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Iranian BMs were launched at Ain Assad: Fars News

Let me tell you something here in US no one is worried about anything life goes on. These stories are usual for Americans. We in America were not worried about America instead were worried about Iran and hoped that Iran survive trump.
You can go ganghoo if you are Iranian or their supporters but I'm a Muslim and Its good that no American got killed or else Iran would have known who is what. Anyways so far my take on it is that General Solemani got killed accidentally and things got out of hand and the whole situation was controlled last night from both parites.
1. US General letter gets leaked 24hrs before the attack
2. Iraqi PM said they knew it was coming and Iran shared info.
3. No casualties
4. De escalation process
Iran has walked away from deal which Trump wanted from beginning and as long as Iran obliged the deal with Europe there can't be new deal now its possible maybe US Iran talks in near future.
Trump wont forget about Israel statement about staying out and it also played a role in him not escalating any further.
Indeed, a big victory for Iran. Soleimani did not died in vain. US lack the ball to fight Iran.

Consider this, the majority of the Iraqi army is Shia

The PMU groups are are Iranian proxies

And the Iraqi government has already requested foreign forces to leave although in a as yet non binding vote

If U.S influence is reduced and even training the Iraqi army carries the risk of soldiers getting gunned down by Iranian proxies

Then the U.S is boxed

The reality was the U.S was frustrated both in Afghanistan and Iraq it had spent a eye watering amount and gotten thousands of U.S soldiers killed only to be increasingly sidelined

It's not always about total destruction or body count, it's about whether you are achieving your strategic goals
The reality was the U.S was frustrated both in Afghanistan and Iraq it had spent a eye watering amount and gotten thousands of U.S soldiers killed only to be increasingly sidelined
Yep - the US did the same thing to the Soviets in Afghanistan and they've supported proxy groups and violent dictators overthrowing elected governments all over the world. Iran's democratically elected Mosadegh was overthrown because of the US.

What the Soleimani assassination shows is that the US, Trump specifically, got frustrated at being outplayed by the Iranians in this 'war by proxy' game.

Trump, and the US Establishment, need to reassess how good they are at proxy wars, especially in this part of the world - they lost in Vietnam, lost in Iraq, lost in Syria and have lost in Afghanistan.
US is running away

The US forces have vacated two bases in northeastern Syria, and moved in the direction of Iraq, Syrian state-run Sana news agency reported on Wednesday.

Approximately 40 trucks with military equipment have left the Khrab al-Jir base in the Hasakah province heading to the village of al-Sweidyia near the Iraqi border, according to the news outlet.

Similarly, 50 trucks have exited the base in the city of al-Shadadi, heading north via the eastern road leading to al-Walid crossing to Iraq.

The agency noted that some al-Shadadi trucks came from the Deir ez-Zor province.
Yep - the US did the same thing to the Soviets in Afghanistan and they've supported proxy groups and violent dictators overthrowing elected governments all over the world. Iran's democratically elected Mosadegh was overthrown because of the US.

What the Soleimani assassination shows is that the US, Trump specifically, got frustrated at being outplayed by the Iranians in this 'war by proxy' game.

Trump, and the US Establishment, need to reassess how good they are at proxy wars, especially in this part of the world - they lost in Vietnam, lost in Iraq, lost in Syria and have lost in Afghanistan.

Completely correct.

What's baffles me is surely they must have realised by killing Soleimani, this would not make their miserable record at this proxy war any better. Soleimani was a charismatic face of the qods force, but there are many more like him! Mark my word, things are going to get worse for the Americans now. One thing Iran does not lack are these strategic thinkers like Soleimani.
Yep - the US did the same thing to the Soviets in Afghanistan and they've supported proxy groups and violent dictators overthrowing elected governments all over the world. Iran's democratically elected Mosadegh was overthrown because of the US.

What the Soleimani assassination shows is that the US, Trump specifically, got frustrated at being outplayed by the Iranians in this 'war by proxy' game.

Trump, and the US Establishment, need to reassess how good they are at proxy wars, especially in this part of the world - they lost in Vietnam, lost in Iraq, lost in Syria and have lost in Afghanistan.

The U.S is still the strongest country in the world, but the world is changing and the world is more multi polar

Other countries are now countering to serve their own interests
Possible theory: Iran suspects Iraq snitched on Soleimanis location and warned Iraq about the attack to see if it will snitch again
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