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Iranian border forces fire rockets in Pakistani territory

lol :D we iranians are so evil !! :D a militia terrorist group which had nothing to do with pakistan whatsoever attacked iranian border guards , now we are talking revenge on pakistani civilians by killing a little girl (which i asked a lot of people to give the news link to it @Aamna14 ) !! :D

such an evil country we are !!! guys please just think abt it !!!

first of all our revenge had nothing to do with the first attack !! there was a second attack just so u know , and there was direct evidence of pakistani gov. envolvement .

and secondly the attacks were solely launched on terrorists not civilians as u claim .

and just so u know iran had protested a million times over this .

can u tell me why would iran launch such an attack on its brotherly neighbor without having a significant reason for it ?

i hope the "friendly" thing wasnt in sarcastic quotation , cause we really count pakistan as brother .

I didnt say that. all I said was that there is a proper channel by which Iran should have approached Pakistan, so that we can tackle down the "common enemy" who killed Pasdaran-e-Inqilab soldiers.

Yes provided that the news is correct that it was Iranians who attacked into Pakistan's territory.

p.s. can you show me where Iran called pakistan's ambassador to Iran and protested?

and remember we are brother nations and we should continue to live like brothers. inshallah nothing will come between us.
well , actually , we didn't give a damn base to them , but you gave them base , so we can send rocket to him ...

and you pakistani didn't say a damn thing about USA and his well known drone attack , now you become super power for us ... if you are going to act boldly , act boldly in front of everyone ...

you are free to try it ....
You Iranians are so rude, this language and acts remind me of the reason that made Saddam phuck you up for 8 years. It's like you have become adopted to humiliation after taking it frequently from Arabs and Turks for hundreds of years.
now , you Pakistani are supporting terrorists and give them safe place and when we act by ourselves you act like innocent teenager girls ...

Iran and Pakistan have a long history of co-operation against the same terrorists because they attack them both , so what has changed in that regard for you to make that accusation ? Why exactly would Islamabad support the same terrorists whom it is fighting against ? Or was it the jingoism without pondering over the hard facts ?

There are more mature ways to act by yourselves . Maybe , its time to learn a bit about them .
Instead of the display of false bravado and threats of nuking Iran :lol:, Pakistanis should perhaps introspect. Why exactly is Iran firing rockets into Pakistan? They are not stupid, people are not so stupid that they would just fire rockets into a third country for shits and giggles, that too at the risk of ruining bilateral relationship! Iran most probably has a strong enough reason to take such actions, if you don't clean up your own mess then someone else will.

By the way if you want more topics to introspect then I can provide you with more. Like

Around a dozens Indian army and BSF troopers are killed at LOC and IB with Pakistan in this year alone. May be it wasn't Pakistan's mistake and those soldiers died because of their own fault


At least 2 BSF troopers were killed by smugglers at Indo-BD border in year 2013. There might be some genuine reason behind their death too. You know. Smugglers are never stupid. :D

Myanmar occupied a part of Indian territory with its border for some time. Introspect now. May be that land belongs to Myanmar and you are illegally occupying it.

Introspect Bharatis. For how long you guys would live in ignorance.
mate , the same exact thing is going here in iran , whenever someone wants to be harsh on terrorism against iran , the pakisatan lover parties which also are very powerful and call for "islamic omma " in which i support , slap them in the face .

like u , some people in iran (which dont have my support ) call that unfortunate .

Pakistan lovers in Iran , you got to be kidding me ? Aren't we the GCC's errand boy for the Iranian if I am to believe certain reports ?
I didnt say that. all I said was that there is a proper channel by which Iran should have approached Pakistan, so that we can tackle down the "common enemy" who killed Pasdaran-e-Inqilab soldiers
p.s. can you show me where Iran called pakistan's ambassador to Iran and protested?.

here it is mate :

please read it completely PressTV - Iran makes protest to Pakistan over border killings

Yes provided that the news is correct that it was Iranians who attacked into Pakistan's territory.

i didnt , i doubt it seriously . i'm just assuming that the "dawn news agency " is telling the truth .

and remember we are brother nations and we should continue to live like brothers. inshallah nothing will come between us.

nothing will bro , even if stupid governments try to do sth stupid , iranians will pour into streets for pakistan . thats the truth .

You Iranians are so rude, this language and acts remind me of the reason that made Saddam phuck you up for 8 years. It's like you have become adopted to humiliation after taking it frequently from Arabs and Turks for hundreds of years.

for sure this thread is a point of interest for u a-rabs

welcome to the party

Pakistan lovers in Iran , you got to be kidding me ? Aren't we the GCC's errand boy for the Iranian if I am to believe certain reports ?

well yep , they are in love with islamic omma thing , which includes pakistan .

doesnt it ?
Aero Brother

Isn't it time to fly the recently inducted drones over the area and find out.

Why this uncertainty?

And in case we don't have balls or do not possess such drones


Why not work with Iran. They got some bad @rse drones don't they? The claim their balls ooops drones can be up in the air for million and zillion hours.

And if Iranians refuse, ask Chinese or Americans to keep an eye on the border area.

Why we have to sound so helpless all the time.

Why oh why?

In a fact if we arm Shamsi Airfield with Burraq and Shahpar UAVs, we can monitor the whole border. What we need to do is to work with Iran on this issue. If its really their forces, then they need to stop or we will have to retaliate. I hope, it doesn't get to that level.

This map accurately shows the area that can be monitored by UAVs through Shamsi AFB 24/7.

here it is mate :

please read it completely PressTV - Iran makes protest to Pakistan over border killings

i didnt , i doubt it seriously . i'm just assuming that the "dawn news agency " is telling the truth .

nothing will bro , even if stupid governments try to do sth stupid , iranians will pour into streets for pakistan . thats the truth .

for sure this thread is a point of interest for u a-rabs

welcome to the party

well yep , they are in love with islamic omma thing , which includes pakistan .

doesnt it ?

I didn't know we had such strong support in Iran. I guess, Same can be said for Pakistanis. They view Iran as a brotherly neighbour.
now , you Pakistani are supporting terrorists and give them safe place and when we act by ourselves you act like innocent teenager girls ...

just ...

and don't make us laugh , if we wanted to fear nuke , USA and her arsenal are better option ...

just go and threat us by your nukes openly , then we will show our middle finger to world and in less than 3 months you should be worry about our nukes as well ...

we consider Jundullah our common enemy, they and BLA terrorists have the blood of countless Iranian and Pakistani citizens on them so ... No we dont support them or shelter them

on the contrary we are hunting them

the problem is our gutless leadership and confused judiciary that is hell bent on freeing all notorious terrorists and arresting our security personnel and their chief.

how do you think you have been able to capture and execute some Jundullah terrorist leaders?

dont foget who is the enemy dont confuse yourself.
a lot of international involvement is at play here which is having loose motion due to our gas pipe deal and failure of Jundullah and BLA to cause any major blow to the states of Iran and Pakistan apart from killing innocent civilians.
You Iranians are so rude, this language and acts remind me of the reason that made Saddam phuck you up for 8 years. It's like you have become adopted to humiliation after taking it frequently from Arabs and Turks for hundreds of years.
For eff sake, don't start Persian and Arab flaming in this thread. Pls Q_Q
In a fact if we arm Shamsi Airfield with Burraq and Shahpar UAVs, we can monitor the whole border. What we need to do is to work with Iran on this issue. If its really their forces, then they need to stop or we will have to retaliate. I hope, it doesn't get to that level.

This map accurately shows the area that can be monitored by UAVs through Shamsi AFB 24/7.

That's the positive attitude. Unfortunately our leadership goes every logical step one can ever think of.

Here is the thread.

How do you stop an arsonist from burning down your house?
we consider Jundullah our common enemy, they and BLA terrorists have the blood of countless Iranian and Pakistani citizens on them so ... No we dont support them or shelter them

on the contrary we are hunting them

the problem is our gutless leadership and confused judiciary that is hell bent on freeing all notorious terrorists and arresting our security personnel and their chief.

how do you think you have been able to capture and execute some Jundullah terrorist leaders?

dont foget who is the enemy dont confuse yourself.
a lot of international involvement is at play here which is having loose motion due to our gas pipe deal and failure of Jundullah and BLA to cause any major blow to the states of Iran and Pakistan apart from killing innocent civilians.

Straight on, Irfan bhai. We should not give knee jerk reactions to these mortar and rocket attacks. It has happened in the past that Jindullah and others have attacked Iran and Pakistan on sensitive times to insight the two nations to fight and split their resolve to focus on them and India's mercenaries like BLA, BRA which pose a mutual security threat to both countries.

@Serpentine @Hussein
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I've seen with my own eyes they love us (Pakistanis). There's someone who is fucking between and don't like our relationship with Iran.

If that is the case, then I don't know why we are not capitalizing on the good will between our two people, instead we are in this mess....
You Iranians are so rude, this language and acts remind me of the reason that made Saddam phuck you up for 8 years. It's like you have become adopted to humiliation after taking it frequently from Arabs and Turks for hundreds of years.

I don't think that the Iranian govt is stupid enough to insight Pakistan into retaliation mode. I am more worried about Indian funded groups trying to subvert growing Pakistan Iran relations and the flagship project of our gas pipeline.

Iran and Pakistan need to have robust counter terrorism cooperation as we face a common threat. Both states need to make it clear to India that they need to stop funding the Baluchistan based terrorists or face consequences.
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