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Iranian Chill Thread

@WebMaster @Horus

The issue, from my point of view is some people are just frustrated that they can't compete against some Turkish posters in terms of intellectual capacity.

- First they used insults, swearing, curses for months. To see, that action only got themselves banned... You can check,just how many times the offenders got banned.

- Now they see insulting doesn't works, they want the mods help to silence some of us, hence constantly calling us "trolls" with no evidence.

Simple as that.
If all the iranians stop posting i will do the same ...
As the last resort , thats always an option to consider . @SOHEIL javabesho nade , ride khodesh :lol:

@Serpentine :

So yesterday was election day in Alberta (provincial election). After 44 years, the conservative party lost and it wasn't just any loss. It was a fucking massacre. They held 70 seats and lost 50 something of them. The party that won (New Democratic Party) had never won in this province in its entire history. It's a very left leaning party and everybody is shocked that they won here. It would be the same as some independent socialist party winning in Arizona or Indiana lol. Everybody here is talking about this and they're saying that oil companies are gonna pull out and the sky is gonna fall etc... I'll let Cenk give you a brief summary. The federal elections are in Fall and I can't wait for that one. Probably the most shocking election result in Canada's recent history.
Thus spoken daneshmand, so you are talking about the inherent stupidity of the public, and how they couldn't see the speech and not the speaker.
Hence once again let me express the deepest of my wonders of how some people are thanking such rebukes while cursing much milder ones.
All in all thanks for the reply.

اگه در یک سیستم سالم نخبه پرور صرف انسان های با استعداد و درس خونده می شد در کمتر از 4 5 سال دستاوردی رو که اینها در 40 سال نتونستن کسب کنن رو بدست می آورد

You are welcome.

The doubt seems to have been on your part. I am pretty much clear on it. This is what a democracy is and politics in a democracy can only be as good and efficient as the people in it. In a sense this is the reason why the idea of philosopher king had been proposed by Plato for his ideal world which was not to be democratic. Many were inspired by his idea including Imam, though what was implemented in Iran is probably closer to a constitutional form of philosopher king government where elections are held and a constitution exists.

In other words, Iran has the best government in the world, it deserves.

And no, there is no one in Iran who could do in four/five years what others took forty. There are no Oleg Losev-s in Iran (I presume this, since you did not dispute it). The sooner our roshanfekra stop pretending to be living in a country whose society is full of Einstein-s, Euler-s and Hawking-s and whose neighbors are also countries with societies full of Avery-s, Weaver-s and Bernard-s, the better. It can then become a start point to move forward instead of this self-deception propagated by our roshanfekra.

Reality is, society is not full of nokhbeh. Rather it is full of nokhaleh. And then you have barbarians outside surrounding the country trying to over-run it (mind you but with help from civilized world) with the aim of making another Libya or Syria. These are the realities that must be recognized. The first step towards progress is to accept the reality.

If all the iranians stop posting i will do the same ...

Ok. I can wait. I have a long life ahead of me. :sleep:
@Serpentine deleting posts in a daily basis is no solution. Why don't you thread ban this Turkish troll, @Sinan?
@WebMaster @Horus
As you were saying before, instead of directly answering trolls, I would like to let you know about trouble makers. This Turkish member, @Sinan, has trolled this section and this specific thread for months, and our mod does not do anything except for deleting pages of his troll fights in a daily basis. He has a secondary account @flatron which is false flagging by Chinese flag as well. We all demand a serious action against this troll. It's your responsibility to let us know about your decision and make the atmosphere of this forum comfortable for members.
The current situation is no longer tolerable.
1. @rmi5
3. @Serpentine
4. @Abii
5. @Surenas
6. @haman10
7. @ResurgentIran
8. @New
9. @Militant Atheist
11. @iranigirl2
12. @Hussein
13. @MTN1917
14. @mohsen
15. @S00R3NA
16. @Cp.Black
17. @raptor22
18. @moein
19. @AShkan
20. @yavar
21. @anHuman
22. @Parthianshot
23. @Behrooz Boonabi
24. @ای ایران
25. @JEskandari
26. @Ostad
27. @ghara ghan
28. @Fotol
29. @Homajon
30. @F117
31. @787B
32. @bozorgmehr
33. @Gold Eagle
34. @TimeOwner
35. @Hosseini
36. @twilight
37. @kouroshkourosh
38. @Kiarash
39. @spiderkiller
40. @kollang
41. @jammersat
42. @Electronic_officer
43. @Gilamard
44. @Falon
45. @rahi2357
46. @Sam1980
47. @Takaavar
48. @DATIS
49. @SinaG
50. @IR5
51. @Shah9
52. @esfahanijew
53. @Rostam
54. @Uhuhu
55. @Shapur Zol Aktaf
56. @R0SC0SM0S
57. @Mehrdad1111
58. @IR1907
59. @Shahin Vatani
60. @Shahnameh
61. @Nowruz
62. @BeyondHeretic
63. @ya hosein

It also came to my attention today that sinan reads presstv. He posted a thread in this section about Iran taking part in some defence show, and Sinan posted an article from presstv. He is so obsessed about Iran that he even reads presstv, which he otherwise abuses to no end. :rofl:
Furthermore he has constantly said that he will stop visit this forum (as if that makes a huge statement :lol:), but yet still comes here. Its like a bad latent herpes infection. You want to it to go away, and sometime it does, only to resurface again. lol
Sinan needs counseling.

@rmi5 @kollang @haman10 @Serpentine
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