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Iranian Chill Thread

@rmi5 dadash ghazie een FC-1 ru az koja midoonesti kalak ?

maro bash khial mikardim be etelaat tabaghe bandi shode dast peyda kardim :lol:

you pissed on that feeling :lol:
@rmi5 dadash ghazie een FC-1 ru az koja midoonesti kalak ?

maro bash khial mikardim be etelaat tabaghe bandi shode dast peyda kardim :lol:

you pissed on that feeling :lol:

Nemidounam, vali yaadam hast ke in ra ghablan shenide boudam. Na, tabagheh bandi shodeh nist, aziz. Man ageh ham yek zamaani dastresi be ettelaa'aat e tabagheh bandi shode dashte basham, tou internet jaar nemizanam ;) JF-17 kollan ashghal hast, hamoun behtar ke nagreftanesh. Khoubish in hast ke arzoun hast, vali vaghe'an junk hast. RD-33 ra ham mikhaan ba engine e chini(ke toul e omresh nesfe rousi hast) jaaygozin konand, ke misheh ashghal dar ashghal.
Please avoid meddling in Indo-Pak piss contests. Not our business ...
But, I agree with the title of that thread. Iran, India, Israel, religious minorities of middle east, and civilized world needs to be united against islamo-fascists.
Well this thread is about Iran and I posted here. However your statement is correct.

Can't read the information because they say I am not a subscriber but I will say this, Non petroleum don't mean much because they are probably also including gas export and export of other raw materials such as mineral reserves. I am against exporting our reserves. If I had a choose I would have loved for agricultural products to have been a good portion of our exports as well. Selling food such as meat, wheat etc could be very good source of income but sadly Iran's water problems and lack of arable land seem to be a problem. But I don't know much about the agricultural situation in Iran.

Frankly, selling petrochemical products is not that bad because they involve industries. Industries which we can obviously use for our own growth. I am all for selling products created by our industries as long as they're not just selling non-renweable products from the ground i.e crude oil, minerals etc. Anything that aids in our industrialisation is welcome.
Can't read the information because they say I am not a subscriber but I will say this, Non petroleum don't mean much because they are probably also including gas export and export of other raw materials such as mineral reserves. I am against exporting our reserves. If I had a choose I would have loved for agricultural products to have been a good portion of our exports as well. Selling food such as meat, wheat etc could be very good source of income but sadly Iran's water problems and lack of arable land seem to be a problem. But I don't know much about the agricultural situation in Iran.

Frankly, selling petrochemical products is not that bad because they involve industries. Industries which we can obviously use for our own growth. I am all for selling products created by our industries as long as they're not just selling non-renweable products from the ground i.e crude oil, minerals etc. Anything that aids in our industrialisation is welcome.

No, my friend.. Last year, Iran exported $61 billions of non-oil exports. From this 61 billion gas sub-products were only 14 billions. There was nearly 12 billion dollars of technology and engineering services export. 27 billion were only built commodities and 8 billion of other commodities including saffron, pistachio, caviar, fruits, dairy products, etc

The recent improvements in high tech and low tech industries specially in private sector already started to show its face in exports and this will only grow bigger in coming years. now that there are hopes of sanctions getting lifted, I easily predict a $100 b of non-oil exports in 5 years from now.

Selling gas sub products are not raw-selling. It brings many times more value added profit.

Iran has the oil and gas reserves and it is tens of times more than it needs. What should we do? Just leave it down there under ground until the world no longer needed them? Of course the wise decision is to sell them. Now, how to sell. We should export a part of it in form of crude oil as it has strategic importance both for Iran and buyers. And we should also convert a bigger part of the oil into products with more value and export them. Petrochemical products are a good way to do so.

Iranian government seeks to cover its expenses through taxes and its own industry base exports. The recent sanctions forced Iran to move this way. Iran now export more petrochemical products, more gas sub-products, more tech and engineering services, more industrial commodities.

Now, that Iran lacks trust of the world for more foreign investment, Iran has this oil privilege to make money out of it and invest it into both infra and private sector industries.

Last year was the first year that Iranian government could handle its budget almost without direct oil incomes. The sensitivity on this new trend is so high in Iran today that I see it very unlikely that Iran repeat its Ahmadinejad and pre-ahmadinejad mistakes in economy. To my eyes, things are going in the right direction now. Let's pray it stay on course for at least a decade or so...

Iran has no advantages over agriculture exports. Iranian water reserves are under huge pressure and even if Iran apply more efficient ways in its water system, she still has no bright future as population and industrialization pressure will put even more pressure on Iran. The nature also is not merciful on world today. Based on most forecasts, over %90 of all the earth will have worse precipitation in next decades. Even the amazon will face problems. The only region that will benefit from current global warming is Canada and Russia as a big part of their frozen lands will be free for agriculture. Although the whole world is moving toward a big mess... God saves us!!

The only advantage of Iran in agriculture is to invest on modern green houses and export more exotic agri products to the world and import more of rice and wheat. Iran has a good advantage in fruits and nuts and it will continue to be a source of income for Iran as these type of products either don't need that much water or get from gardens on the hill of big mountains with 24/7 snow on their peaks to water these gardens...

Don't be pessimist my friend... Iranian recent progress in science and tech will give its fruit soon... 9000 high tech private companies will create a new foot print for Iran in international markets. Iran has orders to forget about current science and tech and focus on future tech... It takes a decade or so to see a big share of high tech exports but we have no alternatives...

If Rouhani get succeeded in reforming bankrupt public industries, It even will get better than I imagine.

We have the human resources... there was a lack of proper jobs for these talented graduates... now, private companies and military sector is absorbing them in fast rates... This will show results soon...

If you review the list of non-oil exports in detail, you clearly see many new high tech products in the list, although still small in numbers.

زاکانی با بیان اینکه صحبت های صالحی درخصوص مسائل هسته ای اصلا علمی نیست گفت: وی حرف های نادرستی می زند. صالحی می گوید ما در فردو می خواهیم یک مرکز فیزیک پیشرفته درست کنیم. وقتی از فردو سخن می گویید باید بدانید که ما نطنز متفاوت است. ما در فردو ۴۰ متر زیر زمین تاسیسات ساختیم و ۹۰ متر بر روی این سطح کوه آتشفشانی قرار دارد و آمریکایی ها بمبی ندارند که بخواهد این مرکز را نابود کند برای همین همواره درخصوص فردو اظهاراتی را مطرح می کردند.

نماینده مردم تهران در مجلس شورای اسلامی گفت: صالحی فردو را جمع کرده و آن را تبدیل به یک مرکز تحقیقاتی کرده است کجای جهان ۱۳۰ متر زیر زمین تحقیقات می کنند و امروز حرف های عجیب و غریب می زنند و می گویند فردو را برای مرکز تحقیقات فیزیک پیشرفته ایجاد کرده ایم.

جنگ سوریه به داخل ترکیه کشیده می‌شود/ حضور تحلیلگران اندیشکده بروکینگز در سوروچ - مشرق نیوز | آخرین اخبار ایران و جهان | mashreghnews.ir
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