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IRAN | Where and with Whom does it stand ?

Pakistan First

Sep 10, 2008
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My dear Iranian members,

Considering that:

a) Turkey and Pakistan stand with each other strategically, a fact which has been clearly demonstrated to the world;

b) Both Turkey and Pakistan have mended their relationship with Russia and forging strong strategic military ties with each other; and

c) Pakistan-China CPEC and beyond Strategic partnership.......

I pose the following questions:

1) where do you see Iran in this bloc (Turkey-Pakistan-China-Russia)? (if at all you see iran in this bloc)

2) how will Iran manage / mend it's relationship with Turkey in this block especially considering the historical wars which both persian and ottoman empires fought for 400+ years?

3) how will Iran manage it's relationship with Pakistan in this block especially considering the history of Pakistan aligning itself with wahabi saudi interests and considering that lately it has broken those shackles successfully and freed itself from serving other countries' interests and now concentrating on it's own interests?

4) what value-addition will Iran bring in any Turkey-Iran-Pakistan-China-Russia equation (militarily as well as economically)?

5) what will Iran gain by entering into a Turkey-Iran-Pakistan-China-Russia bloc?

6) if not in this bloc, then where do you see Iran standing (and with whom) during next 5 to 10 years? within US-Israel-India-Japan-Australia bloc? or alone?

7) what value-addition will Iran bring in a US-Israel-India-Japan-Australia bloc (militarily as well as economically)?

8) what will Iran gain by entering into a US-Israel-India-Japan-Australia bloc OR standing alone with it's bouquet of proxy militias ?

Let us have a decent civilized and healthy discussion on the above.

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My dear Iranian members,

Considering that:

a) Turkey and Pakistan stand with each other strategically, a fact which has been clearly demonstrated to the world;

b) Both Turkey and Pakistan have mended their relationship with Russia and forging strong strategic military ties with each other; and

c) Pakistan-China CPEC and beyond Strategic partnership.......

I pose the following questions:

1) where do you see Iran in this bloc (Turkey-Pakistan-China-Russia)? (if at all you see iran in this bloc)

2) how will Iran manage / mend it's relationship with Turkey in this block especially considering the historical wars which both persian and ottoman empires fought for 400+ years?

3) how will Iran manage it's relationship with Pakistan in this block especially considering the history of Pakistan aligning itself with wahabi saudi interests and considering that lately it has broken those shackles successfully and freed itself from serving other countries' interests and now concentrating on it's own interests?

4) what value-addition will Iran bring in any Turkey-Iran-Pakistan-China-Russia equation (militarily as well as economically)?

5) what will Iran gain by entering into a Turkey-Iran-Pakistan-China-Russia bloc?

6) if not in this bloc, then where do you see Iran standing (and with whom) during next 5 to 10 years? within US-Israel-India-Japan-Australia bloc? or alone?

7) what value-addition will Iran bring in a US-Israel-India-Japan-Australia bloc (militarily as well as economically)?

8) what will Iran gain by entering into a US-Israel-India-Japan-Australia bloc OR standing alone with it's bouquet of proxy militias ?

Let us have a decent civilized and healthy discussion on the above.


You can tag Iranian members here so we can get their thoughts.
Since when does Turkey belong in the same bloc with China and Russia ?

Turks despise russians for historical reasons and to Russians Istanbul is a primary objective, Turkey views China as an economic competitor over the market of Muslim nations, Turkey and Iran are clashing over Syria and for influence in the ME.

Finally, turkey is a Nato member with a population that is 50% westernized, it has not yet recovered from Ataturks cultural trauma and it is uncertain if it ever will.

Turkey will play with any side that it can extract benefits from, but you simply cant count it as belonging to any one side.
Since when does Turkey belong in the same bloc with China and Russia ?

Turks despise russians for historical reasons and to Russians Istanbul is a primary objective, Turkey views China as an economic competitor over the market of Muslim nations, Turkey and Iran are clashing over Syria and for influence in the ME.

Finally, turkey is a Nato member with a population that is 50% westernized, it has not yet recovered from Ataturks cultural trauma and it is uncertain if it ever will.

Turkey will play with any side that it can extract benefits from, but you simply cant count it as belonging to any one side.

Can you answer the points about Pakistan?

I don't know them, can you help?

I tagged all Iranian members which I remembered. It would be helpful to clear the air if our Iranian brothers can answer a few questions related how they view the future of where Iran, Turkey, and Pakistan relations are headed.
It's too unrealistic to put Iran, Russia, Pakistan, China, and Turkey in one group. It will never work. First of all, Turkey has started to compete with Iran over influence in ME and the Muslim world. Turkey has made enemies of Russia and China. But let's say there is a EU like cooperation agreement between said countries. Iran has tons of goods and products ready to export. Agricultural products, weapons, cars and automotive industry products, medical equipment etc. Pakistan with 200M population would be a perfect market for Iranian products. The question is, why would Pakistan import from Iran, when it can import from China, and why would China even agree to such an agreement and give Iran a huge chunk of its export to Pakistan? There is nothing in it for China. But for the sake of argument, let's say China is aboard, what is Turkeys role then? Just sit and watch? What benefit does Turkey get from this? And what purpose can Turkey even serve this group?
I will appreciate if Iranian members try to respond point-wise to the questions raised in my first post above. Over the last so many years (and it's been 12 years that I've been here on PDF), I've seen iranians side-step direct questions and take a clear stand. Time to break the pattern and express yourselves clearly.

= = = = =

Today's news from hindustan times below:

Updated: Jul 15, 2020 20:53 IST

Iran’s ambassador in Islamabad has spoken of a “golden ring” of China, Russia, Iran, Pakistan and Turkey and of a western arm to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)+ that would link Gwadar and Chabahar to China by rail through Pakistan.


= = = = = = = = = = =

Only one reply received thus far from iranian members and he's averse to being part of a bloc containing Turkey. The thing is that it is a fact that Turkey "IS" an integral part of this bloc and all three Russia, China and Pakistan, want it to be part of the bloc due to several strategic reasons.

Given the above, now Iran has to make it's call. Either it is part of this block OR wants to stand as a LONER with it's proxy communities and proxy militias OR wants to stand with the US-Israel-India-Japan-Australia bloc.
I only wish absolutely well for all Muslims however I've no idea on this regard... and thanks for mentioning me.

Best regards, Best wishes
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