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Europeans is a vague statement when the Europeans themselves are related to us Middle Eastern people as proven by my quote and the probable origin of several haplogroups.

Nobody said the Greeks are Arabs or Middle Eastern. What I am saying, which is also supported by genetic evidence, historical relations, Phoenician settlements and colonies, neolithic movements (how farming came to Greece and Europe from our Middle East region), GEOGRAPHICAL proximity, cultural exchanges, is that many Greeks or a significant part share a similar GENETIC ancestry. Does that make them Arab? No. It just means that they share the same ANCIENT haplogroups that predated ethnic group and linguistic groups by several THOUSANDS years.

Have I made myself clear now?

I already answered this post. Why did you quote it again? :lol:

There is no mention of Indo-European people.

No, besides posting genetic evidence. That is right.

Your last statements proofs that you don't know that you are talking about. Y-HAPLOGROUPS CAN ONLY BE INHERITED THROUGH YOUR PATERNAL SIDE. WOMEN ARE COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT HERE.

Check mate.

Are you crazy? Of course I know Y-Hapolgroups are inherited through the paternal side. Just because I did not mention that Arabs married Southern Italian women during the Arab Caliphate does not mean that I do not know that Y haplogroups are inherited paternally.

Japheth is considered the father of Indo-European people by Biblical historians, if you disagree with that then you have no reason to think that Shem's story is true either. They are both individuals referred to in the Bible.

Anyway, I am done with this discussion. You should read up on those sources, all of your questions will be clarified by them.
Since you just mentioned your lineage which begins from Shem the son of Noah, didn't you know that Biblical historians refer to Japheth; the third son of Noah as the father of Indo-European people? If you disagree with that, then you have no reason to believe in the existence of Shem either.

You haven't proven anything, I have provided you with professional genetic studies that you need to refute. Geographical proximity or the flow of knowledge indicate nothing but contact. It does not refer to origins. No genetic evidence has ever considered Greeks & Romans the descendants of Semites. They are European people, what right do you have to defile their history & bloodline? As for shared haplogroups, I have explained it countless times that Greco-Romans married women from the Levant.
This guy has a 0 brain (Indo-Iranian invention of "0 as placeholder and base 10 nummeral system" which is a standard in todays world and essential part of mathematics, physics, computer science, economics, chemistry etc.)

We Indo-europeans were waiting for sudanese bedouins to advance :laughcry: (as we see today). Summerians and elamites would have not been enough for us, we had to wait for some visitors from sudan and congo.
I am not even sure what we are discussing. I know for a fact that my last post to you is correct and it correspondents with all those undeniable facts I mentioned besides genetic evidence that you have not been able to counter.

Why are you talking about marriages with ARAB women then? That is completely irrelevant when we are talking about Y-Haplogroups. You see, you are confused and you seem not to know the Middle East region at all despite it being the cradle of civilization and despite that region being a neighbor of Greece which you have claimed to have an interest in. It just does not add up. Have you even been to Greece? Because I have. As late as last month. I know for a fact that we Middle Eastern people share much more with Greeks and Italians than people living in Indian or Central Asian. Be it geography, proximity, cuisine, music, appearance, history, mutual influences. Hardly a surprise when we are basically neighbors.

Not to mention Cyprus which is just across Lebanon.

You really need to read up about the Middle East as a region.

You have been unable to counter this even once or the fact that most haplogroups found in Europe are NATIVE to the Middle East.

Studies have reported that most Irish and Britons are descendants of farmers who left modern day Iraq and Syria 10,000 years ago.[38] Genetic researchers say they have found compelling evidence that four out of five (80% of) white Europeans can trace their roots to the Near East.[38] In another study, scientists analysed DNA from the 8,000 year-old remains of early farmers found at an ancient graveyard in Germany. They compared the genetic signatures to those of modern populations and found similarities with the DNA of people living in today's Turkey and Iraq.[39]

Just admit that you are wrong and we will move on. I have discussed this with leading geneticists already.
I already answered this post. Why did you quote it again? :lol:

Are you crazy? Of course I know Y-Hapolgroups are inherited through the paternal side. Just because I did not mention that Arabs married Southern Italian women during the Arab Caliphate does not mean that I do not know that Y haplogroups are inherited paternally.

Japheth is considered the father of Indo-European people by Biblical historians, if you disagree with that then you have no reason to think that Shem's story is true either. They are both individuals referred to in the Bible.

Anyway, I am done with this discussion. You should read up on those sources, all of your questions will be clarified by them.
By the way Phoenix, this is also interesting:
Proto-Indo-European religion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Besides Semites are much older than Indo-Iranians and there is no mention of Indo-Iranians in the Bible. Judaism, Islam and Christinaity are SEMITIC religions native to the Middle East. Nothing to do with the Central Asian Steppe or any "Indo-Iranian religion".

Indo-Iranians did not even exist as a definition back then. Let alone in the Middle East or among Semitic people, LOL.

Also well-known and simple facts.

Check mate again. You better read the Noble Qur'an to know about the lineage of Ishmael.
I am not even sure what we are discussing. I know for a fact that my last post to you is correct and it correspondents with all those undeniable facts I mentioned besides genetic evidence that you have not been able to counter.

Why are you talking about marriages with ARAB women then? That is completely irrelevant when we are talking about Y-Haplogroups. You see, you are confused and you seem not to know the Middle East region at all despite it being the cradle of civilization and despite that region being a neighbor of Greece which you have claimed to have an interest in. It just does not add up. Have you even been to Greece? Because I have. As late as last month. I know for a fact that we Middle Eastern people share much more with Greeks and Italians than people living in Indian or Central Asian. Be it geography, proximity, cuisine, music, appearance, history, mutual influences. Hardly a surprise when we are basically neighbors.

Not to mention Cyprus which is just across Lebanon.

You really need to read up about the Middle East as a region.

You have been unable to counter this even once or the fact that most haplogroups found in Europe are NATIVE to the Middle East.

Your claims are falsified history. My sources that I provided you with are accurate studies carried out by geneticists. Greco-Romans married women from the Levant & even north Africa. Similarities in culture, music, cuisine et cetera mean nothing because the Greeks are still European people & you aren't. Many cultural similarities exist because of Ottoman influence as well.

Just admit that you are wrong and we will move on. I have discussed this with leading geneticists already.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Ask the Golden Dawn to accept you first. My sources are authentic and I have shared them. I am not wrong, & neither are those geneticists that performed those studies.

Besides Semites are much older than Indo-Iranians and there is no mention of Indo-Iranians in the Bible. Judaism, Islam and Christinaity are SEMITIC religions native to the Middle East. Nothing to do with the Central Asian Steppe or any "Indo-Iranian religion".

Indo-Iranians did not even exist as a definition back then. Let alone in the Middle East or among Semitic people, LOL.

Also well-known and simple facts.

Check mate again. You better read the Noble Qur'an to know about the lineage of Ishmael.

The Quran never mentions Shem, Ham, & Japheth by name. Those people are only mentioned in the Bible. The rest of your post wasn't worthy replying to.
Are you dumb or what? Who said that Greeks are not European? You don't get what I write to you or you just don't want because it destroys your imaginary claims? I am tired of repeating myself.

No, we are not European we are proud Middle Eastern people. Native to the cradle of civilization and the fertile crescent. The most important region in modern day history and in antiquity. Thank you very much.

I will return to you tomorrow after speaking with leading genealogists. Maybe they will get you to understand simple facts since it seems impossible for now.
Are you dumb or what? Who said that Greeks are not European? You don't get what I write to you or you just don't want because it destroys your imaginary claims? I am tired of repeating myself.

No, we are not European we are proud Middle Eastern people. Native to the cradle of civilization and the fertile crescent. The most important region in modern day history and in antiquity. Thank you very much.

I will return to you tomorrow after speaking with leading genealogists. Maybe they will get you to understand simple facts since it seems impossible for now.

Speak to whoever you want, your claims will never be accepted by anyone. If you had simply said that Greeks share haplogroups with Europeans, I would have easily accepted your claims. However, you initially posted your claims as if to deny the Greeks & Romans their European heritage. It is you who is dumb. None of us said that the Greeks don't share haplogroups with Middle Eastern populations, it's just that they are Indo-European people predominantly by blood, language & culture.

No geneticist has ever denied that Greeks & Southern Italians share common haplogroups with Semites. What I tried to explain to you were the inter-marriages in those times between different people. You really need to try & comprehend our views properly before replying.
Now, you should keep quite:

Study finds Britons are descended from farmers who left Iraq and Syria 10,000 years ago | Mail Online

BBC News - Migrants from the Near East 'brought farming to Europe'

You see over half of the Greek population are descendants of Neolithic and Bronze Age immigrants NATIVE to the Middle East. Genetic evidence confirms that.

See below from Eupedia.com. Leading site about European genealogy.

European Y-DNA haplogroups frequencies by country - Eupedia

Look under Greece.

Now I expect you to at least learn something after today. You have been all around the place. Talking about Arab women mixing with Greeks when this is completely irrelevant to the actual Y-Haplogroups that were discussed and other nonsense.

The remaining haplogroups are also native to the Middle East by far.

Nothing to do with your ancestors homeland on the Central Asian Steppe 10.000 km away.:laughcry::omghaha:

Sorry to break it for you but somebody has to do it.

Not bothering anymore so belief what you want to belief. I already provided necessary proof by now from several sources.

Were there any Semites 10000 years ago? :lol:

You see over half of the Greek population are descendants of Neolithic and Bronze Age immigrants NATIVE to the Middle East. Genetic evidence confirms that.

See below from Eupedia.com. Leading site about European genealogy.

European Y-DNA haplogroups frequencies by country - Eupedia

Look under Greece.

Who said they don't share haplogroups? It's just that they are still European & descend primarily from Indo-European people. Is that so hard to comprehend?

Now I expect you to at least something for today. You have been all around the place. Talking about Arab women mixing with Greeks when this is completely irrelevant to the actual Y-Haplogroups and other nonsense.

The Greeks & Romans married women from the Middle East & vice versa. It's not a lie, you should read up on Alexander's conquests or the Byzantine Empire.
Indeed, by the way this was a healthy topic to study the brain of the bedouin. When Afghans were fighting Russians, they said some pride bedouin gulf/saudi arabs came from nowhere trying to play kings and giving orders. You know what the afghans did, they just shot them when they were annoyed :lol: This is really happened.

So they come from nowhere and try to impose themselves. This is also their point of view of Pakistan and central asia and that's why they are spreading terror and terror propaganda.

I read that these bedouins tried to do the same in Bosnia by imposing their laws but the Bosnians deported/expelled them :lol:!!!
Were there any Semites 10000 years ago? :lol:

Who said they don't share haplogroups? It's just that they are still European & descend primarily from Indo-European people. Is that so hard to comprehend?

The Greeks & Romans married women from the Middle East & vice versa. It's not a lie, you should read up on Alexander's conquests or the Byzantine Empire.

Indo-Europeans are not a ethnic group let alone a HOMOGENOUS group of people. How many times do I need to tell you that? Besides you are not a Indo-European nor are any Asians that.

The fact that Indo-Europeans share different origins, different haplogroups and that most of those haplogroups are native to the Middle East should tell you everything.

You made some fairytales about them being from the Central Asian Steppe which is complete and utter bogus not supported by any genetic claim.

Greeks and Southern Italians from the Central Asian Steppe.:omghaha::laughcry:
Europeans is a vague statement when the Europeans themselves are related to us Middle Eastern people as proven by my quote and the probable origin of several haplogroups.
Don't insult Europeans.
Indo-Europeans is not a ethnic group let alone a HOMOGENOUS group of people. How many times do I need to tell you that? Besides you are not a Indo-European nor are any Asians that.

The fact that Indo-Europeans share different origins, different haplogroups and that most of those haplogroups are native to the Middle East should tell you everything.

You made some fairytales about them being from the Central Asian Steppe which is complete and utter bogus not supported by any genetic claim.

I never claimed all Indo-Europeans came from Andronovo. I simply said that Indo-Iranians came from Andronovo, & last I recalled; you agreed with me on that. Please don't distort my claims.

Indo-Europeans do not share haplogroups? Ever heard of R1a & R1b? :rofl:
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