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Iranian Air Defense Systems

Yes. However it is not like the giant Israeli Green pine AESAs. With those low resolution photos for now I would say it is just a upscaled Moragheb radar but if it is really based on Gamma-DE technology and a AESA it would offer a good basis for a tactical BMEW radar.

thanks. did you see the new ballistic missile? although I am guessing that its new because of the serial number on the missile.



Yes, compared to the Najm-802 (or A) it has a smaller aperture, but probably more powerful elements. But main benefit is that it is now fully mobile. in effect a miniaturized Najm for the IRGC Sayyad-2 batteries.
Jammer system for Anti-radar missiles.


Bashir AESA radar and Talash air defense system.






Yes, compared to the Najm-802 (or A) it has a smaller aperture, but probably more powerful elements. But main benefit is that it is now fully mobile. in effect a miniaturized Najm for the IRGC Sayyad-2 batteries.
Do you think it will replace Najm-802 completely?
The Najm was Irans first AESA.
There may be a new variant with more powerful T/R elements to support a IRGC Sayyad-3 or Sadid-630 for ABM purposes. But for all other purposes the Najm-B is better because of its likely shoot and scoot capability.

My open source research showed me what revolutionary idea and design the Najm and its weapon, the Sayyad-2 was. It was Irans first own large SAM and the IRGC managed to build a great system with a AESA radar, back when Iran was just new to this discipline. They got a little help from a close country on the Najm, but it gave Iran an up to date and cost effective SAM system.

I give a hint: If the Najm-B achieves an angular accuracy like the Najm-A a shoot and scoot system will always be preferred for a tactical anti-air breathing SAM. But if long ranges require a larger aperture a upgraded Najm-A could have a comeback.
“9 DEY“ missile ..Range 30 km


source: @Arteshban telegram channel

Taer missile... range 105 km

source: military.ir

یکی دیگر از محصولات جالب توجه که برای نخستین بار در نمایشگاه دفاعی مصلی تهران رونمایی شده است، موشک پدافندی جدیدی با نام "موشک 9 دی" هست. به نظر می‌آید که این موشک گونه کوچک سازی شده موشک طائر یا صیاد-2 هست. برد 30 کیلومتری و قابلیت لینک شدن با سامانه‌های پدافندی طبس و سوم خرداد برای این موشک بیان شده است. مشخصات بیشتری از این موشک در دست نیست ولی چنانچه این موشک بصورت تیوب پرتاب بکارگیری شده و در هر آتشبار از سامانه‌های طبس و سوم خرداد حداقل یک واحد پرتابگر با تعداد مناسبی از این موشک منظور شود، برای دفاع از خود آتشبار دربرابر تهدیدات ارتفاع پست می‌تواند، بسیار مفید باشد. قبلا گفته شده است که هر آتشبار از سامانه‌های طبس و سوم خرداد از یک پرتابگر دارای رادار (تلار) تشکیل شده که با 4 پرتابگر بدون رادار (تل) لینک شده‌اند. می‌توان یکی از تلها را به موشک‌های مخصوص تهدیدات ارتفاع پست و برد کوتاه اختصاص داد. همچنین این موشک می‌تواند پلتفرم مناسبی برای توسعه موشک هوا به هوا هم باشد. .


در نمايشگاه اقتدار هوايي از يكي از مسئوليني كه احساس كردم در زمينه موتورهاي هوايي اطلاعاتي دارند از موتور rd33 سوال كردم كه ايا مهندسي معكوس شده يا كه خير اول طفره رفتن و صرفا گرفتن روي موتور كار ميشه پرسيدم چند ماه پيش سردار باقري حرف از موتور ملي جنگنده زدن كه ٩٨ درصد هم پيشرفت داشته منظورشون همون rd33 بوده يا موتور ديگه ايي؟؟ كه تاييد كردن منظور سردار rd33 بوده
the new turbofan engine is RD-33

موتور موشک هویزه هم توربوجته، وزیر دفاع چند وقتیه افتاده به ......... گفتن. اون از کرار و کوثر. موشکی که 2500 کیلومتر برد داره میگه 700!!! موتور توربوجت رو هم میگه توربوفن

دیدم چند نفر هم درمورد سیمرغ (شاهد 171) خوشمزگی میکنن! اون نمونه ای که در نمایشگاه بود، اولین نمونه پروازی هست که چند سال آزمایشات رو انجام داد و کاملا طبیعیه که به اون روز بیوفته. همه ی سیستم ها و حتی موتور رو از روش باز کردن و فقط برای نمایشگاه ها کاربرد داره. جایگاه تسلیحاتی هم در این نمونه تعبیه نشده بود

سرعت پهپاد شاهد 191 (با اسم قبلی صاعقه) هم 300 کیلومتر بر ساعت برد موشک فکور هم بین 110 تا 150 کیلومتر بسته به ارتفاع و شرایط پروازی
The Fakour air-to-air missile range is 110-150 km

the new turbofan engine is RD-33

I am confused here, they said the engine they are working on has a thrust of 34,000- 35,000 ib, that cannot be RD-33, unless they have also made a R/E version of rd-33 too. This makes sense, as we need something like RD-33 to help power our jet fighter, next gen UAV's etc in the meantime as we're working on this next gen engine.
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I am confused here, they said the engine they are working on has a thrust of 34,000- 35,000 ib, that cannot be RD-33, unless they have also made a R/E version of rd-33 too. This makes sense, as we need something like RD-33 to help power our jet fighter, next gen UAV's etc in the meantime as we're working on this next gen engine.
It’s also be a strong enough engine to powered F-313 because why would a stealth jet using a fricking weak J-85?



the new turbofan engine is RD-33

The Fakour air-to-air missile range is 110-150 km

Ok, so the name is 9-Day. Could be the name of a new unknown Pantsir class system, it would fit the 3rd Khordad.

If its the name of the missile then it could also belong to the Sayyad family of canister launched SAMs, for that the equal high of fins and stakes would be a indicator.

Diameter is down from 390mm to something between 150-250mm similar to a AMRAAM probably.

Guidance looks like SARH which is a little expensive for a 30km range SAM as some may would say.
6 or even more would likely fit on a 3rd Khordad TEL.
Since the 3rd Khordad is such a popular and capable SAM with multi target engagement I expect this 9-Day to be the short range saturation attack component of a 3rd Khordad formation. If the new Taer-2 variant achieves 105km max. range then a short range component for low priority and low altitude CM targets would be very welcome.

The 3rd Khordad is the shooting star of Iranian air defense technology and the 9-Day would be a perfect short range component.

Note that the new TELAR seems to have a added camera for passive engagement or verifying of correct target engaged.


Iran first needs a copy of something larger than the Owj into running serial production. The own design of a 12-14t thrust class engine will need time and is veeery ambitious. If tested successfully, the production line would be ready to switch to it after some years RD-33 production
Ok, so the name is 9-Day. Could be the name of a new unknown Pantsir class system, it would fit the 3rd Khordad.

If its the name of the missile then it could also belong to the Sayyad family of canister launched SAMs, for that the equal high of fins and stakes would be a indicator.

Diameter is down from 390mm to something between 150-250mm similar to a AMRAAM probably.

Guidance looks like SARH which is a little expensive for a 30km range SAM as some may would say.
6 or even more would likely fit on a 3rd Khordad TEL.
Since the 3rd Khordad is such a popular and capable SAM with multi target engagement I expect this 9-Day to be the short range saturation attack component of a 3rd Khordad formation. If the new Taer-2 variant achieves 105km max. range then a short range component for low priority and low altitude CM targets would be very welcome.

The 3rd Khordad is the shooting star of Iranian air defense technology and the 9-Day would be a perfect short range component.

Note that the new TELAR seems to have a added camera for passive engagement or verifying of correct target engaged.


Iran first needs a copy of something larger than the Owj into running serial production. The own design of a 12-14t thrust class engine will need time and is veeery ambitious. If tested successfully, the production line would be ready to switch to it after some years RD-33 production

I have been looking forward to something like this missile which can be used en mass to defend against saturation attacks. This missile, combined with that pantsir like missile should be a great defence against swarm attacks.

I wonder if this missile will replace the Mersad systems?
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