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Iranian Air Defense Systems

What I'm talking about regarding "an Iran war" is a full-scale invasion by a US-Sunni alliance. This alliance can be formed by America option to form an alliance with Saudi Arabia,Egypt,Turkey,etc. (The Kurds can be brought aboard and reconciled with the turks after clandestine purges of the more nationalistic leaders and replaced ones Amenable to both Ankara and Washington). This alliance would cemented with a secret agreement granting this newly assembled sunni coalition a free hand to deal with israel as one sees fit once the war against iran was successfully concluded.
Yeah....this was somewhat tried around 4 decades ago.
What I'm talking about regarding "an Iran war" is a full-scale invasion by a US-Sunni alliance. This alliance can be formed by America option to form an alliance with Saudi Arabia,Egypt,Turkey,etc. (The Kurds can be brought aboard and reconciled with the turks after clandestine purges of the more nationalistic leaders and replaced ones Amenable to both Ankara and Washington). This alliance would cemented with a secret agreement granting this newly assembled sunni coalition a free hand to deal with israel as one sees fit once the war against iran was successfully concluded.

US in this scenario could deploy 2 million American troops plus another 1.5 to 2 million sunni alliance troops. After the securing of Iraq, This force could march in to Iran From the Zagros and lake Tabriz (I don't remember the actual name of this lake) in the north to Khuzestan in the south.
I don't know how you would envision this scenario to happen in real life, unless you are just doing some random thought experiment nothing here is feasible. Ironically you'd have better chance of success of doing your own conventional attack than this thought experiment, which ignores alot of geo-political realities here. Theirs no use really talking about this, would be waste of time.

Their are more realistic scenarios that are happening right now. Funny enough, the scenario least likely is the most talked about.
Ask from your boys wetting their pants in Persian Gulf.
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The difference between your Hollywood jokers and reality
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Your woman looks weird in Arabic kaffiyeh
View attachment 918013

I have proposed this image to Oxford to mention it as a figurative symbol for the phrase of "Americans Scared Shitless"
View attachment 918015
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You might sacre defendless people of Syria or Iraq or Afghanistan but when it comes to Iran you are nice gentle sheep of this region.
US Military was Formidable from the Mid-1980s until about the early 2010s; after that the baby boomers instead of retiring, refused to retire and to reduce any challenges to their rule and grip on power, decided to dismantle the military until it became a laughable Joke and shell of its former self. You Can thank dementia addled politicians like Biden and Mcconnell for Iranian regional hegemony in the Middle east. Trump was more competent but was besieged by the administrative organs of the US government conspiring against him because they were afraid of their corruption being exposed and rooted out.
In the above post I don't mean a air war by say a US and/or israeli air strike campaign against the iranian nuclear infrastructure, in such a scenario Iran would have the obligation and option of ballistic missile strikes against the US middle eastern bases. This is the conventional scenario of a US-Iran war and what most people have in mind when such a possibility is mentioned.

What I'm talking about regarding "an Iran war" is a full-scale invasion by a US-Sunni alliance. This alliance can be formed by America option to form an alliance with Saudi Arabia,Egypt,Turkey,etc. (The Kurds can be brought aboard and reconciled with the turks after clandestine purges of the more nationalistic leaders and replaced ones Amenable to both Ankara and Washington). This alliance would cemented with a secret agreement granting this newly assembled sunni coalition a free hand to deal with israel as one sees fit once the war against iran was successfully concluded.

US in this scenario could deploy 2 million American troops plus another 1.5 to 2 million sunni alliance troops. After the securing of Iraq, This force could march in to Iran From the Zagros and lake Tabriz (I don't remember the actual name of this lake) in the north to Khuzestan in the south.

So what you're suggesting is a hostile war of aggression to take land, a bit like what your lot are accusing Russia of doing to Ukraine? Thus cementing how much of a hypocritical and evil entity the US is. There is no way US will deploy 2 million troops at the drop of a hat. Maybe NATO as a whole could come close to that, who are also overstretched as it is, but I would say 1 million is possible as a total including this sunni force youre talking about. but then you are fighting Iran on home turf so expect a meat grind.

Just be careful of this Sunni alliance turning back to bite you hard when you least expect it. Then we're talking Armegeddon!

Trump was more competent but was besieged by the administrative organs of the US government conspiring against him because they were afraid of their corruption being exposed and rooted out.

It wasnt just the administration talking Trump out of an attack against Iran, but it was Pompeo and the Military generals themselves. Also don't forget that Russia and China wont have forgotten the weapons being sent to Ukraine and Taiwan respectively, and will see this as an opportunity to give you a taste of your own medicine. They will prefer if you attacked Iran so they can test their weapons on your troops.
So what you're suggesting is a hostile war of aggression to take land, a bit like what your lot are accusing Russia of doing to Ukraine? Thus cementing how much of a hypocritical and evil entity the US is. There is no way US will deploy 2 million troops at the drop of a hat. Maybe NATO as a whole could come close to that, who are also overstretched as it is, but I would say 1 million is possible as a total including this sunni force youre talking about. but then you are fighting Iran on home turf so expect a meat grind.

Just be careful of this Sunni alliance turning back to bite you hard when you least expect it. Then we're talking Armegeddon!

It wasnt just the administration talking Trump out of an attack against Iran, but it was Pompeo and the Military generals themselves. Also don't forget that Russia and China wont have forgotten the weapons being sent to Ukraine and Taiwan respectively, and will see this as an opportunity to give you a taste of your own medicine. They will prefer if you attacked Iran so they can test their weapons on your troops.
This is a hypothetical future scenario. The current US government would never implement this at least under its current generation of leaders. Even Trump is a product of his age and era, wouldn't even think of something like this scenario.

Millennial leaders who are currently chafing flipping burgers under boomer tyranny; however that system cannot last forever and by the 2030s and 2040s they would be occupying leadership positions. Then the US would Just ditch Israel (Its the boomers who love israel, hardly nobody else does) and form this Sunni alliance mentioned above.

Long live Nationalism, Death to globalist tyranny and Human Rights tyranny.
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This is a hypothetical future scenario. The current US government would never implement this at least under its current generation of leaders. Even Trump is a product of his age and era, wouldn't even think of something like this scenario.

Im not ruling this out from happening. There is a hadeeth about the end times that says the Muslims will unite with the Romans to fight a common enemy, but then after they have gained victory the Muslims will defeat the Romans after they get into conflict about who was responsible for the war i.e. Jesus or Allah. Some scholars have suggested that in this scenario the Muslims are the Arabs, and Rome is the West, and the common enemy is Iran. Some others suggest that Russia is Rome, Iran are the Muslims and Israel is the common enemy. But you would need a conservative, Christian led America to fulfill the first scenario for this to happen, so Trump is the most likely candidate. Either way, the west, namely the US, will get destroyed in the end by the Sunnis.

Then the US would Just ditch Israel (Its the boomers who love israel, hardly nobody else does) and form this Sunni alliance mentioned above.

Long live Nationalism, Death to globalist tyranny and Human Rights tyranny.

The right are ardent lovers of Israel as well, and Israel will be involved in this alliance. Youve just suggested a global alliance to takeover land just because they dont want to follow democracy and have chosen Islam and independence as their way of governance, that is the definition of global tyranny so may that death also be sent upon the US and whoever is trying to make the US as the sole hegemon in a unipolar world. And this death will definitely happen.
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Im not ruling this out from happening. There is a hadeeth about the end times that says the Muslims will unite with the Romans to fight a common enemy, but then after they have gained victory the Muslims will defeat the Romans after they get into conflict about who was responsible for the war i.e. Jesus or Allah. Some scholars have suggested that in this scenario the Muslims are the Arabs, and Rome is the West, and the common enemy is Iran. Some others suggest that Russia is Rome, Iran are the Muslims and Israel is the common enemy. But you would need a conservative, Christian led America to fulfill the first scenario for this to happen, so Trump is the most likely candidate. Either way, the west, namely the US, will get destroyed in the end by the Sunnis.

The right are ardent lovers of Israel as well, and Israel will be involved in this alliance. Youve just suggested a global alliance to takeover land just because they dont want to follow democracy and have chosen Islam and independence as their way of governance, that is the definition of global tyranny so may that death also be sent upon the US and whoever is trying to make the US as the sole hegemon in a unipolar world. And this death will definitely happen.
Globalists don't "love" or have sentimental feelings about the US or US great power status. They Just Use America as a vehicle to implement globalist ideology, they do the same with Europe and their attempt to subsume the nation-states around the EU project. I support the west and western policies as they were defined up until the 1950s/1960s; in other words the western nations as nations defined sovereignty prior to the late 1960s/early 1970s. The Current System where nations as well as individual regions within nations are deliberately subsumed under forced globalism is tyranny in its purest form.
Globalists don't "love" or have sentimental feelings about the US or US great power status. They Just Use America as a vehicle to implement globalist ideology, they do the same with Europe and their attempt to subsume the nation-states around the EU project. I support the west and western policies as they were defined up until the 1950s/1960s; in other words the western nations as nations defined sovereignty prior to the late 1960s/early 1970s. The Current System where nations as well as individual regions within nations are deliberately subsumed under forced globalism is tyranny in its purest form.
Jews and freemasons are real governors of USA.
They used your country for their benefits and now they like china.
Trajectory calculation results for sayyad-4B missile.

Simulation of a missile that ascends almost vertically immediately after launch, terminates boosting at an altitude of around 110,000 feet,
and descends at a constant rate to a target 300 km away at an altitude of 6,000 meters.
The engine specific impulse is 300 seconds, the missile weight is 2050 kg, the onboard fuel is 1500 kg, and the engine power is adjusted so that the fuel consumption is 97% at the time of hit.
With this simplest flight route, the missile would hit the target in about 190 seconds, which is much faster than during the exercise.
Also, even with very low power sustain up to an altitude of 26,000 m, the aircraft is accelerating in the opposite direction due to the low air density.

In the exercise, it seems to have descended to a lower altitude earlier and hit the target at a much slower speed.
Also, from an altitude of around 20,000 m, the aircraft decelerates dramatically despite the remaining fuel, the importance of maintaining altitude is obvious.
Trajectory calculation results for sayyad-4B missile.

Simulation of a missile that ascends almost vertically immediately after launch, terminates boosting at an altitude of around 110,000 feet,
and descends at a constant rate to a target 300 km away at an altitude of 6,000 meters.
The engine specific impulse is 300 seconds, the missile weight is 2050 kg, the onboard fuel is 1500 kg, and the engine power is adjusted so that the fuel consumption is 97% at the time of hit.
With this simplest flight route, the missile would hit the target in about 190 seconds, which is much faster than during the exercise.
Also, even with very low power sustain up to an altitude of 26,000 m, the aircraft is accelerating in the opposite direction due to the low air density.

In the exercise, it seems to have descended to a lower altitude earlier and hit the target at a much slower speed.
Also, from an altitude of around 20,000 m, the aircraft decelerates dramatically despite the remaining fuel, the importance of maintaining altitude is obvious.
Thanks for this brozzer
AD excerises are being conducted tonight in Iran.

Lets see soon!
They will unveil some mobile underground AD systems. I don't really understand but I presume these are for ambush operations rather than to defend against a surprise attack by e.g. Israel. If not, how would they have enough time to leave the tunnels, set up and launch after they detect the incoming target?
Why are they always saying "New Iranian S-400" or "IRANIAN S-500"? I mean this is perfect way to completely remove the "uniqueness" of Bavar to the public not knowing the subject, they should just define it as "Bavar Iranian long range SAM" and this is the true definition of Bavar, it has nothing in common with S-400/S-300/S-500, why these medias compares Iran's systems with Russian ones even they have nothing in common?

Every single time the Iranian media named first Bavar "Iranian S-300" and now "Iranian S-300", the public will automatically believe this is an S-300/400 copy, and Iran already has S-300s, i really dont understand the writers logic

I know it could be clickbait, but this come from Iranian medias, not zionist or western ones
They will unveil some mobile underground AD systems. I don't really understand but I presume these are for ambush operations rather than to defend against a surprise attack by e.g. Israel. If not, how would they have enough time to leave the tunnels, set up and launch after they detect the incoming target?
Largely depends on the doctrine they developed and the nature of construction.


Their will always be a number of AD bases that are setup to defend against sudden surprise attack at any moments notice.

Hard to say till we get a better look (if they show it), but from a glance and what can be inferred with the potential of these sites is, above ground launchers ready to launch. Sites are linked to a underground tunnel network that can stretch several kilometers long into other areas. Think Underground Great Wall of China, but smaller and more spread out around critical areas of the country. Idealy, something like the Great Wall of China would be ideally with dozens of exits linked to mountain warehouses. (This would be mega project costing some billions)

In case of on going conflict mobile All-in-One SAM systems can emerge from the ground and seek to passively identify and actively ambush any new targets. If consumed it's SAMs or completed its job, it can return to the tunnel for re-loading. If Tunnel is destroyed for any reason (If the AD site has been degraded), it can simply enter from another available tunnel, or hide & wait for bulldozers to clear the way. Comms is maintained during this time. If the above ground site is destroyed, the AD threat still remains as durability and survivability of AD units is much greater.

The tunnel networks can be disjointed between sites but they have to be long and expansive with multiple exits. Despite high level of spy tech, it is still not possible to truly know the layout of a tunnel network. This is why despite the complete air superiority and prevalent use of GBU-28s from Israel, the IAF was not able to dent rocket fire from Gaza as it maintained a constant 400 rockets a day fire rate throughout the whole conflict. Disabling a tunnel network permanently easier said then done, let alone dealing with multiple in a country of large geography and many means of defense and offense.

In effect you have above ground sites that are always monitored via Satellites, and you have underground centers or even small mountain warehouses employing good geographical and passive defense features that can always generate a threat of ambush attacks. You end up with a much more endurance in AD, and survivability with much more unpredictability. The very nature of this threat add uncertainly and risk in entering Iran, so they may simply employ stand-off munitions frequently and repeatedly to strikes above ground targets, but this will on its own become a failure since the most critical nuclear sites are inside deep mountains, essentially a limited operation that only leads to longer term failure.

I wonder if they have been employing some sort of vertical canister SAMs that are buried thinly under the earth, connected via wire to a command center that can be single use ambush sites with nearby radars...
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