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Iranian Chill Thread

Bunch of insults as an introduction.

Seriously? You playing insulting game? You have insulted me personally like tens of times and every single time, I got over it. Now where did I exactly insult you? By saying that the claim that 'Iran supports Armenia against Azerbaijan' is bs?

Bunch of non-sense lies with proofs in Press TV.
My suggestion to you is first to convince your own persian friends that Iran has not helped Armenia, then come talk with me.
Anyway, if instead of bigotry, you were opening your mind one iota, you would have found tons of examples like Rail road, and road from Zangazour, Free gas export, only country providing majot logistics route for Armenia, ...
As Quran says:
So, if having rail roads and gas exports (which you didn't prove that it's for free) is called supporting Armenia against Azerbaijan, then I have nothing else to say. Unfortunately, you don't well understand the geopolitics of the region. Iran can have road access to Georgia and Russia through Armenia. It's like saying Iran's road to Turkey is supporting Turkey against Armenia.That's how naive it sounds. Iran has road access to all of its neighbors, best of them are with Turkey and Iraq. So building roads for Armenia to connect it with Iran has indeed benn in our interest.

The sole reason that Iran-Azerbaijan relations are not that great is because of expansionist policies of earlier leaders of Azerbaijan, they were too hot-headed back then, but the new Aliyev, whether I dislike him or not, knows better how to play. Iran was among the first countries who recognized Azerbaijan as a nation, and they decided to enter from hostility door, so here's the outcome.
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most of problems will be solved if we don't think like this.
Seriously? You playing insulting game? You have insulted me personally like tens of times and every single time, I got over it. Now where did I exactly insult you? By saying that the claim that 'Iran supports Armenia against Azerbaijan' is bs?

So, if having rail roads and gas exports (which you didn't prove that it's for free) is called supporting Armenia against Azerbaijan, then I have nothing else to say. Unfortunately, you don't well understand the geopolitics of the region. Iran can have road access to Georgia and Russia through Armenia. It's like saying Iran's road to Turkey is supporting Turkey against Armenia.That's how naive it sounds. Iran has road access to all of its neighbors, best of them are with Turkey and Iraq. So building roads for Armenia to connect it with Iran has indeed benn in our interest.
Are you really stupid, or playing being one? I am sure the second is true. What Iran does, has meanings and everyone, from Azerbaijan to Armenia, even Persians in this very forum agree upon that Islamic republic of Iran supports islam hating Armenia. Which part is hard to understand?
The sole reason that Iran-Azerbaijan relations are not that great is because of expansionist policies of earlier leaders of Azerbaijan, they were too hot-headed back then, but the new Aliyev, whether I dislike him or not, knows better how to play. Iran was among the first countries who recognized Azerbaijan as a nation, and they decided to enter from hostility door, so here's the outcome.
That's another BS. You are talking in a way that if Karabagh war has started with Elcibey, or Iran was not supporting Armenia before Elcibey era.
You might be true, it's ipso facto that we all need to educate and enrich ourselves and be in a receptive mode.
You misunderstood me or maybe it was my bad I should have made it clear.
Me myself think of living in abroad even one of my option is the USA, moreover I didn't mean students or talented people actually I blame IR strongly for current brain-drain happening on daily basis it's a terrible tragedy. I tip my cap for those who choose education. There are too many problems in Iran no doubt in that, Ir has done many wrong policies.
On the other hand it seems to me that the two aforementioned groups mislead people by providing them with wrong evaluations of Iran and West.
First group portrays West as an utopia while second group paints a gloomy picture of it.
The same wrong assessment goes to Iran too, one says we are in a $hit hole the second one call it a superpower.
These views are a galaxy away of reality and all might come from different outlooks, ideologies and mindsets amongst people which I think is wrong. The fact is seeing something greener than what it is, is called hallucination.
I've got allergy to those folks whom carrying everything to extreme, a well-balanced assessment is bed of any kind ov progress in any field.

And about me, I am not responsible for what Ir has got to offer, I am responsible for what I have done so thus. Instead of pointing finger at me which has got nothing with sensible approach to solve our problem let's have a respectful discussion. You don't know me and you judge me, but I don't judge you.

عبّاس میرزا که درآن زمان بیش از نوزذه سال نداشت و به دنبال شکست ایران در نخستین دور جنگ های ایران و روس، در جستجوی رمز و و رازانحطاط ایران و چاره ای برای « احیای ایرانیان» بود، در دنبالۀ سخنان خود خطاب به مستشار فرانسوی اَمِده ژوبر میگوید

چه قدرتی این چنین شما را بر ما برتری داده است؛ سبب پیشرفت های شما و ضعف همیشگی ما چیست؟ شما با فن فرمانروایی ، فن پیروزی وهنر به کار گرفتن همۀ تواناهای انسانی آشنایی دارید، در حالی که ما در جهلی شرمناک محکوم به زندگی گیاهی هستیم و کمتر به آینده می اندیشیم آیا قابلیت سکونت با روری و ثروت خاک مشرق زمین ازاروپای شما کمتر است؟ آیا شعاع های آفتاب ، که پیش از آن که به شما برسد، نخست، بروی کشور ما پرتو می افکند ، خیر کمتری به ما می رساند تا آن گاه که بالای سر شما قرار دارد؟ آیا ارادۀ آفریدگار نیکی ده ، که مائده های گوناگونی خلق کرده است ، براین قرار گرفته است که لطفش به شما بیش از ما شامل شود؟ من که چنین گمان نمی کنم!

Our problems are origin in history, we should try to find the roots of it not blaming each other.

I am reading this book, i dunno If you've read it or not but it's not bad to give a shot to it:

You deserve blame for supporting IR. Till you denounce the theocratic dictatorship of IR, you have a hand in its existence. That's why I blamed you and I continue to blame you till you change your stance.

The West isn't a utopia, but it's light years ahead. What makes it seem utopian to some people is the ability to express yourself freely and to many in Iran that's a luxury they can only have in their dreams. It's also not IR's "wrong policies," but their entire existence that's a mistake. There's nothing correct about a bunch of religious fanatics taking control over the lives of 80 million people and running the country like a hunter/gatherer society from 11,000 years ago.

Your mistake is to analyze the West when you're living in one of the most *** backward and brutal dictatorships on the planet. Why do you care what the West is like or whether or not the opinions about it are correct or not? That's irrelevant. Your focus should be on the akhoond kingdom of IR.
Are you really stupid, or playing being one? I am sure the second is true. What Iran does, has meanings and everyone, from Azerbaijan to Armenia, even Persians in this very forum agree upon that Islamic republic of Iran supports islam hating Armenia. Which part is hard to understand?

That's another BS. You are talking in a way that if Karabagh war has started with Elcibey, or Iran was not supporting Armenia before Elcibey era.
No, Iran had no problem with Azerbaijan before that, but since you naturally blame Iran for everything and Azerbaijan is an angel and all others are the devil, hence this argument is again, useless.

Press TV’s correspondent in Turkey, Serena Shim, has been killed in a suspicious car accident near the Turkey-Syria border.

Shim was killed on Sunday as she was on a working mission in Turkey to cover the ongoing war in the strategic Syrian town of Kobani.

She was going back to her hotel from a report scene in the city of Suruç in Turkey's Urfa Province when their car collided with a heavy vehicle. The identity and whereabouts of the truck driver remain unknown.

Shim, an American citizen of Lebanese origin, covered reports for Press TV in Lebanon, Iraq, and Ukraine.

On Friday, she told Press TV that the Turkish intelligence agency had accused her of spying probably due to some of the stories she has covered about Turkey’s stance on the ISIL terrorists in Kobani and its surroundings, adding that she feared being arrested.

@New @The SiLent crY @rahi2357

Just 2 days after saying that Turkish intelligence (MIT) or government has warned her, she is killed in a car 'accident' near Kobani.

What do you guys think? Honestly, I expect anything from AKP led by Erdogan, given that journalists don't have the best time during his rule.
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No, Iran had no problem with Azerbaijan before that, but since you naturally blame Iran for everything and Azerbaijan is an angel and all others are the devil, hence this argument is again, useless.
Am I supposed to prove that Karabagh war did not start by Elcibey, or Iran was helping Armenia before that?!!!
Talking with you is useless. You just wait for me to say something and then you say the opposite and ask proofs, even for the stuff that all your countrymen agree upon that. That's called bigotry. check the dictionary.


Just 2 days after saying that Turkish intelligence (MIT) or government has warned here, she is killed in a car 'accident' near Kobani.

What do you guys think? Honestly, I expect anything from AKP led by Erdogan, given that journalists don't have the best time during his rule.

Turkophobia grade 1. Do you really think that MIT, Turkey, has killed a useless so called journalist of press TV(piss TV as arabs say) that no one besides a couple of Hezbollahis inside Iran, watches it? :rofl:
Serpentine, The world does not revolve around Iran, nor anyone cares for its press TV. I guarantee you that unlike Iran which is busy with forcing hijab to 1 year old girls, MIT has much more important stuff to do.
PS Anyway, last time I checked, Iran was not the paradise of journalists nor anyone else and every one was trying to flee from Iran to Turkey, not the other way around. :rofl:

Anyway, as it relates to Turkey, you needed to mention Turks:

@cabatli_53 @xenon54 @T-123456 @Targon @Ahiska @BronzePlaque @TurAr @atatwolf @asena_great @rmi5 @Baykuş @olcayto @Kaan @Combat-Master @xxxKULxxx @Hyperion @Rumelia @mrexil @telkon @Timur @Wave@u.MP @Islamic faith&Secularism @El-Turco @Yenikuyu @what @revojam @Kamil-Baku @Azeri440 @ASQ-1918 @faheka @Seyfullah @MertKaan @AKINCI @[TR]AHMET @damm1t @tesla @Casus Belli @MrTopal27 @Sinan @Quasar @Oublious @hacksquat @anatolia @Charon 2 @ozi2000 @LegionnairE @BordoEnes @N.Ozkan @XILLAX @turkbordobereli @golgelerprensi @fighting sparrow @Trick2UAV @BaybarsHan @Alienoz_TR @meral @hopeful73
@mehmet75 @altor @mert can
@TheCommander @AVCI @manowar @Hexciter @yakusha @Huelague @isoo @Timur @hacksquat @Vatoz @otriz
Am I supposed to prove that Karabagh war did not start by Elcibey, or Iran was helping Armenia before that?!!!
Talking with you is useless. You just wait for me to say something and then you say the opposite and ask proofs, even for the stuff that all your countrymen agree upon that. That's called bigotry. check the dictionary.


Turkophobia grade 1. Do you really think that MIT, Turkey, has killed a useless so called journalist of press TV(piss TV as arabs say) that no one besides a couple of Hezbollahis inside Iran, watches it? :rofl:
Serpentine, The world does not revolve around Iran, nor anyone cares for its press TV. I guarantee you that unlike Iran which is busy with forcing hijab to 1 year old girls, MIT has much more important stuff to do.
PS Anyway, last time I checked, Iran was not the paradise of journalists nor anyone else and every one was trying to flee from Iran to Turkey, not the other way around. :rofl:

Anyway, as it relates to Turkey, you needed to mention Turks:

@cabatli_53 @xenon54 @T-123456 @Targon @Ahiska @BronzePlaque @TurAr @atatwolf @asena_great @rmi5 @Baykuş @olcayto @Kaan @Combat-Master @xxxKULxxx @Hyperion @Rumelia @mrexil @telkon @Timur @Wave@u.MP @Islamic faith&Secularism @El-Turco @Yenikuyu @what @revojam @Kamil-Baku @Azeri440 @ASQ-1918 @faheka @Seyfullah @MertKaan @AKINCI @[TR]AHMET @damm1t @tesla @Casus Belli @MrTopal27 @Sinan @Quasar @Oublious @hacksquat @anatolia @Charon 2 @ozi2000 @LegionnairE @BordoEnes @N.Ozkan @XILLAX @turkbordobereli @golgelerprensi @fighting sparrow @Trick2UAV @BaybarsHan @Alienoz_TR @meral @hopeful73
@mehmet75 @altor @mert can
@TheCommander @AVCI @manowar @Hexciter @yakusha @Huelague @isoo @Timur @hacksquat @Vatoz @otriz
She being warned by MIT is bull. It is made up just like everything else from press tv. I question everything from that sewer outlet. I mourn for the loss of her life but she had it coming sticking her nose in holes she doesn't belong. Journalist are hanged in Iran and press tv is moaning about turkey's press freedom. Just show a little bit of respect.
On Friday, she told Press TV that the Turkish intelligence agency had accused her of spying probably due to some of the stories she has covered about Turkey’s stance on the ISIL terrorists in Kobani and its surroundings, adding that she feared being arrested.
She would have been arrested allready if she really was accused of being a spy, i mean no Intelligence Agency comes to you and say ''be careful we accuse you of being a spy, you might be arrested soon'' besides it doesnt make sense to kill a spy directly instead of interrogating her or deport her back like thousands other Iranian spys in the past.

But a Press TV reporter lying isnt something new either, anyways RIP.
From where those journalists who work for pressTV come from? Is that journalist an American-Iranian or just a regular American? Presenter also looks foreign to me. Presenter is also foreign but has an Iranian name. Where do these people come from? How does pressTV get funds by the way? I am sure it's a whole lot of money that is being thrown into the river.
Who said this ???

Driver has been taken into custody by police.

Vehicle was cement mixer truck.

Serena Shim Suruç'ta öldü! - Milliyet.com.tr
Mate, thx for sharing i was looking for this, i wrote so many things but deleted again since i dont wanna insult anybody even if its the truth.
But the hostility of Iranians towards us shows us how Iranian media is spreading BS, no wonder they block everything foreign in their country so they can feed their people their own storys, something like a slightly more open North Korea.

From where those journalists who work for pressTV come from? Is that journalist an American-Iranian or just a regular American? Presenter also looks foreign to me. Presenter is also foreign but has an Iranian name. Where do these people come from? How does pressTV get funds by the way? I am sure it's a whole lot of money that is being thrown into the river.
This should answer your question.

Press TV is state-funded[12] and is a division of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB). IRIB is independent of the Iranian government, but is said to be close to the country's conservative political faction, especially the elite Revolutionary Guards.[3] Its head is appointed directly by the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.[3] PressTV headquarters are located in Tehran, Iran. The annual budget of Press TV is 250 billion rials (more than US$8.3 million).[13]

Press TV - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Who are the journalists then? Are they converts to Islam or Muslims themselves? Whenever I think about it, it screws my mind. Why would an American come to another country and follow a strict dress code to be a journalist and report a bunch of conspiracy theories? I am sure these journalists know very well about what they are reporting. It's also the same with RT minus the dress code. Some Americans are reporting against America on a Russian TV channel. :angel:
@rmi5 what is up with that Iranian dude with the username written in farsi, he seems to have some kind of skin color obsession. Every time he tries to insult Pakistanis and Indian he calls us dark skinned, or little brown people or some other combination?

Is he a Persian like the ones you were talking about? :what:
@rmi5 what is up with that Iranian dude with the username written in farsi, he seems to have some kind of skin color obsession. Every time he tries to insult Pakistanis and Indian he calls us dark skinned, or little brown people or some other combination?

Is he a Persian like the ones you were talking about? :what:
What's his username?
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