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Iranian BMs were launched at Ain Assad: Fars News

Sorry that was reminder if shit Americans have done here is a whole video enjoy. They both look similar.

I'm no expert, but the explosions that were shown including the above were not very big. I expect a mortar round to make such an explosion but i think i watch too many movies. But seriously what would be the payload on such a missile?
Trump’s motto is shoot first and question later, and we all know the US tend to respond 10x more severely.

I can't see them letting it go without making Trump look weak when he said he will retaliate if the bases or troops are touched.

So, any predictions on Trump's speech?
LOL.. Serious? Trump is just a big mouth. He never mean anything what he say. Yes, retaliate by sending 120,000 US troops into Iran or Iraq. I can be sure, he will lose the re election if that happened. But he will still lose the re election by not responding.. :lol:

Trump has stupidly dig a political grave for himself.
It doesn't make sense. Bush, Obama and even the Israelis didn't target Soleimani because they were afraid of the consequences. If the consequences are 2 bases damaged and 0 casualties. Then I don't see a reason why they didn't do it before. Damage to 2 bases that will probably be rebuilt very soon vs Soleimani is a great bargain.
Not a bargain at all. Soleimani wasn’t a dictator or the only general capable of running the IGRC. The Iranian military is disciplined and has plenty of other people capable of stepping into the role. You think those under Soleimani weren’t in the loop on the tactics and strategies being used by the IGRC/Quds? As an example, do the leadership changes at the CIA, Pentagon, Pakistan Army, ISI weaken the institution and the institutional direction?

Even neutralizing leaders in groups like the TTP, Afghan Taliban etc had little to no impact on their operations. Pakistan had to go after the foot soldiers, mid level commanders & their support base and essentially uproot the entire group from Pakistan to minimize their operations against Pakistan.
It doesn't make sense. Bush, Obama and even the Israelis didn't target Soleimani because they were afraid of the consequences. If the consequences are 2 bases damaged and 0 casualties. Then I don't see a reason why they didn't do it before. Damage to 2 bases that will probably be rebuilt very soon vs Soleimani is a great bargain.

Consider it the overt opening salvo
I think it is 2 times more than that....

The Pentagon estimates that Iran is in possession of more than 2,000 ballistic missiles


at least 10 times more .... for past 25 years when the west and east didnt sell any Fighter jet to us , we directed all the money to building missiles ...

8 years ago we run out of storage position for our missiles and we had to slow down production of missiles but increase the accuracy and destruction power newer version and upgrade older versions ...

recently , we slow down our missile production and directed some budget to anti air defense system which 3rd Khordad , 15th Khordad and Bavar 373 are the result ...

and now we are going to revive our air force , we already asked for more than 100 Su-30 which will be for defensive mission ...

If we can build good engine or buy good engine , our own fighter program will pass it 20 years old bottle neck and then even our air force become a nightmare for our enemies ....
this is just overt reaction---a slap to usa what will follow is covert assassinations against US generals to send a message

US analysts agree that Iran deliberately targeted the based at points and times that would result in minimal or no US casualties --- but the message is clear: the US can very quickly lose thousands of troops stationed in the Middle East.

And thousands of coffins arriving back in the US would cause a pretty big issue --- even though Iran might be at the receiving end of an overwhelming response, possibly even tactical nukes.

It is for this reason that I believe ALL States that wish to resist American hegemony in the region MUST possess not just a nuclear capability but a credible triad and second-strike capability. If Iran could set off dirty bombs in Manhattan and vaporize US bases in the region, the equation would be very different --- so I HOPE that Iran does have a clandestine nuclear capability!
12 seconds hit and one airport or base is destroyed or disabled badly at least! Bravo Iran! Price may be higher, make them count!
Thanks. This is just the first moments of first Iranian wave of attack.

We are heavily celebrating in Iran. :victory::victory::victory:
really proud of our great nation and our leaders.

at least 10 times more .... for past 25 years when the west and east didnt sell any Fighter jet to us , we directed all the money to building missiles ...

8 years ago we run out of storage position for our missiles and we had to slow down production of missiles but increase the accuracy and destruction power newer version and upgrade older versions ...

recently , we slow down our missile production and directed some budget to anti air defense system which 3rd Khordad , 15th Khordad and Bavar 373 are the result ...

and now we are going to revive our air force , we already asked for more than 100 Su-30 which will be more for defensive mission and if we can build good engine or buy good engine , our own fighter program will pass it 20 years old bottle neck ....


No country is perfect --- and Iran is far from it. But it's the only country standing up to Zionist - American dominance of the region. The Gulf Arab states are already Zionist and American slaves. For this reason, Iran has my eternal respect and admiration.

Thanks. This is just the first moments of first Iranian wave of attack.

We are heavily celebrating in Iran. :victory:

Let's see what Trump says. Praying for Iran's safety.

Why is there so much confusion about casualties? One group is suggesting (and it makes sense) that Iran targeted areas of the base and at times that it knew would cause minimal or no US casualties --- to send a message rather than actually kill Americans. Another group (just one or two Iranian sources) are saying that dozens of Americans are dead.
US was just angry at Suleimani for defeating US founded ISIS terrorist group.

There were no proxy activity in Iraq before this incident, but now we will see endless attacks on US forces, Americans opened the gate of hell on themselves.
Lol only talking nothing else. How many dead Americans are there???
To people trying to downgrade this attack. Remember this, this was the first direct attack by a nation on US assets in peacetime since ww2. The symbolic nature of this cannot be understated. And don't forget, the true killing will come in a mostly covert manner.
Iran should target and bomb those before the US Response. If Iran sense an incoming counterattack by the US vis intelligence reports. Better to wipe them out before they can take and give a proper response.
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