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Iranian Chill Thread

Nice people but one problem, as one of the worlds major tourism destinations, with something around 30m tourists per year, if I'm not wrong, and so many tourists everywhere, the peoples inability to speak English is something annoying indeed. But not that much annoying that would prevent you from another trip there, I believe. :lol:

If we had invested in education, we would have been like Germany. :agree:
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Lets not derail the thread.

Keep posting @scythian500
By the way how yiu find all these products?

Replace mullah with nationalist, we will go 3x or 4x faster. However we still respect the achievements of our engineers and countrymen. Mullah is a typical beggars job sucking oil money, different from our hard working engineers. Mullah has no future without state funding them, and they will do everything to hold their power because if they loose this battle they will enter our history books. And be sure they will loose, our nationalism will not tolerate them forever.

Small model mullah in Iran:

Would be interesting to know the rough estimation of percentage of people in Iran sharing your opinion.
Lets not derail the thread.

Would be interesting to know the rough estimation of percentage of people in Iran sharing your opinion.

It's not about opinion. It's a cultural movement, change in culture and thinking. During Safavids they became spoiled, during Qajar era they were free to lash people, and now they reached their climax by putting kings crown on their heads and sitting on kings chair. Changing from the most useless job in Iran to rulers and politicians and businessmen. But at the same time, it's their decline because they became drunk by power and wealth. Last election their favorite guy was Saeed Jalili who received 11% of the votes.

Yes, you got it right Screambowl.... It is to mock those who link everything comes out of Iran as a Mullah thing!! Even if it is a chopper or a Missile or a Nano tech device!! The Sarcastic is when some member truly believe it as if Mullahs are the scientists and millions of engineers producing science and tech in Iran!!

@Shapur Zol Aktaf I have to disagree with you with your saying about nationalism power... Since Iranians are of different ethnicity and identity... Nationalism never works as Shia Islam do... Current agenda in Iran is promoting unity based on Shia Islam and a little bit of Nationalism.....but only its Shia part works well...

btw, I remember the actions of nationalism figures in last 40 years... they are not competent figures and don't have fascinating agenda... They are lost in identity themselves..

65% of Iran speaks Persian as first language now, the rest of people are mostly Iranic and the youth are educated. We have a base for nationalism.

We had no nationalism in Iran last 36 years. The rule of shia clerics has no future in Iran, you know that also. Maybe they can survive by completely becoming Iranian, but it seems they see Iran as some sort of threat and see anything deeply associated with iran as a threat.

They see these kind people as threat:
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It's not about opinion. It's a cultural movement, change in culture and thinking. During Safavids they became spoiled, during Qajar era they were free to lash people, and now they reached their climax by putting kings crown on their heads and sitting on kings chair. Changing from the most useless job in Iran to rulers and politicians and businessmen. But at the same time, it's their decline because they became drunk by power and wealth. Last election their favorite guy was Saeed Jalili who received 11% of the votes.
Sure the population might be fed up with mullahs or not cant comment on that but still it can only vote for their candidates, whether conservative or liberal, which again means they wont loose their power purely by elections.

It all depends on how much support they have among the population hence the question.
Another one is what do you foresee for Iran in mid term future, a revolution or status quo?
Sure the population might be fed up with mullahs or not cant comment on that but still it can only vote for their candidates, whether conservative or liberal, which again means they wont loose their power purely by elections.

It all depends on how much support they have among the population hence the question.
Another one is what do you foresee for Iran in mid term future, a revolution or status quo?
When you analyse Islamic republic system you say the following things:
They only promote their own candidates and ban others which they don't want (by guardian council), it's a closed circle which they try to promote as democracy.

You can see all their candidates are no new figures, they are all part of this system since 1979. even Rouhani, Mousavi. They all had some role in the revolution or somehow supported the system, so they are trusted by guardian council. No way they will allow some professor or any bright figure/politician to become candidate if he has no strong ties to islamic republic system.
Also most of the presidents are clerics, funny since a cleric only belongs in church or mosque, but it seems a necessary in this system for becoming president.

What happened with Mousavi-ahmadinejad election gave the system a shock, they didn't expect one of their own sons, who went true this strict guardian council filter, to revolt.

What I see in the future is that they will loose the cultural war/battle. They have invested billions in cultural propaganda to promote cleric-ism and Islamism as main culture and identity of people, from their movies to media to even economy. They are ideological just like communists and cultists groups (PKK for example). Most important aspect is ideology and leader, not the people or the country.

However every little sign shows that this has not worked on stubborn Iranians. One of their severe reactions to Iranian cultural movement were the Chain Murders in which their agents killed different nationalist figures in Iran. But if they repeat this we will burn them down.

In long term they have to accompany the people and follow something like the Chinese model, meaning for at least internal situation they have to put aside their ideology and stop their cultural war against the people else the situation will boil and something bigger than 2009 will happen. They can't stop the nationalist cells from infiltrating and curbing their system. We have patient and we know the risks of revolutions and Syrian like scenarios.
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It's not about opinion. It's a cultural movement, change in culture and thinking. During Safavids they became spoiled, during Qajar era they were free to lash people, and now they reached their climax by putting kings crown on their heads and sitting on kings chair. Changing from the most useless job in Iran to rulers and politicians and businessmen. But at the same time, it's their decline because they became drunk by power and wealth. Last election their favorite guy was Saeed Jalili who received 11% of the votes.

65% of Iran speaks Persian as first language now, the rest of people are mostly Iranic and the youth are educated. We have a base for nationalism.

We had no nationalism in Iran last 36 years. The rule of shia clerics has no future in Iran, you know that also. Maybe they can survive by completely becoming Iranian, but it seems they see Iran as some sort of threat and see anything deeply associated with iran as a threat.

They see these kind people as threat:
I kindly disagree my friend... I used to think the same... Then I mixed up with small city or villagers for years (I bought a farm for a while!!) and NO... They are the main source of support for Clergies and won't leave them.. this is how they raised.. they were raised seeing their fathers respecting their Mullahs...This is CNCed in their minds and hearts... The funnier thing is that the young Dohatis are even more passionate about Mullah of Masjed and they often listen to whatever their Mullah say.... presidency candidate: Mir Hussein also neglected this fact that not all Iranians are living in Tehran and big cities.... The texture of the majority (maybe only %51) is still similar to 20 or 30 years ago if not the same... sure some youngster act as rebellion but as soon as they pass 30, they get back to their roots and become either Kolah bardar or Religious... I personally (my personal idea) is that not only Iranians won't change their taste on Shia Islam and their representatives but will become even more radical supporters in coming years.... I don't like this idea to dominate the nation but this is what I see...

The recent developments of Takfiris and DEASH terrorist phenomenon and their actions against shia and Iranians as Shia representative nation has made many Iranian young secular to come back become a revenge takers of Shia and Iranians... I see LOT or Aragh Khor people lately that express their anger about Takfiris and becoming GHEIRATI for their Iranian and Shia brothers.... I,m not sure if you recognized this too... but many times I have seen this in super markets...taxi... parties....

I think recent developments in ME (Takfiris, Yemenis, Sofyani, Yamani, etc) are heavily linked to messianic Jesus + Mahdi by young people minds... This will play another force in making people more religious... Don't under estimate the power of religion

My post was deleted there. I cannot post there, think I have been thread banned?
Anyway, I had said, It does not matter if they are from arab origin. So what? Iranians have no problems with arabs. We aren't racist. But I did not know Khamenei had arab roots. I am hearing it from you for the first time.

My post was deleted there. I cannot post there, think I have been section banned?
Anyway, I had said, It does not matter if they are from arab origin. So what? Iranians have no problems with arabs. We aren't racist. But I did not know Khamenei had arab roots. I am hearing it from you for the first time.
But you said a lot of racist things about arabs and black people

How come you don't know that anyone who is said with black turban have arab origin if really anyone who wear black turban because not everyone who claim to be sayyid is really sayyid came from hashimate clan of quraish
Sayyid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sharif - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Quraysh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
But you said a lot of racist things about arabs and black people

How come you don't know that anyone who is said with black turban have arab origin if really anyone who wear black turban because not everyone who claim to be sayyid is really sayyid came from hashimate clan of quraish
Sayyid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sharif - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Quraysh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bro, I was talking specifically to that wahabi saudi, not arabs as a whole. You should know alot of these people are not capable of proper debates and instead start insulting. That's why I returned the favour in kind.

As for the sayyid, I know that's what they claimed, but I did not know how much truth there is behind it. But then again, I am quite lacking in knowledge with regards to this issue.
I kindly disagree my friend... I used to think the same... Then I mixed up with small city or villagers for years (I bought a farm for a while!!) and NO... They are the main source of support for Clergies and won't leave them.. this is how they raised.. they were raised seeing their fathers respecting their Mullahs...This is CNCed in their minds and hearts... The funnier thing is that the young Dohatis are even more passionate about Mullah of Masjed and they often listen to whatever their Mullah say.... presidency candidate: Mir Hussein also neglected this fact that not all Iranians are living in Tehran and big cities.... The texture of the majority (maybe only %51) is still similar to 20 or 30 years ago if not the same... sure some youngster act as rebellion but as soon as they pass 30, they get back to their roots and become either Kolah bardar or Religious... I personally (my personal idea) is that not only Iranians won't change their taste on Shia Islam and their representatives but will become even more radical supporters in coming years.... I don't like this idea to dominate the nation but this is what I see...

The recent developments of Takfiris and DEASH terrorist phenomenon and their actions against shia and Iranians as Shia representative nation has made many Iranian young secular to come back become a revenge takers of Shia and Iranians... I see LOT or Aragh Khor people lately that express their anger about Takfiris and becoming GHEIRATI for their Iranian and Shia brothers.... I,m not sure if you recognized this too... but many times I have seen this in super markets...taxi... parties....

I think recent developments in ME (Takfiris, Yemenis, Sofyani, Yamani, etc) are heavily linked to messianic Jesus + Mahdi by young people minds... This will play another force in making people more religious... Don't under estimate the power of religion
The village people in Iran are stupid, they need education and they will change like city people. As I said 100 years ago city people were more extreme in religion than villagers now. It's a circle that will be broken, it's not something that will be eternally passed to son from father. At least 60% of Iranians live in cities. Iran has the lowest mosque attendance in Islamic world, and is one of the most educated population in Islamic countries.

All Iranians are against daesh/ISIS, they don't need to be religious to be against daesh. You are saying it yourself, even secularists are anti daesh. And we all want Iran to play a big role in security of the region. I don't underestimate religion, neither do I underestimate the power of Iranian culture. We had worse times, cengiz and Teymur committed genocides, where are they now? These guys are not strong as 0,1% of the mongols and are not and can't be as savage as the mongols, so they will disappear, it's only a matter of time.
Hi rahi bro.
zire sayatoun boodim. ye moddat ba ahl o ayal gozaroondim, jatoon khali.
in yeki do safhe ro nehag kardam, hishki az baro bachz nistan, faght in yaroo 50 salehe post mizare faght :lol:
khodet khoobi mashti?
Zende bashi dadash :-) Behtarin karo mikoni . Omidvaram khosho khoram bashid har 2toon o dar kenar e ham az lahazaat e zendegi lezat bebarid . VALLLOOO !! chiye kal kal kardan ba ye ede proud guys :D لکم دینکم ولی دین
:lol: are akhiran forum khalvat shode ye elatesh emtehane bachehast .. ye ede ham ban hastan fek konam . manam khoobam shokr . vali jedi kheeiiili khoshhal shodam ke bargashti . oon akse " i love new york " ro ye rooz ghabl az inke biay dorost karde boodam bezanam avataram :mod: :buba_phone:kam kam mikhaastim gozareshe napadid shodane ye mard e moteahel e dige ro be police bedim ke khoda ro shokr bargashti :P khosh bashid .
1980- Colonel Sharifi Rad whose plane was shot down in Iraq and crashed in Iraqi Kurdistan is seen among Kurdish Peshmerga fighters who kept him safe in secret for days until Iranian army rangers rescued him in an operation (Iraqis were searching for him in Kurdistan with all they had).

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