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Study finds Britons are descended from farmers who left Iraq and Syria 10,000 years ago | Mail Online

BBC News - Migrants from the Near East 'brought farming to Europe'

You see over half of the Greek population are descendants of Neolithic and Bronze Age immigrants NATIVE to the Middle East. Genetic evidence confirms that.

See below from Eupedia.com. Leading site about European genealogy.

European Y-DNA haplogroups frequencies by country - Eupedia

Look under Greece.

Studies have reported that most Irish and Britons are descendants of farmers who left modern day Iraq and Syria 10,000 years ago.[38] Genetic researchers say they have found compelling evidence that four out of five (80% of) white Europeans can trace their roots to the Near East.[38] In another study, scientists analysed DNA from the 8,000 year-old remains of early farmers found at an ancient graveyard in Germany. They compared the genetic signatures to those of modern populations and found similarities with the DNA of people living in today's Turkey and Iraq.[39]
We should deport that Central Asian Nomad back to his culture-less Central Asian homeland or employ him as cheap labour or as a taxi driver.

We should have your Greek Golden Dawn buddies beat you up & make you clean their toilets. I can throw pointless insults as well.
I never said that you pathetic liar, it's you who made them out to be Semites!

You did. Show me where I said that they are Semites? I said that a significant portion of Greeks share a similar admixture which you later agreed with hence your IRRELEVANT talk about Arab/Greek marriages, LOL. Nobody mentioned that but YOU.
Speak to whoever you want, your claims will never be accepted by anyone. If you had simply said that Greeks share haplogroups with Europeans, I would have easily accepted your claims. However, you initially posted your claims as if to deny the Greeks & Romans their European heritage. It is you who is dumb. None of us said that the Greeks don't share haplogroups with Middle Eastern populations, it's just that they are Indo-European people predominantly by blood, language & culture.

No geneticist has ever denied that Greeks & Southern Italians share common haplogroups with Semites. What I tried to explain to you were the inter-marriages in those times between different people. You really need to try & comprehend our views properly before replying.

You see my brother, for this very reason i didn't bother debating with this bedouin fool the civilized way because in the end it is futile. He is a stuck up arrogant bedouin and will only believe in what he wants to believe, even if facts prove otherwise.

This is what we call gharoor, and we know what happens to people with gharoor.
You did. Show me where I said that they are Semites Central Asian Nomad?

I never claimed they came from Andronovo. You falsely accused me of that to distort my claims of the origins of Indo-Iranian people.

I said that a significant portion of Greeks share a similar admixture which you later agreed with hence your IRRELEVANT talk about Arab/Greek marriages, LOL. Nobody mentioned that but YOU.

I never disagreed that they share haplogroups, did you even read my posts? Inter-marriage between different ethnic groups was common in the Roman empire, don't deny that. Alexander the Great even married a woman from Khorasan I think.
If its crap, then why buy it?

Let me know when israel would be willing to fight America's wars.

Israel attacked USS Liberty and killed American sailors.

Good ally ain't it?
We dropped bombs on British troops in Normandy.....were we allies? And compare the liberty to all the terror attacks by muslims....go ahead....crunch the numbers.
Guess where the R1b Haplogroup originates from genius? Yes, with all due probability the Middle East or Anatolia. Not much Central Asian Steppe about that.:laughcry:

LIKE NEARLY ALL OTHER HAPLOGROUPS. The Middle East is after all where most haplogroups originated from. Not a surprise. Where Neolithic and Bronze Age movements into Europe took place from. The first Europeans belonged to the I1 haplogroup which is related to the J Haplogroup. Both native to the Middle East region.

Besides the R1b Haplogroup is the biggest haplgroup in the Middle East/Arab World next after the J haplogroup.

Even the native Europeans are from our region originally (Middle East).

In human genetics, Haplogroup I-M170 is a Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup, a subgroup of haplogroup IJ, itself a derivative of Haplogroup IJK. Y-DNA Haplogroup I-M170 is predominantly a European haplogroup and it is considered as the only native European Haplogroup. Today it represents nearly one-fifth of the population of Europe. It can be found in the majority of present-day European populations with peaks in Northern and South-Eastern Europe. Haplogroup I-M170 Y-chromosomes have also been found among some populations of the Near East, the Caucasus, Northeast Africa and Central Siberia.

Haplogroup F-L15 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Possible place of origin Southwest Asia

Southwest Asia = Near East.

Check mate again.

No Central Asian Steppe nonsense either here.

You are way below water levels. In fact you are unable to be pulled out. Just admit defeat.
We should have your Greek Golden Dawn buddies beat you up & make you clean their toilets. I can throw pointless insults as well.

This savage sub-human bedouin will continue to display his true colors.:cuckoo:

Let him continue to bark, it gets more and more interesting.:smokin:
Oh, is the Bachi Bachi boy angry because his people has nothing to show off aside from being primitive, useless and subjecting to Arab culture? I forget about the contribution of Bachi Bazi, opium, Taliban and being stateless of course.

Still no mention of any Pashtun contributions here 3 hours later, LOL.

What are you waiting for clown? Show us your contributions? Besides what I mentioned.


Bacha bazi - YouTube


LOL, at some Central Asian Nomads taking the achievements of Semitic people and Europeans as their own. People they share nothing with. Go tell a European that you belong to his people, LOL despite living 10.000 km away, having no ties at all etc. At least Europe is our backyard. Not that we care about some people we once conquered and influenced as much as you obviously do.

Instead of trolling watch the video its from northern afghanistan aka NA scumbags.. not Pashtun.
We should deport that Central Asian Nomad back to his culture-less Central Asian homeland or employ him as cheap labour or as a taxi driver.

And this comes from the Qat chewing Yemeni

Guess where the R1b Haplogroup originates from genius? Yes, with all due probability the Middle East or Anatolia. Not much Central Asian Steppe about that.:laughcry:

LIKE NEARLY ALL OTHER HAPLOGROUPS. The Middle East is after all where most haplogroups originated from. Not a surprise. Where Neolithic and Bronze Age movements into Europe took place. The first Europeans belong to the I1 haplogroup which is related to the J Haplogroup. Both native to the Middle East region.

Besides the R1b Haplogroup is the biggest haplgroup in the Middle East/Arab World next after the J haplogroup.

Even the native Europeans are from our region originally (Middle East).

So what? The R1b & R1a haplogroups have always been Indo-European. I NEVER CLAIMED THAT THOSE HAPLOGROUPS WERE FROM CENTRAL ASIA YOU LIAR! Indo-European tribes initially resided next to Anatolia. Refer to that damn map I provided you with.

Keep in mind that the Middle East is a region, not a race. :rofl:

Haplogroup F-L15 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Southwest Asia = Near East.

Check mate again.

No Central Asian Steppe nonsense either here.

You are way below water levels. In fact you are unable to be pulled off. Just admit defeat.

Why do you keep bringing up Central Asia when you agree that Indo-Iranians are from there?
Instead of trolling watch the video its from northern afghanistan aka NA scumbags.. not Pashtun.

Bacha Bazi is inclined to Pashtun culture too.

Bacheh-baazi (Persian: بچه*بازی, meaning "being into kids" or "being interested in children" in Iranian dialect and "playing with kids" in Afghan dialect), also known as bacchá (from the Persian bacheh بچه* "child, young man, kid") or bacha bi-reesh (beardless boy), is sexual slavery and child prostitution[1] in which prepubescent and adolescent boys are sold to wealthy or powerful men for entertainment and sexual activities. This business thrives in Afghanistan, where many men keep them as status symbols.[2][3] Some of the individuals involved report being forced into sex. The authorities are barely attempting to crack down on the practice but many doubt it would be effective since many of the men are powerful and well-armed former commanders.[4]

pashtun bacha bazi dance in kandahar - YouTube

Absolutely disgusting.
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