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Iranian Chill Thread

nisti aziz :P.
che kabar phd tamoum shod.?

:lol: Khodet nisti Aziz :lol:
Na, hanouz tamoum nashodeh, vali ishaallaa digeh tamoum misheh, PhD tou field e ma ye kam sakht va zamaan bar hast :)
To chi kaar mikoni? amouzeshi hasti? amriyeh nemitouni jour koni va sarbaazi ra bepichouni? :lol:
:lol: Khodet nisti Aziz :lol:
Na, hanouz tamoum nashodeh, vali ishaallaa digeh tamoum misheh, PhD tou field e ma ye kam sakht va zamaan bar hast :)
To chi kaar mikoni? amouzeshi hasti? amriyeh nemitouni jour koni va sarbaazi ra bepichouni? :lol:
na amouzesh ro tamoum kardam alan 2 rouz to padegan afsareh amouzesham. man shans biaram az dast ina jon salem be dar bebaram, amrieh pish kesh. hafteh dovom ke residam yeki az officer ha ke yekam ezafeh vazn dasht sareh bungee jumping ba mokh khord be asphalt.
uhhh, this butthurt troll showed up again. @Serpentine Cannot you thread ban this troll from this section or this thread?

pas ishaallaa ke be salaamat miyaay biroun :rofl: to ke ezaafeh vazn nadaari? :lol:
Vali kollan baraam ajib boud ke yek ho hameh chiz ra vel kardi va rafti sarbaazi. harkat e enghelaabi zadi :lol: haalaa foghsh ham shahidet mikonan digeh, sakht nagir :lol:

Raasti man kam kam baayad beram, ishaallaa ageh boudi, farda baaz chat mikonim ;)
bashe boro, farda mibinamet
Let's agree with the basic concept of the written content, yes the society is a pack and is always known with it's elites and when a community is pacing down a toilet, much of the blame is always on the elites if there is any.
But to denounce them officially, one should first solve the big old challenge of the chicken and eggs, or else it could be justified for them to come up with the excuse of, you never see any flower in a barren land.

BTW, how could it not be a double of standards, the very same guys thanking your very post would have cursed me to death if I was the guy writing it. :lol:

Well there is no problem of chicken and egg in science. The truth hurts as always (see my posts in this thread): Decline of Islamic Science | Page 5

I do not think your critics have an issue with truth. They pretty much know what Iran is, as you do. They know problems exist. Their issue is not even me and you. It is something else. It is the principle of primum non nocere when trying to put forward a "cure".

If Iran is as barren as you imply, then yeah, it is a lost cause. So why even curse the barren land? Leave it to be as has always been. I do not believe this though. I believe things can be made better, with effort specially by "roshanfekra" if they stop imitating only upclass social characteristics they have picked from West and rather concentrate more on the subject matter.

As why the double standards, it all goes back to how to deliver it and in what context.

Consider this example:

In Iran:

You have a thick beard, wearing an amameh and sporting an akhond outlook and tell this to public: vazeefeh police ejraye Islam nist. Vazifeh police ejraye bakhshnameh dolati va qanoon hast.

Hamin mardom behet migan aafarin. Ahsant. Chera zodtar in harfo nagofti.

But consider this, you are clean shaven, wearing a red tie and a dashing coat-shalvar, and tell this to public: vazeefeh police ejraye Islam nist. Vazifeh police ejraye bakhshnameh dolati va qanoon hast.

Mardom asabani mishan. Hata momkeneh berizan to khiaboon. Hata khon ham momkeneh rikhteh sheh kafe khiaboon.

Then of course as you do not believe in national boundaries you go to say Texas, US to take part in an election for congress standing as a candidate. Doing the same as above:

You have a thick beard, wearing an amameh and sporting an akhond outlook and tell this to public: vazeefeh police ejraye Islam nist. Vazifeh police ejraye bakhshnameh dolati va qanoon hast.

People will either ridicule you or will become outright hostile and angry. Some KKK guy might actually do some crazy sh!t about it.

But consider this, you are clean shaven, wearing a red tie and a dashing coat-shalvar, and tell this to public: vazeefeh police ejraye Islam nist. Vazifeh police ejraye bakhshnameh dolati va qanoon hast.

You will become a national political figure, interviewed by Fox and CNN. And there is a good chance you might win the election.
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De akhe chan nafar be ye nafar !! gaaz daadan nashod mardi ! eshgh oone ke bargardii !

aslan ina ro velesh .
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Laazem nist ke begam in chiye ? Ehteraam bogzaarid :kiss3::partay:

@New shoma ham hala sakht nagir ziad . vagarna nahang ghoortet midehaa :D


My stomach is going little foor you :undecided:
salam khobi ?
chetori ba khedmate moghadas ? :hitwall:

Guys just choose . Which girl ? I myself personally choose the second one (left ) She's such a beauty .
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busy staying alive :D. khobi rahi jan?
dar moredeh khedmat, well..










These really made my day. Thank you for sharing them!

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