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Iranian Air Defense Systems

You are right about that.
Saudis are far away from being able to make use of that technology given to them by the Chinese.

Surely Americans would also not learn or gain anything noteworthy by looking at those DF-21.

Russians also have problems with a too powerful Iran.
I think they would sell Iran Su-30's after the sanctions. The question is only if the huge efforts to copy the Su-30 would be the right choice or if continuing the path from simple systems to own complex ones is. In light of $200k, 2000km Ghadr BMs, some important aspects need to be re-assessed.
They have said it many times. I remember during Ahmadenejad era, he went to radar space sites that were built to monitor Iran’s microsats and foreign sats.
Exactly,there were pictures taken at a space tracking sight at delijan that was equipped with radar and telescopes,I think it was there that we saw one of the first pics of what was possibly an iranian aesa radar as well.



funny part that people were blaming Ahamadi Nejas for being energetic .... now Hassan Rouhani goes to work at 9:00 and come back to his damn palace at 16:00 and all he is doing is LYING ...
the bulk of complaint against Ahmadinejad was not about him being workaholic , his problem was that he believed he is expert in every field and he didn't knew when to stay silent and just act instead of shouting what he want to do.
the bulk of complaint against Ahmadinejad was not about him being workaholic , his problem was that he believed he is expert in every field and he didn't knew when to stay silent and just act instead of shouting what he want to do.
ahmad... a workaholic? are we talking about the same person? the person that refused to work for weeks over some stupid reasons?
the bulk of complaint against Ahmadinejad was not about him being workaholic , his problem was that he believed he is expert in every field and he didn't knew when to stay silent and just act instead of shouting what he want to do.

well after 6 years , all we have against sanctions is what he already did for first time , in short period of time and without any fuse ...
people were more happier and have some hope for future but what about now !?
nothing , absolutely nothing ....
well after 6 years , all we have against sanctions is what he already did for first time , in short period of time and without any fuse ...
people were more happier and have some hope for future but what about now !?
nothing , absolutely nothing ....
there was hope for future under ahmadinejad? that's why even khamenei told him not to run again and keeps his ministers as deposit?
Ahmadinejad was just like Edrogan. Arrogant, corrupt, and self centered. Since he was a former IRGC, the IRGC did not stand in the way of his proposals or turn him into a lame duck president.

Even for IRI establishment the corruption during his time was beyond acceptable levels. Add that to the fact he tried to turn Iran back to Persian roots and his dispute with the Rahbar led to the end of hus political future.

No doubt this man like Edrogan was trying to cause an upheaval in the system so he could become a president for life.
ahmad... a workaholic? are we talking about the same person? the person that refused to work for weeks over some stupid reasons?
yes the same person , he did strike for 10 day ,but when he was not on strike he some times worked well after midnight and he was among the first to come to work.

Ahmadinejad was just like Edrogan. Arrogant, corrupt, and self centered. Since he was a former IRGC, the IRGC did not stand in the way of his proposals or turn him into a lame duck president.

well he was former IRGC , but what you describe have nothing to do with being IRGC and is more a personal trait , Rezaee was also former IRGC ,Ghalibaf were also a Former IRGC ,but they are a lot more pragmatic and Far Far less self eccentric
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