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Iranian Chill Thread

about you just being curious
Vow, Conspiracy theory at the best.
Any way, If you had ever been there, there is a south to north road way there, I can't remember the name, all been constructed by IRGC, and also there are some railway under construction mainly funded by Iran, the very surprising thing is the huge number of Iranian trucks and freight vehicles moving from Iran to Russia through Armenia and Georgia, and vise versa.
I mean, Iran funding in transportation and allying with Armenia has been a strategical move, bypassing Azerbaijan.
Vow, Conspiracy theory at the best.
Any way, If you had ever been there, there is a south to north road way there, I can't remember the name, all been constructed by IRGC, and also there are some railway under construction mainly funded by Iran, the very surprising thing is the huge number of Iranian trucks and freight vehicles moving from Iran to Russia through Armenia and Georgia, and vise versa.
I mean, Iran funding in transportation and allying with Armenia has been a strategical move, bypassing Azerbaijan.

There are no huge bypassing of Azerbaijan by using Armenia :lol:
Iran is already doing its business with Russia through Bandar Anzali-Astrakhan, not from Armenia! Armenia is also dependent on Iran, and imports from Russia through Bandar Anzali, then using trucks to Armenia. Those trucks import Armenian needs from Russia using Iran, not for almost non-existent Iranian exports to Russia, which are already done without paying transit fees through Khazar sea!
Thanks for confirming IRGC role in helping Armenia, although everyone knew it before as well.

PS. Yes, I have been in Armenia before.
PPS. Iran has no major exports to Russia.
There are no huge bypassing of Azerbaijan by using Armenia
Iran is already doing its business with Russia through Bandar Anzali-Astrakhan, not from Armenia! Armenia is also dependent on Iran, and imports from Russia through Bandar Anzali, then using trucks to Armenia. Those trucks import Armenian needs from Russia using Iran, not for almost non-existent Iranian exports to Russia, which are already done without paying transit fees through Khazar sea!
Thanks for confirming IRGC role in helping Armenia, although everyone knew it before as well.
PS. Yes, I have been in Armenia before.
PPS. Iran has no major exports to Russia.
I can smell some childish behavior here.
I am not siding with anyone, and deeply I don't even care for any side here, I mean neither Iran, Armenia, Azerbaijan nor Russia, also it made me feel kinda surprised you can't comprehend the advantages of a ground rout over (or beside) a water way.
By the way, I can't see me anywhere talking about Iran exporting or importing anything to Russia, those trucks could be delivering things to or from Russia, I don't bother.
I was just mentioning the observations.
I can't see me anywhere talking about Iran exporting or importing anything to Russia,

huge number of Iranian trucks and freight vehicles moving from Iran to Russia through Armenia and Georgia, and vise versa.

1. Anyway, the fallacy of personal attack is commonly used by Iranians, yet never proves your points. If it was not a personal attack, then work on your writing ability.
2. No sane merchant would choose a longer path through road instead of the cheapest transportation method through sea, and adds paying two more additional transit fees to two other countries, with much much more delays.
3. The Armenia-Georgia, and Georgia-Russia borders are not the friendliest in the world, and pass through roads that gets closed regularly because of snow winters, political and security reasons, ... is not logical.
4. Iran already has some minor transportation to Russia using Azerbaijan soil. Azerbaijan has not closed the border for transportation between Iran and Russia, and has the best roads in Caucasus.
Iranian trucks and freight vehicles moving from Iran to Russia through Armenia and Georgia, and vise versa.

Never mind, like other third world natives, the best discussion with you is the one never got started.
Never mind, like other third world natives, the best discussion with you is the one never got started.

Yeah, I, as a person living in the third world country, USA, should keep that in mind when talking with the first world Aryan race german cousins Iranians living in Mullahstan.
Yeah, I, as a person living in the third world country, USA, should keep that in mind when talking with the first world Aryan race german cousins Iranians living in Mullahstan
Vow, why I feel this unprecedented surge of urge to answer your posts, today.
But, you can be sure that for now this is the end post I would write to your response.
No matter, you living in USA, Mars or Jupiter, your way of thinking and mentality, makes you a third world native.
Take care.
Well, when other Iranians are trying to brag about Iran's helps to Armenia, You are saying the opposite. About reliable sources, if you consider PressTV or Keyhan as reliable sources, you would not find anything in them. Other wise, I have posted news about it from other sources, like a zillion times. while Armenia did not even provided 30% of the electricity that they should provide in swap agreement, Iran, tripled gas export to Armenia, which means at least 8/9 of it is free. Also, they suggested to build rail road in Zangazur Armenia for free. Also, Iran is literally their only route for logistic support, since their other borders are either Azerbaijan, Turkey(which closed borders to support Azerbaijan), and Georgia(which hates Armenia for being a Russian lapdog, and for Armenia sending soldiers to Abkhazia to fight against Georgia, and also having claims on Southern Georgia). Let alone an unknown amount of money paid to Armenia by Iran, just to prolong war, and asking Armenia to continue occupation of Karabagh, as ShahNazarian(ex-security deputy of Armenian president) has revealed. There are also multiple reports about IRGC helping Armenian terrorists in committing Khojali genocide.

PS. It seems that ISLAMIC republic of Iran is just for forcing hijab to women, and backstabbing muslims, specially backstabbing shias.

There are no proof that Armenia hasn't fulfilled its promise to export electricity, actually I couldn't find any in Iranian and English sources. Does Iran export goods to Armenia? Yes. Is that considered siding with Armenia? No.

You failed to mention where all this 'Iran supports Armenia against Azerbaijan' crap started which is utter bs and a great lie.

When the Karabakh was started, thousands of Armenian and Azeri refugees came to Iran and Iran provided sheltered for them and also provided food, medicine and other relief packages for civilians affected from both sides. Then, Iran tried to mediate between to nations and leaders of 2 countries visited Tehran to talk about a peace deal, which failed for various reasons.

Then comes the interesting part: Abulfaz Elchibey, the new president of Azerbaijan, tried to play some super hero by claiming Iranians lands and trying to play the Bozkurt game while his country was losing the war against Armenia. I mean how stupid can someone be? So one of the turning points in Iran-Azerbaijan relation was that moment which has its effect even till today.

Not only Iran didn't help Armenia militarily in any means, but also gave humanitarian help to both sides and also kept open the route to Nakhchevan. This is a ridiculous lie by those who are embarrassed from the defeat in the war, those who blame their failure on third parties. If Iran really wanted to support Armenia the way you claim, believe me, the result of that war would be much worse than what it is.

Iran considers the Karabakh region a part of Azerbaijan in all of its official maps and reports. Also quoting Mohsen Rezaie, former commander of IRGC:

فرمانده اسبق سپاه پاسداران انقلاب اسلامی گفت: تعداد زیادی ایرانی در جنگ قره باغ شرکت کردند که علاوه بر زخمی‌ها که به کشور منتقل شدند، تعداد زیادی از شهدای ایرانی جنگ قره باغ نیز در باکو مدفون هستند.

به گزارش فارس، سخنان «محسن رضایی» دبیر مجمع تشخصی مصلحت نظام در مصاحبه با شبکه بین‌المللی سحر در رسانه‌های آذربایجان بازتاب داشت.

وی گفت: شخصاً دستور داده بودم تا وضعیت منطقه قره باغ مشخص شود و ارتش جمهوری آذربایجان با تجهیزات نظامی مناسب تجهیز شده و آموزش‌های لازم نیز برگزار شود.

دبیر مجمع تشخیص مصلحت نظام افزود: حتی در آن زمان برای آموزش نظامی ویژه نیروهای نظامی آذربایجان دستورات لازم را صادر کرده بودم.
رضایی در پایان خاطرنشان کرد: قره باغ بخشی از اراضی اسلامی است و باید با روش های مسالمت آمیز تمامیت ارضی جمهوری آذربایجان تامین شود.

He is saying there are even Iranians who have fought alongside Azeris against Armenians and they are buried now in Baku.

So if it wasn't for expansionist and stupid policy of immature Azerbaijani leaders in early 1990s towards Iran, the relations would be much better. I think they have learned their lessons the hard way.

In your previous post you said the first group are those "who look [to] the other side greener like a moth through the light I mean western wannabes, although they seek a developed Iran they have no respect for Iran."

The people that make up this group are the brightest and best talents that Iran has to offer and they would rather leave for greener pastures than to stay in a shitty akhoond infested shit hole. The reason isn't that they don't care about Iran, but it's because people like you make living in Iran impossible for them. When one sees no future for himself/herself and is disrespected and mistreated on top, he/she will of course look for a new home where they're appreciated for who they are and where they can use their talents.

IR doesn't offer peace, IR doesn't offer a livelihood, IR doesn't respect basic rights and freedoms, IR doesn't offer ANYTHING but misery. It's not a matter of trying to escape from a developing country, ABSOLUTELY NOT. Other developing countries try extremely hard to create an environment where the best and the brightest can feel welcome. Alongside that they try to incorporate more and more 21st century ideas and social freedoms to bring their nations into the ranks of the developed. In that sort of environment, one can find a reason to stay. When Iran offers no opportunities and treats its citizens no different than how ISIS treats people, why should anyone stay????

You might be true, it's ipso facto that we all need to educate and enrich ourselves and be in a receptive mode.
You misunderstood me or maybe it was my bad I should have made it clear.
Me myself think of living in abroad even one of my option is the USA, moreover I didn't mean students or talented people actually I blame IR strongly for current brain-drain happening on daily basis it's a terrible tragedy. I tip my cap for those who choose education. There are too many problems in Iran no doubt in that, Ir has done many wrong policies.
On the other hand it seems to me that the two aforementioned groups mislead people by providing them with wrong evaluations of Iran and West.
First group portrays West as an utopia while second group paints a gloomy picture of it.
The same wrong assessment goes to Iran too, one says we are in a $hit hole the second one call it a superpower.
These views are a galaxy away of reality and all might come from different outlooks, ideologies and mindsets amongst people which I think is wrong. The fact is seeing something greener than what it is, is called hallucination.
I've got allergy to those folks whom carrying everything to extreme, a well-balanced assessment is bed of any kind ov progress in any field.

And about me, I am not responsible for what Ir has got to offer, I am responsible for what I have done so thus. Instead of pointing finger at me which has got nothing with sensible approach to solve our problem let's have a respectful discussion. You don't know me and you judge me, but I don't judge you.

عبّاس میرزا که درآن زمان بیش از نوزذه سال نداشت و به دنبال شکست ایران در نخستین دور جنگ های ایران و روس، در جستجوی رمز و و رازانحطاط ایران و چاره ای برای « احیای ایرانیان» بود، در دنبالۀ سخنان خود خطاب به مستشار فرانسوی اَمِده ژوبر میگوید

چه قدرتی این چنین شما را بر ما برتری داده است؛ سبب پیشرفت های شما و ضعف همیشگی ما چیست؟ شما با فن فرمانروایی ، فن پیروزی وهنر به کار گرفتن همۀ تواناهای انسانی آشنایی دارید، در حالی که ما در جهلی شرمناک محکوم به زندگی گیاهی هستیم و کمتر به آینده می اندیشیم آیا قابلیت سکونت با روری و ثروت خاک مشرق زمین ازاروپای شما کمتر است؟ آیا شعاع های آفتاب ، که پیش از آن که به شما برسد، نخست، بروی کشور ما پرتو می افکند ، خیر کمتری به ما می رساند تا آن گاه که بالای سر شما قرار دارد؟ آیا ارادۀ آفریدگار نیکی ده ، که مائده های گوناگونی خلق کرده است ، براین قرار گرفته است که لطفش به شما بیش از ما شامل شود؟ من که چنین گمان نمی کنم!

Our problems are origin in history, we should try to find the roots of it not blaming each other.

I am reading this book, i dunno If you've read it or not but it's not bad to give a shot to it:


There are no proof that Armenia hasn't fulfilled its promise to export electricity, actually I couldn't find any in Iranian and English sources. Does Iran export goods to Armenia? Yes. Is that considered siding with Armenia? No.

You failed to mention where all this 'Iran supports Armenia against Azerbaijan' crap started which is utter bs and a great lie.
Bunch of insults as an introduction.
When the Karabakh was started, thousands of Armenian and Azeri refugees came to Iran and Iran provided sheltered for them and also provided food, medicine and other relief packages for civilians affected from both sides. Then, Iran tried to mediate between to nations and leaders of 2 countries visited Tehran to talk about a peace deal, which failed for various reasons.

Then comes the interesting part: Abulfaz Elchibey, the new president of Azerbaijan, tried to play some super hero by claiming Iranians lands and trying to play the Bozkurt game while his country was losing the war against Armenia. I mean how stupid can someone be? So one of the turning points in Iran-Azerbaijan relation was that moment which has its effect even till today.

Not only Iran didn't help Armenia militarily in any means, but also gave humanitarian help to both sides and also kept open the route to Nakhchevan. This is a ridiculous lie by those who are embarrassed from the defeat in the war, those who blame their failure on third parties. If Iran really wanted to support Armenia the way you claim, believe me, the result of that war would be much worse than what it is.

Iran considers the Karabakh region a part of Azerbaijan in all of its official maps and reports. Also quoting Mohsen Rezaie, former commander of IRGC:

He is saying there are even Iranians who have fought alongside Azeris against Armenians and they are buried now in Baku.

So if it wasn't for expansionist and stupid policy of immature Azerbaijani leaders in early 1990s towards Iran, the relations would be much better. I think they have learned their lessons the hard way.

Bunch of non-sense lies with proofs in Press TV.
My suggestion to you is first to convince your own persian friends that Iran has not helped Armenia, then come talk with me.
Anyway, if instead of bigotry, you were opening your mind one iota, you would have found tons of examples like Rail road, and road from Zangazour, Free gas export, only country providing majot logistics route for Armenia, ...
As Quran says:
ختم الله على قلوبهم وعلى سمعهم وعلى أبصارهم غشاوة
There are no proof that Armenia hasn't fulfilled its promise to export electricity, actually I couldn't find any in Iranian and English sources. Does Iran export goods to Armenia? Yes. Is that considered siding with Armenia? No.

You failed to mention where all this 'Iran supports Armenia against Azerbaijan' crap started which is utter bs and a great lie.

When the Karabakh was started, thousands of Armenian and Azeri refugees came to Iran and Iran provided sheltered for them and also provided food, medicine and other relief packages for civilians affected from both sides. Then, Iran tried to mediate between to nations and leaders of 2 countries visited Tehran to talk about a peace deal, which failed for various reasons.

Then comes the interesting part: Abulfaz Elchibey, the new president of Azerbaijan, tried to play some super hero by claiming Iranians lands and trying to play the Bozkurt game while his country was losing the war against Armenia. I mean how stupid can someone be? So one of the turning points in Iran-Azerbaijan relation was that moment which has its effect even till today.

Not only Iran didn't help Armenia militarily in any means, but also gave humanitarian help to both sides and also kept open the route to Nakhchevan. This is a ridiculous lie by those who are embarrassed from the defeat in the war, those who blame their failure on third parties. If Iran really wanted to support Armenia the way you claim, believe me, the result of that war would be much worse than what it is.

Iran considers the Karabakh region a part of Azerbaijan in all of its official maps and reports. Also quoting Mohsen Rezaie, former commander of IRGC:

He is saying there are even Iranians who have fought alongside Azeris against Armenians and they are buried now in Baku.

So if it wasn't for expansionist and stupid policy of immature Azerbaijani leaders in early 1990s towards Iran, the relations would be much better. I think they have learned their lessons the hard way.

Hey dude, as I said, just get this in mind, unfortunately, these days, the best discussion, has turned out to be the one never got started.
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