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Iranian Air Defense Systems

Well my constructive wave interference theory had been refuted once high resolution images became available.

These are access hatches as the sides of the X-band engagement radar.
They may house a SLC antenna but I tend to fast access to the cooling system maintenance.

The mystery remains why Iran opted for a more expensive AESA solution for this "perfect for PESA" task.

Plus: My bi-static anti stealth seeker point, means not that it is per se superior to a ARH seeker solution. But if it is just on pair, the cost savings would speak for the SAGG solution.
Plus: My bi-static anti stealth seeker point, means not that it is per se superior to a ARH seeker solution. But if it is just on pair, the cost savings would speak for the SAGG solution.

Are you aware of the any system that combines an active seeker capability with a semi-active capability such as SAGG? I.e dual active and semi-active capability.

Bavar-373 will naturally evolve. I think the interesting question is whether it will continue building on the current solutions or change them. The ex air defence commander commander seems to be rather confident about the great jump in Bavar's capability in next few years, watch the video at 20:55

The mystery remains why Iran opted for a more expensive AESA solution for this "perfect for PESA" task.

Answer could be quiet simple: the more expensive solution made the defense industry more money and thus was pitched harder.

While people like to think Iran’s defense industry is not for profit, it in fact is. So while you won’t see nearly as much waste as in USA defense industry, there is still jockeying for contracts as in other countries.
Are you aware of the any system that combines an active seeker capability with a semi-active capability such as SAGG? I.e dual active and semi-active capability.

Yes: S-350
But reason is not counter-VLO but over horizon counter-CM

Answer could be quiet simple: the more expensive solution made the defense industry more money and thus was pitched harder.

There is more to it. Russians are absolute fans of PESA solutions in engagement radars but for the S-500 they swiched.
It seems to be about very fast target tracking, because power and cost wise PESA are superior and the gain of AESAs are not suffciently higher to justify.
Yes: S-350
But reason is not counter-VLO but over horizon counter-CM

There is more to it. Russians are absolute fans of PESA solutions in engagement radars but for the S-500 they swiched.
It seems to be about very fast target tracking, because power and cost wise PESA are superior and the gain of AESAs are not suffciently higher to justify.

Again reason for switching in Russia could have been the same reason as Iran. Arms industrial lobbying. We don’t know the reason and I doubt either Russia or Iran will go on record and say why they choose what they did.

But as military arms history has shown, military industrial complex has a lot of power in countries. Iran is no exception and as Israel said themselves that Iran’s arm industry is vast and in depth as well as much larger than Israel’s.
But as military arms history has shown, military industrial complex has a lot of power in countries. Iran is no exception and as Israel said themselves that Iran’s arm industry is vast and in depth as well as much larger than Israel’s.
Why would you put words into our mouth?
Why would you put words into our mouth?

Iran continues to produce missiles that can reach Israeli territory, Kochavi said, explaining the Iranian military industry is much larger than all the military industries of Israel combined, allowing for them to produce more precise and long-range rockets to threaten the Israeli home front.

In addition, Quds forces in Syria as well as Hezbollah have spectrum barriers and advanced anti-aircraft missiles that can threaten Israeli jets, which nonetheless continue to have freedom of operation across the Middle East.

Iran continues to produce missiles that can reach Israeli territory, Kochavi said, explaining the Iranian military industry is much larger than all the military industries of Israel combined, allowing for them to produce more precise and long-range rockets to threaten the Israeli home front.

In addition, Quds forces in Syria as well as Hezbollah have spectrum barriers and advanced anti-aircraft missiles that can threaten Israeli jets, which nonetheless continue to have freedom of operation across the Middle East.

Oh you mean by shere size. Yes, Iranian military industries employs more people and holds more factories.

However, Iranian military technology is low grade in comparison to ours.
Oh you mean by shere size. Yes, Iranian military industries employs more people and holds more factories.

I think it is obvious that by size they are referring to the sheer number of products and projects developed by Iran. Yes by extension that would require larger number of people and factories, but he was referring to the former, not latter.

is low grade in comparison to ours.

And exactly how are you measuring this? Establish your definition and then give clear examples.
I think it is obvious that by size they are referring to the sheer number of products and projects developed by Iran. Yes by extension that would require larger number of people and factories, but he was referring to the former, not latter.
Not number of products and projects.
Israel has way more of them. Iran's industry is mostly dedicated to manufacture ballistic missiles and rockets, rather than avionics, air to air missiles, radars, etc etc.

And exactly how are you measuring this? Establish your definition and then give clear examples.
Just look at Iran's products and compare them to Israeli ones.
Oh you mean by shere size. Yes, Iranian military industries employs more people and holds more factories.

However, Iranian military technology is low grade in comparison to ours.
with spacial thanks to US Dollar and Tech Support in many fields .
Just look at Iranian products and consider the fact that Iran is being subjected to some of the harshest sanctions known to man. Also without US funding and technology israel would have sh#t on a stick. That's the truth whether you like it or not.

Not number of products and projects.
Israel has way more of them. Iran's industry is mostly dedicated to manufacture ballistic missiles and rockets, rather than avionics, air to air missiles, radars, etc etc.

Just look at Iran's products and compare them to Israeli ones.
However, Iranian military technology is low grade in comparison to ours.

This is an outdated myth....

Iran builds:

advanced medium and long range air defense systems (including 3rd Khordad, 15th Khordad and Bavar 373),

Hoveyzeh cruise missile with range of 1350km,

Ghadir anti-ship missile with range of 330km,

Fakour air-to-air missile with a range of 160km and speed of Mach 5,

various attack and civilian helicopters like modernized Ah-1 Cobra and Bell 214,

SLVs and liquid and solid fuel ballistic missiles of various ranges (Raad 500, Dezfoul, Khorramshahr),

Fajr 5 MLRS

RAAD and Toophan MRAPs


Yasin trainer aircraft

Kowsar supersonic trainer/light fighter (F-5 which is modernized to the point of 4th generation fighter)

Owj engine,

Fateh submarine


In the near future we will see Iranian version of Pantsir and Tor, ramjet anti-ship missile, Sarir and Soroush heavy SLVs, 3000 ton trimaran, 7000ton Persian Gulf destroyer, 3000ton Besat submarine and Shahed 216 attack helicopter

Israel doesn't have local analogues to any of these weapons, and you claim Israeli defense industry is more advanced---you are free to prove your claim

All you build is: several UAVs, couple of short-range air-to air missiles, Merkava tank and David Sling --all this with US made components. (Iran's analogues to this are: many Iranian UAVs, Fakour air-to-air missile, Karrar tank and Bavar 373 and being under sanctions all components of these weapons are made in Iran)

You don't even build decent self-propelled howitzer comparable to Iranian Howeyzeh howitzer for example

The truth is that Israel is a tiny country with 6mln population that has reached its FULL POTENTIAL......Iran and other larger countries of the region, on the other hand, have a lot of room to develop in the future.
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