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Iranian Air Defense Systems

My bet is they will focus on unveiling defensive achievements. Indeed it is a time to allay fear and alleviate pressure internally. Solidarity can be built around advancement in defensive technologies such as Bavar-373, which is likely to be a focus of the upcoming parades. Iran is facing opposition that even she has not encountered to this degree before with the Bolton/Pompeo/AIPAC/Zionist/al-Saudi alliance's machinations. Had Iran built Nuclear weapons already, it would have had the upper hand. But alas, in this game of chicken, Iranian patience is running thin... and centrifuges may soon start running at full-speed. The two cars are running towards each other at full speed, and Iran ought to throw out the steering wheel to show that she is steadfast and vehement in her resolve to pursue her defensive capabilities. Nukes have limited practical purpose in today's world, but since our enemies have them in the hundreds and thousands, so should Iran.
My bet is they will focus on unveiling defensive achievements. Indeed it is a time to allay fear and alleviate pressure internally. Solidarity can be built around advancement in defensive technologies such as Bavar-373, which is likely to be a focus of the upcoming parades. Iran is facing opposition that even she has not encountered to this degree before with the Bolton/Pompeo/AIPAC/Zionist/al-Saudi alliance's machinations. Had Iran built Nuclear weapons already, it would have had the upper hand. But alas, in this game of chicken, Iranian patience is running thin... and centrifuges may soon start running at full-speed. The two cars are running towards each other at full speed, and Iran ought to throw out the steering wheel to show that she is steadfast and vehement in her resolve to pursue her defensive capabilities. Nukes have limited practical purpose in today's world, but since our enemies have them in the hundreds and thousands, so should Iran.
I was initially against nukes but after what I’ve seen from the U.S. and the others I now realize the only forward is with nukes...as I said in another thread we have nothing to lose, they have already declared war on us.
I was initially against nukes but after what I’ve seen from the U.S. and the others I now realize the only forward is with nukes...as I said in another thread we have nothing to lose, they have already declared war on us.

Weird isn't it? I also was initially against Iran getting nukes since I naively thought Iran's missiles and regional standing was enough to safe-guard it against regional opponents as well as I was worried that Iran obtaining nukes would start a war immediately but with Trump's administration and just how volatile Israel/Saudi Arabia have become, you'd have to crazy to think Iran can just 'get along' with its neighbors when no one else wants to concede even an inch.

Pros, Cons, If Iran wants to secure its independence as a nation it needs to have a power equal to that of its enemies. Nukes will give Iran that parity.
It really is weird @BlueInGreen2.

From the start of mankind, civilization has faced greed and warfare -- has built and has destroyed. Atrocities are in the bloodline of us all and the Persian empire before has faced huge losses when neighbouring empires wished to conquer and expand. I want to believe that things are not as they seem, that under the curtains those who pull all strings have manufactured this discourse, and that stability and peace will ultimately prevail for all. But it seems, at least at the surface that Trump and his neocon ultra hawks, under the influence of conspirators from SA, Israel, UAE, and more, have left the nest and our out looking for a fight. I know brothers in the IRGC are ready for war, and I know many in Iran will welcome war with no fear and no diminishment in their resolve. I hope cooler heads prevail, and I hope that we can all find the path to peace. But alas, I am growing less and less optimistic as day goes by.
Weird isn't it? I also was initially against Iran getting nukes since I naively thought Iran's missiles and regional standing was enough to safe-guard it against regional opponents as well as I was worried that Iran obtaining nukes would start a war immediately but with Trump's administration and just how volatile Israel/Saudi Arabia have become, you'd have to crazy to think Iran can just 'get along' with its neighbors when no one else wants to concede even an inch.

Pros, Cons, If Iran wants to secure its independence as a nation it needs to have a power equal to that of its enemies. Nukes will give Iran that parity.

Look like you guys are getting my idea about IRAN should have Nukes ....

We should be strong and relay on our own power to secure ourselves rather than hope in some useless speculations and assumptions ....
Look like you guys are getting my idea about IRAN should have Nukes ....

We should be strong and relay on our own power to secure ourselves rather than hope in some useless speculations and assumptions ....
Agreed.Relying on the force of international law and trusting in the good will of your enemies seems like a very foolish choice for iran,indeed the last 100 years of recent history should make this clear beyond all doubt.
Attempts at compromise,or worse appeasement,will not work when it comes to dealing with neo fascists like the chumpists and their fellow travelers/vassals,they will only perceive it to be weakness,and showing weakness in front of sub-human creatures like this can be fatal.
The more time goes by the less iran has to lose by going nuclear.I think a lot will ultimately depend on whether the chump regime gets a second term or not.
Agreed.Relying on the force of international law and trusting in the good will of your enemies seems like a very foolish choice for iran,indeed the last 100 years of recent history should make this clear beyond all doubt.
Attempts at compromise,or worse appeasement,will not work when it comes to dealing with neo fascists like the chumpists and their fellow travelers/vassals,they will only perceive it to be weakness,and showing weakness in front of sub-human creatures like this can be fatal.
The more time goes by the less iran has to lose by going nuclear.I think a lot will ultimately depend on whether the chump regime gets a second term or not.
Well, you see I was relying on the old world order where men’s word, treaties and such meant something. But now I see that all of that tradition and decorum died with the last generation of leaders. These populist animals Trump, Netanyahu, MBS and the rest the of them only respect power and force.
to be honest i thought with negotiating over our nuclear project we would get better economical state so i voted to rouhani but it seems like after leader was right and we can't trust US. now with arab nato, israeli-arab relationship and saudis getting nukes and ballistic missiles i think it's time for us to make a move. we should make nukes, EMP devices small enough to place them inside soumar cruise missiles and pump money to our projects that are in prototype/pre mass production stages.
to be honest i thought with negotiating over our nuclear project we would get better economical state so i voted to rouhani but it seems like after leader was right and we can't trust US. now with arab nato, israeli-arab relationship and saudis getting nukes and ballistic missiles i think it's time for us to make a move. we should make nukes, EMP devices small enough to place them inside soumar cruise missiles and pump money to our projects that are in prototype/pre mass production stages.
Folks, Pompeo is setting the stage for an attack on Iran, we must act and behave like we are at war now! We need to be ready, we need to do whatever we can to deter such foolish ideas, and we all know nukes are the best detternt.
Folks, Pompeo is setting the stage for an attack on Iran, we must act and behave like we are at war now! We need to be ready, we need to do whatever we can to deter such foolish ideas, and we all know nukes are the best detternt.

I was reading history books , do you know after a series of victory and just minor defeat against Russians we signed the cursed Golestan treaty and Do you know when we signed this treaty !? in middle of Napoleon Bonapart grand invasion of Russia ... in fact we should have signed the Golestan but in our favor because in overall situation we had upper-hand and Russians were the one who need peace to divert all of their force to confront Napelone ....

the sad part is that we lose so many things because some ignorant didn't knew about world politics and were afraid of confronting enemy ( or get bribed by Britain empire which was scared of Napelone )
I was reading history books , do you know after a series of victory and just minor defeat against Russians we signed the cursed Golestan treaty and Do you know when we signed this treaty !? in middle of Napoleon Bonapart grand invasion of Russia ... in fact we should have signed the Golestan but in our favor because in overall situation we had upper-hand and Russians were the one who need peace to divert all of their force to confront Napelone ....

the sad part is that we lose so many things because some ignorant didn't knew about world politics and were afraid of confronting enemy ( or get bribed by Britain empire which was scared of Napelone )

the point is that those ignorant and traitor are living in this era and people like Rouhani and his co are representing them ...
the point is that those ignorant and traitor are living in this era and people like Rouhani and his co are representing them ...
I don’t believe the traitor talk, they relied on the old paradigm which was treaties and agreement meant something. It would have worked with any other president it’s just Trump is a useful idiot and Israel use him to upend JCPOA. No one could have predicted this idiot’s election.
I don’t believe the traitor talk, they relied on the old paradigm which was treaties and agreement meant something. It would have worked with any other president it’s just Trump is a useful idiot and Israel use him to upend JCPOA. No one could have predicted this idiot’s election.

JCPOA was not a treaty and thus not legal binding.

Iran’s fault for negotiating something that is not legally binding on the other party or at the very least repurcussion for quiting.

Lastly Fordow and Arak should have been renovated at certain points of deal not right in beginning, Iran lost all leverage.

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