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Iran warns the US over " the Red Line "

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Yes, I was saying that Europeans were primitive Central Asian Nomads. That's right. Tell me about all those cultures in Central Asia will you? And then compare it with those of the Middle East.

LOL. Sure they do.

Ok, skinny and swarthy tiny South Asian. Go immigrate somewhere else. We don't want your kinds in the great Arab world or Middle East. Move to somewhere else.

Stop stealing our great Semitic history and our historical figures or religions.

Ignored from now on.

I am in great shape, & I am not dark skinned at all. Thanks for proving that you are also a racist. :rofl:

Sons of Noah

Read about the table of nations developed by Joseph Flavius. I doubt it's completely accurate though.

Wow, that simple yet too much for his brain to handle. Apparently his brain is jammed with the term "bacha bazi" and false sense of Arab superiority.

Exactly! Check out the racism in the above post. I never made fun of Arabs at all, & all my rude comments were directed at him only.
Guys!!!! Please calm down, stop attacking one another :pissed:
Lol Arab bedouin, go cry us a river. Primitive sub-human lizard eating savages like you are an insult to humanity.

And please contain your suicide bomber/ throat slitting culture within the boundaries of your country.

You are the one who is supposed to cry primitive Central Asian Nomad. You are a meaningless immigrant from Afghanistan of all countries who tries to act more White than the White themselves. Your people are already under Arab influence and have been that for 1000 years. You are doing a very bad job. Tell me when we Arabs get under your influence other than having you employed as taxi drivers or cheap labour ibn al- bacha bazi boy.:laughcry: Your region is a utter shithole. Always was and always will be.

Yes, the Pashtuns are a harmless and civilized bunch indeed. The only thing you have is taking pride in great powers not taking a interest in your shithole. We Arabs conquered your culturally and left because there was nothing to do. Get that into your empty head once and for all.

Pashtuns were used as slaves in Iraq. Just so you know.
Exactly! Check out the racism in the above post. I never made fun of Arabs at all, & all my rude comments were directed at him only.

Bro, he did the same thing with me. My first post on this thread had nothing to do with "Nazism", or Pashtuns, or civilization, etc. He accused me of being "anti Islam/anti-Muslim" (and didn;t provide proof for his accusations).

He got all personal with me and insulted my ethnicity out of nowhere. My first post on this thread was in reply to American and Canadian members. This bedouin has some serious problems.
Yes, the Pashtuns are a harmless and civilized bunch indeed. The only thing you have is taking pride in great powers not taking a interest in your shithole. We Arabs conquered your culturally and left because there was nothing to do. Get that into your empty head once and for all.

Why so much on Pashtuns :pissed:
Yes, I was the one saying that Europeans were primitive Central Asian Nomads. That's right. Tell me about all those cultures in Central Asia will you? And then compare it to those of the Middle East.

LOL. Sure they do.

Ok, skinny and swarthy tiny South Asian. Go immigrate somewhere else. We don't want your kinds in the great Arab world or Middle East. Move to somewhere else. Our hospitality has limits.

Stop stealing our great Semitic history and our historical figures or religions. Stay in Central Asia and we will stay in the Middle East.

Ignored from now on.

Apart from usual BS.. im 6ft tall n weigh like 90 kgs.. and the i believe i can open a can of whoop arse on your sandy ...... haha
LOL... mespotamia... :lol: as for hearing abt it no.. you know why? coz it was insignificant! thts why nobody gives a doushe abt it in the real world... as for "blessed region" ... sure no river,importing food.... truely "blessed" ... thank Allah for the WEST N OIL!

P.S: saudia arabia wasnt even part of mesopotamia!

mesopotamian civilization.. started by non-semite peoples like sumerians and elamites. Also they came from Africa as guests and their language was formed between eastern sahara and ethiopia. They have 0% of their ancestral blood, else they would look like sudanese.

Writing/alphabet etc, many nations independently have made their own writing system, like chinese people, not to forget the indo-european Luwian Hieroglyphic Luwian and the Indo-Iranian old persian Semisyllabary.
Most scholars consider the writing system to be an independent invention because it has no obvious connections with other writing systems at the time, such as Elamite, Akkadian, Hurrian, and Hittite cuneiforms. In addition, while Old Persian is written in a consistent semi-alphabetic system, Elamite and Akkadian used borrowings from other languages, creating mixed systems.

Not to forget the Indo-Iranian 0 as place holder and 10 base nummeral system which is a standard used by whole world. It's extremely important and used in all sciences (physics, computers, mathematics, chemistry etc.) Without zero, humans would be zero!

Todays world, if you look around you, is based on Indo-European technology, every aspect of life, just look in your room around you.
The so called semite cousins (saudi and fake khazar semites israel) are spreading terror, wars and trouble in todays world.
Apart from usual BS.. im 6ft tall n weigh like 90 kgs.. and the i believe i can open a can of whoop arse on you.. haha

I am taller and I weigh the same. You are welcome to try though. That post was not directed to you genius but that moron I am discussing with now and who started this pointless discussion. They should know their place.

@Desert Fox

just ignore him... just do what I did.. add him to ignore list... I never see his racist ignorant posts...

Here comes the fake Arab nationalist worshipping the Child-Murderer and Pagan. A fellow immigrant living in the USA who is too scared to do anything for his country Syria when it is most needed. Pathetic indeed.

Arab traitors like you are being dealt with in the Arab world while we speak. Don't worry about that. In a few years you will be extinct like dinosaurs.
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Apart from usual BS.. im 6ft tall n weigh like 90 kgs.. and the i believe i can open a can of whoop arse on your sandy ...... haha

Lol, he might get a white man to protect him.

This is @al-Hasani : "Hey George, come and save me, please" lol ha ha ha :omghaha:
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Bro, he did the same thing with me. My first post on this thread had nothing to do with "Nazism", or Pashtuns, or civilization, etc. He accused me of being "anti Islam/anti-Muslim" (and didn;t provide proof for his accusations).

He got all personal with me and insulted my ethnicity out of nowhere. My first post on this thread was in reply to American and Canadian members. This bedouin has some serious problems.

Yeah, I already noticed that. In any case, we can't let the ancestors of Pakistanis or the different ethnicities in our country be insulted by anyone.
I am taller and I weigh the same. You are welcome to try though. That post was not directed to you genius but that moron I am discussing with now and who started this pointless discussion. They should know their place.

I dnt give a sh!t.. as for morons .. dnt introduce urself.. FOR ME MY COUNTRY,MY BROTHERS COME FIRST.. N HES MY BROTHER.
Yeah, I already noticed that. In any case, we can't let the ancestors of Pakistanis or the different ethnicities in our country be insulted by anyone.

True, we can't, which is why i showed this sub-human bedouin savage from the desert his place.
@al-Hasani can go munch on lizards and scorpions like the rest of his lot.
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