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Iranian Air Defense Systems

Interesting pics showing the detail differences between 2 mersad/kamsin tels

How many more differences can you spot?:smart:
You are right about that.
Saudis are far away from being able to make use of that technology given to them by the Chinese.

Surely Americans would also not learn or gain anything noteworthy by looking at those DF-21.

Russians also have problems with a too powerful Iran.
I think they would sell Iran Su-30's after the sanctions. The question is only if the huge efforts to copy the Su-30 would be the right choice or if continuing the path from simple systems to own complex ones is. In light of $200k, 2000km Ghadr BMs, some important aspects need to be re-assessed.

As long as Iran militarily & economically remains weaker than Russia and remains a close partner of Russia's they wouldn't have a problem and wouldn't care how strong Iran's military gets especially if we don't build a massive nuclear stockpile and we don't try to copy Russian tech they do sell themselves without their permission the stronger Iran's military gets the better it would be for Russia especially after Syria Russia's lack of partners that were willing to go to bat with them is clearly a major weakness they would need to address and the only way the Russians can strengthen their block in the region is though Iran and naturally like U.S. allies they would want Iran to be more dependent on their tech but due to Iran's previous experience with the U.S. it' doubtful Iran would fall for that again so cooperation, joint projects & coproduction is the only way left when it comes to Iran and that's a pill the Russian's have had a hard time swallowing.
At the end of the day what's worse for Russian than a strong Iranian military is a weak Iranian military that can easily be occupied by the U.S. and a U.S. puppet state in Iran again

As for the Su-30 I think if Iran technologically gets to a level that we can copy every aspect of the Su-30 and had the infrastructure to produce them then we wouldn't need to copy them at all and can simply design our own
What is Kamin-2? I read it is upgraded Mersad, but it looks totally different... Any footage of it being tested/launched/deployed?
What is Kamin-2? I read it is upgraded Mersad, but it looks totally different... Any footage of it being tested/launched/deployed?

its an Mobile Mersad Air Defence system with upgraded/modivied missiles....

take a look here, some discussions going on about the system


Analysis from member PeeD



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ah thank you. why are they parading ancient s-200 (not even s-200, its container!) still!?

hopefully bavar 373 will be mass produced and replace s-200
I suppose because it looks fairly impressive in a parade,you`ve got the core stage plus the separate boosters as well.
Heres a pic of the boosters,there is a better one of them carried on angled mountings but sadly I couldnt find it.

As for bavar 373,well its no easy task to develop a sam system in the s300pmu2 class along with all its associated systems such as long range search and dedicated anti lo/vlo radars and possibly abm components as well,its a huge job and it takes time.Also we dont know if the funding has been cut for this sort of thing either under rouhanis regime.
I suppose because it looks fairly impressive in a parade,you`ve got the core stage plus the separate boosters as well.
Heres a pic of the boosters,there is a better one of them carried on angled mountings but sadly I couldnt find it.

As for bavar 373,well its no easy task to develop a sam system in the s300pmu2 class along with all its associated systems such as long range search and dedicated anti lo/vlo radars and possibly abm components as well,its a huge job and it takes time.Also we dont know if the funding has been cut for this sort of thing either under rouhanis regime.
I think the s-200 with its boosters looks extremely outdated and ugly

Bavar 373 they said finished testing a few months ago, hopefully announced next month
I think the s-200 with its boosters looks extremely outdated and ugly

Bavar 373 they said finished testing a few months ago, hopefully announced next month
Yes,its not very pretty is it?.Unfortunately back then with a liquid fueled main motor sam you needed a booster to get it up to speed quickly,and for a big missile like this using a large single rear mounted booster,such as the sa2,would`ve made it enormous.Interestingly at one point thats pretty much what the west thought that sa5/s200 was.
If you want to see the top contender for the title of the ugliest sam in the world it would have to be the british sea slug,indeed at first glance it can be hard to figure out which end is the pointy bit[lol!]

Hopefully bavar 373 will be unveiled soon,as its no small understatement to say that theres a hell of a lot riding on its success.
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