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Iranian Air Defense Systems

If you are telling the truth then what you and your “source” is doing now is called treason. I would be very careful if I was in your shoes since every country on this planet takes leaking of sensitive military information very seriously.

Its already been disclosed that Bavar 373 is undergoing improvements for next gen when it was first completely revealed.

Also take all these “I have inside info” with a bucket of salt.
If you are telling the truth then what you and your “source” is doing now is called treason. I would be very careful if I was in your shoes since every country on this planet takes leaking of sensitive military information very seriously.
Don't worry. there's no sensitive or classified information in my post. Just not announced yet.
Sorry it's not exactly public knowledge I can't say my source but I think news will eventually come out.
Let's just say bavar is going to evolve to meet new requirements.
Thank you, and this makes sense. Lets be honest, the moment Bavar rolled out, half of people on this thread wanted it deployed across the whole middle east...but thats not how reality works. lol

Also take all these “I have inside info” with a bucket of salt.
this is the hating they were talking about that you sometimes do. Why you mad bra? just cuz they know something you dont? chill bro...enjoy the information..if its false it wont line up logically in the future..
If you are telling the truth then what you and your “source” is doing now is called treason. I would be very careful if I was in your shoes since every country on this planet takes leaking of sensitive military information very seriously.
Firstly he didn’t leak anything secondly he hasn’t stated anything new. Everybody knows that they are working on improving their systems.
Israel Will Never Let Iran Improve Syria’s Decrepit Air Defenses

“The Syrian S-300s, by far the most advanced missiles in Syria’s air defense arsenal, haven’t been fired at Israeli warplanes to date. This is likely because Russian military operators are reportedly still in charge of how those systems are used and don’t want to violate Russia’s deconfliction arrangement with Israel.”

This is why Russia has no allies will one day be picked off by the West. It screws over everyone until there is no one left to screw over.
Israel Will Never Let Iran Improve Syria’s Decrepit Air Defenses


I knew this years ago. Any common sense would tell you this. When you know the technology the US and Isreal have are much greater than export F-35s, I knew Isreali F-35s are much different than Italian F-35s.

The Israeli Air Force has also modified its U.S.-built fifth-generation stealthy F-35 Lightning II jets with domestically-built systems that are purportedly better than those in other F-35s. These hi-tech jets are likely capable of swiftly destroying any air defense missiles Iran manages to deploy in Syria or supply to Damascus.

I am sure much of it is EW and ECM. Which is more important than stealth. Remember Khordad 15s can destroy stealth targets. I am not certain they are capable of destroying a target when under heavy EW. That is something I want to see.

The downing of a spydrone by Iran could have been planned by the US to test Iranian air defenses. The fact that the 3rd Khordad destroyed the intended target shocked everybody, except the Iranians.

What I don't get is why not set up ADS in Syria up on the road to Baghdad, out of range, train the Syrians in Iran, have mobile systems active when deployed while you set up the main systems. Then set up a new ADS 50km away toward Damascus. Then another. Slowly moving toward the south. Then move the furthest one north to the south and reposition the ADS, slowly and steadily.

Whatever they are doing currently is a failed strategy.

And don't let a destroyed ADS go to waste, have it transmit what type of electronic warfare is being used back to Iran through sat communication before the ADS is destroyed.

If Iran can develop an ADS that beats the EW of the West, then Washington is gonna arrive in Tehran, crying and screaming they always wanted peace with Iran, and don't share such technology with China. That Washington does not want war with Iran. :tup:

I knew this years ago. Any common sense would tell you this. When you know the technology the US and Isreal have are much greater than export F-35s, I knew Isreali F-35s are much different than Italian F-35s.

The Israeli Air Force has also modified its U.S.-built fifth-generation stealthy F-35 Lightning II jets with domestically-built systems that are purportedly better than those in other F-35s. These hi-tech jets are likely capable of swiftly destroying any air defense missiles Iran manages to deploy in Syria or supply to Damascus.

I am sure much of it is EW and ECM. Which is more important than stealth. Remember Khordad 15s can destroy stealth targets. I am not certain they are capable of destroying a target when under heavy EW. That is something I want to see.

The downing of a spydrone by Iran could have been planned by the US to test Iranian air defenses. The fact that the 3rd Khordad destroyed the intended target shocked everybody, except the Iranians.

What I don't get is why not set up ADS in Syria up on the road to Baghdad, out of range, train the Syrians in Iran, have mobile systems active when deployed while you set up the main systems. Then set up a new ADS 50km away toward Damascus. Then another. Slowly moving toward the south. Then move the furthest one north to the south and reposition the ADS, slowly and steadily.

Whatever they are doing currently is a failed strategy.

And don't let a destroyed ADS go to waste, have it transmit what type of electronic warfare is being used back to Iran through sat communication before the ADS is destroyed.

If Iran can develop an ADS that beats the EW of the West, then Washington is gonna arrive in Tehran, crying and screaming they always wanted peace with Iran, and don't share such technology with China. That Washington does not want war with Iran. :tup:

If Israel will strike the border region then they will strike inside Iraq. They do not care about violating laws since the USA will cover for them.

Not sure how Iran plans to deliver these big systems to Syria then protect them.

Even civilians can see which flights enter Syria from where. So almost every flight into Syria by Iran is likely tracked by Mossad and Spy satellite.

Will be interesting to see how Iran goes about this.
If Israel will strike the border region then they will strike inside Iraq. They do not care about violating laws since the USA will cover for them.

Not sure how Iran plans to deliver these big systems to Syria then protect them.

Even civilians can see which flights enter Syria from where. So almost every flight into Syria by Iran is likely tracked by Mossad and Spy satellite.

Will be interesting to see how Iran goes about this.

They can transfer the important parts and then assemble them in Syria as one potential solution.

If Iran does send Bavar-373 to Syria, it means two things: 1- It is confident that Bavar-373 is a capable system that can improve Syria's air defense and 2- It has already developed a better system that will be unveiled in near future.

However, I doubt that Iran would send Bavar-373 to Syria anytime soon. But I can be wrong.
“The Syrian S-300s, by far the most advanced missiles in Syria’s air defense arsenal, haven’t been fired at Israeli warplanes to date. This is likely because Russian military operators are reportedly still in charge of how those systems are used and don’t want to violate Russia’s deconfliction arrangement with Israel.”

This is why Russia has no allies will one day be picked off by the West. It screws over everyone until there is no one left to screw over.
Yes, Russians are unreliable
this is the hating they were talking about that you sometimes do. Why you mad bra? just cuz they know something you dont? chill bro...enjoy the information..if its false it wont line up logically in the future..

While probably positing to be the exception to the rule, i. e. take all these "I have inside info" with a bucket of salt, except...

If Iran actually plans to provide the Syrians with air-defense systems, then, in my opinion, a system like the IRGC's Raad-2 or the IRIADF's Mersad(-16) would be a more probable choice than the Bavar-373, which is not even deployed in sufficient numbers in Iran yet due to its low production rate.

Another option would be an upgrade program to Syrian S-200 sites similar to Iran's Talash project using modern radar systems and Sayyad-2 surface-to-air missiles to allow for mid range engagements. The Iranians could also improve Syrian 2K12 Kub systems and turn them into passive SAM systems like Iran's Raad or into something more capable and akin to a 3rd Khordad.
raad already dropped from production, the only one survived is Tabas and 3rd Khordad, yet tabas didn't being deployed many numbers bcz superiority of 3rd Khordad.
khordad 15, new mershad or erd khordad only option.

Iran Put It Air Defense Force On High Alert After Series Of Mysterious Explosions: CNN Report

Iran had put portions of its air defense system on “high alert” in the last few days, the CNN reported on July 16, citing a U.S. official with knowledge on the matter.

According to the official, the U.S. believes that the Iranian alert is not part of a training exercise but rather a response to an unknown threat. The official declined to explain how the U.S. was able to obtain this information.

The Iranian step came after a series of mysterious explosions that rocked military and industrial facilities in different parts of the country.


The most critical incident took place in the Natanz nuclear facility on July 2. An advanced centrifuge assembly center was destroyed as a result of a fairly large explosion. Iranian authorities are currently investigating the incident.

Some recent reports suggested that Israel may be behind some of the recent explosions in Iran, especially Natanz explosion. Nevertheless, there is no evidence to support these accusations.

The possibility of foreign involvement in these incidents is taken seriously by Iran. Tehran is apparently taking defensive measures to address any possible threat, including aerial attacks.
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