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Iranian Chill Thread

No, Iran had no problem with Azerbaijan before that, but since you naturally blame Iran for everything and Azerbaijan is an angel and all others are the devil, hence this argument is again, useless.

Press TV’s correspondent in Turkey, Serena Shim, has been killed in a suspicious car accident near the Turkey-Syria border.

Shim was killed on Sunday as she was on a working mission in Turkey to cover the ongoing war in the strategic Syrian town of Kobani.

She was going back to her hotel from a report scene in the city of Suruç in Turkey's Urfa Province when their car collided with a heavy vehicle. The identity and whereabouts of the truck driver remain unknown.

Shim, an American citizen of Lebanese origin, covered reports for Press TV in Lebanon, Iraq, and Ukraine.

On Friday, she told Press TV that the Turkish intelligence agency had accused her of spying probably due to some of the stories she has covered about Turkey’s stance on the ISIL terrorists in Kobani and its surroundings, adding that she feared being arrested.

@New @The SiLent crY @rahi2357

Just 2 days after saying that Turkish intelligence (MIT) or government has warned here, she is killed in a car 'accident' near Kobani.

What do you guys think? Honestly, I expect anything from AKP led by Erdogan, given that journalists don't have the best time during his rule.
Dude, have you ever heard of the butterfly effect in chaos theory, that's truly a relieving belief. it says you can never get away with your actions, and the history strongly supports that fact.
What we are dealing with today, are the reactions of the actions done yesterday, and what you will face tomorrow are the results of your actions today.
I am not just talking about Turkey, but also Iran, Pakistan, ... in a country level, and me, you and them in an individual level.
Turkey (like others) has done wrongs and should be prepared to face the consequences.
You deserve blame for supporting IR. Till you denounce the theocratic dictatorship of IR, you have a hand in its existence. That's why I blamed you and I continue to blame you till you change your stance.

The West isn't a utopia, but it's light years ahead. What makes it seem utopian to some people is the ability to express yourself freely and to many in Iran that's a luxury they can only have in their dreams. It's also not IR's "wrong policies," but their entire existence that's a mistake. There's nothing correct about a bunch of religious fanatics taking control over the lives of 80 million people and running the country like a hunter/gatherer society from 11,000 years ago.

Your mistake is to analyze the West when you're living in one of the most *** backward and brutal dictatorships on the planet. Why do you care what the West is like or whether or not the opinions about it are correct or not? That's irrelevant. Your focus should be on the akhoond kingdom of IR.

Our problems are deeper than IR.
A bit decency would be great.
Im not goind to give you a full answer since i promised myself not to post in Iranian section as far as im not mentioned or BS about my country being posted so im just quoting the most hilarious part.

You are asking for decency but get mad when we defend our country agains usual Iranian propaganda, you can criticize our goverment as much as you want, in fact i criticize them more than any Iranian memeber but i still wont accept lies from Iranian media/propaganda machine against my country.

The difference is, what i said in previous posts is the truth while Iranian media is flooding the public with anti Turkish propaganda, we are just sick of their obsession with Turkey, i read Turkish media every day but there is no such obsession, i wrote much more things but didnt posted it not to insult people here as mentioned before.

You are asking me not to critisize Iranian regime while Iranian members are flooding the forum with BS about Turkey, opening troll threads and such stuff, i havent seen Turks doing any of these yet so yes my friend a bit decency would be great indeed.
Im not goind to give you a full answer since i promised myself not to post in Iranian section as far as im not mentioned or BS about my country being posted so im just quoting the most hilarious part.

You are asking for decency but get mad when we defend our country agains usual Iranian propaganda, you can criticize our goverment as much as you want, in fact i criticize them more than any Iranian memeber but i still wont accept lies from Iranian media/propaganda machine against my country.

The difference is, what i said in previous posts is the truth while Iranian media is flooding the public with anti Turkish propaganda, we are just sick of their obsession with Turkey, i read Turkish media every day but there is no such obsession, i wrote much more things but didnt posted it not to insult people here as mentioned before.

You are asking me not to critisize Iranian regime while Iranian members are flooding the forum with BS about Turkey, opening troll threads and such stuff, i havent seen Turks doing any of these yet so yes my friend a bit decency would be great indeed.

I didn't tell you not to criticize the regime, and I wasn't the one who went mad on this.

What you consider to be truth may not be accepted by others as the truth actually, and you should deal with it.

What I said about that journalist was nothing but a speculation and I am not even sure whether it was an accident or not, hence I asked few other members about it. But you couldn't tolerate that.

Criticize Iran as much as you want, no one will stop you. About the propaganda war, I have also seen enough nonsense about Iran in some Turkish media, especially those close to AKP and Gullenists.

Turkish members have also equal, if not more share in spreading not-so-lovely news about Iran.

I have no problem with Turkish members, like many other Iranian members here and I think our 'good times' here proves that well. But if criticizing actions of governments of both Iran and Turkey is supposed to make us enemies, then it would be better if we don't talk to each other at all.
What you consider to be truth may not be accepted by others as the truth actually, and you should deal with it.
I would like know which part of my previous posts doesnt reflect the truth, what i mentioned are basic facts.

What I said about that journalist was nothing but a speculation and I am not even sure whether it was an accident or not, hence I asked few other members about it. But you couldn't tolerate that.
And what kind of answer was you expecting of a couple Iranians? You could have asked Turkish members whats being reported in Turkish media if you were honest with hearing different opinions.
What we cant tolerate is how Press TV is making everything regarding Turkey appear like a conspiracy.

Criticize Iran as much as you want, no one will stop you. About the propaganda war, I have also seen enough nonsense about Iran in some Turkish media, especially those close to AKP and Gullenists.
And this is where the problem starts, Gülenist media arent AKP friendly at all, things look different in other self-respecting media outlets.

Turkish members have also equal, if not more share in spreading not-so-lovely news about Iran.
TBH i havent seen Turks spreading anti Iran stuff here, even if then only a couple news, not to mention that Turks dont jump on such things to bash Iran.
Iranian year 1390 (which ended March 20, 2012) there were 117,256 fatal accidents, leading to 20,068 deaths and 297,257 injuries. just a speculation but this is high enough to speculate that Iranian regime is using traffic ''accidents'' to kill her people mainly the dissidents and protesters the rest of the accidents are a cover up! just a speculation ...... everything happening in ıran is suspicious and open to speculation anyway!!!
It would be better if you stopped acting like a 2 year old to make 'khod shirini' or ingratiation for Turkish members. :)

So, exposing your BS is being a 2 years old? show yourself to some doctor. You are getting more close to Surenas every day. :lol:
Anyway, why don't you stop "Khod Shirini" for akhounds? Do you receive any payments from them?
So, exposing your BS is being a 2 years old? show yourself to some doctor. You are getting more close to Surenas every day.
Anyway, why don't you stop "Khod Shirini" for akhounds? Do you receive any payments from them?
lol, you are funny. Yeah they have recently increased my salary.

I would like know which part of my previous posts doesnt reflect the truth, what i mentioned are basic facts.

And what kind of answer was you expecting of a couple Iranians? You could have asked Turkish members whats being reported in Turkish media if you were honest with hearing different opinions.
What we cant tolerate is how Press TV is making everything regarding Turkey appear like a conspiracy.

And this is where the problem starts, Gülenist media arent AKP friendly at all, things look different in other self-respecting media outlets.

TBH i havent seen Turks spreading anti Iran stuff here, even if then only a couple news, not to mention that Turks dont jump on such things to bash Iran.

I didn't say anything you said is wrong. I just asked a question and used a guess, but didn't accept anything, yet you jumped in to conclusions that it's a propaganda, lie and blah blah.
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سلام .

کسی در مورد اسید پاشی تو اصفهان چیزی شنیده ؟

م شنیدم. گویا کلا یک یا دو مورد بوده، ولی اینقدر شایعه بدیچیده توش شهر که ملت وحشت کردن. ببین وقتی یک چیزی شایعه و یک کلاغ چهل کلاغ میشه چه ترسی میندازه تو جون مردم.

یک یا چند الاغ یه همچین غلطی کردند اونوقت کل شهر وحشت کردن. امیدوارم اگر گرفتنشون، با شیوه مشابه، ریختن اسید روی صورت، مجازات بشن.
م شنیدم. گویا کلا یک یا دو مورد بوده، ولی اینقدر شایعه بدیچیده توش شهر که ملت وحشت کردن. ببین وقتی یک چیزی شایعه و یک کلاغ چهل کلاغ میشه چه ترسی میندازه تو جون مردم.

یک یا چند الاغ یه همچین غلطی کردند اونوقت کل شهر وحشت کردن. امیدوارم اگر گرفتنشون، با شیوه مشابه، ریختن اسید روی صورت، مجازات بشن.

من چند جا خوندم بیش از 10 مورد بوده و تلویزیون ملی اعلام کرده 4 نفر .

نمیدونم چی بگم ، کاری که اینا با مردم بی گناه می کنن کمتر از قتل نیست .

خدا کنه همشون رو اعدام کنن حرامزاده ها رو .
من چند جا خوندم بیش از 10 مورد بوده و تلویزیون ملی اعلام کرده 4 نفر .

نمیدونم چی بگم ، کاری که اینا با مردم بی گناه می کنن کمتر از قتل نیست .

خدا کنه همشون رو اعدام کنن حرامزاده ها رو .

حقیقتش من دیروز خوندم 2 تا، یکی دو مورد دیگه هم مثل اینکه نا موفق بوده. ولی بیشتر از تعداد، گستردگی خود قضیه بین مردم مهمه. به هر حال، کسی که همچین کاری ازش سر میزنه بعیده بچه پدر مادرش باشه..
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Burger bacha, you don't know how to read nastaliq. :lol::lol:

Uloo ka pattha I can read it fine, I just didn't remember his username. :cuckoo:

This is why pakistan has to put aside her differences and form a Desi Union. The only ones who got us is us.

If Kashmir is solved in a way that neither side loses face a desi union is going to fast become a reality, not a physical union but definitively a loosening on travel and trade regulations.
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