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Iranian BMs were launched at Ain Assad: Fars News

Trust me, 4 hours ago i was also thinking the same.

US want arabs under their umbrella, arabs hate iran and vice versa, US has puppets in iran who play for USA to keep arabs in check and keep ordering equipments
You and I are almost saying the same thing but with a slight variation. Iran was very careful in not getting a huge US toll from it's attacks. But how come the missiles went thru and hit? Where were their Patriot System? How come so little damage?

Believe whatever you like.
Iran has enough to satisfy it's own public and it's proxies and allies.
The US has it's media and it's think tanks giving it an US favoring tint.
This being election year and all.

Have you ever wondered that the US and Israel are very close to India ... but India goes out of it's way to be friendly with Iran and invests big time there? Without any vocal or apparent protests from the US or Israel? Iran is not really their enemy. It has the important role of being the boogeyman to play to keep the Arabs in line.

Qasem Soleimani was expendable.
It has increased the deterrence and reputation of Iran. They hit US military assets. If Iran has the balls to do this to a superpower, imagine what they will do to smaller countries. Smaller countries will now be scared of attacking Iran.
Well, if what the western media is reporting about an understanding before the attack is true. Then it is just a face saving and nothing more. But then no one knows the reality.
It has increased the deterrence and reputation of Iran. They hit US military assets. If Iran has the balls to do this to a superpower, imagine what they will do to smaller countries. Smaller countries will now be scared of attacking Iran.
In addition to the playing gimmicks for the US elections ... this is exactly one of the key aspects that was to be highlighted by the US - Israel - India - Iran combine thru the current fiasco. Poor Qasem Soleimani was expendable.
It's " Fatah e Mubeen" (clear victory ) for Iranians over Americans, most of the participants of this discussion focuses their attention on comparison of military might between two countries, but it is something else, which is behind Iranian success. It is a success of Iranians political system which refrain Americans to retaliate Iranians missile attacks, Suleimani funeral shows how Iranians loves their leadership and they can go any far for their country and government.
This incident left question mark over the fate of Americans as only superpower of the world.
It's a giant air base US created and cost billions. It's being used as an American airbase (with coalition forces) Iraqis are there too.

Probably just unguided katyusha rockets.

US didn't create this airbase, Trump says the US built it but Trump always talks BS.

This base was built in the early 80's as part of a super-base program developed in the 70's. It's a massive airbase, the US upgraded it... after the bombed it several times. The majority of troops in the airbase are Iraqi army.

Iraq has many large airbases since it used to be so militarized in the past
how about stop getting personal and it will be better to learn

you are on defense forum and teaching us multi stage missile technology ?

let me teach you

Fateh-313 is single stage missile


qaim is also single stage missile

here is how multi stage missile look like


using israeli video on gaza attack is not good idea :lol::lol::lol::lol:
you don't get it , they are single stage missile with separating warhead , we separate war head of our missiles from its body somewhere in its course , it has many benefit .
Quit the insults. Makes you look childish and immature.

Attack on an airbase is an act of war regardless of casualties. Use logic.

"inaccurate" ballistic missiles.

Satellite photos taken Wednesday show that an Iranian missile strike has caused extensive damage at the Ain al-Assad air base in Iraq, which hosts U.S. and coalition troops.

The photos, taken by the commercial company Planet and shared with NPR via the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, show hangars and buildings hit hard by a barrage of Iranian missiles that were fired early Wednesday morning local time.

At least five structures were damaged in the attack on the base in Anbar province, which apparently was precise enough to hit individual buildings. "Some of the locations struck look like the missiles hit dead center," says David Schmerler, an analyst with the Middlebury Institute.

Iran's attack targeted at least two military bases in Iraq. The extent of the damage to the second base, in Irbil, was unclear.




We still don't know what happened. Stop posting nonesense as if you know what happened.

If you post misinformation, prepare to be challenged on it. Don't like it? log out bottom is on the top right.

Oh great, Mr Robot is posting gibberish again. What else can you expect from a Robot these days except spamming and posting BS on the internet. :lol:

Iran is refusing to hand-over black boxes. If Iran has nothing to hide then it needs to hand over these black boxes to UN for full investigation. Otherwise Iran needs to be held responsible for the killing of 176 civilians - it is a criminal act. The families whose loved ones were killed need to approach the International Courts of Justice to ensure there is though investigation conducted by the UN.
What i have observed about crashed Ukranian Jet is that the debris are very small and spread over a very large area, highly suggesting that it broke up in mid air. Moreover, Iran has shown it's unwillingness to provide black box access to Boeing.

Looks like a bomb or AD was in action...
on other hand the video of the crash showed in fact it crash landed and then exploded on the ground, and by the way according to international law Boeing and USA have zero right for investigating or even having access to the data stored in the black box
Both calander are like eachother but the start of Royal calander is from the year that the Cyrus the great become Shah , and the start of Islamic on is from the year that Rasul Allah migrated from Mecca to Medina .....
the official explanation , but we knew the truth is something else.

Your definition of fucked is misplaced.

You should rather ask what became of individuals whom Washington DC wanted dead.
one individual died , another took his place overall scenery didn't change.

Su-27 is superior to F-14. F-14 lacks maneuverability. It's like MiG-31.
hope this change the misunderstanding , F-14 is on of the best when it come to dogfight , even F-16 and mig-29 or Mighty F-15 can't turn as tight as it can

What kind of shitty rockets are they using? None ever hit.
thats MLRS , they are supposed to get fired in hundreds not just one or two or three , they are used in battlefield and they very much helped USSR to stop German advanced in WW2 .
very effective when used correctly , shitty when you want to use them conservatively . if you use it you must go all out and fire as much as you can in as little time as you can let say 400-500 in under one minute and you see how it will destroy enemy formations
A senior Iranian commander has threatened the country will take "harsher revenge soon" after missile attacks on US targets in Iraq.

Iranian news agency Tasnim reported the deputy leader of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard, Ali Fadavi, said the missile attacks on Iraqi bases which housed US troops showed "military might" and the US "couldn't do a damn thing".

Tehran fired at least 15 ballistic missiles at Al Asad and Erbil air bases in retaliation for the killing of top general Qasem Soleimani in an American drone strike.

Senior commander Abdollah Araghi threatened further Iranian reprisals after Ayatollah Ali Khamenei warned that "military action is not enough."

Meanwhile, US President Donald Trump, who ordered the drone strike on the Iranian general, declared on Wednesday that Iran "appeared to be standing down" after their missile strikes that did not harm any US troops in Iraq.

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