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Iranian Air Defense Systems

Again your picking and choosing a lengthy rebuttal of mine to justify your position. A common propaganda tactic to twist words in in favor.

I’m sure your so proud you can use google and come up with a definirion. Every nation looks out for its own interests so by default every nation engages in realpolitik in some shape or form.

So again using the term adds nothing to conversation. The argument is Russia is not a reliable ANYTHING (partner, country, ally, neutral party, whore, etc). So you can sit here and say well it’s because Russia does Realpolitik, okay still doesn’t change the argument that Russia is useless to Iran.

You claimed I did not understand what the term realpolitik meant and hence my first reply.

Answer me this, what was Russia’s INTEREST that you keep babbling about in not supplying S-300 to Iran? What did it ACHIEVE? I mean surely if you are going to say it was realpolitik that Russia was looking out for its own interest then such a brilliant decision must have ACHIEVED something? What was it?

They were being pressured by the Americans and Israelis (at minimum) to not supply the systems. If they had, they would have received certain backlashes at the time. What these backlashes would have been only those nations would be aware of. However, it is more than clear, it was because of external pressure that they did not deliver the system.

Because the way I look at, Iran got the system in the end and beat Russia (either way Iran would have gotten the system or gotten billions in fines). Russia sat on falses promises and was unable to look past the corner. 10 years later they are now sanctioned, pariah’d, and lost Ukraine to a west backed revolution.

The question you should be asking, is why they did end up delivering it in the end? Was it due to the court case or is there more to this than these simple on the surface facts?

I will tell you, it achieved nothing. Like a fly that flies at a lamp light in the night. Russian is in a vicious cycle of committing the same mistakes over and over and getting the same results. Realpolitik or not.

Like I said earlier, I never said their actions would end being in their benefit in the long term. All I said was that from their perspective, they were doing it in their interests. There are factors to consider that we are simply not aware of. Who knows what deals were being made behind the scenes between the Russians and Israelis etc.

Initially you might be better off making that practical move, but in the end you might see your Queen has been checkmated to a longer thinking opponent.

I agree. Whether their actions end up biting them in the long term is one factor to consider. But at the end of the day, these people have their calculations and we have ours. Sadly for people like you and I, we will never have enough information to see the full picture. Too much is happening behind the scenes.
You claimed I did not understand what the term realpolitik meant and hence my first reply.

They were being pressured by the Americans and Israelis (at minimum) to not supply the systems. If they had, they would have received certain backlashes at the time. What these backlashes would have been only those nations would be aware of. However, it is more than clear, it was because of external pressure that they did not deliver the system.

The question you should be asking, is why they did end up delivering it in the end? Was it due to the court case or is there more to this than these simple on the surface facts?

Like I said earlier, I never said their actions would end being in their benefit in the long term. All I said was that from their perspective, they were doing it in their interests. There are factors to consider that we are simply not aware of. Who knows what deals were being made behind the scenes between the Russians and Israelis etc.

I agree. Whether their actions end up biting them in the long term is one factor to consider. But at the end of the day, these people have their calculations and we have ours. Sadly for people like you and I, we will never have enough information to see the full picture. Too much is happening behind the scenes.

The system was delivered because Putin made the decision. He saw that:

A) Western promises/carrots were all lies and nothing was going to change moving forward

B) The threat of war between US/Iran had dropped substantially

C) Russia was facing a several billion dollar fine to Iran for breach of contract. Such an amount is not chump change for ANY country let alone someone like Russia who might not have as much as cash to throw around as China or US.

The issue here is Russia has a restive Muslim population that can be overrun by takfiris fairly quickly (one reason why Russia came into Syria). So the West knows Russian pain points fairly well. It can cause domestic unrest for Russia and make Putin feel the heat.

The issue here is realpolitik never was intended to mean “screw” over others any chance you can get. Even in the mafia it was well known that there were unwritten rules to how business was done. Did they screw each other over? Sure but it was done in calculated fashion. If you are going to constantly screw over your enemies, allies, partners, then one day you will face the consequences of such a foolish policy.

It begs the question did Russia enter in that contract knowing that they were screw Iran over for its own interest? Because If that is how Russia chooses to do business then the road ahead is a long and lonely one.

After all, I think Julius Ceaser is a good example of why one should always be mindful of his actions to others.

I don’t believe your views and mine are that much different regarding this matter.
Tabas system with Taeer 1 ( A ) missiles, first generation

range : 50 KM

altitude : 20 KM


Tabas system with Taeer 2 missiles, second generation

range : 75 KM

altitude : 27 KM


Tabas system with Taeer 2 ( A ) missiles, upgraded second generation

range : classified

altitude : classified


Tabas system with Taeer 2 ( C ) missiles, fully upgraded second generation

range : 105 KM

altitude : 27 _ 30 KM



Tabas system with Taeer ( 1 , 2A , 2C )


3th Khordad system with Taeer 2C missiles


3th Khordad system with Sayyad 2C missiles the most advanced of them all, that we know



and there is another classified air defence missile named Sadid 630, its bigger than Taeer 2C missile


Russians officially rejected claims they refused delivery of S-400,they didn't say is Iran requested.... just said they didn't refused .Source RT
Russians DID deny Iran's S400 request, but its not because they dont want to sell it to Iran- its because of the timing. Iran requested it in the middle of escalated tensions with GCC + US so Russia said no so as to keep peace between both parties. It was a wise move. Maybe Iran made the S400 as a sort of bluff/threatening move against US..
Iran not order S-400, thereforе Russia could not refuse what was not. Recently, a lot of fake news about Iran, Russia, China etc..

Russians DID deny Iran's S400 request, but its not because they dont want to sell it to Iran- its because of the timing. Iran requested it in the middle of escalated tensions with GCC + US so Russia said no so as to keep peace between both parties. It was a wise move. Maybe Iran made the S400 as a sort of bluff/threatening move against US..

For Iran, it makes no sense to order the S-400 at the time of escalated tensions, given that Russia, in the best case, will be able to deliver them only after 2-3 years due to existing production lag between contracts and deliveries. Everyone knows that.
This is absolutely not a system that can be urgently ordered. They can be ordered only in the framework of the long-term program of building air defense. However, as we know, Iran is betting on its own long-range systems that are now being tested.
Iran not order S-400, thereforе Russia could not refuse what was not. Recently, a lot of fake news about Iran, Russia, China etc..

For Iran, it makes no sense to order the S-400 at the time of escalated tensions, given that Russia, in the best case, will be able to deliver them only after 2-3 years due to existing production lag between contracts and deliveries. Everyone knows that.
This is absolutely not a system that can be urgently ordered. They can be ordered only in the framework of the long-term program of building air defense. However, as we know, Iran is betting on its own long-range systems that are now being tested.

You are one of the few sane people still existing here !

I'm a member since 2011 and now 8 years older ... I left more than 15000 posts and now I feel so bad about the time wasted on this stupid forum !

Yeah my English improved so much but I could achieve that in another way ...
Try sale and transfer of technology, and license production are the way to handle arms sales in 2020 after the embargo on arms/weapons stop in Oct 2020.

Or go the Chinese route.
You are one of the few sane people still existing here !

I'm a member since 2011 and now 8 years older ... I left more than 15000 posts and now I feel so bad about the time wasted on this stupid forum !

Yeah my English improved so much but I could achieve that in another way ...

Russians DID deny Iran's S400 request, but its not because they dont want to sell it to Iran- its because of the timing. Iran requested it in the middle of escalated tensions with GCC + US so Russia said no so as to keep peace between both parties. It was a wise move. Maybe Iran made the S400 as a sort of bluff/threatening move against US..
So you know better than Russian minister I saw on RT denied that quoting"Russia didn't rejected Iran request for s-400"... Did not say Iran didn't order or did...just said it was fake news that "Russia reject it", next time when you denied something provide source.... As I said,you and everyone can check this on RT USA,also spokesman of Kremlin told has no clue about this...
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Friday he did not have information that Russia had allegedly refused to supply S-400 air defence systems to Iran.
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Moscow receives no purchase order from Iran for S-400 system: Russia
IRNA – Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov said on Friday that Moscow has not received any purchase order from Tehran for S-400 missile defense system.

Yuri Borisov said in an interview with RIA Novosti, a Russian media digest on Friday.

He said the news is a mere rumor.

The Russian deputy prime minister underlined that “They can spread rumors but cooperation between the two countries is on the right track.”

It should be noted that on May 30, ahead of other media, the Bloomberg news agency, owned by Michael Bloomberg, had claimed that Iran has called for purchase of S-400, missile system but Russia refused their request.

Russia’s presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov denied the Bloomberg report about Russia’s refusal to sell the S-400 missile defense system to Iran, announcing that the sources of news should be considered and double checked in advance.
new air defence system have been unveiled the name of the system is 15th of Khordad

15th of Khordad SAM

combat readiness: less than 5 minutes

Radar: upgraded Navid (AESA) radar with a range of 150 km it can engage 4++ generation fighter jets and bombers and drones and ballistic missiles and cruises missile and it has a 85 km detection range for 5 generation fighter jets and bombers it can track and follow 6 targets and engage the same 6 targets simultaneously.

Missiles: Sayyad 2 and Sayyad 3 with a ranges of 75 km and 120 km





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