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Iranian Chill Thread

@Abii, I just saw the flicker page on that signature of yours. Are those photos yours?
I mean if that's the case then why don't you share it via a thread of yours on this forum. I bet there would be people enjoying your art here.

@rahi2357 , dude, why can't I track down your posts man?
Whenever I try viewing your postings it says something about an error thing. please tag me when you write posts.
ایران با یک شرکت اروپایی ماهواره می سازد - مشرق نیوز | آخرین اخبار ایران و جهان | mashreghnews.ir

ایران با یک شرکت اروپایی ماهواره می سازد
تفاهم نامه طراحی و ساخت ماهواره سنجشی با رزولوشن 1متر بین کنسرسیوم «صهفاماهواره» و یکی از شرکت‌های معتبر اروپایی منعقد شد
به گزارش مشرق، در جریان برگزاری نمایشگاه هوافضای ماکس در روسیه که با حضور جمهوری اسلامی ایران همراه بود، برخی شرکتهای معتبر اروپایی و غیر اروپایی خواهان همکاری های دو جانبه و چند جانبه در حوزه های مختلف بخصوص حوزه فضایی با شرکتهای ایرانی بودند.

ازجمله این موارد تفاهم نامه طراحی و ساخت ماهواره سنجشی با رزولوشن 1متر بین کنسرسیوم «صهفاماهواره» با همکاری یکی از شرکت‌های معتبر اروپایی است.

بر اساس این تفاهم نامه، ماهواره‌ای سنجشی به صورت مشترک طراحی و ساخته خواهد شد و بعد از استقرار در مدار، کنترل این ماهواره در اختیار کنسرسیوم صهفاماهواره قرار می‌گیرد.

کنسرسیوم صهفاماهواره در سال 1389 به عنوان شرکت مادرتخصصی فضایی اتحادیه صنایع هوا و فضا متشکل از 28 شرکت متخصص در امور فضایی تاسیس شده است.

برخی کاربردهای ماهواره سنجشی با این رزولوشن در حوزه هایی نظیر علوم جغرافیایی و زمین‌شناسی، اکتشافات معادن و مخازن نفت، پایش جنگل ها و مرزها، منابع آبی و ... بوده و در واقع از این ابزارها برای جمع‌آوری اطلاعات از عوارض سطح زمین، بدون تماس فیزیکی با آنها استفاده می‌شود.

برآورد زمانی برای اجزای این تفاهم نامه، 2 سال است.


دانشگاههای دارای بیشترین استاد نمونه
رئیس مرکز هیأت امنا و هیأت ممیزه مرکزی وزارت علوم فهرست دانشگاههایی که تا کنون دارای بیشترین تعداد اساتید نمونه بوده اند را اعلام کرد.
به گزارش مشرق، دکتر علی اصغر رستمی رئیس مرکز هیأت امنا و هیأت ممیزه مرکزی وزارت علوم امروز در مراسم تقدیر از اساتید نمونه دانشگاهها در دانشگاه علامه گفت: از سال ۷۰ انتخاب اساتید نمونه سالانه در وزارت علوم انجام می‌شود و دستورالعمل آن سالانه بازنگری و نتیجه بازنگری به وزیر علوم منعکس می‌شود.

وی ادامه داد: برای تعیین اساتید نمونه کمیته‌ای تشکیل شد که امتیاز این اساتید را در چهار محور آموزشی، پژوهشی، اجرایی و فرهنگی بررسی کرد و بر اساس امتیازی که ارائه شد، اساتید انتخاب شدند. حداقل امتیاز برای شرکت استادتمام در انتخاب استاد نمونه ۲۱۰ و امتیاز دانشیار ۱۵۰ است.

رستمی افزود: فرمی به اساتید نمونه ارائه شد تا اطلاعات خود را در آن ثبت کنند. کمیته اجرایی برای بررسی این فرم‌ها در دانشگاهها تشکیل شد که متشکل از معاونت‌های دانشگاه، روسای دانشکده، دو مدیر گروه و ۳ تن از اعضای هیات ممیزه بودند که نتیجه را به وزارت علوم اعلام کردند.

وی ادامه داد: از سال ۷۲ تاکنون ۳۵۹ عضو هیات علمی به عنوان نمونه انتخاب شده‌اند که ۴۲ نفر آنها از دانشگاه تهران، ۲۴ نفر از دانشگاه بهشتی، ۲۲ نفر دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد، ۲۲ نفر دانشگاه شریف، ۲۱ نفر دانشگاه امیرکبیر، ۲۱ نفر دانشگاه اصفهان، ۱۹نفر دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان، ۱۹ نفر دانشگاه تربیت مدرس، ۱۷ نفر دانشگاه شیراز، ۱۷ نفر دانشگاه تبریز، ۱۷ نفر دانشگاه علم و صنعت، ۱۳ نفر دانشگاه چمران، ۱۲ نفر دانشگاه علامه، ۶ نفر رازی کرمانشاه، ۷ نفر دانشگاه الزهرا، ۵ نفر دانشگاه مازندران، ۳ نفر دانشگاه خواجه نصیر و ... انتخاب شدند و امروز نیز بر اساس ضوابط ۱۲ نفر از اساتید نمونه از دانشگاه‌های
مختلف از جمله دانشگاه عالی دفاع ملی، باقرالعلوم، بوعلی سینا، اصفهان، شریف، شیراز و... انتخاب شدند.
@Abii, I just saw the flicker page on that signature of yours. Are those photos yours?
I mean if that's the case then why don't you share it via a thread of yours on this forum. I bet there would be people enjoying your art here.
Thanks man. Yeah they're mine.

I'd like to take a lot more pics before I start sharing them. For now it's just a hobby to stop me from going crazy. I've got a bunch of stuff going on with life and there's no time for anything. I'm hoping to sort out my shit in the next 2-3 months. After that I can focus on taking photos.

Are you living in Iran right now or the UK? Are you planning to move there or did she come back to Iran with you?
Thanks man. Yeah they're mine.

I'd like to take a lot more pics before I start sharing them. For now it's just a hobby to stop me from going crazy. I've got a bunch of stuff going on with life and there's no time for anything. I'm hoping to sort out my shit in the next 2-3 months. After that I can focus on taking photos.

Are you living in Iran right now or the UK? Are you planning to move there or did she come back to Iran with you?
Hey man, nice shoots and indeed astonishing improvement in such a short time. :tup:
I'm literally in a constant move, long story short, she's not that happy living in Iran, me too. And she doesn't have to live in Iran, But I do. So I'm doing my best, sorting things out. And shall everything keep going as planned, we both would be happy at the end.
, dude, why can't I track down your posts man?
Whenever I try viewing your postings it says something about an error thing. please tag me when you write posts.
Doroood bro . Sure I will . But as you know the tagging system in PDF is just perfect . 20 % of the time, it works every time :enjoy:

Hi Dr ,

Thanks for remembering me , I had almost forgotten myself .
I miss you so much bro . Welcome back :P


Here's the best way to quickly clean windows . Invisible glass with Keyhan .
For Iran’s women fans, a win away from home
Banned from watching football games at home, Bangalore based female fans from Iran make most of side’s game against India.

Iran fans take a selfie with Sardar Azmoun, regarded as one of Asia’s best players. (Bangalore)

The last time Bebak Hashemi tried to enter a football stadium, she almost ended up behind bars. It was a little more than a decade ago in Tehran. Iran’s national football team was training and the session was kept open for fans. Bebak, in her early teens back then, waited impatiently outside the Azadi Stadium, hoping she would be let in. Being the only girl in the crowd, she attracted curious glares. Her country’s laws prohibited her from entering the stadium but Bebak stook there unrelenting. Ultimately, a guard manning the giant steel gates chased her away, not arresting her only because she was ‘too small’. That was 2004. Eleven years on, in Bangalore, Bebak finally saw Team Melli up close. The 25-year-old dental student was among the hundreds of Iranian fans – including nearly a dozen women – who followed their national team from the Bangalore airport to the team hotel and finally to the Sree Kanteerva Stadium, where Iran will play India in a 2018 World Cup qualifier on Tuesday. Bangalore, they say, has a huge Irani student population, most of them studying medicine.

Bebak, who has been living here for the last two years, has followed fortunes of her team through internet and television. Today was the first time she saw them in flesh. “It’s unreal. Who would have thought it would happen here, in Bangalore,” she says, trembling in excitement of clicking a selfie with Iran’s most famous player Sardar Azmoun. “In Iran, this would not have been possible. Girls do not enjoy as much freedom and there are chances I would have been jailed for just entering a stadium if I did something like this back home. And ironically, the football and volleyball stadiums in Tehran are named Azadi.”

Entry forbidden

Entry inside a sports stadium is forbidden for women in Iran since 1982. The ban was partially lifted in June following multiple protests and interventions by presidents of several sports bodies. But football venues are still out of bounds for them. Darya Safai, who fled her country during the student protests in 2000, wrote to FIFA president Sepp Blatter last year to urge Iran to lift the ban on women. Blatter would do exactly that during FIFA’s executive committee meeting earlier this year, saying the situation was ‘intolerable’. But his plea did not yield desired results.

Safai now lives in Belgium and founded the group ‘Let Iranian Women Enter Their Stadiums’. They travel to cities where the Iranian team plays, wearing t-shirts and carrying banners that carry their message. “Those who have enforced the ban on us say women’s presence at a sports event is against Islamic laws. But we are not the only Islamic country. There are countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan who have Muslim majority but allow women. The real reason is they want women to be at home and keep their contribution to the society marginal,” Safai tells The Indian Express over phone from Belgium.

Football and volleyball are two most famous sports in Iran, even among women. Ban on women attending volleyball matches was enforced just two years ago and it was believed it would be lifted when the rule was relaxed in June. However, the country’s hardline conservatives opposed the move, which meant that women were kept away from the stands when Iran played USA. It was the first time an international match was held in Iran after British-Iranian woman Ghoncheh Ghavami made headlines after being jailed for attending a volleyball game in 2014.

Caught ‘Offside’

Gilda, an MBA student, says there have been occasions when women have tried to masquerade as men to enter football stadiums. It’s straight out of Iranian movie Offside, which is based on girls who try to watch a World Cup qualifier against Bahrain by disguising themselves as boys. Gilda grew up in a house where sport was closely followed. While her father and brothers frequently went to watch Iran play at the Azadi Stadium, she couldn’t accompany them. This Tuesday, she will finally watch her team play. “It’s unfair but that’s the law of the land so we can’t do much. I have heard stories of girls going to extreme lengths just to catch a glimpse of their favourite stars. It’s unfortunate but that’s how it is,” Gilda says with a resigned look.

Gilda and Bebak are a part of the hundreds who followed the team whole of Sunday. Mahsa Malekzadeh, a 24-year-old dental student, snuck inside the team hotel, waited for nearly five hours to meet Iran’s Portuguese coach Carlos Queiroz. Going by the reception he got, the 62-year-old seems to be more popular than some of the players among the fans. And understandably so. Queiroz, after all, led Iran to a respectable World Cup campaign last year and, at 40, has also made them Asia’s highest-ranked team.

Speculations were rife over the 62-year-old’s future with the Iranian team, with reports suggesting he had resigned. But the fans are grateful to him for staying on. “He is a Portuguese citizen but still he has done so much for our team. He has made a lot of sacrifices to take Iran where they are right now so we are indebted to him,” says Mahsa, who greeted Queiroz with a bouquet of flowers.

The players too gladly obliged the fans who got selfies clicked and autographs signed as the Iranians virtually took over the stadium on Sunday evening, cheering on their side during an hour-long training session. So loud were they that it would have been difficult to guess the team that was playing at home.

After the training session, as the fans spilled onto the field – thus delaying India’s practise – the security guards had to step in and force them out. But Bebak did not mind. On Tuesday, she knows, they won’t stop her from walking through the gates.

- See more at: For Iran’s women fans, a win away from home | The Indian Express


I don't know how it (rules regarding women watching sports) is right now in Iran (I think it has be a lot more relaxed
now as I'm seeing women sports teams from Iran competing globally, forget just seeing sports). But if it is unchanged,
I hope they lift any such bans soon so that women too can enjoy the sports and build nationalism.
@Daneshmand @rahi2357 @JEskandari


Nevisande :

Dr: H.K foughe takhasos bimari haye ghalbi

virastar : M.gh. resident dakheli

:D khaaaaaak aaalam bar sar mamlekat :D

@rmi5 dude i'm just having the best of my time here . i am off for 14 days and i really am not in the mood to get into a discussion about basij Vs. shahis right now .

of course you think you're right and i think i'm right . you call me a chaghou kesh and i call you back .

this will go no where :)

enjoy your time , just like i do ;)

India cant match even Fiji in soccer, just 3 goals makes me wonder was Iran playing with full strength? Or all big names were missing?
Iran is the #1 team in asia in football , volleyball , basketball , wrestling , weightlifting , ....

so you tell me which one is it cause i really didn't watch the game
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