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Iranian Air Defense Systems

How many simultaneous engagement can such systems achieve?

Theoretically 2 but effectively 1. 2-3 may be possible with a compact but more expansive laser complex such as the twin Kornet launcher Iran has developed, albeit that is just multi-round, not multi-target.

But the passiveness of a battery of this systems allow them to stay intact and attack with their single channel for longer periods. YZ/Herz-9 are not completely passive during the engagement tough, but very hard to detect.

The best tactic is to spread them around and have anti-saturation systems such as the Pantsir protecting central high value targets such as SAM search radars that on the other hand provide early warning for the passive systems. Hence passive will degrade numbers of attacking weapons/platforms and what goes trough is intercepted by a Pantsir multi-channel system.
Good point, the reasons for Sosna development explains everything about passive system strategy.
The laser beam guidance is more jam proof than radar guidance but the YZ/Herz-9 can use a mode in which it does not track the target but uses radar-beam-riding mode. That mode is the same as the Sosna, just done by radar instead of laser.

Sosna on the other hand does not to have an as effective search IIR system as the Seraj.
A issue with the YZ/Herz-9 is that it uses a kinematically dated missile that is not on pair with the very fast missiles on the Pantsir and Sosna. But on the other hand, the Crotale missile might be a good design because of cost effectiveness and use of economic materials and techniques. For use against PGMs/CMs, the Gs a Crotale missile can pull might be really sufficient.
But that windtunnel model showed that Iran is working on a kinematically strong missile.
I really like the Sosna design its like a YZ-3 with more, (more) lethal missiles and laser instead of radar, both are single target passive systems.

As for the Mesbah series: They are in service foremost with IRGC. The IRIADF favors and keeps 35mm guns and here a AHEAD round has the potential to make it as potent as the Mesbah series.
The Mesbah series was the anti-CM/PGM backbone of the IRGC and an amazing system/concept back then. But AHEAD concept may prove more cost effective and lethal.

do you mean a missile like this?


The one problem with a laser based system is bad weather,ie fog,low cloud,rain,this was supposedly the reason why the us cancelled its plans to buy the impressive ADATS system,tho its just as likely that the end of the cld war itself had a lot to do with it.This system was quite unique in that it was dual use,and that it could be used as a heavyweight long ranged antitank missile and a short ranged beam riding supersonic sam.The new russian sosna reminds me a lot of this system in its look and layout,tho its a sam only and the sams appear smaller and possibly 2 stage like the pantsir.


do you mean a missile like this?


That does appear to be a rapier sam,radar guided.However you could probably convert this to infrared guidance or laser guidance possibly just by frankensteining it with components from other weapons systems,tho that would likely just be as a test of concept sort of thing.As a radar guided sam its one of the most compact systems ever made and you could probably make it even more compact if you used folding fins and encapsulation for the missiles.
I`m actually surprised the navy didnt look at adapting these for use on its blue water ships.
The modernised system is a bit larger but still very compact all things considered.
The one problem with a laser based system is bad weather,ie fog,low cloud,rain,this was supposedly the reason why the us cancelled its plans to buy the impressive ADATS system,tho its just as likely that the end of the cld war itself had a lot to do with it.This system was quite unique in that it was dual use,and that it could be used as a heavyweight long ranged antitank missile and a short ranged beam riding supersonic sam.The new russian sosna reminds me a lot of this system in its look and layout,tho its a sam only and the sams appear smaller and possibly 2 stage like the pantsir.



That's indeed a good point in favor for radio command. But statistically these weather conditions would not be a K.O criteria for Iran.

However Iran uses YZ/Herz-9 a radio guidance system that can operate without a track, send-only (in cases where jamming breaks the lock).

iran has mastered stealth technology and taken it to the next level!

I would not say that we mastered stealth technology yet, but we are surely have reached very good places. the era of trying to reach the rest of world in technology has come to an end. we came to a place where we can compete with the world powers in many sectors. Iran in many sectors no longer needs to copy or reverse engineer technology anymore. :cheers:

What happened to the rest of the tel,is it partially invisible?[lol!]
Actually in all honesty for a moment there I thought I was looking at one of those semi fixed positions where the trailer part of sam tel is parked minus its prime mover,you see the americans do this a lot with the patriot and the russians have started offering the option with the latest s300/400 tels they`re using.
So I just assumed this might be the iranian version for use in semi permanent fixed positions.....but then I realised it was waaay too short[lol!]
Actually in all honesty for a moment there I thought I was looking at one of those semi fixed positions where the trailer part of sam tel is parked minus its prime mover,you see the americans do this a lot with the patriot and the russians have started offering the option with the latest s300/400 tels they`re using.
So I just assumed this might be the iranian version for use in semi permanent fixed positions.....but then I realised it was waaay too short[lol!]
And way too blurred at lathe left side of the vehicle .
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