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Iran will destroy Israel cities of Tel Aviv and Haifa if attacked: Khamenei

If you attack us first, then you deserve anything you get in return.

As I already stated he wasn't being literal. It is basically a warning to Israel to leave us alone.

Ha ha ha,.... do you Iranian know the truth.... attacking directly Israel from Iran with any form of weapon would end very bad for Iran.....they can only activate Hizbull and Hamas... all these talk from Ayatollah and Ahmadinejad and naval officers are child talks... what did Ayatollah do when US carrier entered into Hormuz, what did he do when west put sanction on it central bank and oil sectors... after issueing warning it backed the F off....
you attack one mass city from Iran then you'll get double in return,,.. do you think Jews aren't cappable of it or would watch missiles falling onto its cities from a Muslim nation, Israel wont just keep quite just because it took out your enriching fecilities or so.. when it comes about security to its citizens they'll give no damn about who you are....

The Samson Option - How Psychopathic Megalomaniacs Blackmail The World With Nuclear War - YouTube
Don't think that you can make an unprovoked attack against another nation then not expect maximum strike back. We have been attacked too many times in the past and had too many nations meddling in our country to let it slide any longer.
Deliberate attack on civilians is a war crime, regardless of anything. When u are making such threats you only prove once against that your regime is criminal and terrorist.

1. Wether they are taken seriously or not is unimportant. What these statements do is show that Iran is not a country to be messed with, and not a country who will sit idly by as others do what they like to us. So far it has been working.
As I said, make threats more realistic.

2. I could also say the same. Israel should stop supporting terrorist groups as well as doing terrorist activities against Iran.
- Iran's support of terrorists against Israel is a solid fact. You proudly admit that.
- Israel's support of terrorists is nothing but baseless conspiracy. The fact is the opposite: Israel helped Iran during the war.

Furthermore, Iran can stop the confrontation with Israel any second.
1 Shahab 3 missile contains 800-1000 kg explosive and can ruin about 100-200 m radius or a quarter of a neighborhood. Not enough to destroy a city, unless you use 10000 of them
- Iran's support of terrorists against Israel is a solid fact. You proudly admit that.
- Israel's support of terrorists is nothing but baseless conspiracy. The fact is the opposite: Israel helped Iran during the war.

Furthermore, Iran can stop the confrontation with Israel any second.

Iran says: "Do not contain us (let us have any weapon we make), we will limit our actions to only Lebanon and Syria."
Is that Ok to Israel?

And in return get nuked and erased from map of the world for ever.

Unless they already have nukes.
Ha ha ha,.... do you Iranian know the truth.... attacking directly Israel from Iran with any form of weapon would end very bad for Iran.....they can only activate Hizbull and Hamas... all these talk from Ayatollah and Ahmadinejad and naval officers are child talks... what did Ayatollah do when US carrier entered into Hormuz, what did he do when west put sanction on it central bank and oil sectors... after issueing warning it backed the F off....
you attack one mass city from Iran then you'll get double in return,,.. do you think Jews aren't cappable of it or would watch missiles falling onto its cities from a Muslim nation, Israel wont just keep quite just because it took out your enriching fecilities or so.. when it comes about security to its citizens they'll give no damn about who you are....

Is your self-worth really so low that you have to put a country's flag on your profile that you don't belong to? Are you really that lonely that you have to beg to be a fake Israeli on internet forums. Lol must suck to be you.
Don't think that you can make an unprovoked attack against another nation then not expect maximum strike back. We have been attacked too many times in the past and had too many nations meddling in our country to let it slide any longer.

1. Wether they are taken seriously or not is unimportant. What these statements do is show that Iran is not a country to be messed with, and not a country who will sit idly by as others do what they like to us. So far it has been working.
2. I could also say the same. Israel should stop supporting terrorist groups as well as doing terrorist activities against Iran.

Saddam threaten a lot, and look at him now :lol:
Deliberate attack on civilians is a war crime, regardless of anything. When u are making such threats you only prove once against that your regime is criminal and terrorist.

As I said, make threats more realistic.

- Iran's support of terrorists against Israel is a solid fact. You proudly admit that.
- Israel's support of terrorists is nothing but baseless conspiracy. The fact is the opposite: Israel helped Iran during the war.

Furthermore, Iran can stop the confrontation with Israel any second.

Well Israel does direct attacks on civilians all the time, so what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

When have I "proudly admitted" that Iran uses terrorists against Israel?

The whole world knows that Mossad assassinated Iranian scientists, not to mention your support for terrorist MEK and PJAK.
Iran will attack penguin in future--> news is going towards like this. Come on Iranian, we know you will not back down if you gets attack. But what is point of saying similar speech again and again and mentioning cities name ? you are losing you speech's weight like North Korea, after regular few days interval NK says they are going to attack SK, USA now US base in Japan which becomes joke now.
Unless they already have nukes.

They won't make it to bomb, take whatever takes it.

1 Shahab 3 missile contains 800-1000 kg explosive and can ruin about 100-200 m radium or a quarter of a neighborhood. Not enough to destroy a city, unless you use 10000 of them

You are ignoring Israli 3 tier Anti-missile-defence systems, Iranians will need many more than that.
Iran says: "Do not contain us (let us have any weapon we make), we will limit our actions to only Lebanon and Syria."
Is that Ok to Israel?
This kind of threats show to the world that Iran is ruled by nutcase terrorists. This helps to isolate Iran. Therefore its good for Israel.
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