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Iranian BMs were launched at Ain Assad: Fars News

Iran is winning

Do you know why Iran is winning?
Because the U.S is losing!

From Afghanistan to Iraq the U.S has spent TRILLIONS trying to gain, control, influence and a base to control the region

And in both arenas the U.S is busy hiding in bases or trying to play catch up as other nations establish influence

If the U.S mission in Iraq after Iran has targeted their bases is no reduced to defending themselves and looking over their shoulders

Then it has lost and will be beaten by the Iranians

The overt military action by both nation's may have come to an end (we have to see) but now the proxy war starts and Iran is better placed
Indeed, a big victory for Iran. Soleimani did not died in vain. US lack the ball to fight Iran.
Our resident ISIS supporter is back.
1- Iran just openly attacked bases and deliberately did not killed americans and you're happy that your papa US has not even fired a bullet towards Iranian soil?
2- Juvenile logic to assume this was THE and ONLY move to avenge soleimani.

Now don't you have photoshopped picture to be posting in Syrian thread?
I guess America can keep killing Iranian generals, while Iran can keep on attacking sand dunes, fair trade
Leader of Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq Resistance Movement Qais Khazali, in a tweet on Wednesday, announced the time ripe for Iraq to take revenge for assassination of Second-in-Command Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Unit (PMU) Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis by the US.

"Iran's first response to assassination of martyr Soleimani was made," he wrote.

"Now, the turn is for Iraq' first response for terror of al-Muhandis," he added.

"Iraqis are brave and their respond will not be less than that of Iran. It is a promise," he said.
* US kills dozens of Khamenai militants in Abu Kamal.

* US kills a dozen top Khamenai commanders and generals including legendary Solemani and leader of all Khamenaist militias in Iraq

* Khamenai bombs sand dunes.

Now Khamenaists cream Victory! :victory::victory: We defeated the US! :victory::victory::victory:

View attachment 598608 View attachment 598609 View attachment 598610
Us killed one Iranian general and their two bases were razed to the ground.

Now even write in bigger font to $ave face.


No casualties: A US official told CNN that there were no initial reports of any US casualties from the attack, but an assessment of the impact of the strikes is underway. Iraq's joint military command said there were no casualties among Iraqi military forces.

Orange man will speak in about one and half hour from now. Given muted American response, seems like either missiles were dud or they missed their intended targets.
I guess America can keep killing Iranian generals, while Iran can keep on attacking sand dunes, fair trade

I guess you lack the ability to think long term and not realise this was just the overt reaction, the actual american killings are yet to come. You obviously lack the capacity to understand the significance of what happened last night.
I guess America can keep killing Iranian generals, while Iran can keep on attacking sand dunes, fair trade
This was just an overt slap to USA and USA made a humiliating step back from their promise to attack 52 targets in Iran if Iran attacks american assets---

What will follow is covert assassination of US and Israelis to send a real message-----Khamenei has already said couple of hours ago that this strike is not enough
i will not agree with you.. US has been maintaining an 1:100 ratio in battle field for every 1 US soldier lost, 100 enemies soldier are lost. US has an overwhelming firepower.. you should read iraqi battalion commander chronicles during the siege of bagdad. 3 iraqi units wiped out between 24-48 hours with 70% injuries, year 2003.
LOL... 2003? American bot until now still desperate to do face saving for American military?

17 years ago, I will agree. But in 2020, US has prove she is a paper Tiger. It just like Iran do a pearl harbor and Roosevelt decide to keep quiet and no response.. Can you imagine that? :rofl:
For everyone focusing on the casualty count, you're ignoring the fact that the end game here revolves around Iran's long term strategic goals of increasing Iranian influence and reducing US presence in the region, especially Iraq.

If the US chooses not to escalate further and the Iraqis follow through with their demand to have the US withdraw within the next year or so, Iran will have won the war in Iraq. The recent actions by the US and Iran's response will also help the Iranian government with domestic Iranian protests and opposition, strengthening their control of the country.

Elsewhere, Assad is strengthening his position in Syria and Hezbollah remains strong in Lebanon.

Soleimani was a charismatic personality but he was also a general APPOINTED to head a disciplined and strong institution to help implement Iran's broader policy goals. His assassination likely will not slow Iran's pursuit of those goals.
and the real revenge will start soon.

what's the global coffin prices delivery at US bases?!
I tell you! If Iranian armour column fought all the way to US bases in Iraq and wipe out all US soldiers.

US will still not response. :lol:
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