . They are and will kick your wahhabi butt
LMAO :lol:

Some of these desperate turks and wahabis with their fantasies about Iranian Kurds.
Kurds are an Iranic people both by race and culture, the Iranian kurds are one of the most patriotic groups of people in Iran whom have fought and died in many occasions for Iran. All one has to do is look at certain northern parts of Iran and you can see Kurds there. Reasons is, during Iran's conflicts with the Mongols, the Kurds went to the north and fought for Iran. Even today, when you have terrorist groups such as Pjak, they have on many occasions stated they don't want separatism, and these are the most extreme groups in Iran. Reason is quite clear, Iran is the motherland of Kurds. Iranic people in general are extremely patriotic when it comes to Iran and will die fighting for their country, this goes for Kurds, Lors, Azaris, Persians, etc etc. I don't expect some artificial states that were created just decades ago by Europeans to understand this :lol:
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Lets be honest here

Firstly , you don't give a shyte abt kurds and you hate them very much .stop this childish games of yours

Secondly , both saddam and shah were genocidal maniacs . There time has passed just as your time will pass in iran's e closest allies

That is syria iraq and yemen . They are and will kick your wahhabi butt

No, I really like the Kurds, you don't have to believe me as this won't have any consequences. My only response to the rest of your post is that you and I could give our ta'ssoub تعصب (bigotry) a short break every once in a while to return to being normal humans. I don't know how you can always endure this way of thinking, but I guess it is your membership in the Basij that made you do so.

By the way, I will write another Kurds related post shortly.

See you soon.
Turkey has the biggest Kurdish population.

I know Kurdish is orgininating from Iranic language family but booth Languages sound very different to me, how similar are they, is there a chance of understanding eachother?
It depends. There are many versions of kurdish with really different backgrounds

Kalhor kurdish which is the one i speak is one of the most rich and old kurdish accents if you will . Its very close to persian and a they can understand each other. Tough though

Soorani is close to kalhor yet more difficult for Persians to understand

Ourami which is another dialect is the most difficult one . I can't understand anything they say . Maybe 30 percent let alone persians

Ourami is the more popular in ouramanat of iran and its more close to the versions that iraqi kurds speak and Turkish kurds as well
No, I really like the Kurds, you don't have to believe me as this won't have any consequences. My only response to the rest of your post is that you and I could give our ta'ssoub تعصب (bigotry) a short break every once in a while to return to being normal humans. I don't know how you can always endure this way of thinking, but I guess it is your membership in the Basij that made you do so.

By the way, I will write another Kurds related post shortly.

See you soon.
Yeah I'm the bigot here while your people continue to behead women and children in our neighboring countries

Do you have any idea how many Saudi bastard terrorists have joing ISIS ?

playing with the odds , there is a real good chance you're a terrorist

See me soon ? Pls don't. I'll be more than happy to chip you some money to buy IEDs for yourself and stop wasting my time in my own section

Thank you

And btw , shove your love for kurds up your butt

Goddamn autocorrect. My posts are all messed up
Yeah I'm the bigot here while your people continue to behead women and children in our neighboring countries

Do you have any idea how many Saudi bastard terrorists have joing ISIS ?

playing with the odds , there is a real good chance you're a terrorist

See me soon ? Pls don't. I'll be more than happy to chip you some money to buy IEDs for yourself and stop wasting my time in my own section

Thank you

And btw , shove your love for kurds up your butt

Goddamn autocorrect. My posts are all messed up

No issues at all dude. I understand your Kudish stubbornness knows no limits. :D But, I will continue enjoying my Kurdish week in all cases :D.
I think most of these languages have diverged ( despite the same root ) to the point of being mutually unintelligible. Similar to say German and English which share the same feedstock. I can understand some Persian words but I can't understand the sentances. But then my Pashto is very weak. Still I think I can learn Persian very easily.

If I get some time I might even try it. I know we have Pak Pashto singers Zeb and Hania who had a go at singing in Persian. Maybe @Daneshmand can tell us how well they did?

It sounds more like Dari which is an older iteration of Persian language now mostly spoken in Afghanistan. It is good some Pakistani singers are keeping Persian language alive in Pakistan. Once upon a time many in Pakistan and India could speak fluent Persian (one of whom was Dr Iqbal). Before the Revolution, there was alot of visits by Iranian singers to all Iran's neighbors and beyond often arranged by Iran's diplomatic culture arm of Khaneh Farhang.

It is well-known how the Salafi school of thought was affected by Ibn Taymiah. When the "Salafisim" found its way to the Arabian Peninsula so did Ibn Taymiah as a well-respected figure. For Shiahs, Ibn Taymiah comes as one of the most hated nasibis ever. The reason for that is his debate with Allameh Al Hilly العلامة الحلي. Both men were quite significant to their own people. That debate was through book writing not face to face. Believe it or not, most of what Salafis say or write against Shias was taken from in Ibn Taymiah's book against Al Hilly. The book was named منهاج السنة النوية which he wrote in response to Al Hilly's book منهاج الكرامة في معرفة الإمامة.

Lots of aspects about Ibn Taymiah's life are known to the public. However, his ethnicity is largely disputed. Born in Harran حران (in Southern Turkey today), many of his biographers disputed whether he is an Arab from Bany Numair tribe بني نمير, or that he is a Kurdish. To this day, no one knows whether he is Kurdish or Arab. My personal guess however is that he was a Kurdish (if I can judge by his personality!). His family immigrated to Damascus at a young age to flee from the Mogols and he spoke and wrote Arabic as a native and beyond. Another probable Kurdish figure is Shah Ismael Savavi. Many historians are uncertain whether he was an Azari or Kurdish. But if he was Kurdish, then we got him and Ibn Taymiah (2 Kurds from the opposite sides) running the show in the Middle East today!
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Yeah I'm the bigot here while your people continue to behead women and children in our neighboring countries

Do you have any idea how many Saudi bastard terrorists have joing ISIS ?

playing with the odds , there is a real good chance you're a terrorist

See me soon ? Pls don't. I'll be more than happy to chip you some money to buy IEDs for yourself and stop wasting my time in my own section

Thank you

And btw , shove your love for kurds up your butt

Goddamn autocorrect. My posts are all messed up

Dr Haman,

Please! This Saudi is deeply hurt because of continuous strategic defeats the Saudi family has brought on Hijaz. He is deeply hurt because the country he calls home is actually a protectorate of United States and not a sovereign state. He is deeply hurt because he is living in what they used to call in 18th century, a colony.

Kords have always been Iran's strategic allies. During the war with Saddam, the Kords literally took up arms against Saddam. Brave Kordish men used to recover the downed Iranian pilots and hide them from Saddam forces and smuggle them back into Iran. At the end, Saddam used chemical weapons on them because of Kordish support for Iran.

But now a segment (not the entire) of decision making machinery of master of Saudis (United States) in order to try to roll back the strategic gains of Iran in the region, tried to raise up the fake issue of Kords in order to hurt Iran. It BADLY backfired in their allied country of Turkey. As their Isis scenario which had also been cooked up to hurt Iran, BADLY backfired on themselves.

These idiots do not get that Iran's influence and cultural ties are much deeper and stronger than can be broken by such silly propaganda. The Kords celebrate Nowruz with much more vigor and color than any other Iranic tribe. Even when Nowruz was banned by Turkish regime and Saddam, and the full force of NATO and WarPac and their guns and strategies in addition to draconian intelligence crack downs were brought in to erase the Nowruz from the Turkish and Iraqi communities, they failed. In fact any promotion of Kordish sentiments will automatically lead not in hurting Iran but Turkey a NATO ally of US and a "Sunni" ally of Saudis. That is the irony of it. As we have already seen.

The fact is, the use of Kords for these kind of propaganda purposes only shows the desperation they are in. Nowadays even the master of saudis the United States of America has given up on using the Kords against Iran and has stopped issuing statements in this regard specially after the Isis debacle. This idiot here, is the proverbial asinine character getting the joke a year and a half late. You do not need to take him seriously. Similar is the situation in Sistan va Balochistan, the land of Rostam and Sohrab.

It was no joke to dodge Saddam, save an Iranian pilot, given him medical aid, hide him and arrange for him to be extracted from deep inside Iraq by Iran's special forces. The psychopath Saddam the friend of Saudis and Americans back then, would have tortured them all to death. The Kords who took the risk were putting the lives of their entire families and tribes and villages on the line, often losing many Kords who sacrificed their own lives under torture but never gave up the hiding location of Iranian pilots.


It is well-known how the Salafi school of thought was affected by Ibn Taymiah. When the "Salafisim" found its way to the Arabian Peninsula so did Ibn Taymiah as a well-respected figure. For Shiahs, Ibn Taymiah comes as one of the most hated nasibis ever. The reason for that is his debate with Allameh Al Hilly العلامة الحلي. Both men were quite significant to their own people. That debate was through book writing not face to face. Believe it or not, most of what Salafis say or write against Shias was taken from in Ibn Taymiah's book against Al Hilly. The book was named منهاج السنة النوية which he wrote in response to Al Hilly's book منهاج الكرامة في معرفة الإمامة.

Lots of aspects about Ibn Taymiah's life are known to the public. However, his ethnicity is largely disputed. Born in Harran حران (in Southern Turkey today), many of his biographers disputed whether he is an Arab from Bany Numair tribe بني نمير, or that he is a Kurdish. To this day, no one knows whether he is Kurdish or Arab. My personal guess however is that he was a Kurdish (if I can judge by his personality!). His family immigrated to Damascus at a young age to flee from the Mogols and he spoke and wrote Arabic as a native and beyond. Another probable Kurdish figure is Shah Ismael Savavi. Many historians are uncertain whether he was an Azari or Kurdish. But if he was Kurdish, then we got him and Ibn Taymiah (2 Kurds from the opposite sides) running the show in the Middle East today!

Stop concocting propaganda stories to support your POV. You are catching the straws here. It is better for you to keep your head under the water and drown honorably than trying such cheap tactics.

The truth is, Kords are actually the target of Takfiris. Both the Shia and Sunnis Kords. Such childish propaganda attempts to convince that Taymiah was a Kord and hence Saudis and Isis are "strategic partners" of Kords is completely idiotic.

Furthermore, the Sunni Kords are actually Shafiis. The daddy of saudis, Taymiah was hanbali. These are different schools. You hanbalis can only make strategic alliance with hard interpretations of hanafis like the Deobanism (and not even with the majority of hanafis who are Sufis) and abit with Malikis. The majority of Hanafis, the Shafii's, the Shia and Ibadis all know your roots and deeds very well. You can not fool them.
Dr Haman,

Please! This Saudi is deeply hurt because of continuous strategic defeats the Saudi family has brought on Hijaz. He is deeply hurt because the country he calls home is actually a protectorate of United States and not a sovereign state. He is deeply hurt because he is living in what they used to call in 18th century, a colony.

Kords have always been Iran's strategic allies. During the war with Saddam, the Kords literally took up arms against Saddam. Brave Kordish men used to recover the downed Iranian pilots and hide them from Saddam forces and smuggle them back into Iran. At the end, Saddam used chemical weapons on them because of Kordish support for Iran.

But now a segment (not the entire) of decision making machinery of master of Saudis (United States) in order to try to roll back the strategic gains of Iran in the region, tried to raise up the fake issue of Kords in order to hurt Iran. It BADLY backfired in their allied country of Turkey. As their Isis scenario which had also been cooked up to hurt Iran, BADLY backfired on themselves.

These idiots do not get that Iran's influence and cultural ties are much deeper and stronger than can be broken by such silly propaganda. The Kords celebrate Nowruz with much more vigor and color than any other Iranic tribe. Even when Nowruz was banned by Turkish regime and Saddam, and the full force of NATO and WarPac and their guns and strategies in addition to draconian intelligence crack downs were brought in to erase the Nowruz from the Turkish and Iraqi communities, they failed. In fact any promotion of Kordish sentiments will automatically lead not in hurting Iran but Turkey a NATO ally of US and a "Sunni" ally of Saudis. That is the irony of it. As we have already seen.

The fact is, the use of Kords for these kind of propaganda purposes only shows the desperation they are in. Nowadays even the master of saudis the United States of America has given up on using the Kords against Iran and has stopped issuing statements in this regard specially after the Isis debacle. This idiot here, is the proverbial asinine character getting the joke a year and a half late. You do not need to take him seriously. Similar is the situation in Sistan va Balochistan, the land of Rostam and Sohrab.

It was no joke to dodge Saddam, save an Iranian pilot, given him medical aid, hide him and arrange for him to be extracted from deep inside Iraq by Iran's special forces. The psychopath Saddam the friend of Saudis and Americans back then, would have tortured them all to death. The Kords who took the risk were putting the lives of their entire families and tribes and villages on the line, often losing many Kords who sacrificed their own lives under torture but never gave up the hiding location of Iranian pilots.

Why so much insecurity dude? It is only few posts online that you tried to make them look like a big conspiracy. I am pretty much certain that @haman10 will be among the last Iranian members here to betray the Islamic Republic. He has been a staunch defender for it for as long as I can remember. I sometimes think that he gets paid for what he is doing. But as with all of you patriotic Iranians, any reference to a non-Persian ethnicity makes you uncomfortable and very defensive. If things were as perfect as you say, you will be far less frightened.
Why so much insecurity dude? It is only few posts online that you tried to make them look like a big conspiracy. I am pretty much certain that @haman10 will be among the last Iranian members here to betray the Islamic Republic. He has been a staunch defender for it for as long as I can remember. I sometimes think that he gets paid for what he is doing. But as with all of you patriotic Iranians, any reference to a non-Persian ethnicity makes you uncomfortable and very defensive. If things were as perfect as you say, you will be far less frightened.

Another straw attempt by you. What makes you think I am not of Kordish ethnicity?

The one who is getting paid here, is you. Your clumsy and dry bureaucratic style are too obvious.

Tell your masters, the "operation" is not working. :rofl:
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