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Iranian Chill Thread

مردیم از این همه احترامی که روحانی به پاسپورت های ایرانی برگردوند، دیگه کم مونده مسافران ایرانی رو تو همون فرودگاه اعدام کنن
همسر یکی از این بانوان ماجرای رخ داده را اینگونه تشریح می‌کند:

پرواز شماره ۵۱۳ هواپیمایی پگاسوس از فرودگاه امام به مقصد فرودگاه استانبول با حدود ۸ ساعت تاخیر پرواز کرد. قبل از پرواز، مسافرانی که پرواز های کانکشن به کشور های دیگر داشتند می‌دانستند که پرواز بعدی خود را از دست داده‌اند و از نماینده شرکت هوایی مزبور درخواست کردند که اجازه دهند تاخیری که با از دست دادن پرواز بعدی باید در استانبول باشند را در تهران بگذرانند ولی با اطمینان خاطر از سمت این مسئول مبنی بر اینکه حتما با پرواز جایگزین به مقصد نهایی فرستاده خواهند شد، تصمیم می‌گیرند که سوار هواپیما شوند.

در فرودگاه استانبول مسافرانی که مقصد بعدیشان شهر اسلو بوده متوجه می‌شوند که باید ۳ روز منتظر پرواز بعدی باشند. مسافران از شرکت هواپیمایی می‌خواهند که با پرواز دیگر و زودتر حرکت کنند. صحبت ها بالا می‌گیرد و کارمند شرکت پگاسوس بی احترامی و پرخاش می‌کند که این بی احترامی‌ها با اعتراض مسافران همراه می‌شود و چند نفر از مسافران برای ثبت و ارائه این حرکت به مسولان بالاتر، شروع به فیلم برداری می‌کنند.

با دیدن این صحنه، کارمندان پگاسوس، پلیس فرودگاه را در جریان می‌گذراند و پلیس فرودگاه بدون لباس پلیس و نشان دادن مدارک اقدام به در گیری با مسافران می‌کنند. در این میان یک دختر نروژی-ایرانی را مورد ضرب و شتم قرار می‌دهند و به صورت وی سیلی می‌زنند. آنها ۳ نفر از مسافران که خانم‌هایی جوان بودند را بدون در نظر گرفتن محجبه بودن آنها و رعایت اصول اسلامی بازداشت می‌کنند و علاوه بر آن، به زور تلفن های همراه این دختران را گرفته و تمام فیلم‌های گرفته را پاک می‌کنند.


پس از چندین ساعت بدون آب و غذا در حالی که حال یکی از این دختران خوب نبود آنها را با بی احترامی‌های مختلف لفظی و فیزیکی توسط ماشین های حمل مجرمان به بازداشتگاه پلیس در فرودگاه منتقل می‌کنند تا در بازداشتگاه هم بدون رعایت اصول اسلامی از این دختران انگشت نگاری و عکس برداری صورت گیرد. در این بین پلیس و کارمندان شرکت هوائی پگاسوس حاضر در محل از مسخره کردن و خندیدن به این سه دختر تنها که اشک از چشمانشان جاری بود فروگذار نبودند.

در پاسی از شب با تغییر شیفت پلیس و حضور یک مترجم کمی آرامش به فضا باز می‌گردد و پلیس از تمام اتفاقات، عذر خواهی می‌کند، اما صبح روز بعد باز رفتار بی‌رحمانه پلیس با دست بند زدن و اعزام این بانوان به مرکز پزشکی جهت آزمایش خون و بازرسی بدنی ادامه می‌یابد. پس از انتقال از مرکز پزشکی به پلیس اتباع خارجی رفتارهای ناشایست، استفاده از الفاظ رکیک و برخورد فیزیکی شدت می‌گیرد. تا جائی که نماینده کنسول‌گری ایران در استانبول در محل حضور پیدا می کند و این اولین باری است که این دختران کمی احساس آرامش می‌کنند.

در این میان به زور تعهدی از آنها گرفته می‌شود و با پیگیری‌ها و همکاری‌های کنسول‌گری ایران و نروژ این سه دختر بدون معرفی به دادگاه دیپورت می‌شوند و در این میان شرکت پگاسوس نیز پرواز آنها تا اسلو را از عهده خود خارج کرده و هیچ مسولیتی به عهده نگرفته است.

هتک حرمت بانوان مسافران ایرانی در ترکیه
That's their own faults. Turkey is a savage country. They should learn never use Turkish air liners and avoid even traveling to that country for connecting flights. The same is true for Saudi Arabia. European air liners can be more expensive, but you will get better services and don't need to deal with savages.
That's their own faults. Turkey is a savage country. They should learn never use Turkish air liners and avoid even traveling to that country for connecting flights. The same is true for Saudi Arabia. European air liners can be more expensive, but you will get better services and don't need to deal with savages.

@Sinan @xenon54 @Neptune @Hakan

I've born in Tehran and both of parents are born in Tehran too but I'm an Azeri Iranian from one of parents.
There are many Azeri Iranians on this forum even @Abii is Azeri from one of his parents if I'm not wrong. I sometimes used to watch turkish films and music videos but after screwing Syria by turkey many Iranians strongly hate Turkey. Turkish films and music are strongly banned between all of my relatives since 3 years ago.

Meanwhile I myself have banned turkish music and films in all of friends houses, I've cut turkish satellites and offer to my friends to cut them if they have.

I hate Turkey 100 times more than 3 years ago and I'm sorry for myself that sometimes wasted my time for turkish medias.
Not Azeri. My grandfather was Qashqai. He never passed the language to my father and obviously I didn't learn it either.
Not Azeri. My grandfather was Qashqai. He never passed the language to my father and obviously I didn't learn it either.

I was thinking about this the other day. Is there any nation on earth that has as many large groups of different Turkic people living inside it as Iran does? Azeris, Qashqais and Turkmens?? Three groups of 1 million plus each, Turkey is well, of course, Turkey. But that's all Turks (aside from smaller expat Turkic peoples). Then you have the Central Asian nations, which of course have some expats, or minor communities of other Turkic people because of borders being drawn in a certain way, or because of Soviet period migration. But Iran has 3 major Turkic communities. So you could say my question should be answered with a big fat yes?
I was thinking about this the other day. Is there any nation on earth that has as many large groups of different Turkic people living inside it as Iran does? Azeris, Qashqais and Turkmens?? Three groups of 1 million plus each, Turkey is well, of course, Turkey. But that's all Turks (aside from smaller expat Turkic peoples). Then you have the Central Asian nations, which of course have some expats, or minor communities of other Turkic people because of borders being drawn in a certain way, or because of Soviet period migration. But Iran has 3 major Turkic communities. So you could say my question should be answered with a big fat yes?

Forget about all that. I have another question for you. You're not fully Iranian. You don't read and write Persian. You didn't grow up in Iran. Why do you act like you know Iran so well?
Forget about all that. I have another question for you. You're not fully Iranian. You don't read and write Persian. You didn't grow up in Iran. Why do you act like you know Iran so well?

I'm just asking. It's positive isn't it? Cultural pluralism. I'm quite pro-Iran by the way. So I don't know why that question is bad?
Then how could Turkish Airlines get elected as the Best Airline in Europe for the fifth time ina row..and currently the best 4th airline in the world. What happened to you rmi5? You're a shame to Azeris.
honestly, i faced and heard many bad stories about the way flight attendants serve passengers in Turkish... i also heard irresponsible reactions by Turkish airlines when it is their fault that many missed their connection flights... in comparison, I once had a Mashhad-Sydney flight through Qatari, they made a mistake with the arrangements so we lost our connection. They offered us 2 free nights at a 5 star hotel + a free ticket.. This happened like 8 year ago and I'm not sure how they are now... but Turkish... let's be honest, it is among those airliners that I have heard more of bad news than good... and not only from Iranians and Arabs... My European friends had same incidents too...

Turkish used to be very cheap and it was one of the reasons despite the bad news people still wanted to buy their service. But last week, I wanted to book a flight from Mashhad to Montreal... The Turkish one way was much more expensive than 5 star airliner Qatari!!

Lol the dumb liar Saudia creatures claim that our scientist like 'Zakaria razi and Jaber ibn Hannan' were Arabs !!!!!!!! These liar thieves try to steal our science, history and culture. Spit on their face.
زشیر شتر خوردن و سوسمار/عرب را به جایی رسیده ست کار
که فر کیانی کند آرزو
I visited wiki in Arabic... It is like an armed opposition group version of Wiki !! In their pages about famous Iranian Muslim scholars and scientists they just put a MUSLIM SCIENTIST when thay guy is Iranian!! what a burn... They should be at least as man as Turks and Israalis that respond rivalry by practical actions... they do science and let their work talk on behalf...but Arabs are as one of Arabs here says" The oldest people on earth".. I,m afraid they stayed the oldest!!

چرخش علی اف به سمت ایران و روسیه/ آذربایجان چگونه به کنگره آمریکا نفوذ کرد - مشرق نیوز | آخرین اخبار ایران و جهان | mashreghnews.ir

عکس کمتر دیده شده از آیت‌الله بهجت - مشرق نیوز | آخرین اخبار ایران و جهان | mashreghnews.ir


عکس/ کباب کردن پلنگ در هند - مشرق نیوز | آخرین اخبار ایران و جهان | mashreghnews.ir
I'm just asking. It's positive isn't it? Cultural pluralism. I'm quite pro-Iran by the way. So I don't know why that question is bad?
Brother you don't have to explain yourself to any piece of shyte out there . you're what you like to be .

dadash kheylia goh ziadi mikhoran , shoma be khodet nagir .

this is about the other turk troll too . "he doesn't speak azeri "

whats it to you beyatch ? GTFO here , numwit .
Brother you don't have to explain yourself to any piece of shyte out there . you're what you like to be .

dadash kheylia goh ziadi mikhoran , shoma be khodet nagir .

this is about the other turk troll too . "he doesn't speak azeri "

whats it to you beyatch ? GTFO here , numwit .

Maybe he thought it was some 'MHP' question. Trust me, those are some of the dumbest, most delusional people in the world.
You're a real rat bastard. Sure Iranians talk behind Turkey's back, and Turks talk behind Iran's back (in their respective subfora), but to intentionally SCAN subfora and try to instigate a flame war, shows your subhumanness. You orphan without a country.

Honestly, I did not care if Turkish members read my comment. Other wise, I would have written it in Persian. ;)
As far as Hazzy is concerned, he is a typical "Palestinian"(Palestinian is a new invention though, they are either Egyptian or Saudi(oops, another Ja'l :lol: )). I am very happy that Iranians can see their faces ;)
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