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Iranian BMs were launched at Ain Assad: Fars News

The irony of this guy calling other's "low IQ". Iran literally just declared war on the US by openly attacking their bases from its soil. Even if there is no causalities, you call that propaganda? Lay of crack for a while. It's not doing your brain any good.

>tells US 5 hours beforehand that they will strike the bases
>all soldiers evacuate
>missiles land, killing 0 soldiers
>country propaganda runs their mouth about "slap in face" and "80 dead US soldiers"(how'd they know, were they there and counting the exact numbers)
>trump tweets all is well(you literally can't lie about soldier deaths in the west as families go on mass protests, look at bush era)
>Iran foreign minister immediately tweets "we don't want war or retaliation"
>This is their severe revenge and red flag hoisting(drama)
>end up shooting down a Ukranian plane, claim didn't shoot it down but at the same time won't hand over blackbox
>People who can see through this bullshit are laughing, only literal idiots are eating up the "80 dead"
Trump and the Ayatullah must be having a party right now for the fabulous show they gave for the world to see :cheers:
I went to youtube and CBS news. What is happening now is a massive propaganda telling the world how Iran humiliate themselves by firing missile which achieved nothing. And how they try to tell the world Iranian is desperate not to have war with US.

You know what! After US is humiliated for failing to live up to its threat and words of military retaliation. That is all US can do of face saving by fact twisting..... LOL..
fight the minions of satan. Surely the strategy of the satan is weak. {al-nisa:76}
Well , real revenge is to achieve The Sepahbod 1st goal :" Force USA to leave the region " ....
Very unlikely that it happens! I believe americans and iranians will not go to war. However, we will for a period witness a threatening rhetoric from America, Iran and Israel and after some time this hysteria will fizzle out!
Iran pounded US radar and surveillance site in Erbil, plus Ain Al-Asad air base which is American's second biggest base in the region and not only it wasn't empty, but all US troops from other regions had covered in this base (to supposedly be under cover of it's air defenses).

again what a humiliation. quickly hide your corpse to save face!
US is paper tiger. Let me repeat this. You fired missile or even wipe off a US battalion, US still dont have a ball to fight you back.
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>tells US 5 hours beforehand that they will strike the bases
>all soldiers evacuate
>missiles land, killing 0 soldiers
>country propaganda runs their mouth about "slap in face" and "80 dead US soldiers"(how'd they know, were they there and counting the exact numbers)
>trump tweets all is well(you literally can't lie about soldier deaths in the west as families go on mass protests, look at bush era)
>Iran foreign minister immediately tweets "we don't want war or retaliation"
>This is their severe revenge and red flag hoisting(drama)
>end up shooting down a Ukranian plane, claim didn't shoot it down but at the same time won't hand over blackbox
>People who can see through this bullshit are laughing, only literal idiots are eating up the "80 dead"

Bunch of irrelevant comments. Obviously Iran wanted to attack the base and no casualties, i.e do enough to humuliate trump without spilling american blood (which would have guaranteed war). Try using your head before commenting.
And no one said this was the final revenge, this was just an overt reaction. Sit tightly for the rest.
Yeah US evacuated, all US forces had camped in streets!

And some fools believe such a ridiculous stories.:lol::cuckoo:
* US kills dozens of Khamenai militants in Abu Kamal.

* US kills a dozen top Khamenai commanders and generals including legendary Solemani and leader of all Khamenaist militias in Iraq

* Khamenai bombs sand dunes.

Now Khamenaists cream Victory! :victory::victory: We defeated the US! :victory::victory::victory:

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It was just a overt response to slap US and force it to make a step back-without going to open war--what will follow is covert response via proxies to assassinate US generals and soldiers and force them out of the region
* US kills dozens of Khamenai militants in Abu Kamal.

* US kills a dozen top Khamenai commanders and generals including legendary Solemani and leader of all Khamenaist militias in Iraq

* Khamenai bombs sand dunes.

Now Khamenaists cream Victory! :victory::victory: We defeated the US! :victory::victory::victory:

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Our resident ISIS supporter is back.
1- Iran just openly attacked bases and deliberately did not killed americans and you're happy that your papa US has not even fired a bullet towards Iranian soil?
2- Juvenile logic to assume this was THE and ONLY move to avenge soleimani.

Now don't you have photoshopped picture to be posting in Syrian thread?
* US kills dozens of Khamenai militants in Abu Kamal.

* US kills a dozen top Khamenai commanders and generals including legendary Solemani and leader of all Khamenaist militias in Iraq

* Khamenai bombs sand dunes.

Now Khamenaists cream Victory! :victory::victory: We defeated the US! :victory::victory::victory:

View attachment 598608 View attachment 598609 View attachment 598610

you didn't enjoy the show? a big tension has been defused, political victory for iran... what did you want, more blood?
Iran is winning

Do you know why Iran is winning?
Because the U.S is losing!

From Afghanistan to Iraq the U.S has spent TRILLIONS trying to gain, control, influence and a base to control the region

And in both arenas the U.S is busy hiding in bases or trying to play catch up as other nations establish influence

If the U.S mission in Iraq after Iran has targeted their bases is no reduced to defending themselves and looking over their shoulders

Then it has lost and will be beaten by the Iranians

The overt military action by both nation's may have come to an end (we have to see) but now the proxy war starts and Iran is better placed
US is paper tiger. Let me repeat this. You fired missile or even wipe off a US battalion, they still dont have a ball to fight you back.

i will not agree with you.. US has been maintaining an 1:100 ratio in battle field for every 1 US soldier lost, 100 enemies soldier are lost. US has an overwhelming firepower.. you should read iraqi battalion commander chronicles during the siege of bagdad. 3 iraqi units wiped out between 24-48 hours with 70% injuries, year 2003.

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