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Iranian Air Defense Systems

based on the published info which was released before the parade and sequence matched.
S300 30N radar
S300 launchers and empty cans of fired missiles!
S300 TM ?(missile transporter)
Artabaz passive radar (DDFS)
Aftabaz passive radar (IPS)
S200 TZM ?(TEL)
S200 missile on tilted stand
S200 2x tilted canisters
Talash launcher
Talash system
Sayyad2,3 missiles
Shalamcheh missile canisters x4 on titled stands
Tactical Mersad launcher
Kavosh radar of Tactical Mersad (missing?)
Hadi radar of tactical Mersad (two trucks?)
Seraj-1 radar
Hael system
Fakour mobile command and control system
Gama radar
Yavar radar (anti radar missiles deceiver)
Moragheb radar

This must be the new TEL of tactical Mersad.

It's talash missile system, it's TEL was the front truck.

and that's what they said during so called unveiling, that it's operational and has been used in the past drills.
I guess we have no choice but to wait.

The new TEL for tactical Mersad system is probably the Kamin-2.

Sure is that a HAWK/Shahin/Shalamcheh would not fit inside that container.

So the mobile 35mm gun is called Heal.
Yavar counter-ARM system is also interesting.

The Mersad system is becoming quite vast, compatible to: Sayyad-2, Shalamcheh, Shahin/MIM-23B, Kamin-2, probably also that mobile Ya-Zahra/Crotale and protected by Hael mobile 35mm guns with their (towed) Seraj-1 (optical Skyguard).


They probably got 40 Buk-M2 TEL/TELAR, not batteries. That translates to 10 batteries for 100 million each (of course with an stock of missiles).
@SinevaThe Kamin-2 is in a completely different class than the Pantsir SHORAD.
Plus look at the truck, it is the same as the Sayyad-2's which carries 4. Hence we can be sure that the Kamin-2 TEL carries more than those 3, namely 6.
Yes,I realise that just from the size of the canisters,these are clearly larger missiles.However I do personally hope that at some point we will see an iranian pantsir equivalent,as we know that at a minimum a wind tunnel model of the proposed 2 stage pantsir like sam design was at least tested,in addition the pantsir is a good cheap design whos only real limitation,like all of the small point defence sams,is the limited number of guidance channels available and thus missiles that can be effectively fired at any one time.

Yes,you could possibly be right about it being a six shot rather than a triple,tho that would be a first for an iranian sam system,apart from the 6 shot remote manpad launcher I posted a pic of,that is.

Which system do you think the radar with the folded dish is from,the kamin-2 or the sayyad?,or perhaps its capable of being used for both.

It's talash missile system, it's TEL was the front truck.
The other option is that it could also be for the Kamin-2 as that was right behind it in the parade.
It turns out that the Kamin-2 had been seen once before but we missed it

Sadly tho we can only barely see the tip of the sam nosecone peeking out.
There was a clear picture of the actual missile. It is definitely available online but I can't find it anymore.
بنظر میرسد که سامانه های پدافندی اچ کیو دو در حال جایگزین شدن با سامانه پدافندی صیاد هستند...

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استقرار سامانه پدافنی تلاش بصورت ترکیبی با سامانه اس-۲۰۰

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@skyshadow do you know where is the location of the each Sayyad-2 sites?
Be realistic, if another missile existed, they would have shown it by now, considering their budget, and how they played with Hawk systems during these years, when they say Kamin is a mobile upgrade to Mersad, then you can be rest assured that there is no new nothing, they have decided to use the same old hawk missiles as a short range ADS.

What do you think of 105km range?

I have changed my opinion about the 105km range of the 3rd Khordad: There is a yet unknown variant of the Taer-2 missile that should have enabled a very high altitude trajectory pattern.

Taer-2A was a Buk-M2 equivalent that gave it a range of 50km

Taer-2B was a improved variant with 70-75km range

"Taer-2C" is the new variant with 105km real range, means: Not just against low-g targets at the edge of the envelope.
So if the radar is able to support such a high illumination distance the 3rd Khordad has now a pretty high performance for such a small system.

The new missiles can be identified by the straight rear control fins. The Taer-2A and -B has larger more complex formed fins optimized for shallower trajectories at lower approach altitudes.

105km with a 340-350mm diameter missile is good. Bavar-373 does 200km with 450-500mm and if Sadid-630 is still alive, something in 300km range would be expected from a 630mm SAM. At those ranges radar illumination capability becomes the problem.

The new 8x8 Zolfaghar TEL with 3 Sadid-630 and the 3rd Khordad engagement radar with twice size radar array creating a 300km long range SAM just gives an idea what may come.
One of the greatest capabilities of the S-400 is its multi-radar data fusion capability.

We hear much from US and especially Israelis about their advanced ECM systems and training against S-300 systems and how capable they are to confront it.

The idea with the S-400 was first to use SIGINT systems like the Avtobaza-M to understand from where the ECM is coming and what kind/band it is. Then after this is known the system selects from at least 3 different band radars which one is the least ECM attacked and uses the data of the unattacked or least attacked radar.
All those radars are accurate enough to bring the S-400 missile to within just several hundred meters to the target.

So whats with Irans S-300PMU2 compared to e.g Azerbaijans'?
They have following extras:
Avtobaza-M for ECM identification and location
S-band Big Bird search radar as main battalion level radar
Lower L-band 96L6 radar
Upper L-band Gamma-D
VHF-band Nebo-SVU
UHF-band Kasta (just for low level coverage, not missile guidance)

The engagement radar is in X-band and has limited search capability.

Most of these radars are frequency hoppers.

So for successful ECM jamming against those at least 5 fused radar frequencies your jammers need to attack all 5 of them simultaneously and overcome their frequency hopping. I'm not counting in upper IADS-level information from Irans whole IADS assets.

This is what makes Iranian S-300PMU2 unique in the world. It is specially designed to make Irans S-300 as deadly as possible against most advanced adversaries.
It just has fewer engagement channels, somewhat lower illumination power and a 50km lower ranged missile compared to the stage-1 S-400.
Otherwise it is a much different beast than Azerbajani S-300PMU-2 which just have the nominal 3 such bands without ECM classification capability via Avtobaza-M.
Greek S-300PMU-1 against which Israelis have trained have just two such bands.
S-300PT which Americans are believed to have just have 1 such bands.

The all-Iranian radar equipped Bavar-373 for now has 3 bands and awaits an 4th one (which the IRGC-ASF already has operational).

Russian stage-2 S-400 are expected to have that 5-band capability which Iranian S-300PMU-2 have already via the Nebo-M complex, of course at higher capability.

For now it is practically impossible to counter such systems with ECM. The window of opportunity ECM has is therefore just the terminal one where the X-band-only SARH seeker activates in SAGG mode.

Hence lets see how Syrian S-300PM perform. I think Russians will limit its capability by limiting it to a 2-band system providing just Thin Shield or 96L6 radar and thus also limiting its counter-stealth capability.
In the best case the Big Bird will be provided.
Far away from Irans 5-band fused S-300PMU2.
One of the greatest capabilities of the S-400 is its multi-radar data fusion capability.

We hear much from US and especially Israelis about their advanced ECM systems and training against S-300 systems and how capable they are to confront it.

The idea with the S-400 was first to use SIGINT systems like the Avtobaza-M to understand from where the ECM is coming and what kind/band it is. Then after this is known the system selects from at least 3 different band radars which one is the least ECM attacked and uses the data of the unattacked or least attacked radar.
All those radars are accurate enough to bring the S-400 missile to within just several hundred meters to the target.

So whats with Irans S-300PMU2 compared to e.g Azerbaijans'?
They have following extras:
Avtobaza-M for ECM identification and location
S-band Big Bird search radar as main battalion level radar
Lower L-band 96L6 radar
Upper L-band Gamma-D
VHF-band Nebo-SVU
UHF-band Kasta (just for low level coverage, not missile guidance)

The engagement radar is in X-band and has limited search capability.

Most of these radars are frequency hoppers.

So for successful ECM jamming against those at least 5 fused radar frequencies your jammers need to attack all 5 of them simultaneously and overcome their frequency hopping. I'm not counting in upper IADS-level information from Irans whole IADS assets.

This is what makes Iranian S-300PMU2 unique in the world. It is specially designed to make Irans S-300 as deadly as possible against most advanced adversaries.
It just has fewer engagement channels, somewhat lower illumination power and a 50km lower ranged missile compared to the stage-1 S-400.
Otherwise it is a much different beast than Azerbajani S-300PMU-2 which just have the nominal 3 such bands without ECM classification capability via Avtobaza-M.
Greek S-300PMU-1 against which Israelis have trained have just two such bands.
S-300PT which Americans are believed to have just have 1 such bands.

The all-Iranian radar equipped Bavar-373 for now has 3 bands and awaits an 4th one (which the IRGC-ASF already has operational).

Russian stage-2 S-400 are expected to have that 5-band capability which Iranian S-300PMU-2 have already via the Nebo-M complex, of course at higher capability.

For now it is practically impossible to counter such systems with ECM. The window of opportunity ECM has is therefore just the terminal one where the X-band-only SARH seeker activates in SAGG mode.

Hence lets see how Syrian S-300PM perform. I think Russians will limit its capability by limiting it to a 2-band system providing just Thin Shield or 96L6 radar and thus also limiting its counter-stealth capability.
In the best case the Big Bird will be provided.
Far away from Irans 5-band fused S-300PMU2.
Is this your claims? or do you get it from other sources?
Iran turns into a power in airspace


TEHRAN, Oct. 10 (MNA) – Iranian Minister of Defense (MoD) Brigadier General Amir Hatami said that Islamic Republic of Iran has turned into a power in gaining significant achievements and progresses in the field of air power with its revolutionary approach as well as with the tolerance of a fragile sanctions imposed on the country.

Speaking on Tuesday in a conference on the role of air power held at the venue of the Ministry of Defense's Air Industry, he said, “after the glorious victory of the Islamic Revolution, despite imposing all sanctions on the noble people of Islamic Iran, special sanctions were imposed in the field of air force and air industry.”

With the departure of foreign military advisers from the country, they [enemies] thought that the air force of the country would doom to failure, he continued.

Today, Islamic Republic of Iran is in a position that defense industry's capabilities of knowledge-based companies and leading universities of the country have joined their hands together and are working collectively in order to strengthen and improve air power of the country in the international level, Hatami reiterated.

The minister of defense pointed to attaining advanced technology of designing and manufacturing a jet fighter named ‘Kowsar’ and said, “currently, many developed countries in the world are still dependent on these fields and are ready to spend huge funds to meet their demands.”

Elsewhere in his remarks, Hatami revealed the preparation of manufacturing Kowsar 88 training jet, designed and manufactured domestically, in the very near future and said, “strategic and constructive viewpoints of experts in the field of air industry have been received in order to be used for progressing air industry of the country.”

Meticulous, sensitive and precise decisions should be made in the field of air industry, he said, adding, “investing in the air industry sector is costly and strict measures should be taken in this regard.”

As a matter of fact, organizing such important Conference is a step towards boosting air defense capability of the country in the international level, he observed.

Brigadier General Amir Hatami expressed his hope that the Ministry of Defense, benefited from its fruitful experiences gained in the past 40 years, can take giant strides in increasing sovereignty of air power of the country in the international level.
Iran turns into a power in airspace


TEHRAN, Oct. 10 (MNA) – Iranian Minister of Defense (MoD) Brigadier General Amir Hatami said that Islamic Republic of Iran has turned into a power in gaining significant achievements and progresses in the field of air power with its revolutionary approach as well as with the tolerance of a fragile sanctions imposed on the country.

Speaking on Tuesday in a conference on the role of air power held at the venue of the Ministry of Defense's Air Industry, he said, “after the glorious victory of the Islamic Revolution, despite imposing all sanctions on the noble people of Islamic Iran, special sanctions were imposed in the field of air force and air industry.”

With the departure of foreign military advisers from the country, they [enemies] thought that the air force of the country would doom to failure, he continued.

Today, Islamic Republic of Iran is in a position that defense industry's capabilities of knowledge-based companies and leading universities of the country have joined their hands together and are working collectively in order to strengthen and improve air power of the country in the international level, Hatami reiterated.

The minister of defense pointed to attaining advanced technology of designing and manufacturing a jet fighter named ‘Kowsar’ and said, “currently, many developed countries in the world are still dependent on these fields and are ready to spend huge funds to meet their demands.”

Elsewhere in his remarks, Hatami revealed the preparation of manufacturing Kowsar 88 training jet, designed and manufactured domestically, in the very near future and said, “strategic and constructive viewpoints of experts in the field of air industry have been received in order to be used for progressing air industry of the country.”

Meticulous, sensitive and precise decisions should be made in the field of air industry, he said, adding, “investing in the air industry sector is costly and strict measures should be taken in this regard.”

As a matter of fact, organizing such important Conference is a step towards boosting air defense capability of the country in the international level, he observed.

Brigadier General Amir Hatami expressed his hope that the Ministry of Defense, benefited from its fruitful experiences gained in the past 40 years, can take giant strides in increasing sovereignty of air power of the country in the international level.

"Power" is a quite and overstatement let be realistic here.
"Power" is a quite and overstatement let be realistic here.

Let’s be real, the only other major military country that has a worse Air Force than Iran is North Korea. And calling North Korea a “major” military country is an overstatement considering their entire military is based on 1960’s tech.

Years of neglect and refusal by the upper echelon of Iran’s government to significantly invest in AirPower in the 90’s and put pressure on post-soviet Russia is why Iran is where it is at today.

Iran could have gotten it’s hands on the latest engine tech back in the 90’s from former soviet bloc countries along with blueprints and much more.

But they were too worried about a powerful Air Force in the hands of the regular military at a time when iran had just come out of a major war.

So you see, that paranoia is actually why iran has such a glaring weakness. Quite ironic really.
Let’s be real, the only other major military country that has a worse Air Force than Iran is North Korea. And calling North Korea a “major” military country is an overstatement considering their entire military is based on 1960’s tech.

Years of neglect and refusal by the upper echelon of Iran’s government to significantly invest in AirPower in the 90’s and put pressure on post-soviet Russia is why Iran is where it is at today.

Iran could have gotten it’s hands on the latest engine tech back in the 90’s from former soviet bloc countries along with blueprints and much more.

But they were too worried about a powerful Air Force in the hands of the regular military at a time when iran had just come out of a major war.

So you see, that paranoia is actually why iran has such a glaring weakness. Quite ironic really.

Not ironic when one realizes most of Iran's problems are caused by paranoia and internal distrust.
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