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Iranian Air Defense Systems

Khatam al-Anbia Air Defense unveiled two new radars.
'Moeen 40' a secondary surveillance radar with 400km range. before Iran, only 8 countries were manufacturing this radar and were refusing to share it's technology with Iran.

'Naser 40' a passive radar which has no transmitter and uses the reflection of signals from urban transmitters to discover the targets.

Moeen 40 secondary surveillance radar :

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yeah, take the sublaunched missile for example which was shown some days ago
there were pictures of this model in a tube dated back to 2012!, but we only saw it now, 6-7 years later....
so it could be same with B-373, its already functional but we have to wait some more years to see it in public

because we have waited so long and we would love to see this beast in action :-)

And B-373 is not a weapon like any other one, its THE weapon which could reshape the middle east, a truly gamechanger....so yeah, thats the reason why we are crazy about it
Baloney. Only a foolish idiot would expect Israel to fly right through the heart of Syria and Syrian air defenses to get to eastern Syria.

There were only two viable options through Jordan and up the right side or from the Mediterranean through Lebanon and the Turkish border.

Your logic is also flawed because Syrian longer range radars can pick up any Israeli F-16’s leaving Israeli airspace and track through Lebanon and Turkey. Syria has/had plenty of radars stationed on Turkish side as the heart of Alawite territory is runs along the coast.

The raid was actually more complex then that and included blinding radar points and jamming.

The real answer is a syria didn’t think Israel knew. And if Syria didn’t think Israel knew and if the project is top secret only upper brass know, then certain anomalies that night get disregarded by AD team or result in delayed reaction.

Anyway the point was that no matter how dense an AD, it all comes down to capabilty of crew and how well you can overcome your enemies tricks.

Bavar-373 will bolster Iran’s AD system tremendously just based on the fact enemy hasn’t trained against it and the code is Iranian.

But reshape the middle east? Not even close

For a country in the Middle East to manufacture such an advanced air defense system, it is indeed a game changer for that country and its allies, as Iranians can quickly deploy patches, fixes, and upgrades. It'll allow Iranian engineers to keep pace with other advanced air defense systems in the world, and they will surely test against many jet fighters. Just think of the psychological impact it'll have on any country, especially military planners, who are thinking to wage war on Iranian air space.
Not much response here on the Naser-40.
This is the first time Iran talks about such passive PCL radars. Its survivability, cost and anti-stealth capabilities would present a huge improvement for Irans IADS (more so in the fight against small drones such as quad copters)

Here a article dealing with it:


and an important quote:

In a 2015 paper, "Target Tracking and Receiver Placement in MIMO DVB-T Based PCL" from Iran's Sharif University of Technology, researchers looked at the electronic warfare applications of using multiple antennas for transmission and reception of a passive radar system in a multiple input/multiple output (MIMO) configuration.

"The idea of using multiple of such illuminators to get the advantages of MIMO technology, besides the advantages of passive illumination, is new and attractive," they wrote. "An excellent candidate of such configuration is a DVB-T [Digital Video Broadcasting-Terrestrial] SFN (single frequency network). Various obstacles and considerations appear when working with a MIMO DVB-T based passive radar system. Using the commercial transmitting stations already working in the environment as the non-cooperative transmitter of the radar system makes the radar covert."

It was also shown briefly in the video.
Most importantly Iran has a mature program running in this field. Like the team working on the OTH radar program and previously on unique projects such as the Nazir radar, we see a leap in this science-heavy fields.
Now its strategic early warning in form of the promised OTH radar that Iran lacks the most.
I am assuming those are just unguided rockets they are using as air defence. Isn't it a much more efficient use of time and resources to instead focus on the Iranian pantsir like missile which would actually be guided and more effective? If they're going to use anything unguided they should just stuck to AAA bullets with fragmentation...

If they managed to take normal rockets and added some sort of an air defence capable guidance/seeker for them then it will be good for our proxies, but if not then this is not a good use of resource if you ask me.
I am assuming those are just unguided rockets they are using as air defence. Isn't it a much more efficient use of time and resources to instead focus on the Iranian pantsir like missile which would actually be guided and more effective? If they're going to use anything unguided they should just stuck to AAA bullets with fragmentation...

If they managed to take normal rockets and added some sort of an air defence capable guidance/seeker for them then it will be good for our proxies, but if not then this is not a good use of resource if you ask me.
Its actually not a completely unknown concept,the french back in the early 70s had an idea for a mobile system called javelot which used a barrage of 40mm unguided rockets.These would use a magazine of 64 rockets that could be fired in selectable salvos using radar for initial targeting.

Admittedly these days it might possibly be more effective to try to come up with a new bolt on front end section fitted with a relatively cheap seeker,possibly ir,and guidance system that could be retro fitted to the front of unguided rockets.
old news:-)

MODAFL unveils Qamar radar among 16 IEI defense technology achievements





Above: IRINN video still of Qamar ("Moon") 3-D mobile phased array radar

According to Fars News Agency:
General Dehqan unveiled 16 new defense projects of SAIran Electronic Industries (Shiraz Electronic Industries) Company in the Southern city of Shiraz today.

The most important projects unveiled during the ceremony included a Radar system with the capability of tracking different semi-heavy and heavy weapons and providing the global positioning system (GPS) specifications for taking action during electronic warfare, Qamar 3-D search and control radar system with the capability of tracking different kinds of targets, including fighter jets and drone, up to a distance of 450 kilometers at different low and high altitudes and transferring the relevant data to the air defense network and Absar video-imaging system which can be mounted on fighter jets and drones.

General Dehqan also inaugurated the production line of air and airport navigation systems, including Multilateration (MLAT), ELINT (Electronic signals intelligence) and Communications Intelligence (COMINT) systems.

"The most important achievement of today is the manufacture of different radars which can identify and track threats and defend the country," General Dehqan said, addressing the unveiling ceremony.

He reiterated that the SAIran Electronic Industries Company has mass produced different radar systems that can cover a range of objects in distances up to 500 kilometers.

General Dehqan pointed to the indigenization of the navigation systems of warplanes as another achievement of SAIran Electronic Industries, and said, "We have made outstanding advancement in area of software production for confronting enemies' electronic warfare.

COMMENTARY: Observers have speculated the Qamar ("Moon") 3D phased array radar may be an element of the Bavar-373 ("Belief-373") air defense system currently under development.

slightly old news, I think pics are from 2011 or so...
but as you can see, very impressive how upgraded a system can be despite the same look
some guys are laughing at iranian systems because they look exactly like the old ones (S-200, Mersad, F-14, F-4...) but if you open them its something completly different, dont underestimate upgrades...

Any sneak peak on B-373? we are closing to Persian new year

patience ... we are all waiting ;)
That is a I-HAWK seeker.

The I-HAWK was a 70's vintage system with a planar slotted array seeker.
The original HAWK was a 50's vintage system with parabolic antenna seeker.
@PeeD any B-373 sneak peak?
Here is a interesting video:

Note the speed with which the Mesbah-2 is moving at the end. This is due to its specialized CIWS role, instead of traditional AAA such as the Samavat/Oerlikon 35mm.

Plus a mobile variant of the Sarir 100mm long range AAA was shown in the Iraqi defense expo.
Together with the truck mounted Mesbah-2 those two are a ideal, mobile combination for affordable mobile system protection. A mobile Samavat with AEHAD munitions would be the perfect addition to these two (and a AHEAD like munition was already shown).

100mm Sarir starts tackling the (areal) target at extended range and altitude of 6-10km
35mm AHEAD Samavat takes over if the (crossing) target gets within 3,5km with low ROF bursts
23mm Mesbah-2 takes over when the (inbound) target is still on a direct approach threatening the protected object via a single high ROF burst at around 1,5km.
Kill-cost increases as the caliber decreases.


No, but things are moving on.
*text was google translated

Lightning Defense System -1

Upgrading the SA-6 missile system (Sam-6) and installing it on a truck launcher
The upgrade is based on the SEO's search engine, which made the missile compatible with electronegativity


The mobility of this system has been enhanced with new launchers, and due to the commerciality of the truck, it has been provided with better homing.

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